With all of his minions now gone, all Krampus could do was run away, leaping away with the entire squad chasing after him. Ulrich ran faster than they did and the chase lead them right to the local high school where Beth goes to. Krampus was gone, but Ulrich knew that that's where he was hiding. He rushed up the stairs to the school's main entrance and burst open the doors. Slowly, he walked in searching for the Christmas demon.
"Krampus." He called tauntingly, going down the school hallways, looking for the creature. "Krampus."
Ulrich marched through the school halls with his gun in his hand, ready to fire it upon Krampus once he shows his face. He marched up to the second floor and found himself entering one of the deserted classrooms. Everything was dead silent, safe for the sound of the blizzard outside and the occasional sound of lightning clash. Then a chain wrapped itself around his ankles and he was yanked over to Krampus, who was attempting to catch him by the element of surprise and kill him before he could kill him. However, Ulrich thought ahead faster than him as he fired upon him, making him drop the chains. Ulrich freed himself and charged at the Christmas demon. He punching him and fought him with great determination that he would win this. Krampus surprisingly fought back too. Krampus swung his boney hands at him, swiping at Ulrich with clawed nails. He dodged them each time, but then Krampus charged back at Ulrich, grabbing him by the torso and running toward the window with him.
The result sent them both smashing though the windows and falling into the roof of a school bus. They fell right off with Ulrich landing on top of him in the snow. Krampus got on top of him and started to strangle him with his chains, cutting off his air. Suddenly, Mezem had taken on his demon form and pounced on him. Ulrich got up and saw Krampus swipe at Mezem with his chains and make a run for the football field. Krampus jumped right in the center of the field, but shouldn't have known that he has been ambushed for he was struck by Ólafur's wind-summing abilities. He fired icy winds at the monster before him as he dodged some, but Ólafur blew at him with his wind breath, knocking Krampus onto his back.
Ólafur then conjured up more winds and snow to surround Krampus. More snow and wind formed around him, creating a giant snow tornado around him, trapping him. When Krampus tried to run through, he was pushed back. Everyone watched the entire scene while shielding their eyes as the powerful wind blew at them. The snow twister got bigger and more stronger, making less and less easier for Krampus to escape. Then with enough energy and power, Ólafur brought the tornado to a sudden, powerful blast, causing it to implode right onto the Christmas demon, knocking him to his feet onto the ground. The implosion was strong enough to knock Krampus's left horn off completely.
Krampus got to his feet and suddenly saw his horn on the ground. He felt the stub on his head and realized that it's been broken off. He looked around at the squad and glared at them through his mask with anger and hatred. Then he spoke.
"So be it."
Then he jumped right into the air, making everyone look up and all around to see where he went.
"Where is he?" Engel asked his teammates.
"I don't know." Luz replied.
Krampus landed right near them on the other side, forcing everyone's head to turn towards him. Now it was on. Krampus lunged at them, ready to get his revenge on them all for their insolence and their interference. It has turned into a giant battle between Krampus and the Suicide Squad. They fought him and he swept at them with his claws and chains. Engel shot at him and he dodged Krampus's swing. Lionell came in with his flames in attempt to torch him, only to succeed in upsetting Krampus further. Runyat suddenly zapped at him with his own dormant powers as he thrusted his hands out at the Christmas demon, but Krampus avoided them easily and kicked him away. Raeffael jumped on his back and started punching him hard on the head. He tried to break off the other horn, bur Krampus knocked him.
He then brought out more chains and started spinning around and around with the chains, intending to send them away from him. The monsters all ducked and hopped over the chains when they came around, but Mezem grabbed one of the chains and returned the favor by using his brute strength to swing Krampus around and around threw the air and Azur helped by kicked Krampus high into the air like a soccer ball. The demon crash landed on the bleachers. But Krampus wasn't ready to give up. The battle continued between them all as he tried to kill Engel when Ulrich jumped in the way and suddenly grabbed the beard of the mask and ripped it off accidentally. Ulrich looked at it confused before coming face to face the real face of Krampus. He had a goat-like face, looking more intimidating then he did when he wore the mask.
"You look better with the mask on." Ulrich commented before Krampus punched him afar.
Runyat picked up at stick and threw it at Krampus, only for him to pounce him and start puncturing his face with his claws. He winced in pain, but then Ulrich fired upon Krampus with his gun. None of the bullets were having an effect on him. Tobias help Runyat by grabbing Krampus by the leg and throwing him into the bleacher's railing. Then he picked him up by the horn and tossed him away onto the ground. Everyone then stood their ground as they waited for his next move. Krampus slowly stood up, weakened from the fight, but still not beaten. He glared at everyone.
"Enough!" He bellowed, using his chains to knock everyone's weapons to the ground. "Of all who have faced me, you have all earned mercy. You can all join me or die."
Then suddenly, Luz stepped forward ignoring her teammates pleas and protests.
"If I join you, would you bring my family back?" asked Luz.
"Of course I will, child." Krampus answered.
"And you won't ever hurt them again?" Luz asked again.
"It would be my great responsibility not to." responded Krampus.
"Good. I'm glad that we're both in agreement." As Luz spoke, she was reaching for something in her jacket. "But there is just one tiny thing. You hurt my friends!"
Krampus was too late to see that she had pulled out a small knife and slashed Krampus's throat with it. The slit wound on his throat started to bleed and he clutched it to keep it from bleeding. Engel grabbed Ulrich by the shoulder, making him look at him.
"He's weakened! You can end this!" Engel shouted and handed him his own gun.
Ulrich held up the gun and aimed it right at Krampus's right horn while the demon himself could only watch in vain. Ulrich narrowed his eyes at him.
"Merry Christmas, asshole." He muttered darkly and pulled the trigger. The bullet flew right at his horn, blowing it right off of him.
Krampus growled in shock and fear when he realized that both of his horns were now gone, which means that he was now powerless. Then the blizzard got more aggressive and violent as Krampus's magical grip on the entire town was loosening. The snowy winds were increasing and the entire squad held their ground as the earth started to shake. A hole opened up in the ground and the fires of Hell arose from the open pit. Arising from the pit was bright and nearly blinded everyone. There stood a large, shadowy figure with horns and glowing eyes. Krampus knew this to be the Horned God of Wicca, the deity he used to worship. Krampus expressed fear for the first time and tried to run and leap somewhere to make his escape, but his chains were grabbed by an invisible force as the Horned God was dragging him down to Hell for eternal damnation. Krampus gripped the ground, trying to free himself from their grasp, but it all for naught. With before he knew it, he was sent plummeting down into the firey pit, sending straight down into the place he came.
Lightning struck the pit as it closed up, sending all of the snow and blustery winds right into hell with him. Elsewhere, the sleigh and the yule goats where pulled onto the portal's force, sucking everything Krampus brought with him to the town. The whole squad hid behind the bleachers and held on so they don't get suck in. Finally, when everything was gone, the portal closed up, creating a loud thundering boom in the process. The blizzard had disappeared and it was now snowing a gentle, harmless fall of snowflakes. When it was done for, the soldiers and the monsters came out and saw that Krampus was gone. It was all over now. The Christmas demon had been defeated. No more Krampus.
Engel grabbed Ulrich and pulled him into a hug.
"You did it! You did it!" He exclaimed with joy before Ulrich pushed him off.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not a hugger, okay? I'm not a hugger." He told him.
Howard came up and gave him a rough pat on the back with a smile.
"Nice shooting back there." He complimented.
"Yeah, thanks." Ulrich smiled.
The entire squad congratulated each other for their effort and victory. Tom and Sarah stepped out of the snow plow to see that everything has gone back to normal.
"They did it." Tom breathed with disbelief.
"Thank god." Sarah smiled.
Linda, Beth, Aunt Dorothy, Stevie and Jordan stepped out of the military vehicle and onto the ground, which now had only a small blanket of snow, making it easier to walk through.
"Well, I'll be damned." expressed Aunt Dorothy. "Those freaks aren't so bad after all."
Omi and Max left the house they were in with the rest of the soldiers to join up with the others. Omi silently thanked the Gods for answering her prayers and her eldest son for taking down the beast. Ulrich noticed the sun in the distance rising. It was Christmas morning now. It was almost too good to be true. Then Ulrich remembered a song he used to sing when he was a little boy.
"Fah who for-aze!
Dah who for-aze
Welcome Christmas,
Come this way!"
Everyone looked at him with surprise as he sung. It was flabbergasting to see a morbid Goth sing his heard out. But then they all joined in with him, sining along as well, when they all joined hand and watched the sun rise. The rest of the Engel family joined hands and sang with them. Tobias noticed Azur holding out his large finger to him, which Tobias took.
"Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Christmas Day.
Welcome, Welcome
Fah who rah-moose
Welcome, Welcome
Dah who dah-moose
Christmas day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who for-aze!
Welcome Christmas
Bring your cheer
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome all Who's
Far and near"
Once the song with finished, they all separated and they family hugged and embraced each other, all glad that the nightmare is over. Beth was reunited with her boyfriend, Derek. As the two lovers embraced, glad to see each other alive, the rest of the family members were celebrating their success. Howard embraced Linda as he kept his promise to stay alive. Max and Omi joined the others.
"How did you do that?" Howard asked Runyat.
"Do what?" He asked.
"That...lightning stuff. Out of your hands." Howard described.
"Oh, that. Well, I guess it's one of my abilities." The red demon explained.
"You have abilities?" asked Howard, surprised.
"Yeah. I mean, it's bee like 3,000 years since I last used my powers, I forgot what they were and how to use them." Runyat shrugged.
"3,000 years? Are you serious?"
"I've lived a long life." Runyat settled with for now.
Tom and Sarah gave their son a big hug, relived to see him okay after everything. But they knew that they still had to make things right.
"Look, Max, we're sorry that things didn't go well on Christmas. I mean, you wanted it to be like it used to be with the holiday specials and the caroling." Tom expressed regretfully.
"I guess we were too caught up on the holiday preparations and family get-togethers that we didn't even consider your own feelings." Sarah continued.
"I'm sorry, too, Max." Stevie approached him with her own facade of regret. "We mocked you, we made fun of you, we stole your letter to read to everyone just to spite you. I'm not gonna lie, you kinda had every right to try and pummel us. We kinda deserved it. We didn't know any better. And I won't blame you now if you don't think of me as family."
"I guess we're good." Max shrugged.
Stevie gave a small nervous smile while inside, she believed that even though his forgiveness sounded genuine enough, he still held a grudge against her and Jordan for their rowdiness. Capt. Engel reunited with his mother.
"Glad you're alive, mom." He told her. "Der Weihnachtsdämon ist jetzt mehr."
"Du warst immer einzigartig." She told him with a mother's smile.
All the electricity in the entire neighborhood came back on as quickly as they went out upon the arrival of Krampus. The Christmas lights were back on as well as the other lit decorations. As a token of gratitude, the Engel family invited the monsters to come celebrate Christmas with them at their home. They obliged since they haven't exactly had a good Christmas in a while. Back at the house, the family were opening their gifts together with the monsters. Howard was playing Santa this year as he made it his job to hand the presents out. Everyone were laughing and enjoying themselves while ripping apart the wrapping paper to reveal their gifts. Ulrich felt a tap on his shoulder and saw Engel handing him a small present with his name on it.
"What's this?" Ulrich asked.
"Just a little something for you from your mother." Engel explained. Then everyone quieted down to watch them. Ulrich reluctantly grabbed it and observed it curiously and confused, not sure if he should open this.
"You had this the whole time? You had a gift from my mother this whole time?" Ulrich asked the captain.
"I was waiting for the right moment." Engel answered.
Ulrich sighed and decided to humor him as he unwrapped it and his eyes opened widely at what he was holding. A picture frame of him and his mother from when he was 12. Despite his emotionless demeanor, he could feel his icy heart pounding. He never had a gift like this before.
"What is it?" Tom asked.
"It's a picture of me and my mom." said Ulrich.
"Nice one, Danny." Tom told his brother, who rolled his eyes with a playful grin on his lips.
From then on, everyone enjoyed themselves with the remainder of the evening. Sarah, Linda and Luz were talking random stuff. Stevie, Jordan and Beth were hanging ornaments on Runyat's horns as a joke, Tobias was even showing Howie how to swing a baseball bat. For a quiet cave monster who grunts and growls, he sure had an extensive knowledge of the outside world. Ulrich and Luz suddenly came face-to-face to talk.
"I've been thinking." He began.
"About?" Luz urged anxiously.
"About how...nicely thick you seem and all that." Ulrich said without heart.
"Oh, gee. Is that all, Mr. Frownyface?" Luz asked playful, crossing her arms over her chest. "Anything else you've been thinking about besides my body?"
"I'll admit, you kick major ass and I can't deny myself to telling you..."
"Yes?" Luz leaned forward, almost tauntingly.
"Alright, I'm gonna say it. I think you're hot as hell." Ulrich confessed. "There, I said it."
"And I think you're creepier than Edgar Allan Poe himself. I like that." Luz said back with an undoubtably flirty tone.
"Um, is that what I think it is?" Linda appeared before them and pointed upwards with a cheeky grin. The two did look up and saw that they were standing underneath a mistletoe. At this, they both blushed madly as they knew what this meant.
"Well, what are you two waiting for?" Linda encouraged.
"Aw, what the hell?" shrugged Luz as she hastily grabbed Ulrich by the shoulder and smacked her lips onto his, giving him a deep, undeniably passionate kiss. Ulrich was bot surprised and violated, but didn't care. They both found themselves wrapping their arms around each other. Everyone was watching them with smirks and the family smiled at the new couple.
"That's my boy!" Runyat cheered. His movement caused an ornament to fall off the tip of his horn.
Tom cleared his throat and gave Daniel his present to him. Although skeptical of his clothes once again, Engel unwrapped it and stood in shock. It wasn't garments this time, but rather a sock monkey. Something he used to wish for as a kid, but had never gotten one.
"You surprise me." Engel wrapped his arm around his brother as they both chuckled. "Merry Christmas, little bro."
When it was time to send the monsters back since their work is done, they all left the house and stood outside. Engel showed them all the iPhone he had, showing the app that detonates the bombs in their necks.
"You're not gonna kill us, are you?" Luz shilled. "We saved the town! A 'thank you' would be nice."
"Thank you." said Engel.
"You are so welcome." Luz smiled.
"So we did all this and we don't get shit?" asked Ulrich, insecurely.
"You're all free to live your lives and you are offered jobs at the PCED." explained Capt. Engel.
"No, it's not good enough. I'm seeing my family." Ulrich declined.
"That can be arranged. Any other requests?" Engel asked the rest of the monsters to see if any of them want anything in return.
"Oh! How about an expresso machine?" Luz suggested.
"Be E.T." Tobias grunted.
"A job opening at that prison place? Now way, mate." Runyat shook his head walking up to face Engel. "I'm walking away a free man. Or we're to start some real fun."
"Then let's have some real fun." Engel remarked coldly.
Days after the Christmas Battle and the Engels said their farewells and goodbyes to the monster team that saved their lives, the PCED has appointed them as members of the combat squad. The monsters were now free to reunite with their friends and family. Ulrich had returned home to his family in Cunningham, Maine and he and his mother, Margot, hugged tightly, since it's been a long time since they last saw each other. Ulrich also reunited with his older brother, Fred, his younger brother, Marcel and his father, Wilhelm. The family was glad to have their missing piece back in his place and glad that he was finally smiling.
Luz returned to her motor repair shop in Los Angeles where she had her co-workers wore overtime. With a mischievous look in her eyes, she thought about Ulrich and missed his sarcasm and his dark, spooky appearance.
In New Zealand, Runyat was in a tavern surrounded by a crowd of his best buddies and his pet unicorn, Ira. Runyat gave a toast to everyone and raised his glass of beer while the rest raised theirs in addition, cheering wildly before downing their drinks.
Raeffael was back in the ocean, swimming around with schools of fishes and sharks and whales as he had missed being underwater with the aquatic life. He swam down to the very bottom of the ocean to find the remains of the Titanic where he found the most comfort from the surface. Swimming inside, he nestled himself inside the algae-covered ballroom of the ship, glad to be home.
Lionell, now exonerated for his great deed as told by the PCED, was now riding down the streets in his motorcycle, wearing shades. While waiting for a green light, some young girls were waving at him and winking at him with a suggestive manner. Lionell just shook his head with a smile and sped down the street once the light turned.
While it snowed in the city of St. Petersburg, Russia, Ólafur was resting the a rooftop with his father, Jack Frost, while they both brought more snow and wind, giving the children something to enjoy during the winter season.
Azur was returned to his family in the moors of Denmark where he swam into the underwater cave with his father, Grendel and his grandmother.
The same could be said for Tobias as he returned to his mother's cave in the English forest, who has been feeling the empty nest syndrome ever since he left. When she looked up, she saw her brute of a son standing there in the cave with her and rejoiced by embracing him warmly. Tobias returned the hug and wrapped his buff, hard-skinned arms around his mother.
Mezem went to live in secrecy in Chihuahua, Mexico where he became a clergyman in a Catholic church while keeping his original identity as secret from his peers and the citizens around him by keeping the beast inside of him in check.
As for Luz, she started to feel depressed. But then she heard a knock at her trailer door. She sighed and went to answer it. There stood Ulrich, much to her surprise.
"Ulrich! What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I wanted to come see you." He said to her, locking eyes with her.
She smiled and gave him a kiss, which he returned. As they locked lips, she yanked him inside of her trailer and slammed the door shut with her foot. The smoothing turned steamy and hot as the two lovers fell to the floor. But it didn't end there. Luz started to strip naked by unbuttoning her shirt and yanking it along with her white wifebeater off as well as her bra. Then she got to work on those pants. Unzipping them and pulling both them and her panties down her thick thighs and legs, leaving her nude before her partner. With that being said, they engaged in the most amazing session that Luz has ever wanted in forever. From that moment on, they were now official. It was great that they had the time to share his sexual moment together.
And there you have it. The end of the story. Here's the cast of my OCs:
Chris Pine as Ulrich Frankenstein
Dominik García-Lorido as Luz Azpilicueta
Mahesh Jadu as Runyat de Yunnic
Adeel Akhtar as Raeffael Zwtizjageon Jones
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Tobias Ely
Adam Devine as Lionell Davenport
Johnny Depp as Ólafur Frost
Rob Zombie as Azur
Danny Trejo as Mezem
Shea Whigham as Capt. Daniel Engel
Max Martini as Lt. Hopkins
Jerry O'Connell as Cooper
Tony Curran as C-10/Private Boggs
I thank you all for your great patience and I hope you have a nice Christmas. So Merry Christmas to you all and a happy New Year!