Lighting flashed through the dark clouds in the sky. Heavy rain and harsh wind hitting the kingdom of Avalon. Everyone in the kingdom did not dare to go outside. The only people that did were the brave, or if there was an emergency.

The king was pacing in the throne room. He was waiting for the doctor to arrive for his wife who was in labor in the master bedroom. She has gone into labor a week early, and of course the day she goes into labor a massive storm hits.

"I'm sure he's almost here your majesty." A guard reassured. "A bet the doctor will be here any minute."

"I really hope so." The king said as he continued to pace. He bit onto the nail of his thumb. "Hopefully he didn't get caught up in the storm. I don't know how much more my wife can take."

As the guard opened his mouth to say something else, someone knocked on the castle's main door. The king stopped pacing and he looked at the door. He heard another knock, and before the guard could open the door, the king ran up to the door and opened it himself. He smiled in relief when he saw that it was the doctor.

"You're here, thank God."

The doctor walked in the castle, letting the king take his soaked coat. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. The storm made it very difficult to get here."

"All that matters is that you got here safely." The king said as he gave the doctor's coat to the guard.

The doctor straightened his shirt and looked at the king. "Where is she?"

"In the master bedroom, I'll lead you there."

The doctor nodded and the king led him to the top floor of the castle to the master bedroom. The king opened the door to the room and they walked in.

The queen was in the bed, panting hard as she clutched the sheets tightly. Her skin was glistening with sweat and she groaned in pain. The doctor walked up to her as the king closed the door to the room.

"I'm here your majesty, I'm sorry I took so long." He grabbed the end of the blanket. "Now let's see how far you're dilated." The doctor checked under her blanket and saw that she was fully dilated. "It's a good thing I got here when I did, the baby is coming right now."

"Huh, right now?" The king asked.

"Yes, right now." The doctor said as he laid out a couple old cloths in front of him on the bed. He knelt down in front of her. "Alright your majesty, push."

The queen screamed as she pushed as hard as she could. The doctor kept encouraging her to keep pushing and not to give up. The king stood by the door, not really knowing what to do. Hearing his wife's pain filled screams made him feel as though he was useless to help her. He would cringe and bite onto the nail of his thumb every time he heard his wife scream.

After what felt like hours, which was only a couple minutes, the king couldn't look at his wife in pain anymore. He looked away, waiting for the screams to stop, then all of a sudden, he heard a soft cry. He looked back over to his wife and the doctor and saw that the doctor was holding a baby bundled in a cloth in his arms. The doctor smiled at him.

"It's a boy."

The king ran up to the doctor and looked down at the baby. A soft smile appeared on his face, but it soon fell when he realized something.

"Wait a minute, why is his hair dark?"

The doctor looked down at the baby and noticed that the baby had dark brown hair, unlike his parents.

"That's strange." The doctor said.

Then all of a sudden they heard the queen scream in pain. They both looked back at her and saw that she was still in labor.

"Oh God." The doctor said.

He handed the baby to the king and ran back over to the queen. The king just stood there in shock as he watched his wife deliver another baby. The doctor used another cloth to clean the crying infant. He looked at the baby's hair and his eyes widened, he looked up at the king.

"It's another boy." He said. "And his hair is light brown, just like yours and your wife."

"Twins…" The king whispered, trying to process everything. "My wife and I had twins…"

"Your majesty." The doctor said as he walked up to the king. "You know that twins are forbidden in Avalon because of the curse." He looked at the baby in the king's arms. "We have to kill him."

The king's eyes widened and he held the baby close to his chest. "No I can't!"

"Your majesty, his hair is a different color than his twin brother, who has the same color as yours. You know he's the cursed twin. If we don't kill him, he'll use his powers to take over the kingdom."

"I can teach him to be good." The king said. "He won't be like one of them."

"Your majesty…"

He glared at the doctor. "I'm not going to kill my son!"

"But what is the kingdom going to think about this, after you made the law that made families born with twins have the cursed one killed. They might feel betrayed and do something that could hurt your family or the kingdom."

The king looked down at his son in his arms, then looked back at the doctor.

"Then we'll hide him."


"We can keep him hidden from the kingdom in the castle. So that no one will know he was born, and we won't have to kill him."

The doctor just stood there speechless, he didn't know what to say to that.

"I...I guess...but won't that make your son feel isolated..?"

"It's the only way to keep him alive." The king said as he held his son tighter. "Because I'm not going to have my son murdered."

And that's the beginning of the story of my life, being the only alive cursed twin. Locked up in the castle where no one could see me.

Six years passed. I was on my toes, trying to look out of the castle window down at the garden as Kaoru played with another prince from a royal family.

"Why can't I play with them Naomi?" I asked.

Naomi looked over at me, she was one of our servant at the castle, but ever since I was born, her job was to look after me. She had brown hair that was in a high bun, and kind blue eyes.

She looked at me sadly. "It's because you're not fully in control of your powers, your parents don't want you to hurt anyone."

I smiled at her. "So when I get my gloves off, I can play with other kids?"

Naomi nodded. "Yah, when you get your gloves off."

"Yay." I said as I looked back out the window. "I can't wait."

Naomi just looked at me sadly, I wouldn't know until a couple years later that she was lying to spare my feelings. I had to wear gloves because they would stop sudden out burst of my powers. I could accidentally severely hurt someone. Because of powers like these, that's why cursed twins are feared and killed.

Ten years have passed and I was sitting at my desk, playing with my quill in my hand as Naomi was teaching a lesson about history. I didn't care for history, so I wasn't really paying attention.

Naomi saw that I wasn't paying attention and glared at me. "Hikaru!"

I looked up at her. "Yah?"

"You're not paying attention."

"I am…"

"Ok, then what did I just teach about."

" was about Jesus..?"

Naomi gave me a look. "I was trying to teach you about King Author."

I groaned. "Ugh I hate history, why do we have to learn about it, I'm so bored. It's not like I'm going to be king anyway, so there's no point of me learning this stuff."

I lifted up my quill with one of my powers. A couple months ago, I found out that I had another power besides fire and ice. I now had telekinesis, which is my favorite power of the three.

Naomi glared at me again. "Hikaru, you know how I feel when you use your powers during class."

I huffed and dropped the quill. "Sorry, I'm just bored. We've been doing work all day."

Naomi looked out the window and saw that it was late in the afternoon. "I guess we can end here for today, it's getting late." She closed her book. "We'll pick this up on Monday."

I nodded and got up, I left the room and began walking down the hall to the door to the throne room. I stopped to look out the window and saw that a horse drawn carriage was leaving our estate. Good, that meant I could come out of hiding. I walked into the throne room from my secret spot in the castle.

Every time we had guest over I had to hide in a small section that is called my secret spot, because it was hidden. I went up the stairs to the top floor. I began walking to my room, passing some servants along the way. The servants were forbidden to speak about me outside the castle, or they would be thrown into jail. Because my dad said if word got around about my powers, people will fear me and think I'm a monster, that's why I'm locked up in the castle.

I walked up to my room door and opened it. I walked into my room and saw Kaoru sitting at a desk.

I looked at him confused. "Kaoru?"

He sat there quietly for a bit, then he turned to face me, with a dark glare on his face.

Hey guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter, I didn't really like it in my opinion, but I don't really think I'm good at writing first chapters in stories. Just so you guys know, I named this kingdom Avalon because I couldn't think of a name and I litterly thought for hours and just gave up, I also really like the name. I can see how in the beginning that it could be confusing, but this story is going to be Hikaru POV, just to let you all know, I didn't know how to start these chapter in his POV, but I tried. Also I can see how you guys can kinda get a Frozen vibe in this story, but I would like to state that this movie has nothing to do with Frozen, it was about a day dream I had in yoga class last year XD I know weird. Anyway, I really hope you guy like this story, please F&R. Until next time.-HH1957