Summary/disclaimer: Time for another chapter of Onyx and the Pearl. Enjoy the 1280-word chapter. I don't own Steven Universe, Cartoon Network and Rebecca Sugar do.

Takes place during 'Gem Hunt.'

"Remind me why we are here again?" Onyx asked as he sat on a tree stump in his armor and looked around at the snow-covered area.

"Because Garnet sensed that two corrupted gems are here and we need to capture them, I also wanted to have Connie get some training while we are at it, subzero temperatures notwithstanding." Onyx nodded as his armor turned blue and white before he leapt down to land in front of Pearl.

"We may want to get back up, Yellow may still send more gems out here, if something is important enough for us to come out here, either Yellow's soldiers or another gem maybe out here already." Pearl crossed her arms and frowned as as Onyx took out his rifle.

"And what would you suggest we do then? Garnet hasn't sensed any other gems out here and we can't spook Connie or Steven…." Onyx sighed, nodded and put a hand on Pearl's shoulder.

"Let me watch from the hills while you go talk and supervise Steven and Connie, if anything comes out, I'll drop down to help you guys handle it…. You know how much I care about you guys and Steven, Pearl." Before Pearl could respond, Onyx had already started to climb into the snowy hills, his armor hiding him amid the rest of the snow filled area around him.

"Why does he always have to run off…. Soldier or not, he had to ruin the moment…." Pearl said as she walked back to Steven and Connie who were at a wailing stone.

(Snowy peak, 5 minutes later.)

Onyx climbed into the highest snow peak in the hills before gazing down at his soulmate and Steven and Connie, the snow didn't bother Onyx as he was quite used to it and it put him at peace which helped him even more.

"Ok, my armor's scanner picked up something when we stepped through the portal…. Was Yellow really willing to risk breaking another Gem law to find out what's going on Earth? What am I asking myself, this is the same Diamond who shattered my kind for now worshiping any other Diamond besides Pink and Blue…." Onyx looked up to see what looked like a roaming eye descending through the snow but he couldn't make it out, he sent a small scanner from his armor to check it out.

'Now, where is Pearl…' Onyx turned his head towards roaring as he saw two beasts he instantly knew were the corrupted gems they were looking for as he raised his rifle at them.

"Steven, Pearl, Connie, get down!" Onyx yelled as he fired the rifle only for the corrupted gems to dodge it and flee into the snow as Steven used his bubble to shield him and Connie and Pearl from the blast and the corrupted gems.

"Get back here now!" Onyx yelled as he jumped and landed in the snow before vanishing after one corrupted Gems as he could faintly hear Pearl yelling at him to wait.

(Five Minutes later, Heart of the forest.)

"Where did it go for Diamond's sake!?" Onyx asked before he turned to see Pearl running after him.

"Onyx, do you ever wait or does your reckless come as a permeant part of your personality?" She asked as she folded her arms.

"Sorry, training kicked in before reasoning." Onyx said as he lowered his head.

"Uh huh, and your attention to detail is broken as ever, I can tell when you're lying, Onyx, tell me why you ran off." Onyx sighed, I had to talk to Connie and Steven before rushing off after you.

"Because… I think Yellow Diamond is sending more rubies or something to the area, I saw a roaming eye when I was on the hill and one of the Corrupted Gems is making a beeline right towards it." Pearl's eyes widened before she went to grab her walkie talkie before Onyx grabbed her arm.

"Let's fuse into Ammolite, we'd be faster and able to take on both Corrupted Gems at the same time if we happen to bump into them on our own."

"We wouldn't be able to search as much ground, Onyx…. You're just looking for an excuse to fuse with me, aren't you?" Onyx blushed under his armor as she cooed out the final words.

"No…. Just…. Want to find them." Pearl still grinned as Onyx spun her, dipped her and kissed her, causing the couple to fuse.

"You so did by the way." Onyx rolled his eyes as the visor/helmet formed over their fusion's eyes and they're eyes turned blue and pink.

"Hmm…. According to the shape of these tracks, the fusion if only half corrupted and yet still able to cover as much ground as a bipedal animal." Ammolite said as she knelt down to examine the tracks as one of her hands grabbed the cookie cat walkie talkie.

"Steven, we have found the tracks of one of the corrupted gems but we haven't found the gem the tracks belong to yet, how are you and Connie doing?" She only heard bits and pieces before the radio turned off.

"Onyx, we have to go find them, they're in danger!" Onyx heard from inside Ammolite.

"Pearl, it will be fine, Steven and Connie can handle themselves, your overreacting." Onyx replied from inside Ammolite.

"Hmm, combat seems like it is 99% percent inevitable, I'd better equip myself for this endeavor."

Ammolite hummed as she summoned Onyx's sword and Pearl's spear before managing to merge both weapons into a sword-staff with both ends either pink or blue as Ammolite grabbed the handle in-between the blades and rushed into the snow.

(Five Minutes later)

Onyx sighed as Pearl tried to talk to Steven and Connie from inside the fusion, she'd first did it to suggest they regroup and the second time until the answers on the other end went unanswered.

"Oh, he's in danger! We shouldn't have let them out of our sight, Onyx, we shouldn't have!" Onyx sighed.

"Pearl, he's fine, he's had a few years of combat training and Connie has been trained by you, your telling me, you're not prepared for them to handle one issue by themselves?"

Pearl was about to answer when they entered a clearing with Steven and Connie in it.

"JASPER!" Ammolite raised her weapon at the quartz as she looked up, both at Steven and Connie and the fusion.

"Please try and attack, one of my components is itching for a fight since your fight with him on the boat." Ammolite laughed.

"Maybe another time, you and Rose aren't worth my time right now." Ammolite watched Jasper disappear into the blizzard as they defused.

"That tears it, I'm going after her, she isn't hurting anyone else!" Onyx said before Pearl caught his shoulder.

"Onyx, she's not worth it, Steven and Connie are safe and right now, I think that's all that matters."

"Yeah…." Onyx said, gazing off into the blizzard as he knew what he was going to do.

Author notes

Ok, I'm going to put this story on temporary hiatus, both so season five can happen so I can then write episodes soon after season Five, and so I can focus on some of my other stories. I don't know when I'll come back to this story but I may come back to it after December. Sorry, please don't abandon the story or anything. Until next time, Lighting Wolf out!

P.s, when I get back, chapters will be longer and this story might be resumed on December but it maybe after the new year.