It was around 4 pm when Maria Stark arrived home. The sun was just beginning to set, but she hoped that Anthony was still up for a little stroll around the neighborhood. Maria felt awful, she had promised her son she would be home around 2, but then someone needed her to look over some papers and then one thing led to another. Finally around 3:30 she somehow escaped and made her way home.
She walked through the mansion in search for her son, "Anthony? Anthony?"
As she turned the corner into the living room, what she saw made her stomach twist. There lay her 12 year old son, under her white piano, drinking a bottle of whiskey.
She walked up to him, grabbed both his feet and pulled him out from under the piano.
A brainless smile on his face, "Hi Mum"
"Anthony, are you drinking whiskey!"
"I'm troubled. I promise I'll stop tomorrow" he paused sitting up, "Maybe."
"You will stop right now!" She crossed her arms over her chest, a stern look on her face. She would not believe her 12 year old son was drinking.
"One more drink." it was a question, it was a statment. Maria knew the only way he'd stop was if she forcibly took the whiskey bottle from him, but she was trying to avoid that scenario.
"Anthony Edward Stark you will hand that bottle over right now."
Maria smiled as her son stood up unsteadily, and it appeared that he was handing it over, but before she could count to three he was running down the hall, while still drinking the whiskey.
With a sigh Maria took off after him, screaming at him to give her the bottle. When she found Anthony, again, Jarvis was standing over him with the bottle of whiskey in hand.
"Is he unconscious?" She asked as she crouched down, cupping and gently rubbing her thumb over his cheek.
"He fell asleep after I tackled him, Mrs. Stark" he informed her.
"Help me get him to the living room couch?"
"Every good, Mrs. Stark"
Jarvis picked up Tony and made his way to the living room, Maria following.
"Should I inform, Mr. Stark of Master Tony's behavior?
"See that Howard doesn't find out"
Jarvis lay Tony on the couch that sat beside the piano, while Maria covered him with a blanket.
"What of Master Tony?"
"I will deal with Anthony when he wakes up."
"Will that be all, Mrs. Stark?"
"That will be all, Jarvis"
Jarvis left to go prepare dinner, while Maria sat at the piano and played.