Lucy's POV

After a long train ride, we finally arrived at Spa Town Hosenka. On the way here, Natsu and I talked about what we would name our baby. We decided that if it was a boy we would name him Igneel and if it was a girl we would name her Nashi.

We got out of the train and started heading towards our hotel. When we arrived there we checked in and went to our rooms.

"So Lucy, now that we're here, what about we throw a party to celebrate your pregnancy?"
Erza asked me.

I thought about it and asked "You mean like a baby shower?"

"Yes, it would be great! We could go shop, have a relaxing spa day. Just with the girls."

Erza told us.

"That seems fun!" Wendy said.

"So Lucy, what do you think?" Erza asked me.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I smiled.

After I said that Erza took out a long list with things scribbled on them. She showed it to me proudly.

"When did you have time to plan this? We only told you guys this morning." I asked Erza.

"I've been preparing for this kind of things my entire life. You should see the list I have for your bachelor party when you get married someday." Erza answered to me.

After that she started dragging me outside the other girls following.

Before we got outside, I could hear Natsu yell "Hey, than what are we supposed to do all day?!"

Natsu's POV

"Hey, than what are we supposed to do all day?!" I yelled.

Gray laughed "You know, you could do something useful for once in a while."

"What was that, ice princess?" I asked him.

"You want to fight, Flame breath?" Gray dared to answer me.

"Sure, I'm all fired up!" I yelled at him.

Just as I wanted to punch Gray Happy said "Wait, Natsu!"

"Happy, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"You could go get a present for Lucy" He answered.

I thought about that for a while "Well, I've been thinking about proposing to Lucy on our way here. We're married in the dragon kind of way, but I think Lucy would like to marry as she's used to."

Gajeel walked up to me and said "Thinking about popping the question eh?"

"Yeah, I just need a ring." I answered.

"So why not use the time to find one?" Gray asked.

I nodded "You're right. Let's go."

We all walked outside with Happy following behind us, saying "I actually had fish in mind, but I guess a ring would work too."

Lucy's POV

First we went to a shop not far from our hotel where they sell all kinds of baby stuff. We bought a pacifier, a stroller, diapers,… Lastly, we bought some unisex clothes. That was because we didn't know the gender of the baby yet. There was one that I couldn't wait to show Natsu. It was a white pajama with a cute, little red dragon on it. He was going to love it!

When we we're done buying stuff for the baby, we went to a little cafe. We all took a seat on the terrace.

"So Lu-Chan, when you were choosing out some stuff, we bought you some presents." Levy said.

"Oh guys, that's really sweet, but you shouldn't have gone trough all that trouble." I answered.

"Oh it was no biggie." Mira said reassuring.

"Okay, mine first! Here you go!" Levy said as she handed me a blue bag.

Inside of the bag, I saw two books. I read the titles 'Parenting 101' and the other 'The Little Dragon'.

Levy explained "Well I guess since it's your first child that book could help you and the other is a fairy tail that you could read to your son or daughter. It's about a little dragon."

"Wow, that's great, thank you!" I said as I hugged Levy.

Next I opened Erza's present. Inside was a wooden sword, a wooden shield which had the fairy tail logo on it and an armor costume. It all looked really cute.

I said my thanks to Erza and opened the other presents. From Cana I got a sippy cup and a baby bottle, from Mira and Lisanna I got a few more clothes (which were also unisex) and diapers. From Wendy and Carla I got a stuffed dragon and a crib mobile with stars on it. It reminded me of my celestial spirit friends. Finally from Juvia I got two dolls that looked like Natsu and me.

"Thank you all so much for the lovely presents!" I smiled at my friends.

Natsu's POV

At the shop the guys were pointing out all sorts of rings. Grey showed me a silver ring with a huge saphire on it, Gajeel showed me a silver ring with no diamond or anything on it, happy showed me a ring in the shape of a fish,…

"Guys, I appreciate you helping me, but Lucy won't like those rings. She likes the ones that are cute yet simple." I told them.

When I said that a tiny old lady, who turned out to be the shop owner, walked towards us.

"Young man, may I be of any help? I think I have what you might be looking for." She said nicely.

I nodded "Sure!"

I followed her towards one of the showcases. There she took out a silver ring with a small princess cut diamond on it. It was just what I needed.

"I'll take that one please." I told the lady.

Lucy's POV

We were heading back to our hotel as the suns started to set.

"We should go to the spa in our hotel to relax a bit before we go to bed." Lisanna said.

"That seems fun" Mira replied.

"You're in for it, Lucy?" Erza asked me.

"Yeah, sure." I answered.

Just before we got inside I felt like somebody was watching me. Quickly, I turned around to find no one there.

"Lucy, what's wrong?" Wendy asked me seeming worried.

All the other girls turned to look at me, the same expression lingering on their faces.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought I heard something." I answered before we walked inside.

Narrator's POV

What Lucy didn't know was that someone indeed was behind her. He has been watching her for quite some time now. But who was this mysterious person and why was he so interested in Lucy?