A/N: Title is a play on Petsmart, because getit...? Ahem...


"He likes you better."

Yukine's eyes turned to Yato's at his outburst. "What?"

The god's face scrunched up into a pout. "Smartphone. He likes you better than me."

Hiyori looked up from her ice cream – already melting in the summer heat – to roll her eyes. "Not this again, Yato. Smartphone likes you both."

He didn't seem convinced. "No, watch! He lets me hold him, but when I pet him..." Yato stuck his finger out towards the pigeon, who responded by waddling away, towards Yukine's other shoulder.

The bird nibbled at Yukine's hair, preening him affectionately, and Yato sulked.

"Why doesn't he like me? I'm his master, aren't I?"

"He does like you," Hiyori cut in again, more reassuring this time. "Otherwise he wouldn't keep coming back, right? He perches on your shoulder all the time, too."

"I'm just the one who feeds him most," Yukine added, tiredly. "Here, you're petting him wrong, anyway." The boy brought his hand up to Smartphone as an example. "He likes to be petted behind his ears and on top of his head."

Blue eyes watched intently, as if learning the solution to some intense mystery. Smartphone was tilting his head in bliss, cooing softly to voice his pleasure. Yato darted his gaze between Yukine and the pigeon in frustration.

"I can't do that! Your hands have animal magic!"

Yukine's frustrations were obviously bubbling up, too. "Animal magic? I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe your sopping wet hands are what scare him away."

"No, you do! C'mon, guide my hand so I can pet him right!"

"Hell no! I don't want to hold your sweaty hand!"

Ice cream finished, Hiyori came between them to put a stop to the rising tension. But Smartphone was already taking off, displeased with the noise and slight jostling. With one final 'coo!' he was airborne, leaving Yato with nothing but feathers and the aftermath of a breeze.

"Hiyoriii! You broke the magic!" the god wailed. "Quick – he can't have gone far! I've got his seeds, so he can't resist me now, right?"

Yukine grunted in annoyance, watching the god run down the sidewalk after the bird. "Does that guy seriously have nothing better to do?"

Hiyori let out a sigh of her own. "I'm more surprised he has any energy in this heat."

"So his shitty people skills extend to animals, too. I should've figured," the boy scoffed. "Though honestly, I'm pretty sure Smartphone likes me so much because my hair looks more like food."

Hiyori covered her mouth to hide her laughter as the two set off to follow the god.

A/N: It's always kind of been a headcanon of mine that Yato isn't much of an animal person, considering he used to get beat up by his dad's wolves. So I figured he would be a bit clumsy in handling them, and since Yukine has been shown to like animals, this came about. Smartphone (or Coo Phone in the fan translations) needs more love.

Thank you for reading!