The Guardian Of The Future King

Hey sub here with another chapter of Guardian of the future king here and I would like to say happy 2017! hope you guys will have a great year and neither can I but anyway I would like to say is that the digidestine of will take longer than I thought no im not giving up on it or anything just trying to figure out something so be patient and about the resident evil I just started on it so yea and also please review if you watched the new movie residen evil the last chapter that came out on the 27 I know I did and I cant wait for the vendetta to come out in may of this year.



Chapter 2: Insomnia's nightmare!

It was morning in the in the world of Eos as we find our hero's waking up from there well earned rest...

'Yawn' "Man that was a good ass rest." Naruto said as he stretched while the others agreed with him and joined his stretching with him.

'Sigh' "I'll say...but I still prefer sleeping on a bed." Noctis said grunting as he heard a few pops while stretching.

"I hear that." Prompto agreed as he finished with his.

"Can it there's nothing wrong sleeping in the great outdoors right specs." Gladio said annoyed while enjoying the sunrise view that stood before him.

"I can agree with you on that." Ignis said agreeing with the giant man.

"Well lets pack up and continue with our little side mission before we head back to the car." Naruto said as the others agreed.

5 minutes had passed as we see our hero's finished packing there equipment...but before they could leave Naruto saw a three colored spike stones around the camp site.

"Hey Noct." Naruto called his brother as Noctis lifted the camping chairs and looked back at Naruto.

"Sup?" "Hey you see these little spiked stones around us." He said as the young prince looked around the camp and saw what Naruto meant. "Yea what about them?" "I need you to absorb them and make a few spells for us as it will come in handy later on." Naruto explained to his brother who then nodded his head as he handed Naruto the chairs heading towards the stones.

"What's Noct doing?" Prompto said as he carried the other two chairs stand next to the oldest Lucis. Naruto looked at the only blond of the group. "Little Noctis is trying to gather elemental nodes with the power thanks to the crystal that will assist us in our journey." Naruto said explaining as he watch Noctis absorb the fire stone as he finished it he moved on to the frost stone next.

"You said he could absorb the elements thanks to the crystal right?" He said making the other Lucis nod his head. "Then that means you can do it too Naruto?" Prompto said as Naruto looked at him.

"I can but I can't." He said.

" come?"

'Sighs' "It's...complicated to say the least lets leave it at that." He told Prompto, but before that said blond can say anything Noctis ran towards them until he stood before Naruto.

"Ok I gathered the elements so what next?" "Now you had them into this flasks here." He said as he took out a small bag that contained more than 6 the same small black sphere that they used yesterday.

"Hey isn't that-" "The same spheres you used on the Brandersnatch yes, Now I want you to add any of the elements you just absorbed into this. But be careful on how much you add to it. The more you add the powerful the spell will be just like how you used the Thundaga dad gave you on that brandersnatch." Naruto said as his little brother nodded his head at him and took the bag and added some elements on said flasks.

Noctis added fire to one as he and Prompto were in awe as the sphere turned red with small embers coming out of it.

"Cool." Both said at the same time as Noctis added other elements to the others while Naruto and the other grown ups looked at the young boys make experiments on the flasks.

"We done here?" Gladio said as both boys finished adding Elements on to the flasks and nodded. "Very well lets move on as we have a dualhorn to hunt and a car to return to." Ignis said as the others left the camping equipment at the car and continued on the little mission for the Dualhorn.

After minuets of running and fighting some sabertusk and other wild beast we find Noctis and the others hiding behind a large rock looking at there target.

The target was a large rhino like beast with a large horn on it's head as its eyes were glowing red with black highlights.

"Huh that's a Dualhorn?"

"Yes...but not your run of the mill breed. we best make a quick work of it." Ignis said as he adjusted his glasses examining the beast.

The others nodded there head as they moved slowly towards the large rampaging animal but then the Dualhorn moved it's head to the right spotting them.

"Oh shit." Prompto cursed while sweating as the Dualhorn moved it's whole body facing them.

"Wait a sec." Gladio said as he stood infront of the others while taking out his Greatsword.

"What's wrong big guy sacred." Prompto smirked as he was then smacked at the back of the head by Naruto.

"You oughta be, look how vicious that Dualhorn looks." Naruto said pointing at the animal. Prompto, Noctis and Ignis looked at it as they saw it growling.

"looks pretty tame to me." Noctis looking at it with his hand on his chin.

"Roar!" The Dualhorn charged towards them as the others took a step back, then out of nowhere Gladio slashed at it's leg making it crash down to the ground.

The others cheered but then Ignis and Naruto stood infront of the young boys as the Dualhorn rose up and roared.

Naruto charged as the Dualhorn tried to strike at them only for it to meet Naruto intercepting it.

Both man and beast struggled for dominance as Gladio and Noctis slashed at it's horn shattering it as the Dual roared in pain for the loss of it's horn.

Ignis slashed at it's side while Prompto jumped on it's back and shot at it multiple times.

Naruto ran to the side and stabbed it on it's leg and the dualhorn retaliated by rampaging around like a wild bull making the others jumps back.

"Whoa!" Prompto grabbed hold of the Dualhorns fur as he holds on for dear life while the others stayed back not getting any closer to the Dual.


"Hold Prompto." Noctis said as Naruto split his EFS in two and threw one at the Dualhorns face making it stop ramping as Prompto flew off it thanks to it's sudden stop.

"AAAAAHHHHH THIS IS GONNA HURT!" Prompto screamed as he covered his face as he was about to collide face first to the rocks.

Naruto threw his other sword towards the rocks as he warp leaving silver afterimage glass like particles behind. The older Lucis reappeared catching Prompto before he could collide to the rocks.

"That was close thanks Naruto." Prompto said to the older Lucis who nodded in acceptance.

"Talk later for now lets bring this thing down." He said with the blond nodding his head as they both prepared themselves.

The Dualhorn charged at the two as Naruto warp towards it meeting eachother in the center as they one again fight for dominance once again.

"Now prompto!" Naruto exclaimed as the gunslinger fired a high powered shot straight to the Dualhorns eye making it screech. Naruto took the chance and attacked by slashing at the dualhorn face leaving a large gash.

Noctis and Gladio attacked the side with there great swords knocking the beast over to the ground, Ignis took the chance and threw a spear at the animals throat.

The Dualhorn struggled to move and breath, but thanks to the spear that was in it's throat it was impossible. The gang looked at the Dualhorn struggle to breath, not wanting it to suffer anymore Ignis walked towards it and stab it even deeper killing the Dualhorn.

Once the animal was dead Ignis pulled out the spear and put it away.

"I guess that's that." Prompto said.

"All that's left is the car now."Gladio said as he crossed his arms.

"yeah c'mon let's get going before we miss the boat...and when it gets dark." Naruto said as he walked away following him from behind is the others.

Back in Hammerhead...

'Sighed' "Man that was a long way." Noctis said as he and the others made it back in Hammerhead.

"" Prompto said falling to his knees breathing heavily.

'Sighed' "You should have just pretended we were walking to the car." Ignis said shaking his head at the two.

"Don't know why there complaining they should at least be glad we got a good workout out of it." Gladio said looking fine like the run didn't even bother him in the slightest.

"Lets just get the car and get this over with already." Naruto said annoyed as he walked up towards Cindy who was leaning against the car.

"Sorry for the wait just adding a few finishing touches and here she is. ain't she purdy?" she said.

'Whistles' "She looks to good for the road." Gladio said as he looked at the Regalia in awe.

"Hey lets take a picture with her? how bout it." Prompto asked as he took out his camera.

Naruto and the others look at one and other and shrugged there shoulders at him.

"Sure." they all said in unison making the only blond of the team cheer.

They all gather around the Regalia while Prompto adjusted the camera and gave it to Cindy who happily accepted.

"Say cheese ya'll"

"Cheese." They all said it as a flash goes off.

The others all relaxed as Prompto got his camera back from Cindy.


She nodded with a smile on her face. "All the more reason to ride with care, oh and before I forget. Ya'll won't mind making a little delivery for me?" she asked as Prompto looked back at Noctis who started thinking for a bit. after 10 seconds he accepted and nodded his head at Prompto.

The said blond nodded his head and looked at Cindy. "Sure."

"Thanks as I thought you will say yes so I already put the package already in the trunk for ya." she said as she pointed to the south of hammerhead. "There you will find a motel on your way to Galdin, there you will find the owner, I will be most appreciative."

"Like grandpa, like grandkid." Noctis muttered to himself but Ignis, Naruto and Gladio still heard him and chuckled.

"Well I will be seeing ya'll." Cindy waved at them as she left leaving the guys by themselves.

"Well now that the car is all ready for the road, Noct would you like to take for a little test drive." Ignis asked him making the young prince nod and took the keys from the cook.

"Sure why not it will at least give the others a break from driving." Noctis said as the others nodded.

"Well what are we waiting for lets hit the road." Naruto said as he walked to his rebellion. (name of his bike)

"Hey Naruto when are you gonna let me ride this baby." Prompto said looking at Rebellion with stars in his eyes.

Naruto stopped and turned his head and looked at him in the eye. "Not a chance in hell." he said while getting on and revived the engine and road off followed by the others behind.

10 minuets later in a small motel stop in Longwythe rest area...

Naruto and the others found themselves in there destination as they parked there Regalia/Rebellion infront of the parking lot of the motel.

"Finally we made it let's stack up some potions and stuff." Prompto said as he go off the passenger side.

"Nice to know your being helpful for a change." He said as he got off from behind the driver side.

Prompto grew a tick mark on his head and looked at Noctis. "Oi what do you mean for a change?" he said only for his tick mark to grow when he saw Noctis ignore him.

the gang walked to the front of the motel.

"Bark!" Naruto and the others looked to the side to see a brown dog with amber like eyes with a black bag with a green ribbon strapped around it's side.

"Hey isn't that..." Prompto said as the dog stood infront of Noctis who lean down on one knee as he petted the dog on the head.

"Good to see you again Umbra." he said with a smile on his face when the dog barked and wiggled its tail at him.

"Man that dog can really track a scent." Gladio said as he looked at the dog in wonder.

"Certainly "nose" how to find us." Ignis said adding his two cents into the conversation.

"better question is how can he find us and get here so fast." Naruto said as he looked at the dog in concern.

"How do you always know boy?" Prompto asked as Noctis took out a red journal and looked at it.

"Just a sec." he said to the dog as he started to remember the notebook...

(Flashback 12 years ago)

In a large white bedroom was a 8 year old Noctis sitting on the bed with a tall 10 year old Luna sitting beside him. Infront of them was two dogs one snow white the other brown sleeping on the floor.

Noctis opens a red journal and on the very first page was a blue flower.

"Nice flower." young Noctis said as he continued to turn the pages making the girl next to him giggle.

"It's the same kind we sewed our crowns from." she said making the young prince widen his eyes in remembrance.

"Oh yeah "sylleblossoms." he said as he continued to look at the notebook on his lap.

Luna got closer to Noctis getting his attention.



The girl looked nervous with small blush on her face as she looked at him in the eyes. "I have a favor to ask. Take the journal with you when you go." she said as Noctis closed the journal and looked at her.

"Sure." he said happily making Luna smile and then she continued.

"That's not all. I want you to put something in the book and send it back..." She looked at him with a smile on her face. "Would you do that for me?"

Noctis smiled as he nodded his head at his future broom to be. "Yeah." he said as they continued to talk as everything was covered in a blinding light...

(Flashback end to the present)

Noctis smiles as he looked at the red notebook in his hands. He nervously looks to both his sides opens it and the first page shows a girl surrounded with two sylleblossoms. under the image it shows what was written on.

"It's come time for me to leave Tenebrae."

He smiles as he writes down his own answer on the notebook.

After he was done he looks at what he wrote.

"Finally going to see you after all these years." He closed the notebook and put it on a black bag that was around Umbra. "All set. take care out there alright boy." he said as Umbra bark in acceptance.

Umbra barked as he left to who knows where.

"I Know. Your not gonna tell me." Prompto asked with his arms crossed.

"Then don't ask." Noctis said but Prompto ignored it.

"What was that about?"


"You don't say?"

1 hour later the others left the rest station after they helped the Hunter they save Dave retrieve a dog tag for him. Now we find Noctis and the others on the road once more heading to Galdin Quay...

"Hey I see the sea!" Prompto said excitedly.

"I "sea" it too." Noctis said with a small smirk at he gaze at the open sea.

"I seems we arrived to Galdin Quay."

"Huh I kinda wanna go for a dip." Gladio enjoying the view then returned back to reading his book.

"Hey is that a big mountain behind it." Noctis asked while pointing at the giant mountain that was far from Gladin.

"No. that's an Island." Ignis said as he continued to drive.

"Nobody goes to Galdin for a island, though they go to kick back and get messages." Prompto said as he put his hands behind his head and looked infront of the road.

"And Savor the seafood it's famously delicious." Ignis said.

"Sounds great." Noctis said as he imagined enjoying the messages and eating Delicious food.

"Something to look forward to." Gladio said as he looked back to see Naruto riding Rebellion behind them signaling they will be there shortly. Naruto nodded his head at him.

Once they got to there destination they parked the Regalia/Rebellion in the parking spot as they walked to the dock leading them to the boats.

Once they made it they see a man about the same height as Naruto the man was middle age as he had red-violet hair, amber eyes, and strong facial features. He dresses in a long, black jacket that has a white and gray trim, as well as matching trousers. He wears a red scarf and a hooded, gray and white mantle on his shoulders.

"I'm afraid your out of luck." the man said as he stood before them as the others looked at him in confusion.

"Are we?" Noctis asked with a raised eyebrow as the man looked back then looked at them again.

"The boats bring you here?" he asked as Prompto nervously asked him. "What about them?"

The man looked back as he scratch the back of his head. "Well they won't be taking you forth."

Gladio stepped up a bit. "What's your story if you don't mind us asking."

The mysterious man smiled as he walked past them. "not at all...for you see I am a impatient traveler, ready to turn ship. As they ceasefire is getting us nowhere." He said as he took something out of his pocket and threw towards Noctis making the young prince flinch but Gladio caught the object before it could even reach Noctis.

Gladio and the others looked at his hand to see it was nothing but a coin a really valuable looking coin. "What's this? some kind of souvenir." he asked as he looked back at the man.

"Hey Noct have you seen this before." "No." he said as the man pointed at the coin. "Consider it that your allowance."


Naruto walked infront of the others as he looked at the mysterious man with his eyes narrowed. "Yeah, and who's allowing us." he asked as the man stepped back with his hands raised up. "A man with no consequence." he said as he smiled turning to walk away.

"Yea right." Noctis said while they all watch the man leave. Unknown to any of them Naruto and Noctis were looking at the man with their eyes flashing from dark blue to silver/red until it stayed to their dark blue.

"Why do I get the feeling that this won't be the last we see of that guy." Prompto said making most of the group to agree with him.

"Lets go we have to see this for ourselves." Naruto said while turning to walked towards the port.

The others follow him from behind as they all walk to the port until. Upon making it they see nothing not a single boat in sight.

"Man what gives not a single boat in sight." Prompto said as he scratched the back of his head while the others took a deep breath and turned to walk back to the car/bike.

"According to my sources, the empire are giving a strict orders not to let any vessels leave the docks to Altissia." A mysterious young man with silver hair said getting there attention.

"Real shame if you were late to your wedding right prince Noctis?" the young man smiled at them. "The names Dino, by the way Pleasure. The crown of Lucis, bounty hunting in his fancy car...surely you didn't think it'd go unnoticed at least not by this reporter." He said as leaned forward a bit and continued. "Lucky for you, this reporter has integrity. If you wanna remain incognito, I'll respect your wish...for a small favor." he said with a small smirk.

"Sure what would that favor be." the young prince said making Dino smile.

"Hey I knew you come around, lemme see your map." he asked as Noctis gave him the map as Dino pointed what he wanted for his small favor and gave it back. "I marked what you needed to go on your map. As all I want you gentlemen is to find some rough gemstones like this one. Do this for me and your ship will come." He said as Noctis and the other nodded and left.

Once they were far Prompto turned his head at Noctis. "Man dude got your number Noct...and what surprise me was that he didn't recognize you Naruto." He said to both Lucis as both said Lucis shrugged there shoulders.

"Not like we where hiding it or anything." Noctis said not caring.

"I care not if he knows me or not all that matters is that we get this done." Naruto said as the others agreed and left to go for the gems.

(I am gonna skip it when they come back with the gems and give it to Dino and now we find them already spending the night in one of the rooms.)

We find Naruto outside on the dock with his phone trying to call his fiance but got nothing but busy calls.

"where sorry but the number your trying to reach is not in service right now, please leave a message after the beep."

"Hey...crowe it's Naruto is everything ok out there I tried calling you and the others but no one is picking up...please call me back once you get this I love you." he said hanging up. Sighing in frustration he looked at the sea as a light breeze blew past him.

"Still not answering." A voice said making Naruto turn around to see is little brother with his arms crossed.

"No...why are you still awake? it's kinda pretty late don't you prince you need your beauty sleep." He said as Noctis waved him off as he stood beside his oldest brother.

"Couldn't sleep as I tried calling dad, but all I got was the same, that the line is busy at the moment." He said as both brothers stood in silence as they both gaze at the sea.

"So...when were you going to tell me and dad about this girl." Noctis asked as he continued to look at the sea.

Naruto looked at his brother with the corner of his eye then return his gaze at the sea. "I...was planning on telling you both after your wedding." Naruto said rubbing the back of his head while Noctis closed his eyes and nodded.

"I see...well I'm happy for you as I can't wait to meet her." Noctis said as he turned to walk back to their room. "I'ma go hit the sack talk to you tomorrow." He said.

"Yeah...sure." Naruto said as Noctis walked into his room and closed the door.

Once he was gone Naruto stayed for outside for a few minuets until he decided to go to sleep himself.

Not knowing what was happening back at the crown city, nor why nobody was answering...

Back in Insomnia hours later...


A large Niflheim fleet fired it's massive cannon destroying a building along with everything surrounding it killing hundreds if not thousands of lives.


The fleet that fired once fired the building was then destroyed by a large sword made out of stone making it explode along with a few other fleet around it.




Inside on one of the buildings that was falling due to it being on it's last legs thanks to continuing assault of the Empire, were two figures screaming at eachother as they both charged at one and other in the middle of the sky in the now blazing crown city of insomnia, and at the same time giant statues of the previous kings/queens of Lucis are fighting Niflheim cruisers or giant deamons.

The two figures clashed blades with much force that sent them flying back, while still in the air both figures regained there balance as they both landed on two colossus figures that were having a stare down.

The man that was standing on the stone warrior was non other Nyx Ulric, and the other figure standing on the other side on the deamons shoulder was Titus Drautos who was wearing a magic armor and is captain of the Kingsglaive and Nyx's former mentor and now traitor.

Nyx fell on one knee breathing hard as he looked towards the soon to be sunrise, he then looked back at his now burned arm. Clenching it into a fist he looked back at his former captain, who also was breathing hard due to there battle they were having.

"What of your king's power now?" he said as he continued breathing hard. "They've given you a burden you cannot hope to bear." he continued to speak while Nyx hold his Ulric kurkis in a reverse grip. "I told you before...just wanting doesn't win wars." He said as the statue of the first king and Diamond weapon or known as the deamon that was attacking the crowns city charged one and other.

The statue of the first king warped and slashed at the deamon in the face with much force that it shattered it's blade making the first Lucis attack with it's bare hands.

Upon the exchange Nyx and Titus charged again as they both met in combat on the shoulder of the first king.

Titus slashed multiple times at Nix who was blocking all the attacks with a small glass shield or daggers.

"Thunder!" Nyx fired a small lightning from his hand sending Titus back giving the young glaive some space as they entered combat once more.

Drautos slashed again but Nyx leaned back making the former captain miss giving the young Glaive a chance to tackle him send both warriors falling down 100 feet to the ground.

Somewhere on the ground of the destroyed city of Insomnia...

We find Nyx on the ground while the former captain stood up with some struggle but thanks to his magic armor that took most of the damage of the fall.

"Ugh." Drautos grunted as he took out Nyx's dagger from his chest making little bit of blood gush out.

Breathing hard. ' for the honor of my home...I fought and killed under a king I loathed." he said as Nyx struggled to get up. "And still he betrayed me...he betrayed us all."

"We fought for the same thing. All of us! but you've looked too long on the past." Nyx said as he had his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. "Your're blind to the future!" he said as he warped towards Drautos but was then grabbed by the neck from said captain and was lifted up. "Predictable...unlike you I learned from history." the captain said while Nyx tried to escape from his capture but to no avail. "That...maybe so but your're a slave to the past."

"Yes but a mans past is his pride." Drautos said as Nyx tried to escape from his grasp but then his arm ignited into flames in which started to melt Darutos armor.

"No...Because my pride is reshaping the FUTURE!." He warped behind Drautos who then turned just in time for Nyx to stab him in the throat making the former captain fall. During at that time the smoke cleared showing the statue of the first king destroying the Diamond weapon's core killing it.

Nyx looked at the statue then back at Drautos as he sat down while looking at him. Shaking his head at him as he spoke. "I know now you did what you did but you have to understand king Regis did what he did for the future. And that future lies within his sons, and as long as they continue on there is still hope! for our homes!." he explained to Drautos who's eyes were slowly closing. "Hope." he whispered slowly as his eyes finally closed showing at that moment Titus Drautos died.

After the former captain passed Nyx took a deep breath and turned to look at the sun that was rising. Looking away from the sun to his now burning body was slowly fading into the wind. "hahaha...'sighs' huh not the worst way to go but it's something...rule well young king...and good luck to you aswell Naruto." Nyx said as he continued to looked at the sun rise enjoying it's beauty one last time as a new new day approaches...

Hours later back with Noctis and the others...

Noctis grunted opening his eyes blinking a few times, yawning he sat up stretching and saw Gladio and Prompto already up.

"yawn...morning." he said.

"morning." prompto said as he looked at the view out the window.

"Hey." Gladio said as he continued to look at the TV.

"Hey where specs and Naruto?" The young prince asked.

"They should be back any minute now." as soon as he said to words the door opened getting there attention as they saw Ignis walked inside with a solemn look.

Ignis looked at Noctis sadden expression on his face in which Noctis raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"What's with that look for and where's Naruto?" he asked but Ignis ignored him and looked down as he gave Gladio the news papers.

"It's in all the papers." he said as Gladio read it making his eyes widen getting the other two attention.

"What is?" Noctis said as Prompto walked next to Gladio and read the paper as his eyes widen in shock.

"I-i-i-insomnia...falls?" he said making Noctis widen his eyes.

"WHAT! this some kind of joke cause if it is it isn't funny." He said

"I need you to calm down so I can explain-." "I'm as calm as I'm gonna be." he said as he stood infront of Ignis.

"Last night the crown city was attack by imperials." "As treaty room tampers flared, blast lit the night sky. When the smoke about citadel had cleared. The king was found dead." Gladio read the paper as Noctis and others stood next to him and listened, as Gladio continued read every detail they all looked crestfallen until he read to the end Noctis eyes widen. "Wait hold on-" "We had no way of knowing." "What? knowing what?" " That last night the signing that Insomnia-" "But the wedding Altissia!" "Yes that was the plan. Yet the reports but the reports of the invasion are all the same. How could every headline in the kingdom be wrong." Ignis explained as Noctis gritted his teeth as he thought about the treaty and everything. "All of it where lies." he said as he looked down.

Prompto looked at the window as he bit his lip. "If only..."

Gladio sighed as he looked cook. "What else do we know?" only for his answer receive was a no.

"Damn...then we have no choice but to go back and see with our won eyes until we know for sure." he suggested it as Prompto turned. "Then we go back to Insomnia." "That might not be safe for us there." Ignis argued. "It might not be safe for us here neither." he said.

"Then we turn back." Gladio nodded his head as they all looked at Noctis who sitting in the couch. Noctis sat in silence then looked at his friends. "Yeah."

somewhere in a hill far from the crown city...









An massive explosion occurred as a small group of imperial soldiers shot a rocket causing an explosion while some shot rounds to whoever it was in the explosion.

After wasting a full clip, they added another clip when one of them raised there hands to ceasefire and made a gesture to advance. The Imperials surrounded the smoke with there weapons ready as one of the captains ordered two of them to scout. Following his orders two imperials walked into the smoke as the others stayed behind with there weapons aimed at the smoke.

"Anything!." The captains said to the soldiers who where in the smoke.

"I got nothing...I thing we got hi- GUAAAH!" The imperial said but was cut off when he head his other companion screamed.

"NEGATIVE I REPEAT NEGATIVE OPEN FIRE! AAAAAAHHHHHH!." the imperial said but was sent flying towards his comrades with a large gash on his chest.

"FIRE!" they didn't need to be told twice as they fired at the smoke when large blade was thrown from the smoke impaling a soldier scaring some that where next to that said soldier.

"Get away from him!" The captain said but was too late when a figure appeared in a silver warp with his hand holding the handle of the blade that impaled the imperial and did a blitz (like final fantasy 13 assault blitz) cutting the impaled imperial in half along with two others that were next to him causing a whirlwind of blood around the figure.

FIRE!, FIRE!." the captain fired at the figure who disappeared in a silver warp and reappeared infront of him cutting him in half from head to toe.

"HE KILLED THE CAPTAIN RUN!." One of them said as he made a run for it but his head was severed from his body making blood gush out.

"None of you...are leaving here alive." the figure said coldly as he charged at them as they fired at him but he dodged every shot by leaving sliver afterimages of him.

The figure slashed at one of the imperials to the chest and grabbed him and used him as a meat shield from the rain of bullets aimed at him. The figure charged with the corpse at the rain of bullets when he was close to one of them the figure threw the bloody corpse at him making the soldier fall the man then slashed at the other soldier severing his legs making that said soldier scream but his screaming stopped when his head was cut in half from the jaw. The figure turned cutting a soldier that was behind him in half and disappeared dodging a rocket aimed at him. The man appeared and looked at the one that shot the rocket who was at the top of the cliff reloading another rocket.

The figure split his sword in two and threw of them towards the soldier's rocket causing it to explode killing the soldier. The man then felt a stinging pain as he looked at his arm to see a bullet hole and blood coming out of it. The man looked at the one that shot him who was reloading, the man took out a black flask that was glowing red and threw it towards him causing a large explosion of flames causing the imperial to scream as his body turned to ash.

The man looked at the flames coldly he tilted his head to the side making a bullets miss turning around, the man saw more soldiers coming down from a fleet but what caught his eye was that some of those soldiers where falling down stood taller than the others as they where holding axes with eyes glowing red.

"So...these are the Magitek soldiers I've been hearing about." he said as he charged at them while the MT's did the same.

Dodging one of them the man cut one of the MT's head off but instead of it dying the MT continued to attack even with it's head severed.

The man split his sword again as he took on two MT's at the same time, the man blocked a strike from one of them giving him a chance to severe a arm from the soulless soldier with his other sword.

The man warped dodging another strike from a MT making that said MT destroying the severed armed MT. The MT stood back as it looked around for the man but it's search was cut short when a blade stabbed it from behind. The MT turned its head to look behind it just in time for the man to sever it's head with his other sword.

After cutting off the MT's head off the man threw the machines body that was still impaled with his sword with so much force at the still functioning headless MT making them explode. After destroying the MT's the man turned his attention to the other imperial soldiers who where looking at him in fear.

The man disappeared in silver particles making the imperials nervous as they looked around.

"W-W-WHERE IS HE!" one of them said as he couldn't stop shaking his body in fear.

"GET A GRIP THERE FIVE OF US AND ONE OF HIM WE CAN TAKE HIM!" the second imperial said looking around for the man.

"YEA RIGHT THERE WERE FIFTY OF US AND NOW LOOK I'M TELLING YOU MAN WHERE GONERS." The first soldier said hysterically as he had his back against the rocks.

"I SAID TO GET A-" The second Imperial looked at the first but took a step back in fear along with the other three making the first look at them.

"What?" he asked but he didn't get a answer as the four stood back. "He's above me isn't he?" The first soldier said as he looked up only for him to meet face first with the blade as the man impaled the imperial making the blade hold the imperial corpse in place like a scarecrow in a corn field.

The imperials screamed as they fired at the man causing a small smoke from where he stood. after they emptied there clips the imperials looked at the smoke that was dissipating. once the smoke cleared the only thing that was there was the corpse of there comrade that was covered in bullet holes.

The four quickly reloaded there weapons but they didn't get the chance as the man appeared infront of them as he thrust his sword to one of them impaling him to the wall killing him. the man punched the closest imperial and took his side arm from his holster and shot him in the head. Quickly he turned and delivered a round house at the other imperial to the head as that said imperial head snap to the side dislocating it in a gruesome way. the man turned to the last man who was crawling backwards in fear.

The man walked towards the last imperial while picking up a axe. "Pl-please m-mercy." the soldier said but his pleas where ignored when the man continued to walked towards him.

The imperial continued to crawl backwards until his back felt the rocky wall. The imperial looked behind him then back at the man, looking around the soldier saw a rifle at his right. quickly picking it up he aimed his gun at the man. "S-S-STAY BACK." He warned at the man who continued to walk towards him. The imperial screamed as he fired.


The imperial widen his eyes in horror as the rifle was out of ammo, looking from the rifle then at the man who ready to swing the axe at the him.

"NO...NNNNNOOOOOO!" The imperial screamed.


The man let go of the axe as he made his way to pick up his sword that was still impaled to the dead soldier. After picking up his sword the man walked towards down the hill leaving behind him dead corpses of imperials and MT's behind him.

Once the man reached the end of the hill his eyes widen in horror as he fell to his knees to see the crown city in smoke as a massive number of imperial fleets flew towards the once peaceful city that now lay in ruin.

The man looked at the city in shock as he quickly took out his phone and dialed a number and put it in his ear. The phone rang until someone picked up.

"Naruto?" A deep voice answered on the phone as the figure revealed to be Naruto answered.

"Cor...please...please tell me it isn't true." he said desperately as the man named Cor took a deep breath. "Whatever you heard or saw in the news or papers said...they're true...i'm sorry Naruto." Cor said in sadness as Naruto's eyes widen as tears fall from his eyes, biting his lip Naruto continued. "W-w-what of Crowe or Nyx?" he asked but to his horror he received no answer from the immortal Marshall, dropping his phone to the floor the young Glaive couldn't hold it anymore as he screamed at the heavens for the loss of his father, his mentor and his lover with tears falling down from his eyes.

Behind him Noctis and the others arrived just in time to see the oldest Lucis grieve, Noctis looked at his older brother as his own tears fall from his eyes by seeing his brother grieve it could only mean that everything they heard in the headline was true. Ignis and the others looked at the two lucis in pity as they turned there gaze at there city in the distance as their home they were born in and raised was taken from them...

In a single night, the promise of peace was broken, along with the crown city with it...what will the five hero's do now that there home was taken by the enemy along with their king dead...

Chapter end...

Man that took longer than I thought but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter...and also I will like to announce the poll of the kingdom hearts rise of a maelstrom is over and the world that Naruto will visit after the yugioh world is Rwby and since im such a nice person the world that made it to second place Naruto will visit next after the Rwby world is highschool DXD.

I hope you are pleased with the decisions and hope you will like it.

well see you next time peace sub out.