The knight and the dungeon.

AN: This is a crossover fic between RWBY and Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon? I was inspired to make this after reading a few RPG and game world fic's in the RWBY tag.

Now this is all going to be set in the Danmachi world, but all characters are going to be from the RWBY universe. I'm going to use some OC to fill lesser roles, but don't worry they won't be important to the main story.

For you who are not familiar with the Danmachi series, I'll do my best to explain concepts and such in the fic.

Lastly I will be posting this in the RWBY section because this might be the only RWBY X Danmachi crossover in existence so far.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Danmachi.


It was a day like any other in the dungeon city of Orario. The same adventurers were making their way to the dungeon. The same salesmen were trying to garner their attention in the hopes of selling their good's. And the same bar's and cafes were getting ready for another day of serving food and drink to the people.

However one thing was not the same as usual.

''I guess this... is it?''

A young man in light armor spoke to no one but himself as he look up at a building that could easily be mistaken as a run down and abandoned project.

Did the person he was looking for really live in this house? He could actually hear the house creek as a slightly stiff wind blew through.

But then again it perfectly fit the description he'd gotten from his Guild adviser, ''She lives in a wrecked complex in the southern district. Just ask anyone for directions when you get close to the wall and they'll help you out.''

A sigh escaped his lips at the thought of his 'Adviser'. Seriously that woman had done the only the bare minimum in terms of helping him get along during his first few days in the city.

But, good help or not he had reached his destination and all he had to do now was knock on the door.

He stepped up to the slightly cracked and maybe rotten wooden door, and then... nothing.

''Just gotta knock.''


''… okay... deep breaths'' he inhaled deeply and then let the air back out. ''Alright, let's go.'' he held his hand out, poised to deliver the good old three knocks. ''Yup... just gotta knock.''

His hand remained motionless.

A few more deep breaths, he could do this, he just needed to take a minute to psyche up and think his approach through one last time.

But then the door opened, and he let out a high pitched manly shriek.

The person he saw inside was a woman so beautiful she took his breath away. Or maybe it was because he'd fallen on his butt in surprise.

He looked up to the woman and saw her gaze down on him, an eyebrow raised and a very small frown. She wanted to know why he was here, well he could tell her exactly why. Just as he had planned, start with step one.

He held a hand out for her to shake from his place on the ground, as it were normal to greet someone while sitting in the dirt.

''Can I join your Familia?''

His mind went blank, that was step four, he'd gotten ahead of himself. Again. But it was nothing to worry about, he could still save this he just had to go back and do as planned.

''I mean, uhh-... My name is Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it.'' Nailed it. NOT!

That was the greeting he'd decided not to use.

He sat there frozen, drowning in his own social awkwardness.

''Do they?'' Was her reply.

He had expected her to just tell him to leave so he had to guess this was a good sign. He didn't know what to say now though. He couldn't help but focus on how nice her voice sounded.

''Well..'' He snapped back to reality when she began talking again. ''Would you like to come inside and properly discuss this? I'd like to know a bit more about you before I make a decision.''

Jaune picked himself off the ground as fast as he could and nodded to her, he didn't trust himself to not manage to spout something stupid for the moment.


Jaune was unsure what he had expected the discussion to be like, or if he'd even had any expectations at all. But if he'd had any, they would not be like what was currently happening.

''Maybe this one.'' The woman said as she handed him a what he would consider a pretty strangely shaped sword. She walked a few steps away and looked him over. ''Yes that Dao might suit you a bit more than the daggers.''

She walked over to a rickety looking chair in the corner and sat down.

Her eye's settled on Jaune who was still dumbly standing in the middle of the room with an unfamiliar weapon in hand. She motioned for him to get started, and so he did, slipping into what he assumed to be a proper stance for the weapon and then began swinging it around.

She observed him for a few moments before she began talking. ''Well then. As you were the one to seek me out you may already know of me, but I will start by introducing myself. I am Glynda. Goddess of Warfare and Knowledge.''

''Currently my Familia is made up of only two members, and this house is all that we own.'' She paused and leaned forward slightly, making Jaune stop his stumbling attempts at swordsmanship to give her his full attention. ''Now, tell me, how many Familia did you go to before coming to me?''

He felt as if that question was a punch in the gut, and it had only gotten harder every time he had been asked it over the last few days.

''T-that's uhh..'' He started sweating under Glynda's increasingly sharp gaze.

''Before today I-'' He gathered himself, just like the other one's Glynda would not like his answer, but if he was ready for it then the rejection might hurt a little less. ''I visited six other Familia before I came here.''

He closed his eyes and unconsciously gripped the blade she'd given him as hard as he could. Now came the disgusted look of a god who felt insulted by a mere human who thought he could settle for second best. Or even worse seventh best.

''I see.'' She responded simply.

''I'm sorry.''

''Don't be.''


Jaunes eye's opened wide when he suddenly heard a faint chuckle from the goddess. She had a smile so small it was barely noticeable, and her eyes definitely portrayed some mirth.

''Then my second question. Why did you decide to come to me after all the others?''

He considered the question without letting the tension leave his body, he didn't want to be caught off guard if this was just her messing with him.

''Well, I asked my adviser if there were any Familia that suited a newbie like me and she recommended you.'' He went over the words he'd just said in his head for a moment before hastily correcting himself. ''N-not implying that this is a low level Familia, just that you might have use for someone like me!''

After his flustered attempt to smooth over the slight insult over he noticed that the goddess had lost the amused look. She now stared at him with a piercing gaze. It was enough to make him flinch and take a step back.

If he wasn't already so tense he might have even run away.

''I see.''

Jaune swallowed the 'I'm sorry' that almost instinctively rose out of him.

''Then tell me, Jaune'' she continued ''What do you want to accomplish here?''

He stayed silent. This was the first time he'd been asked that, the six other Familia, nor even his Adviser had asked him that. Now that he thought about it telling her what he to Orario for would actually be pretty embarrassing.

''I...I want to be a.'' He trailed off. It was way harder to say now than it had been when he was younger.

''Please say that again, I couldn't hear you.''

''I want to be a hero.''

There. He'd said it.

''I see.''

''Sorr-'' Jaune bit his lip and held back the scream of frustration. Of course that wouldn't impress her. What sort of 17 year old could say that with a straight face?

''I think you will fit in here just fine then.''

Jaune made a noise somewhere between a grunt and a shriek as the goddess continued.

''You are just about as eccentric as my pair of children are, I'm sure Ren and Nora will be happy to have you with us.'' She stood up and walked over to face him. ''That is, if you are willing to pledge your loyalty to me, as your god.''

He was stunned. Somehow he'd lost all his confidence when the other Familia had turned him away. It took him a moment but he was able to work past his shock and answer the goddes.

''I can!...'' He thought for a beat ''I mean. Um. I will?'' he didn't know if that was better. ''I accept.'' Was his final answer, in a much more certain tone than previously.

''Then let's perform the ceremony immediately.'' Glynda decalred with such finality that Jaune couldn't even hesitate. She directed him to kneel and remove his armor and shirt.

When he was ready she told him how the ceremony would proceed and what he was to say.

''I Jaune Arc, Human from the village of Risenny, hereby pledge to follow and revere the goddess Glynda.''

''I Glynda accept you, Jaune Arc, and welcome you into my Familia.'' She walked around him and crouched down at his back. Then she pricked her finger with a needle, and let a single drop of blood fall onto his back.

It did not hit his skin. Somehow it fell into it, slight ripples traveling across his back, and slowly black runes appeared. She proceeded to inscribe into his back the runes that bound him to her, and freed his soul to realize it's full potential.

After several minutes she inscribed the last runes. ''With this you, Jaune Arc, are bound to me and my Familia. This is your Falna.

Jaune Arc

Level one

Strenght:I-0 Defence: I-0 Dexterity: I-0 Agility: I-0 Magic: I-0

Magic ()

Skills ()


AN: This is pretty much just a prologue chapter. Next chapter I'll make sure to explain some of the concepts and do some dungeon exploring.

Hope you enjoyed, and please tell me what you think of this work.