A/N: After completing NirCele's 100 drabble challenge, I decided to try my hand at another challenge. This time, there is no limit to the drabbles. Some of these are from NirCele's, while others are from my own ideas, MistressofImladris, Lydwina Marie, and Aria Breuer.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognizable characters or places in these stories. They all belong to J.R.R. Tolkien
Here the twins Elrond and Elros are six years old. This takes place shortly after the Sons of FĂ«anor attacked the Havens of Sirion
Elrond couldn't help the tears as he stared into the West. Sitting next to him, his twin Elros was cradling his knees sobbing quietly. It had been several hours since their mother Elwing had deserted them, leaving them at the mercy of their captors. All he could do was ask himself, "Why?" as he felt himself being taken away.