Arc's Ironworks

Ruby Rose was excited. Not only had she made it past initiation, she got a partner, Weiss (who was a bit of a snob) a team with her sister Yang (not bad) and Blake her sister's partner (was really quite and bookish). That wasn't why she was excited however, today she was going to check out the new weapon store that had opened in Vale. While she wanted to be a huntress, she had quite a fascination with weapons, and she were to be honest with herself, seeing one was better than meeting people. So, a trip to the new store was in order, if nothing else than to see what could be found.

After getting into town, she wandered around for a little bit, until she found a store that sold cookies, (so what if it was ten o'clock in the morning) and milkshakes. A quick detour and she was off to find this store, bag of cookies and a lighter pocket besides the point. After wandering around a bit (it was the directions on the flyer, not her ability to navigate mind you) she finally found it, it not being much to look at. A relatively small shop, with a wooden sign saying "Arc's Ironworks" was the only clue that this was the new shop. Having a little doubt (shouldn't a store filled with weapons be bigger?) she poked her head through the door.

Inside Ruby saw a blonde leaning on a glass counter, inside ranged from daggers to pistols to brass knuckles. On the right wall stood kinds of rifles and shotguns, a wooden marker showed it to be long barrel firearms. On the left side stood the swords of all kinds including sabres, cutlasses, katanas, broadswords, claymores, gladius, scimitar, and many others. In the middle of the store was rows of ammunition, and kinds of armor, ranging from shields to body armor. So interested with the range of weapons in the store, she failed to notice that she had the attention of the blonde behind the counter.

"Excuse me, you gonna come in or are you just going to gawk like that all day?" the boy asked, an amused smile on his face.

"Oh uh, sorry, my names Ruby, Ruby Rose. You are?" Ruby said, blushing in embarrassment at the fact she had ignored the boy. "Nice to meet you Ruby, names Jaune, so what kind I help you with?"

Ruby looked around and saw that none of the weapons could switch, and decided to make a inquiry about that. "Do you not carry hybrid weapons?"

"Nope, its too hard for me to make." Juane responded, standing up right, and Ruby mentally bristled at the fact that he was almost a full foot taller than her, and she was 5'5" dammit, she was tall for her age. "What? You're a weapon shop, but don't carry hybrids? Can i speak with your boss, this must be a mistake." Ruby was absolutely sure that the boy had made an error, right? Jaune shrugged, turned around and went through a door that was behind him, and walked right back out with a couple pieces of paper in his hands.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Jaune Arc, Simple Weapons Master, Master Forger, and owner of this establishment." Ruby couldn't help widen her eyes, no way was this guy a weapon master. "What, that can't be, no one has ever made weapon master under the age of fifty, that test is insane, and all these are uncool and and and" she would have went on, but Jaune raised his hand, a smile on his face.

"Your right, I'm not a weapon master, I'm a simple weapons master, theres a difference. I have no clue on how to make a hybrid weapon, nor the ability to tell you the mechanics of one. What i can do, is make any weapon that doesn't transform. All these out here, are things I made with my own two hands. Besides, I have a things for the classics" he said as he pushed the papers towards Ruby, who looked at the papers with a critical eye. Indeed, the first one was from the Kingdoms of Weapon Mastery Association, which stated that he, Jaune Arc was a master of Simple Weapons, and the new was a form stating that he was the owner of the shop.

Looking back at him, Ruby couldn't help but feel a bit jealous that he had gotten something that incredible, he barley looked older than her. Yet here was the proof, and she couldn't find a thing that implied that it was a fake. "So, if your a weapons master, then you must have an amazing one to your self, can i see it?" she asked, pulling the puppy dog eyes to make him cave. Instead of caving like she expected, he just laughed, and leaned back against the counter. "Sorry Ruby, but I got seven sisters, four of them younger, that look isn't going to get you anything with me, nice try though." She huffed at this, not only was he a master, but her look didn't affect him, how unfair.

Shaking his head at the young girl, he pulled a revolver from behind his back, a collapsable baton from his pocket, and placed them in from of the younger girl. With stars in her eyes, the objects where gone in a flash, with Ruby looking at them just as one might look at a fountain of liquid gold. She sighed in disappointment, while the baton was light and, with a quick snap of her wrist, sturdy with yellowish markings around it, it was just a normal one. The revolver marked with intricate with markings that shone with a light blue, with its silver body and cylinder, and wooden grip that had obviously been taken care of, but used quite a bit. Over all, just normal, if pretty looking weapons, here she was, hoping to see something cool.

"Do Volt and Frost not meet your standards?" Jaune asked with a raided brow, not angry but curious at the girl. Ruby grimaced, she had just insulted the guy's personal weapons in front of him. Heaven knows that if someone talked bad about her baby, then they would be flat on the ground with cuts all over. "It's not that, just, well, I mean, shouldn't they be, i don't know, cooler?" There she goes again, running her mouth, and waited for him to started barking at her, but instead was surprised when he tool them back and gestured to follow him. Hesitantly, after all he could be mad, and followed him out the back into a large open area.

Jaune looked back at her, and gestured for her to take out her own weapon. Seeing it, he gave a low whistle, it was defiantly a thing to see. "Well, why don't we have a spare then? If you win, you get to have a months worth of ammunition for free. If I win, you learn how to make do with one of my "Uncool" weapons, deal?" Ruby thought about it, free ammo would allow her to save money, which could then be used for more cookies. If she lost however, she'd have to make do with one of the lame ones that wasn't her baby. Then again, she thought, he is just a civilian. Deal." "Alrighty then, shall we get started?"

She quickly rushed off, planning to end it in one shot. To her surprise however, he ducked under her swing, spun around and extend Volt straight into her stomach sending electricity into her. Stunned, she was unprepared for the follow up blow to the face, sending her off across the field. Shaking off the shock (Pun intended) Ruby decided it was time to switch strategies, that was, of coarse, before a rain of bullets came towards her. Blocking them with Crescent, all six shots were dealt with as she tried to switch to sniper mode. Tried being the key word there, as when she pulled the trigger, Crescent wouldn't budge from scythe form. As she was busy with this revelation, Jaune and reloaded and advanced towards her. Trying again to take him out, Ruby rushed at him, swinging wide. Expecting Jaune to dodge, (after all when a giant as scythe is trying to bisect you from the waist, people tended to move) she was stunned as Jaune blocked the blade trying to cleave him in two with his baton, and unloading three bullets straight into her abused stomach.

Falling back onto the hard ground, she opened her eyes to see the revolver pointed right between her eyes, her opponent staring at her with a neutral face. "Looks like I won, don't you agree?" Ruby winced at that, know that she'd have to part with her baby. "Don't gimme that look, all I said was you have to learn with one my other weapons, never said anything about giving up your toy. Now come on, I'll help you pick one out." As they walked inside, Ruby asked Jaune about the electricity and frost during their match.

"Did you think I gave them those names without a reason?" At her sheepish look, he sighed and explained."The marking on Volt is make wit traces of Lightning dust, thats why it shines yellow. Frost has blue, meaning is Ice dust. All the bullets I threw at you, while not effective with your Aura up, still imparted Ice onto you, cause that frost to form on you, same thing with your weapon, which is why it could not change."

They spent a while of trying to find a weapon in the shop that would be good for her to learn. Finally settling on a dagger, (she swore she heard him mutter something about roses and thorns ) they agree that every other day she would come do to his shop, where he would teach her how to handle her new dagger. As they were walking back to her ride to Beacon, she couldn't help but ask. "How do you know to fight with daggers, if you use that baton of yours Jaune." "Simple, what kind of seller would I be if I didn't know how to use my own wares. Believe it or not, I know how to use all of the weapons I make." Ruby was impressed, most people only studies with one kind of weapon, and since most were hybrids, people didn't seem to care to learn others.

After her ride came he bid her farewell. "Remember, Thursday after school." "Yeah Yeah, so you later Jaune." "See you Ruby, it's a date." As the doors shut, she face burned as red as her cloak. "D-d-d-date?"

Yay, happy birthday. So yeah, I watched Ruby due to a friends suggestion. Gotta say, really like it. So much so that gave my dead writers instinct a kick to life. I know, not good, characters OC and stuff. Something called Author's Rule, I write my story however I dam well please. Constructive Criticism is welcome, gotta know what gets the people going after all. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed, catch in the next chapter, peace.