It was deadly silent. Simon half-opened his eyes and groaned. Pain seared through his chest, and he looked down to see sticky blood all over his best plaid shirt. He was in a weird position, and as he struggled to sit up, his neck was stiff and he could only take shallow breaths without his lungs burning.

'Shit.' he grumbled, managing to keep himself upright, and his head throbbed.

As Simon looked around, all he could see was blood, broken glass and bullet holes. The people in the front seat were completely unresponsive and their bodies were riddled with holes. The car door opposite Simon was wide open, and Audrey was nowhere to be seen. There were little drips of blood where she was sat, but no other trace of her remained.

'Shit, shit, shit!' Simon said through gritted teeth as he clambered out of the truck. The sun was setting, and Simon wondered how long he'd been out cold as it was lucky he hadn't been eaten by walkers. He looked in front of the trucks, and the masked men and their cars were gone. He leaned against the car bonnet and caught his breath, his chest was wheezy, and every time he inhaled, his wound gave a sharp pain.

'Negan…' Simon breathed, sounding like he'd just run a marathon, '...he's gonna fucking kill me.'

He gathered all his strength and opened the front passenger door, he rummaged through the dead man's pockets and holsters, no guns. Instead, a faint buzzing sound came from underneath the corpse. Shifting him aside, he grabbed the device, a radio.

He banged on the side of the truck, 'Hello?' No response, 'Anyone still fucking breathing?'

There was still no answer, and Simon began to panic. He clicked the side of the button on the radio.

'Hey, anyone on the channel?'

There was a short pause, 'Simon?'

'Oh, shit, Negan, thank god!'

'Simon where the fuck are you? Why isn't Audrey answering her radio? What the everloving fuck is going on? You were fucking due back hours ago!'

'Negan, we're fucked. I'm stranded out here, I'm the only goddamn one left. I've been shot and I have no fucking weapon. I'm fucked!'

'Only one left? Where the fuck is Audrey?'

'I-I dunno, I just woke up, she's not fucking here. They must've taken her.'

'Who?' Negan bellowed, causing Simon to move the radio away from his ear.

'Some fucking masked men. I have no idea who they were.'

There was no response on the radio. Simon waited with bated breath for Negan's loud response...but nothing, 'N-Negan?' Simon climbed back into the truck and closed the door. He placed a hand over his chest and lay his head back on the blood stained seat.

After an hour's time, there was the familiar sound of trucks approaching.

Audrey awoke and her back felt stiff. It would've taken her a couple of moments to realise where she was...if she knew. She had been lying on the ground in the middle of the forest. She brought her hand up to her shoulder and gave a sharp inhale through her teeth. Audrey had been shot during that altercation on the road, and she had no idea where she was now.

She was in the middle of a clearing, along with a parked car and the two masked men chatting alongside it. One of them spotted her moving and gave a sigh.

'You're not going anywhere.' One of the men laughed, leaning against the side of the car. He was able to smoke a cigarette through the mouth hole in the balaclava. A puff of wispy smoke blew into the air.

Audrey wasn't tied up or gagged, but she knew that if she even tried running away, she'd most likely be shot. So instead, she sat there, as the men sniggered to each other.

'What're we doing here?' Audrey asked, trying to keep her breathing steady.

'Waiting.' The smoking man replied, flicking his cigarette butt at Audrey.

Audrey sat there, holding her right arm so it wouldn't move, every inch of movement sent a jolt of pain through her shoulder. Clenching her teeth through the agony, she desperately searched her mind as to whether she had a radio on her, but her bubble was burst as she looked up and saw one of the men cackling into the said radio. 'We haven't got all day.'

Before Audrey would question who he was talking to, a familiar looking black truck emerged through the trees and parked alongside the men. Slowly stepping out of the car was Negan holding a radio. He spotted Audrey straight away, and he clenched his jaw, trying his hardest not to run to her. He stood opposite the men who remained where they were, arms folded.

'I'm fucking here, you bastards.' Negan spread his arms as he said this, carefully trying to glance over at Audrey subtly for any marks or wounds. When he saw her shoulder was bleeding heavily, his eyes widened.

'You unarmed?' One of the masked men asked, both of them aimed a gun at him.

'Un-fucking-armed. Doesn't take a fucking genius to realise that, and what in the everloving fuck have you done to her?' Negan motioned towards Audrey, who by now was becoming quite pale.

'No idea. Probably got in the way. But we're here for you, not her.'

'You fuckers.' Negan moved towards Audrey and the men cocked their guns.

'Ah-ah-ah, stay where you are. Go near her, you both die.'

Audrey's eyelids were becoming heavy, and she felt herself swaying side to side, using all her strength to stay upright. Blood was still seeping through her shirt and no amount of pressure was stemming the flow. 'I'm fine Negan.' She spoke, giving him a weak smile.

Negan gave a stressed sigh and nervously scratched his neck, 'The fuck do you guys want?'


Negan laughed and shook his head, 'Well shall I bend over now? Or are you fuckers going to be more specific?'

'You need to pay for your sins.'

'What sins exactly? I have a whole fucking list.' Negan laughed.

'Kneel.' One of the men pointed to the floor.

Negan just chuckled, until one masked man moved to Audrey and held the gun up to her head. Negan fell silent.

'One more fucking word, smartass, and I'll blow her fucking head off.'

Audrey whimpered as the barrell of the gun dug into the side of her head. Negan didn't move, in fear he may cause Audrey to literally lose her head. All Audrey could smell was musty cigarette smoke and alcohol and it made her stomach turn.

The masked man facing Negan kept himself steady, 'You will surrender your weapons.' The masked man narrowed his eyes, 'I know you have weapons with you. I'm not fucking stupid. Hand them over.'

Negan had his hands raised in surrender, he paused for a few moments.

'Weapons!' The masked man yelled, digging the gun harder against Audrey's head, who by now had tears streaming down her cheeks.

Negan's eyes darted between the masked men and their cars. He turned around and looked at his men who looked just as desperate as he did. He caught the eye of an injured Simon in the front seat of the truck. He had trouble breathing. A clicking sound caused Negan to spin back around. One of the enemies had cocked his gun against Audrey, his eyes were wild. A decision needed to be made, quickly.

'They're in the trunk.' Negan nodded over to his truck parked a few feet away.

The masked men paused, as if they weren't expecting Negan to had assumed they would've had to spill blood.

'W-well, you stay the fuck there.' The taller masked man grunted, as he slowly paced towards Negan's truck. Approaching the trunk, he flung it open and peered inside.

The man holding Audrey became impatient, 'What we got?' he yelled, keeping a tight hold of her.

The man at the trunk became silent. He glanced from behind the truck at Negan, 'This all?'

'It's all we fucking have with us, goddamn it.'

'We'll take it. But we'll be back to collect more another time.'

'I fucking double dare you.' Negan laughed, tickled at the fact that some idiots believe they're on par with the Saviors.

The masked man holding Audrey found it difficult to keep her upright, and he suddenly felt her whole body become limp. He let go of her, and she fell to the ground. Negan saw this and jumped up from his kneeling position.

'You said you wouldn't fucking hurt her! We had a fucking deal!'

'I-I didn't do anything!' The man quivered, desperately pulling Audrey's head up and lightly slapping her cheek, 'I think she's out cold.'

'How the fuck can I trust you?' Negan clenched his fists and was tempted to hurt the taller masked man who jogged towards his car with an armful of guns. It would make him feel a hell of a lot better, but more importantly, Audrey wasn't moving and it scared him not knowing why.

Now in possession of the guns, the masked men slowly withdrew and drove away in their cars, leaving Audrey on the ground.

Negan immediately ran over to her and scooped her up. Her head fell limp in his arms, 'Get the fucking trucks ready, now!' Negan yelled at his goons, sweat dripping down his brow.