
Hey hey hey, I have another short story for you guys (mainly for you, Beetle, since you appear to be the only one who read this), now that I have updated all of my stories. :3 This one takes place after Judging, as you might guess. cx And yes, this chapter will give you a definite answer as to who these stories are focusing around. c; Sorry that this took so long! I've had it written, I just never got around to posting it. This one wasn't rewritten as I copied it over, so I apologize if anything is messed up.

Beetle : Yay, you're back! I did miss you, silly. :p I love seeing reviews from before who are reading and reviewing my other stories! Haha, yes, it is that Claire. Haven't you missed her? XD Probably not. She's not a very nice character. And ooh, I want to read that book series at some point! Is it good? And haha, I would like to delve into Peter's backstory at some point, although probably not here. It does somewhat relate to the story you are thinking of, however it's not OUAT. c; Good guess though! And really? I love Hook the best, but Peter Pan was fantastic. I have no problem agreeing about that. And I'm glad this is turning out amazing! And nice! I should really do that. cx

Alright, now that we are all settled. In our seats with our popcorn (oh, there is no popcorn? :c), let's see what I have in store for us this time?

If this is prison, then I suppose life can't be all bad for me so far. I'm still not sure how what I was said to have done can warrant locking me up in here, but I'm starting to get over that. Granted, if I end up staying here for a while, perhaps I will end up growing bitter over it, but for now I think I should be okay.

In here, I can make whatever I want appear, although I can't do anything to myself. I've made myself a bed, a chair, a table, and a book just for the sake of doing it. They fly around, so I can't keep them in one place, however I bet if I really wanted to I could make a building to keep them in. Sort of like a house for myself, so that I'm not just mindlessly floating. Hopefully, as time passes, I will be able to change how I look, because I honestly look dreadful.

So, that leaves my biggest issue being loneliness.

Spotting my chair, I swim - at least, that's what it feels like to me whenever I move around in this place, which was extremely difficult to figure out at first - over to it and seat myself, holding the book I made earlier in my hand. That is, till I see another float by. I didn't make any other books, so that means that it was already here, I made it by accident, or someone else is here. Not daring to hope for any of the options, I instead throw away the book I have and lunge forward to grab the new one.

Upon opening it, I find a rather boyish handwriting and...Diary entries? This author, whoever he is, wrote in here as if it was a diary. I pour over the book, finding out at the end of the first entry that the writer is none other than the Dark Prince himself. The one who made me get trapped in here. Why do I have this? Despite my reservations upon finding out that Prince Teague is the one writing, I barrel onwards anyways.

Finally, I come to the final entry, which seems to have occurred recently, if key meeting with the prince is in fact still recent. I don't know if time works differently here or not. It doesn't matter though, because it still shows his perspective. Everything in it I already deducted, and frustratedly I go to slam the book shut, until letters begin to write themselves onto the page.

I create a pencil in my hand, drinking up the words that appear despite who writes them. As he writes, his voice says them throughout my prison, so that I can also hear what is being written, "Dear diary, today was a boring day, although that was to be expected. Not every day is as interesting as yesterday."

The writing pauses, and after a moment of hesitation, I decide to test what happens if I write back. As I do, I say what I write out loud, hoping to catch anything that sounds awkward. "And why was today boring?"

There's nothing for a while. I start to wonder if perhaps he's still thinking, if the response didn't go through, or if he's not going to write back because he was too afraid by my sudden appearance. Right when I'm about to give up waiting for a response, one comes. "Did you write back to me?"

"Yes, I did." I decide to state the obvious, seeing as he's obviously suffering from disbelief. Even his mirage voice sounds like he can't quite fathom it being real.

"Why haven't you ever done this before?" Now he's asking the right questions, but I'm not about to tell him the truth.

it takes me a moment to formulate a lie though. "I've only just gained the ability to. This is quite as new to me as it is to you."

"Who are you?" A question I should have expected.

I take a deep breath, frowning, before deciding on responding with, "Your diary. I don't have a name, and if I did, it wouldn't be important."

The response I get perplexes me slightly, as I personally do not believe names are important. Prince Teague, on the other hand, seems to believe that they are. "Well then, what should I call you?"

I shrug my shoulders, even though he can't see me do it. "Whatever you'd like."

"Well, sometimes I call this diary The Grimorie, if you are okay with that name?" MaybeI'm just adding emotions now to make my life more interesting, but I swear that his voice sounds nervous, as if I'll reject it.

However, I like the name. A new name for a new identity. "Grimorie. That will work just fine."

"Alright then, Grimorie." I trace the letters as they appear in my book, heart leaping at the prospect of getting to talk to this boy without him knowing who I am. "What do you do?"

I ponder how to respond. "Not much. I can make anything appear that is inanimate, at least to my knowledge, but I cannot change my own appearance." I pause, and then add, "So far I have made a book, a chair, a table, and a bed. However, I'm afraid the book, table, and bed have floated away and are lost somewhere in this world."

There's a pause, and I wonder if perhaps he's gone, but he then responds, "I can see why that could be a problem."

I laugh hard at that. "Yes, it is quite the dilemma, however I can just make another if I need it."

"Do you eat food?" The question that appears after a pause once again catches me by surprise.

"I don't know. I haven't gotten to that problem yet." I stroke my chin, trying to figure out if I still can. "I guess I will find out if or when I get hungry."

I get a response almost right away, although it's rather disappointing. "I have to go now. My princely duties need attending to. Will you still be here if I write later?"

"I do not believe I have anywhere else to go." I comment back, unsure whether I am amused or frustrated by that development.

Perhaps I'm imagining the relief in his voice, but that is okay with me. "I will write later."

Smiling despite myself, I write back. "Alright. Until then?"

"Until then. Signed, Prince Teague." Then, there is just silence.

I shut the book, and stare up at the black void around me. Perhaps I will not be as lonely as I imagined that I would be, a prospect that is rather exciting to me. Perhaps I misjudged the prince, and we can be friends after all. He won't even know that he met me previously.

My smile widens. "Yes, I think this will work after all."

What did you guys think of that part of the story? Was it good? Bad? This is confirmation that, yes, this is the Grimorie's backstory. As mentioned in Wonderfully Wonderful Villains, Grimorie's nickname is "J," which is why the story is named what it is. This is also why she and Peter Piper act as if they've met in that storyline, although I can cover why they react the way they do in a different short story. Did you guys figure out that it was Grimorie? What do you think of my description of her prison? How do you think her relationship with Teague will work? Were you expecting eagle to have been the one to "give" her her name? If you were wondering how eagle could forget such a thing in the Blank Space trilogy, that is because Teague is a very old being, as we know. Besides, most of his memories of the Grimorie are connected to his Jared side, not him. What sort of things would you like me to cover about the Grimorie in these stories? Please let me know in your reviews!

Hopefully you like my development of the Grimorie's backstory, because I personally am really enjoying it. If you guys do like these short stories, I will definitely be willing to do them with other ocs of mine later. c: So just make sure to give me input! ^-^ I want to know what you guys think.

Thanks so much for the support! Until next time. c;

~ Dagger