Note: This is a story that my friend GrayRoze and I started and will be working on it until we deem it finished. We hope to post a chapter once a week, but that may change. We do not own anything except for our own characters. The rightful owner is the lovely JK Rowling. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave comments, questions, and constructive criticism. :)
Kaimana POV
It's been thirty years since I've been trapped in this forsaken tank, locked away in the deepest cave on this this wretched island. I can no longer remember the feeling of the sun on my face, or the soft gentle waves against my scales. Why did they lock me away? Was I so terrible that they couldn't even stand the sight of me? I never asked to be born this way. How could they do this to me! Those selfish disgusting humans! All of them can drown for all I care! When I get free they will wish that they had never discovered my people.
It's been thirty years, and I have long since given up hope of being free again. At least until I hear someone slipping and stumbling around in the dark. "How could they put such a delicate creature back here!" Hmm, sounds like it's a male going by his voice. A light slowly creeps closer to the blasted tank and the man comes into view looking very shocked. "Well hello there, now let's see what we can do about getting you out of that tank." The strange man says, waving what I assume is a wand. "I'm Newt Scamander, but please call me Newt." the huma-no, Newt says, looking quite nervous, but excited at the same time. I'm guessing he's never seen a siren before. I look at him confused, and a bit amused. Is this man really going to be my freedom from this hellish tank I've been forced to rot in? Well, I hope he knows what he's getting himself roped into.
Newt studies the tank for a few moments before he begins muttering spells under his breath. I watch him nervously, I haven't had good experiences with wizards up until now. Suddenly, the latch on the tank springs open and Newt gently lifts the lid of my tank. "There now, that's better," He says, in a gentle voice. He hesitantly stretches his hand towards me, and I flinch away from him, collecting myself as far into the corner as possible. The wizard quickly withdraws his arm. "I'm sorry friend. I don't intend to hurt you. Do you have a name?" He asks in the same soothing tone. All of my instincts and previous experience tell me to fight, to attack him, but his easy demeanor and seemingly genuine concern make me think twice. I study the strange wizard who claims he has come to rescue me—me, a magical creature that all other wizards hate and fear. His light brown hair is curly and hangs in his face, covering one of his warm blue eyes, and his smile is soft and reassuring. His long blue coat is dusty and travel worn, and tucked under his collar is… a bowtruckle? That's odd. The small green creature peers at me from beneath the fabric with its round black eyes. Newt notices my interest in the creature and gently pulls him out.
"This is Pickett. Say hello, Pickett." He tells it, and Pickett waves at me. I just stare, astonished at this human who is holding a magical creature with careful hands and a fond expression on his face. Slowly I smile and raise my hand to wave to Pickett, and Newt can see that my fingers are not webbed like most water creatures he has come across. "Would you like to leave this tank?" Newt asks softly, and my head snaps to him in shock. Leave? He's really going to help me leave this tank? But why? What does he gain from this? I slowly open my mouth, but then close it and touch my neck. Newt tilts his head then looks as though something dawned on him. "You cannot speak, can you?" he asks, and I shake my head no.
"Could you speak before you were trapped here?" he asks, frowning a bit. I slowly put my hands to my throat, showing him that I was choked before being locked away. He gasps, then looks a bit angry. "They choked you?! How dare they hurt a creature such as you!" Newt snaps and starts muttering to himself. I flinch away afraid of what he might do. He seems to notice, then quickly waves his hands. "No, no, no, I'm not going to hurt you! I am just very upset with those who decided to hurt you," He explains, and I slowly move closer to him, making sure not to bend my tail in an uncomfortable way. He grins, and Pickett slowly creeps closer to me using Newts arm. I hesitantly smile back at Newt and Pickett. I don't know why he wants to help me, but I decide to trust him. "I'm going to use a spell to get you out of there okay? I have a magical case that I use to transport all of my creature friends; you'll be perfectly safe there. Is that alright?" Newt asks, watching me with concern. A magical case to keep magical creatures? He transports them? Where? My suspicion must show on my face, because Newt holds up a small, battered briefcase for me to see.
"All of my friends stay in here until I can take them to where they belong. Don't worry, it's a lot bigger on the inside." He says with a flippant smile. I nod hesitantly, and point to the suitcase. He nods back at me, and waves his wand saying, "Winguardium Leviosa". I feel myself slowly start to lift up and out of the water. Newt flicks his case open and goes inside with me floating beside him. I stare in wonder at the inside of the case and all the creatures that he has here. Caught up in my amazement, I don't notice Newt placing me in his arms until I feel his breath on my hair. I quickly snap my head around to look at him, and he seems a bit embarrassed. "I am sorry if this makes you feel uncomfortable, but it is easier to carry you then have you floating above me." He says, and I slowly nod.
He carries me over to a small forest type area that has a large pond in the center surrounded by reddish vines and blue flowers. He gently places me into the water and I instantly start swimming around, excited to finally be able to stretch out my tail. Newt chuckles, and sits down cross legged on the grass, watching me enjoy freedom after being entrapped within that small tank for so long.
The fresh water feels amazing on my scales, cool and soothing and sweet; so unlike the old, dirty water from the tank. I dive under water and quickly bolt back to the surface, splashing my newfound friend with a wave of water. Newt laughs and beams at me, even though he is soaking wet. I smile at him and try to convey all the things I can't say.
"You're welcome." He says. I notice Pickett still attached to his collar and I reach out my hand to the small creature. Newt notices and lets the bowtruckle walk over to investigate me. I admire Pickett and hold out my index finger to pet him. He smiles and grips onto my finger. "He must really like you. I've never seen him act like this with anyone other than myself." Newt says smiling proudly at Pickett. I smirk at him then go back to petting Pickett. My tail lazily slaps the water, and Newt watches it with interest. I catch his staring, then look down at my tail. Hesitantly, I move so my tail is closer to him, and he looks startled. I gesture towards my tail, and he blinks. "You're letting me inspect your tail?" He asks, and I nod confirming it's okay. "Thank you! I will be very gentle, and if at any time, you wish for me to stop just move your tail away, and I promise to stop." He says, grinning adorably. I nod my assent and he carefully studies my tail, running his fingers lightly over the dull and damaged scales.
Newt hums thoughtfully as he inspects, muttering to himself and biting his lip in confusion every now and then. I remain perfectly still, trying to stop myself from twitching away from the wizard. He won't hurt you, I tell myself. I can trust him. Eventually Newt releases my tail and gives me a weary smile. "It seems that your scales have sustained some serious damage, I'd like to help you, if you'll let me." I can only stare in awe at this amazing human who uses his time and magic to help creatures like me. I nod once more, letting him know I accept his help. "Yes? Brilliant!" He clasps his hands together and stands up quickly. "I'll be right back! I'm going to go make a potion that should help to mend your scales!"
I watch the strange man run off, then look back down to the creature on my hand. Pickett pats my hand and smiles. I smile softly to him, and look at my scales. I wonder if he can really heal them. I truly hope so, they can be so painful at times. Maybe he can make it so I can speak again too. I truly wish to thank him for all he has done with my own voice.
I wait for a few minutes, playing with Pickett to pass the time before Newt comes running back with a small jar—presumably containing the healing potion— in his hands. "Alright! I'm back!" He announces. I smile and bring my tail over for him to look at. He sits down next to the edge of the pond and sets down the little jar which I can now see contains a murky, bluish green potion. "How's Pickett?" Newt asks, glancing at the bright green creature sitting on my hand. Pickett makes little chattering noises and climbs back over to Newt, returning to his usual spot under his collar. Newt fondly pats his creature before turning his attention back to my tail.
"Hmmm. I think this will be easier if you are out of the water. Could you do that?" He asks thoughtfully. "You don't have to if you don't want I can manage." He adds. I shake my head and slide up and out of the water so I'm sitting on the soft grass beside the pond. "Thank you." Newt says politely, and begins pouring the potion over my damaged scales. I can feel the effects immediately as a cold, slightly stinging feeling creeps over my tail. I breathe slowly, tangling my fingers in the grass beneath me while Newt starts quietly mumbling healing spells. I sit very still, trying not to move or flinch away from him. Eventually, after what seems like hours, my damaged tail looks just like it did before I ever met those nasty humans. I start clapping and beam at Newt. He smiles, and looks a bit embarrassed but proud. "You are quite welcome, but I would take it easy still since your tail will be sore from having been healed so quickly." He says, and I nod. I point back to the water and he laughs. "Yes, you can go back in now." He tells me, but I'm already in the water before he can finish his sentence.
I spend the next few minutes swimming, before I slow down because of the aching feeling that starts to develop in my tail. I swim back to where Newt is sitting watching me, and I motion for him to come closer. Once he gets close enough, I use my arms to push myself out of the water just enough so that our faces are close together. He looks confused, and a light pink blush spreads over his face when I kiss his cheek to thank him. Our faces are only a few inches apart and Newt watches me intently with his kind blue eyes. "You're welcome," He whispers. I bite my lip and pull away, sliding back into the water. I sink to the bottom of the pond, feeling a bubble of happiness rise in my throat. I'm free. I'm free and I'm going home and it's all thanks to that strange, sweet, compassionate wizard. From beneath the crystal-clear water I can see Newt as he stands and walks away from the pond to tend to his other creatures. A wild joy burns through me and all I want is to laugh, to shout to the world, I'm free! Instead I stretch out my aching tail, settle at the bottom of the pond and drift off into a contented sleep, and for the first time in ages I don't have any nightmares.