Disclaimer: The anime series, Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Written By: Moon's Phantom.

Warning: Spoilers

Note: Snippet series


Snippet Thirty Four; Give

The two godparents of Sarutobi Mirai stood at the altar.

Twenty-one years old, still young and in love they locked eyes.

Their hands held lovingly onto the others'.

"I, Nara Shikamaru vow to be the best guardian for you, Hinata and Mirai – my family. I'll protect you with my life, give up my life if I have to and I'll always treasure you. You were always my wife but now you're not just my wife, you're the love of my life. I'll be the best husband and father I possibly can. I love you."

"And I, Hyuuga Hinata…now Nara Hinata promise to never give up on you. No matter how lazy you are, I'll be the best wife and mother I can be. I love you."

Leaning into each other, they kissed – sealing their promises and giving their life to each other.



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