Chapter 37

Unexpected Things

Connor's POV

I was made to sit outside while Esperanza brought our child into the world. She was screaming and swearing for over nine hours. I desperately wanted to be in there with her, holding her hand and helping her in any way that I could. I was pacing back and forth until finally, he opened the door. He had a smile on his face.

"Give me a few moments to get her and your sons cleaned up and then you can come in."

He closed the door and I stood there. Had he just said sons?

When I was allowed to go in, I saw Esperanza. In her arms, were not one, but two baby boys. She smiled at me and I slowly walked forward.

"Well we have a name for one of them. We need another." She said.

I sat down next to her. I remembered how she told me what my father had done in the end.

"Haytham." I whispered.

I looked at her.

"You told me that the good in him saved my life. He was my father, and he gave his life for me in a way. I want to call him Haytham."

She smiled softly and nodded.

"Achilles and Haytham Kenway." She said.

I smiled and she held Achilles out to me. I took him in my arms and smiled. He was so small and so fragile.

"Achilles." I whispered.

I held Haytham next.

"You are my unexpected one. My beautiful surprise. Make your name one worth respecting. Bring honor to this family with your brother. I know both of you will make this family proud." I said softly.

Esperanza chuckled.

"Haytham is older by twelve minutes. And he doesn't have a middle name yet."

I smiled a bit.


We'd both said it. I looked at her and smiled.

"It's perfect." I said.

"Perfection is overrated, but in this case I agree. Both their names are perfect, just as they are."

I put my free arm around Esperanza's shoulders and kissed her hair.

"I love you. I love you more than anything. And our sons."

"Tu Tambien te quiero mi amor." She whispered.

I loved her language. It was so unique and beautiful.

"I hope you plan to teach our sons your language."

"Well of course I do! My grandfather would never forgive me if I didn't. I just wish he could have met them."

I stroked Achilles' little head.

"He will one day. But that won't be for a very long time."

She smiled.

"Who taught you that? They sound like a genius."

I laughed.

"It was a woman who taught me that. A beautiful, powerful, courageous woman. In fact, she looked a lot like you."

She laughed and laid her head against my chest. I had the family I'd always wanted. And it was thanks to a woman who had appeared from nowhere, from another time.

Esperanza's POV

About a year after the boys were born, I had a dream. I was standing in Connor's village. No one was there.

"Hello? Hola?"


My eyes widened.


I turned around and there he was.

"No offense, but I thought you'd be doing laps in a lake of fire for the devil. What're you doing here?"

"Thanking you."

Now I was confused.

"Thanking me? Sign of the apocalypse!"

He smirked.

"You gave me the opportunity to be something more than what I was. Showed me that I truly was wrong... in a way."

I smirked. Typical Haytham.

"I was quite surprised that you named your oldest son after me."

I nodded.

"Because I know that you attacked me on purpose. You knew I would kill you in a second if you made a move. I know you never would've forsaken the Templars and therefore wouldn't rest until Connor and I were dead. You told me you didn't want to kill your own son. You gave your life, for him."

"I had a feeling you might figure that out. I always said you were intelligent. And special."

I arched my brow.


He nodded and turned away.

"You change the people around you. You give hope to those who have none. You see the world differently."

This couldn't possibly be Haytham Kenway.

"Okay then, I'm having a hard time believing you're actually Haytham Kenway."

"You pushed me off a ship and made me swim back to port."

"Okay yeah you might be him."

He turned around.

"You shot me with an arrow, punched me causing me to fall into water, I held a gun to you when we first met, and I believe you once told me you'd take my head off and put it on a stick. Some sort of holiday decoration. Is that enough to convince you?"

I just stared at him. He sighed.

"You used to talk in my head."

I nodded.

"Yeah you're Haytham."

"Either way... thank you Esperanza."

For the first time, I actually smiled at him. He held out his hand and I took it.

"You're welcome, Haytham."

"Take care of my son and your family."

"I give you my word. And thank you."

"Whatever for?"

"If you hadn't met Ziio, Connor wouldn't be here. Before I met your son, my life had no meaning. No purpose. The day I met him was the day my life truly began. He gave me everything I never thought I could have. Love, family and so much more. Connor is the best thing you did with your life, in my opinion."

He smirked.

"I am proud of him in a way. Will you tell him that for me? Please?"

I smiled gently and nodded.

"I'll tell him. We'll meet again, Haytham, but not yet."

He nodded.

"Not yet."

I let go of his hand and he walked away. I did tell Connor what he said. The smile on his face brought great joy to my heart.

Connor's POV

Raising two boys wasn't easy, but Esperanza and I did it. The boys were inseparable and identical. They both had my eyes and their mother's hair and skin tone. Neither of them were shy, they always jumped right into things.

We did eventually have a little girl named Ziio. She was the only one with Esperanza's eyes. She wasn't shy either, she was actually more wild than her brothers. Fortunately, Esperanza and I had more experience that time around. All three of them were wonderful children. Anytime they went out exploring, the wolves were never far away. Which was also lucky due to their mistake of exploring a bear cave. Esperanza grounded them for a week for that one.

When the boys were thirteen, I taught them to hunt. Ziio didn't particularly like the hunting part, but she did like fishing. And she despised dresses! One time was all we needed to know that.

The three of them didn't fight as often as most siblings, for which Esperanza and I were very thankful. All three of our children followed in our footsteps. They too trained as assassins. Together they were lethal and I do mean lethal.

Esperanza's POV

I'd never expected my life to be this way. After I'd lost my abuelo, I thought I would be hunting Templars for the rest of my life. Then I'd ended up here and Connor found me. He gave me the life I never thought I could have. He gave me love, adventure, security and a family. If I was given an opportunity to change one thing in my life, there wouldn't be anything to change. Everything that has ever happened to me led me hereā€¦.

To Ratonhnhake:ton.

To Connor.