Anyways, so here's the next chapter.
Merlin's polka-dotted pants! 11 reviews, 13 favorites and 22 followers for this? Okay, honestly, I expected this for my other stories, never for this one, so, THANKS A LOT!

Disclaimer: Unless I have been reborn, no, I do not own anything recognizable.

"Scared Potter?"

"You wish Malfoy!"

Draco smirked and said, "You're literally shaking Harry."

Harry scowled and said, "Well, try and face Snape for double Potions, would you?"

Draco pretended to clean his nails and said, "He is my Godfather you know. Had it not been for Dogfoot I am sure I would've ended up with him."

"And then you would have been a snake and a bat and we would've fought and we would've never became friends." Harry completed as he scribbled down the reply to Hagrid for tea.

"He can't be that bad." Ron said. Draco snorted and sat down on The Gryffindor table as Harry turned to look at Ron as if he had digested a hippogriff.

"Can't be that bad? My father and godfather literally bullied him and now he wants to take revenge. Had he been a student like Nott it would not have been that bad but Snape? SNIVELLIUS?"

Draco laughed as Hermione snorted disapprovingly. Harry turned to Draco and asked, "How was your potions?"

"Fabulous." Answered Draco. "Asked all the right questions."

"So you answered them all?" asked Hermione. Draco looked at her, offended and said, "No! I said he asked all the right questions. I mixed things up! But my potion was the best, remind me to thank Moony for the tutoring and Aunt Lily when I go up there for her notes." Harry nodded and went back to his food.

"Why didn't you answer the questions?" asked Hermione.

"What's the fun in attending a Potions' class unless you see Snape's famous scowl and his sneer?" asked Draco.

"Mr Malfoy-Black." Draco turned to see Percy standing.


"Why aren't you on your House table?" asked pompous Percy. Harry opened his mouth but Ron cut him off, "Sod off Percy."

"Ron, no student of any other house is supposed to sit on any other house's table. I have been watching you for the last week." Percy turned his attention back to Draco.

Draco smirked and said, "There is no such rule."

Percy raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you mean?"

"What he means," said Harry, "is that there is no rule in Hogwarts that a person can't sit on any other house's table. It was just because of the rising competition between the houses that students didn't mingle."

"And you know every single rule?" asked Percy, with a satisfied grin.

Harry and Draco shared a grin. Ron shook his head and Fred and George came all the way to them to listen to this argument.

"Try us." Said the two.

"Rule 23."

"No first years are allowed to play Quidditch unless in extreme cases." Stated Draco.

"Rule 78." Said Percy.

"No students are supposed to be out of bed after curfew." Supplied Harry.

"Rule 198."

"The banned items are banned." Said Draco.

"Rule 25."

"Quidditch is supposed to be played fairly. Use of any wrong-means can result in strict action." Smirked Harry.

"Rule 1." Percy was sure that none of the boys would be able to get this one.

Meanwhile, the whole Gryffindor table and the Hufflepuff table had leaned to listen.

Draco and Harry smirked and together started, "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a second home to students. Any act of a student which shows disrespect against their school can result in the student's expulsion."

The two tables were utterly silent. Fred and George had mad grins on their faces while Hermione's eyes were bulging out and her front teeth were clearly visible from her open mouth.

"Have you learned it all?" finally Percy asked.

The two Blacks shrugged and said, "Well, we have to keep up with the Marauders."

BANG! Fred was lying on top of George who didn't mind him. The twins had their mouth open, inviting flies.

"You know the marauders?" they asked in unison. Draco and Harry shred a knowing grin.

"Of course." They said together.

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs?" The twins asked, remaining in their previous position. Percy immediately helped them up as Harry's expression darkened. Ron frowned as Draco took a solemn expression. Percy shooed everyone away but the twins kept standing there.

"Do me a favor," Harry began in a dangerously low voice, "and never mention Wormtail."

"Why not?" asked George.

Draco looked up and said, "He does not deserve the title of a Marauder."

"But you know the others?" asked Fred.

Harry nodded.

"Tell you later. We need to run to Potions." Saying so, Harry grabbed Ron's hand and was out of the Great Hall within seconds.

"Ah, yes." Severus Snape said softly, "Harry Potter. Our new- celebrity."

"I ask your humble permission to speak Professor," said Harry, now back in his pranking mood, "and inform you that it is Potter-Black."

"Indeed." Snape replied. "Two intolerable arrogant fools."

Harry gritted his teeth but remained silent.

Snape gave an amazing speech, during which Ron was not trying to laugh as Harry made faces.

"Potter!" Harry sat up. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry raised an eyebrow and asked, "in Victorian Flower language or in Potions?"

None of the students understood what Harry meant.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor." But somehow, Snape wasn't sneering. If Possible, he was saying it in a nice way.

"Then Draught of Living Dead." Answered Harry, clearly unaffected.

"Let's try again," said Snape, "without any foolishness. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

At once Harry stood up. He left his stool and walked towards the store. Everybody had their eyes raised. He seemed to study everything carefully and then he turned and pointed at one single shelf.

"Here Professor, I would look here." He answered.

The Potion class has seemed to develop cold, for they all began coughing. Even Hermione joined in.

"QUIET!" Snape turned to Harry. "I meant theoretically." Said Snape, with the worse scowl ever.

"Oh." Harry understood now. "Oh, then in a goat's stomach sir."

"Get back to your place."

Harry obliged.

"Let's try once more. I hope you do not get this question wrong, seeing you spend time where this will be used. What's the difference between Monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Harry looked angry at this but answered nevertheless. "Nothing, they are the names for a same plant."

"Well? Why aren't you copying it all down?"

Everybody started scribbling away. Then Snape looked at harry and said, "And one point for cheek, Potter-Black."

"You did WHAT?" Draco asked as he, with Ron and Harry moved to Hagrid's cabin.

Harry smirked. "But the way he asked about wolfsbane…."

"What about it?"asked Ron. The two brothers exchanged a look and Draco said, "we'll tell you some day. Right now, THE NEXT PRANK IDEAS! "

Harry nodded and said, "yes! Let's ask Hagrid. Come on Ron!"

As the two ran forward, Ron muttered, "I am doomed!"

Please review! Ragsweas will be very happy if she gets review!