~~Obviously, I don't own RWBY~~

Prepare to be disappointed.

Rated T, for safe-T.


"Normal Speech."
No Italics.

"Expressive word."
Speech only Italics.

Full Italics.


(My thoughts, and, or, Miscellaneous)



It was the middle of the morning. Classes are over, and Beacon's students are already doing whatever they do after classes.

Whatever it is they do, Cinder does not care for any of it. The only reason why she would roam around the campus was to stretch her legs, and to observe for any aberrations. While Cinder may like the comfort of their room, for now, she'd rather not stay cooped up in there all day. Not only would that garner unwanted, and unneeded attention, but she also finds the idea of pretending to be a shy, anti-social bookworm as too much of an annoying hassle for a cover.

Besides, she does find a slight pleasure in walking around the campus grounds. Through the gardens, the stone pathways and arches, and sometimes even just by standing under the tree located near inbetween the dorm rooms and the school grounds, near the teacher's lounge. Admittedly, Cinder does find it relaxing, and even meditative enough for her to be able to contemplate in peace. Especially without all of those meat-headed morons trying to romance her. But, yes. Cinder does admit that Beacon is quite.. serene.. and maybe even beautiful in the right eyes. Such a shame, though. A shame that Beacon is scheduled for a surprise redecoration.

Cinder let a small, barely noticeable, smirk to fall upon her lips, as she and her 'teammates', having walked about around the campus, are now heading back to their room. Her two followers teasing, and bickering with each other, as they walked behind her. Whatever it is they're chatting about, she couldn't hear, nor care. As long as their loyalty is assured she'll leave them be. Even if they start slobbering each other's lips, and jamming each other's tongues down their throats, or whatever it is they do in whatever kind of relationship they're in. Whatever it is, she's glad her curiousity has long since died down.
Midway through passing across the doors to the cafeteria, Cinder suddenly then decided to turn heel, and started heading towards the doors. A subtle, and quiet rumble coming from her stomache.

Jaune stood up from his seat. A victorious smile on his face. Deftly ignoring the adorable glare from Ruby. The glare being the resulting aftermath over a grueling game of a staring contest between the two leaders. A contest, Jaune won flawlessly. Having a skilled background in all kinds of slumber party games. An unwanted product of having seven competitive sisters. After barely catching a thrown green pea with his mouth, courtesy of Nora, Jaune, his team, and team RWBY, having just finished with their meals and their table shenanigans, decided to head off to the library to hang out, or play games. Even though the latter isn't really for a place like the library.

Jaune, still ignoring a slowly fading glare from Ruby, chatted among his friends as they leisurely strolled on their way to the library. Jaune threw some jokes here and there, trying to make his friends laugh and smile, feeling satisfied when he does. Standing at the side, farthest from Weiss's position in their group. A choice that piqued a curiosity in the heiress, and thoughts of concern from the others.

Jaune, however, pushed their unease aside as he talked about hearing that a street fair is going to occur in a couple of weeks in Vale. He read that it's a promotional event for local, and foreign products and establishments to showcase themselves. He was planning on going to the fair and check it out, once it's open, and asked if anyone else wants to come. Pyrrha immediately volunteered, obviously. Shooting her arm straight up, as if she's trying to get a teacher's attention.

But, for some reason, everyone else was meeting his offer with consideration and hesitation, as it seems, everyone suddenly has their own plans for the coming days, and most, if not all of them won't be able to join them. As it appears, it seems Jaune may just have to go with only Pyrrha by his side. Together. Just the two of them. Just him, and her. Alone, together. Going to places, together. Eating some kind of food, together. And sitting! Also, together. One might even liken it to a certain activity two individuals would participate in. Preferably a... couple... with a certain relationship with one another. That activity may be some kind of four-letter word. Beginning with a certain letter. Whatever it is, Jaune probably won't be able to answer.

However, Jaune is not ready to give up on his friends. This is the perfect time to hang out with his teammates and sister-team. They'll have lots of fun together. All of them, together. Not just him, and Pyrrha, together. All of them, together. So, now walking backwards and facing his friends, Jaune is now eagerly trying his best to convince them to join him. Saying how much fun they'll have, and how much time they will spend bonding with each other. Sometimes trying to persuade them one by one. But, whenever he does, almost all of them are hastily declining his offer. And, he doesn't know if it was a trick of the eye, but they would always have a flash of fright before turning him down. It's probably just him seeing things.

Though, odd as it seems to his friends, not once has he asked Weiss specifically. Even though she herself has said that she doesn't have any form of plans in the next week or so. Absentmindedly commenting on how she'll spend most of her free time studying and training. But, otherwise, having no major plans.

All the while the two parties walked across the hall, unaware of their surroundings. Both in their own worlds. One distracted by her thoughts and a silent rumble. Contemplating the cafeteria menu. The other was distracted by his complaints as to why none of them, except for Pyrrha, wanted to go with him. As one finished picking the right meal, and the other given excuses by a coughing, gagging, and nervous put-on-the-spot Ruby, they inexplicably bump into each other.



(Not really. It was sunny, as sunny as it can be)

"Oh no- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I wasn't looking where I was going!" Jaune instantly said, not even giving silence a chance to present itself, as he reflexively caught her by the waist. Shaking his head because of the slight whiplash he got. Nora pumped her fist in the background, as she gave praise to Jaune for his awesomeness in his quick-movement.

"No, it's alright. I myself wasn't looking where I was going." She interrupted him as she held onto his arms, pulling herself up while he helped her back on her feet. Her eyes mostly kept towards his chest. 'Great body reflexes. A steady, well grounded stance. A man with good defense that can hold his ground.' She gently pushed herself away from him. 'Toned muscles, from what I've briefly felt, strong yet tender-' Cinder stopped her instinctual relay of body strengths and weaknesses before it got to finish. 'Now's not the time for that... Best to apologize quickly and get this over with... Ugh.. I knew I shouldn't have skipped lunch.' She straightened her jacket. Checking for any creases. 'Felt as though I've just bumped into a wall. Felt as hard like one t- Never mind...' Having finished on her inner thoughts, Cinder brought her eyes up to address the man in front of her. "I was just lost in.. thought.." Cinder stared at the person in front of her. Her eyes widening, as her pupils slowly dilates. Her lips parted.

"No, it really is my fault. I should've paid more attention to where I was going, I was distracted, and I really shouldn't have walked backwards in a busy hall," Jaune reasoned, as he scratched the back of his neck. Slowly descending into a string of excuses. His friends oddly watching silently in the background. Except for the occasional slurp from Ruby as she drinks her milk through a wacky straw. Busying herself with wiping the milk off her cheeks and her chest, with Weiss begrudgingly lending some of her wet wipes. Yang held the back of Blake's collar as she read her book, her legs still in a walking motion. Emerald and Mercury observed the interaction quietly. Knowing full well that their mistress is more than capable in handling conversations, as much of a master of words as with swords. "and my shoe laces were untied-"

Cinder nervously smiled, waving her hand in assurance. "N-no, it's fine. Really. I didn't even feel a thing." She said with a tinge of falsity and.. is that.. embarrassment? She ended it with an almost chirpy smile as she groomed her hair. Emerald and Mercury eyes popped with Cinder's sudden change in tone. Looking at each other in confusion, since they've never seen Cinder like this, and they don't even feel any malicious intent behind her words.

Jaune, still worried, nervously asked, "A-are you sure? I mean- I'm not saying that I'm-"

She interrupted him by giving a short, cute giggle, which didn't go unnoticed. "No. Really. I'm okay." She timidly smiled, "I'm tougher than I look." She finished with a nervous giggle while looking away. Her hand coming up to twirl her bangs. Her eyes roaming around, anywhere but his face.

Jaune's mood bounced up at that, "Oh.. Well.. Okay..." He gave another worried look, "But, are you sure I didn't, mess anything up, or maybe I-"

"No- no. Really." She interrupted him again. "Everything's fine. I'm okay. I did loose my train of thought, but I'm sure it's nothing important." She paused. Actually losing her previous thoughts. She shifted her weight, as her eyes went around in slow circles, ending with them staring at the floor. "I-I was probably thinking about my homework, and the books I'll be needing to borrow from the library... or..." She let out a short chuckle. "I might've just been thinking of what I wanted to eat..." She perked up. "Hence the reason why I came here.. actually... Hehe.. Yeah.." She gave another nervous smile, while she scratched her cheek.

Jaune's mood picked back up, "Oh.. Okay.. Well- That settles that then.. I guess.." Jaune awkwardly finished the sentence by looking away. While the awkward silence finally got the chance to present itself. Cinder watched Jaune with anticipation, waiting for another start of a conversation. She jumped slightly when Jaune suddenly clapped his hands together with a smile, bringing Cinder to look at him with a puzzled look. "Okaayyy.." Jaune started to slowly walk away, his friends following him at the same pace as they gave each other peculiar looks, most of them were directed at Jaune and Cinder. "Well, sorry again for bumping into you. Hope you have a nice meal... And, um.. it was.. nice talking to you-"

"Cinder!" She blurted out. Eyes wide with panic, watching him taking steps away from her.


"C-Cinder Fall.. P-pleased to meet you.." She nervously said, as she timidly extended her hand. Closing the distance between them. Noticeably with haste.

"Oh... um, I'm Jaune, Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue." He automatically said in a lazily awkward tone. Lax its usual gusto and energy. "Nice to meet you too..." He awkwardly said with a smile, as he shook her hand.

Cinder smiled, "Y-yes. Pleasure to meet you.. Jaune Arc." She ended with a bit more confidence as they shook hands.. and kept shaking.
All the time she stared into his eyes with a small pleased smile, with Jaune meeting her smile with a brighter one. Nodding once in a while as a polite greeting.

"Okaayyy.. This is getting awkward.." Jaune thought as they kept shaking hands. His smile unwavering. He passed a glance towards his friends, as they suddenly turned at random directions, whistling, or trying to whistle, innocently. He shot them with a soft glare. Sighing as Yang and Nora mouthed to him, 'You can do it.' and with Ruby and Ren giving him a motivational thumbs up. He turned back to Cinder, who was secretly following his gaze towards his friends. Jaune smiled once more. "W-well, it was nice meeting you, Cinder.." Jaune started, struggling to get his hand back, "Nice.. talking.. with you.." A bit troubling though, as she has quite the firm grip. Almost feeling like his hand was getting crushed from how tight it was. "Well, she wasn't lying when she said she was tough."

Meanwhile, Cinder is trying her best to keep his hand in place as subtle as she can, without breaking them, all the while trying her best to keep her smile. Her eyes developing a pleading look. Looking as if a tear is about to drop. Probably a trick of the light.

Jaune, however, ultimately succeeds as he was finally able to slip his hand free. "I'll see you later then..?" He said as politely as possible, signaling his exit with a small wave.

Cinder's smile left. Replaced with clenched teeth, paired with short, silent gasp. "Vale!" She all but shouted. Her eyes wide, filled with dread. Her mind in disarray.

Jaune paused, slowly turning back to give her a perplexed look, "Um... What?"

Cinder hysterically waved her arms around in panic, her eyes comically trembling. She quickly composed herself before Jaune could see her odd state. Cinder took a deep breath, putting her hand to her chest to calm her breathing. She took interest in watching her feet as a blush crept on her face,
"Uh.. I- I mean, if you don't have any plans, later on," She held her hands behind her back, "maybe, you would.. like to.." She sheepishly poked her fingers together,
"I don't know, maybe go- If you don't mind that is!" She quickly added, "...M-maybe y-you.. would.. like tooo- If it's not too much troouubble.." She prolonged the word.

Mercury and Emerald looked at each other, then returned their sights towards Cinder, their curiosity and confusion growing with each second.

"..M-maybe w-w-we," Cinder's face brightens red with each letter as her voice becomes higher and softer. Practically whispering. Her eyes becoming more hysterical as she focuses her gaze into the twiddling of her thumbs. "we- w-w-we.."

"Oui?" Jaune absentmindedly asked in confusion.

"...c-co-could.. g-g-go-g-g-g-go.." Cinder continued. Emerald's dumbfounded look increases by the second, as she watched the same woman who terrified her, acting like a shy schoolgirl. "Ou-o-o-o-Ou..." Cinder continued to stutter, unable to fully complete the word. Jaune's friends awkwardly darted their eyes around, excluding Ren and Blake, switching their gazes with each other. Confused at what this girl is trying to say. Jaune waiting politely with a tilted head and a small smile.
"O-o-o-ou-ou-" A few more seconds of Cinder stuttering, and interrupting herself, made Emerald impatiently sigh. "-O-ou-ou-ou- Getting a little tired of Cinder's out-of-character shyness, "-Ou-u-u-Ou-" and promptly smacked her in the back.
"OUT!" Cinder accidentally shouted to the skies as her gaze quickly shifted to Jaune's face, shyly placing her hands to her mouth, her face turning redder by the second.

Emerald giving her an apologetic smile behind her back. Mercury stared at Emerald, eyes wide with disbelief, questioning her sanity. Especially with how she just slapped the Fiery Queen. "Well... 'I tried to stop her, Cinder. But she used her charms on me. Couldn't do anything about it. Honest.' Yeah, she'll definitely believe that.."

Jaune was, somewhat, surprised by the outburst. Definitely didn't scream out a small, albeit manly, squeak. It was more like a battle hardened rat's war cry. Small but badass. It took him a second to process what she said, after which he cocked his head to the side, "S-say again?" He gently asked.

Cinder stared again. Finding herself unable to move on her own. "I.. I..." She felt a nudge on her shoulder, gently pushing her forward. Giving the person behind her a brief glance. An unknown emotion crossing her eyes. "...I-I was just thinking.. I-if you don't have any plans, later on.. W-would y-y-you l-like... t-to g-o out..." She slowly shifted her eyes to the person behind her. Another nudge presented itself before she could fully turn. Her eyes widening for a second. "With me... to Vale?" Cinder meekly finished. A nudge following every time she let her eyes roam. Cinder prodded her fingers together, her face practically red. Her lips in a thin line. Awaiting his answer.

"Oh..." Jaune said with a voice lacking any form of emotion. Cinder bit the corner of her lip, her eyes slowly scrunching shut. "Sure!" He replied happily, giving her a bright smile, answering like he was just offered a cookie.

"R-really?!" Cinder asked too eagerly, leaning forward with a smile on her face. Moving a few steps forward, practically hopping towards him. Her hands clasped together.

"Yeah, sure." He reassured with a bright smile.

Pyrrha was struck with a mix of confusion and sadness, entirely visible in her shocked expression, only to be replaced with ire and jealou- Concern! Genuine concern for her good friend, Jaune. Definitely concern. Nothing else. Meanwhile, Ruby comically spat her milk over Weiss's head. While, said Heiress, was gawking in disbelief. Jaune, the doofus, just got asked out!?

Blake kept a relatively calm face, barely showing a sign of surprise, all the while finding a tinge of piqued interest in this pair. Although she was a bit mournful that her Arkos ship has been sunk. Then immediately delving back into her book, having a hard time breathing. In contrast, Yang was pumping her fist, and hugging Blake's neck with the other, sporting the most proudest look on her face and stars in her eyes, acting more like a joyous mother.

Everyone, including Emerald, Mercury and basically the whole cafeteria were slapped with bewilderment. Save Nora and Ren, who were the least impacted. Nora smiling confidently with a knowing look, not even taken aback. After all, she never doubted her leader in anything. Ren didn't have much of a reaction, since to him it's not much of a big deal, although he did give Pyrrha a worried look.

A chibi-Cinder celebrated with fireworks in her head. Her face brightening with a wider smile and euphoric eyes. Which unintentionally creeped Jaune out and making him question what he got himself into.

"Wonderful!" She unexpectedly cheered out. Staring deeply into Jaune's eyes. Jaune, in turn, uncomfortably shifted in place and nervously darted his eyes, to which Cinder notices and quickly giving a few steps back. Blushing, as she settles her gaze to the side. "I-I mean.." She nervously coughed into her hand. Her voice softens as she regains her composure, "V-very well. Shall we meet at the Skyport?" She asked. Her voice reverting to its usual tone, though with a lingering hint of anxiety.

"Alright. I'll meet you there afternoon." Jaune casually said, not noticing the astonished looks from nearby students. And an unnoticed defeated face of a blue-haired girl, getting consoled by her friend.

"Good~" Cinder said with a victorious tone. While Emerald and Mercury watch Cinder gain the most pleased smile they have ever seen on her.

Something tells them that it'll be a long, weird day.

~•[Chapter End]•~

Author's words, and stuff:

Yup... That happened.


This was supposed to be a one-shot, that currently contains 5,000+ words, but, I got super lazy, and really busy these days, so it'll probably be posted in the year 2020 if I kept going like that. So, instead I decided to break it up, and post it by sections. Yeah...

I'll probably post the second chapter in just a few hours if anyone doesn't find it cringe-worthy.

Hate it?

Love-hate it?

Tell me what you think. Or, something else. I don't know how this goes. First time posting this.

Um... See ya?

I don't really consider this as my first fanfic. I just had to post it before I forget about the idea.

P.S: I blame my amateur-ness on anything that is wrong with this story.

Edit: I rewrote practically half of the chapter.

Re-edit: Again.