(This is purely self-indulgent and mostly me having fun; canon will be taken into consideration, at least what I know if it so far. I'm caught up with the anime, but I want to hold out and watch it when the next season comes out instead of reading the manga right away. So if something is off or mentioned in the manga, please understand!
And of course, as far as I'm aware, AUA isn't actually canon in the universe. Just a headcanon - there should probably be something like that; it'd make sense.)

Apparently it was an old school tradition. It had been dropped on them around a month ago; Iida had been put in charge of passing out jobs for people to do. And since they only had time to do it during homeroom - classes were still normal otherwise - it had been a long month getting everything ready for this strange and out of nowhere event they were going to be hosting. In Aizawa-sensei's words:

"Every four years, one school out of a select set of other prolific hero schools is chosen to host an event - think of it like a meet and greet. This year, we have been chosen, and your class is the hosting class. It's up to you to get the preparations ready and make sure everything goes smoothly. We have 4 confirmed schools coming this year, and you'll get their information in a few weeks as soon as we have their classes confirmed as well. Get to it."

And he left it at that. Iida had taken charge naturally and had gotten a lot of it figured out, putting students in charge of planning activities and tours and things of that nature. And, after a not-so-hot debate between a few of the other students, Izuku had been given the job as the greeter. All he had to do was greet the schools as they came in, give them the packet full of information and their name tags, and tell them how to get to the auditorium for the presentation at the end. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous - but he was doing his best not to let his nerves get the best of him.

He stood at the main doors to the school, clutching a stack of paper to his chest as the first bus pulled up and dropped off the first class of the day. Izuku assumed it was the homeroom teacher who stepped up to him and flashed him a smile almost as blinding as All Might's - almost. "Hello, young man!" he spoke surprisingly fluent Japanese, considering the other schools were from out of the country. "We're the freshman class from AUA, here for the meet and greet event!"

Izuku nodded after a moment, going through the stack of papers until he found the one labeled AUA. "S-so, you're Rebound?" he asked, looking up at the man again. Rebound nodded and gave a quick bow, nearly hitting Izuku in the face with the huge and fluffy ponytail he had, accented by some English phrase Izuku couldn't quite make out. "W-woah..26 students? Is everyone here?" he asked as he handed the paper over to the man when he straightened.

Rebound nodded, flipping through the packet quickly before passing it back to one of the students behind him. "Yeah, everyone's here. No one got lost, I'm pretty sure," he said with a chuckle, shaking his head. The students figured out pretty easily what to do with the packets and one or two were calling out names to hand out the name tags. "So, where are we headed this time?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips now that they were free.

"O-oh, right!" Izuku gave quick directions to the auditorium, making sure to speak slowly so that he wouldn't have to repeat himself. "There should be a section of the seats labeled for your school, so take a seat and the others should hopefully be here before too long!" he said with a smile.

Rebound nodded and patted Izuku on the shoulder a few times before turning around to address his class. "Alright, kids! I want you to behave yourselves - not every day we get to do this! Come on!" he talked to them in English, as was expected, and motioned them in as he took the lead.

Almost as soon as the door was closed, another bus of students appeared and dropped off a much smaller class. This time around, the teacher was a dark skinned woman who stood easily a head taller than everyone else in the class. It sounded like she was speaking French, and Izuku was about to confess that he couldn't speak a lick of French before one of the students spoke up.

"We're from Ècole de Sauveteurs - our homeroom teacher is Mistress Talon." Their Japanese was a little rusty and they seemed to stumble over their words as much as Izuku usually did, but they managed to get their point across pretty well regardless.

Izuku nodded and flipped through the papers again until he found the packet for 'Ècole de Sauveteurs'. He handed it to Mistress Talon, who nodded lightly in thanks before passing it back to one of her few students. "Alright, you all will need to go to the auditorium." He repeated the directions again and the student from before translated them for Mistress Talon, which was when she took the lead.

It went like that for about half an hour. School after school until all 4 were accounted for and in the building. When he was sure that no one else was going to be coming in last second, Izuku let himself go in as well. He found the rest of his class in the auditorium and sat down in the last open seat beside Uraraka. He didn't have time to start up a conversation before the lights went out and the presentation began.

Present Mic was front and center, wearing the same grin he always had. "Welcome, young heroes!" he shouted out in English. All but one school was silent - and that was the AUA, who seemed to return his enthusiasm with little trouble or hesitation. "Welcome to the campus of UA, we're glad to have you here!" he was back to speaking in Japanese, and the cheers and claps died down. "Our host class has planned a lot of events for you today, and we all hope you enjoy yourselves! Welcome the lovely Yaoyorozu Momo to the stage!" he stepped back from the podium with a flourish as Yaoyorozu stepped up in his place, already dressed in her hero costume.

"As Present Mic said, we welcome you to UA!" she spoke as loudly and clearly as ever, easily brushing off the whistles she got from the crowd. "Class 1A has worked long and hard to see this come to fruition, and we hope you all enjoy yourselves!" she continued, undaunted by whatever was happening out in the crowd. "I'd like to take a moment and be grateful that it was our school and our class that was chosen for this event; it is truly an honor!" she said with a decisive nod before looking over at the rest of the class.

"I'd like to take a moment to introduce our class." A class roster lit up the back wall over her head, displaying each of the 20 students in the classroom. She went through them one by one, stating their name and their quirk as she went. At the end, she stepped back just far enough to bow to the audience. "We all hope you enjoy your time here at UA!"

She stepped back off the stage and the audience clapped, including Class 1A, and Present Mic took the stage again. "Thank you, Yaoyorozu! We will give the rest of the classes the chance to introduce themselves now! Please, welcome Rebound with the AUA to the stage!" he stepped back again and the same blue-haired man stepped up from before. A smaller student stood beside him, looking somewhat nervous.

"Hello, UA!" he greeted with a grin, getting cheers of encouragement from the rest of his class. "I'm the homeroom teacher for one of the freshman classes at the AUA - the branch of the UA in the United States!" he continued with a nod. "All 26 of my students are here after winning a competition with the other freshman classes, so I'd like to take a chance to introduce them! But," he held up a finger and flashed a sneaky grin. "I'll be having our class spokesperson do it for me instead! Give it up for young Michael Creek!" he tugged the student up to the podium gently and the class broke out in applause again.

Michael looked around nervously for a moment before clearing their throat and starting to speak. "Just Creek is fine! As Rebound said, we're from the American branch of the UA, and we're stationed in northern Oregon!" they began, and Rebound stepped off to the side with a nod. Another roster popped up behind them, all 26 students shown. "Our class looks to be one of the bigger ones here, so I'll try and go slowly so you can process everything!" they turned around to face the screen as one of the pictures pulled up.

It looked like an old picture of them; a head of brown and black hair swept to the side; different from the rather loud hairstyle they had now. "Oh! This is me - on the field I go by Novella, and I trained as an apprentice under another pro hero called Siren. My Quirk is Linguipathy." They didn't linger on the specifics of their quirk and moved on from student to student easily.

Izuku pulled out a small pad of paper and scribbled the students down as they went, as well as their Quirk and hero name if they had decided it. It was a long list, 27 students overall including Rebound himself, who Creek also introduced.

It seemed like forever before their introductions were done. "Thank you for having us here!" Creek gave a quick bow and stepped back. The audience applauded once again as Rebound lead his student back to their seats and let Present Mic and the second school take their place.

"Next up! Ècole des Sauveteurs - the School of Saviors!"

The same tall woman from before stepped up to the podium with the same student by her side - they looked much smaller up beside her like that. She spoke in rapid french and it didn't look like anyone was really following along that well until the student stepped up beside her, leaning over to speak into the microphone. "We're happy to be here, and Mistress Talon and I will be introducing our class."

The class roster was much smaller than Izuku would have expected - only about 10 students overall. And it looked like the speaker was called Sahara, who had control over cloth materials. Mistress Talon had various bird-like abilities, including flight and actual talons for feet. According to Sahara, they were located just a few miles outside of Dakar on a man-made island for higher security. They had some interesting quirks in their roster as well, and it was another list to add.

The third school stepped up to the stage, lead by one man who looked to be in his early twenties and a woman around the same age. "We thank the UA for having us here. We're the Academy of Young Heroes, and my partner and I are the head of our freshman class this year," the young woman said, looking over at the man at her side. "You all can call me Twister, and my partner is Structure," she continued as the roster for her class came up behind her.

Their introductions were short and sweet; first names and quirks and that was that. Their class was about 15 students big and had some of the highest scores on basic tests that Izuku had ever seen - these were the best of the best in terms of smarts and quirks that England had to offer.

The fourth took Twister and Structure's place, a young man with a wide grin almost similar to that of Mic Present himself - complete with sunglasses. "Well, our homeroom teacher isn't here right now. He went to the bathroom and hasn't been back, so I think we can all assume he's probably dead or something," he said with a snort. Someone from the other side of the room shouted down at him about something, while the other classes muttered to themselves. "Ah, can't you guys take a joke?" he asked with a shrug, running a finger under his nose a few times.

The class roster popped up; only 6 of them?! "Now, I'm sure you've noticed, but we're not even big enough to be considered a class, let alone a homeroom. And that's because we brought our music department leaders; our hero course classes are in the middle of testing right now, so we're all you get," he spoke up before anyone could bring up the pathetic number, nodding to himself.

"We're another school in the United States, however we're in southern California and we accept students from South America as well, so we're considered another district," he explained. "I'm Landgrave - I'll be introducing everyone. My Quirk," his picture pulled up on the wall behind him, decked out in full gear like some sort of DJ. "Is Bass. Hopefully I'll get the chance to show it off soon. And, can I just say before I move on, it's truly an honor to be in the same room as Present Mic himself? I can say for the rest of my department, it's amazing to be in the presence of such a prolific hero with a voice quirk?" he motioned over to Present Mic, who flashed a grin and a pair of thumbs up as the other 5 students cheered.

He got introductions out of the way pretty quickly at that - with only six of them it wasn't that hard to do. When he finished, he stepped off stage and let Present Mic take his place. "Alright! Now that introductions are out of the way, we'll send you all out to get something to eat before we get onto the main show! Get out and talk with your fellow heroes in training and meet a few new people!" he said loudly, the lights flashing on again pretty much as soon as he finished speaking.

Izuku let out a soft sigh and stood up with the rest of the students, flipping back to the front page of his little notepad. That was part of the day done with - now just to get through the rest of it. And the next two weeks of them being here.

(I'll probably get information about all the students up soon! Just gotta finish getting them all figured out)