
I was eating breakfast with Bruce the boys were at school because it was Friday and today was their late day. Terry has football, Damian has wrestling, Tim had chess club and Jason had detention. Again. I was thinking to myself of ways to get Bruce to stay home and play with me. Alfred was fun, sometimes, but most of the time he's cleaning or grocery shopping. I help him sometimes...but cleaning is hard in such a big mansion and boring, I don't know how he does it.

"Bruce?" I asked turning to him.

He hummed in response as he continued to read the newspaper, not paying me much attention.

"Brrruuuccceee." I whined making him set down the paper.

"Yes Bluebell?" he asked sounding slightly annoyed, "what is it?"

I winced looking down at my plate, "Nevermind." I mumbled as I moved the syrup around on my plate slowly.

"I'm sorry Blue, I just-"


I jumped as the doorbell rang out loudly interpreting Bruce.


I looked at Bruce curiously as he sighed, shaking his head and got up to go to the door. I followed behind him curious of who it was. No one ever comes to the manor except for reporters and the commissioner. When we reached the door Alfred was already there letting two blonde men, one with a beard and one without, into the Manor. Two younger boys followed behind them, one hyperactive redhead who was looking at everything and rambling about something to the other, a moody looking blonde. I quickly hid behind Bruce's legs as he greeted the two men. Knowing I was there he shot me a quick smile and placed a comforting hand on my head as he talked to the two men.

"Hello , , how are you two fine gentlemen today?" he said using his 'Bruce-Wayne-the-party-goer-and-playboy' voice.

"Drop the act Wayne there's no reporters around." One of the men said.

"Yeah Brucie, we all friends here, right?" the other with a blonde beard asked, "Where's your newest brat anyways? That's the whole reason we're here and you know it."

I flinched hearing him refer to me, hoping that Bruce wouldn't give up my hiding spot.

"She's around here somewhere." He told them waving them off, I let out a small sigh of relief.

The three continued to talk and the two strange men seemed nice, I was about to introduce myself , mostly because of the look Alfred was sending me, when I heard the other two boys, remembering they were there.

"Stop it West!" The blonde responded holding the redheads, (West?), wrist.

"But Rrrrooooyyyyy," he whined, "are you sure you're not a robot? Like how could you be sure unless I find your switches and buttons." He said with a smile on his face as he stared rapidly poking the blonde, (Roy?), everywhere and anywhere while the blonde tried to grab his other wrist quickly growing angerier.

I giggled quietly until the blonde grabbed the redheads other wrist and twisted both back causing the redhead to cry out and me to crackle loudly. Both of the boys and the men stopped what they were doing to try and find where it came from.

"Come on Wayne, tell us where she is." the man with a blonde beard pleaded.

"Who are you?" I asked peeking from behind Bruce's legs startling the two men and the redheaded boy.

"Hi! I'm Wally!" the redhead, Wally, greeted appearing next to me quite suddenly, scaring me and making me latch on to Bruce's pant leg, before he lifted me up seeing I was frightened. However the redhead didn't seem to notice my shock and continued, "And that's Roy, you must be Bluebell, unless you're Jason, but I doubt that because Jason is a boy name. You're not a boy you're a girl. My Aunt Iris is a girl too. So is my teacher Mrs. Coulter, and my principal...OW!" the younger redhead, Wally, said(rambled) until the older red head hit him on the back of the head.

"Shut up Wally. I'm Roy and apparently I have to watch you two while 'the adults' go out and take care of 'business'. And since I'm the oldest I'm in charge." Roy said crossing his arms. He reminded me of Damian, he's nice but scary.

"Now don't be mean Roy. Bluebell is new we should let her be in charge!"

"'re an idiot." Roy growled out. I could tell he was getting irritated.

'Messing with him will be fun…' I thought to myself. I wiggled out of Bruce's hold, before giving up and crawling onto his shoulders before jumping off, doing a flip and landing perfectly. 'Bruce did say always make a dramatic entrance,' I thought smirking to myself seeing the shock on the two blonde men's faces.

"I'm Bluebell, but you can call me Blue." Introduced myself.

"Blue," Bruce said making me turn towards him, "This is Mr. Queen, and the is Mr. Allen." he introduced the two guestering to each as he said their name.

"Nice to meet ya kid." the one with a blond beard, "And you can call me Oliver or Ollie."
"I'm Barry!" He said before he scooped me up and hugged me close squeezing me like a stuffed animal, "and you're just so cute! My wife would love you!" He exclaimed as he held me out and I giggled.

'This is too easy, now if I cause trouble the only one mad at me would be Alfred.' I thought to myself as , Barry, threw me in the air a few times and catching me before I decided to do a flip over his head and landing on the floor, smirking at his shocked face.

"Why don't you three go play in your room Blue? I need to talk to and for a while."

"Come on Bruce! You know you can call me Barry/Oliver." the two men exclaimed at the same time.

"Okay Bruce!" I chriped before turning to the other two, "come with me." I instructed as I skipped towards my room. The redhead matched my pace while the blonde lagged behind. Once we reached my room I opened the door to the large mostly blue room.

Wally's POV

Roy and I had followed behind Blue and soon entered her room. It was huge! On one side of the room was a queen sized bed filled with stuffed animals, it had a blue and black bedspread with a themed quilt that had seemed handmade, there were four birds; two doves, a robin and a sparrow all sitting together in a nest with a sunset background. Next to the bird scene were two flying squirrels leaping from a tree together with a dove on either side of the square each in their own tree. In the final square there was a tree branch with four smaller bats hanging upside down from a branch on either side of a larger bat who had a small sparrow under its wing. On top of the branch sat two cats, one all black with green eyes and a sliver collar and the other had a gray head, paws, and tail with a black body and blue eyes. The rest of the squares were filled with circus themed scenes; clowns, lions, tigers, elephants, jugglers, a circus tent, etc. or were colored black and blue. The walls were a painted mural of a circus scene; there were four silhouettes of a trapeze act, next to it was a ring leader, then some clowns juggling and a woman riding on top of an elephant while the lion tamer is having the lions jump through a hoop and a large audience in bleachers with people selling, peanuts, popcorn, and cotton candy. On the opposite side of the room was a large window with a window seat, there sat a stuffed elephant that seemed older than the other stuffed animals and dirtier. Next to the elephant were many papers with drawings on them, coloring books, pencils, and crayons. They sat on top of a blue cushion that had two matching blue and black pillows. On the wall adjacent to the window were two doors that were closed but had pictures of people and hand drawn pictures taped to it. In between the two doors was a large TV that had a case of movies and video games with almost every video game system in existence. Around the room were posters of a circus called Haly's Circus, each with a different act and a picture of said act. Overall the room was huge, it looked to be bigger than my whole apartment that I shared with my parents. I turned towards Roy eyes wide to see that he didn't seemed that impressed, probably because his room was just as big.

"So… what do you guys want to do?" Blue asked grabbing my attention.

"What's with the circus theme?" I blurted out, "OW!" I moaned out when Roy with the back of my head

"I like the circus, you got a problem with that?" she responded her voice dropping at least two octaves.

" was just wondering." I stuttered out completely freaked out by the kid.

Her face changed back to one of innocence and a bright smile on her face, "Good, now lets play a game what do you wanna play?"

I shot a glance at Roy who had a questioning look on his face, and I knew exactly what he was thinking, 'this kid is weird.' and I agreed completely.

"Let's play smash bros, if you have it." Roy suggested

"Yea, I have it!" Blue chirped running over to the TV turning on the Wii and placing a disc in. She handed each of us a controller, both were red while she took the blue one for herself. We selected our characters, I was Mario, Roy choose Donkey Kong, and Blue choose...Wii fit trainer?

"Why would you choose her? She has no special moves." I told her giving her a weird look.

"To make it fair for you two," She said innocently.

"That's cute kid, but pick a real character so we can play." Roy told her rolling his eyes.

"It is a real character, besides I play against the boys and Bruce all the times, and I can beat Terry, Tim, and Bruce. Me and Jay normally tie." She explained

"Look kid they probably let you two win to help self esteem or whatever."
"They do not!" She argued back.

"Look kid just don't start cryin' when you lose horribly."

"You'll be the one crying." She mumbled

"Yeah, whatever kid, just hurry up and start the game."

Blue huffed and hit start, the game was going as expected; Roy in the lead with 98%. Me not to far behind with 76% and Blue far behind with 15%. The match soon ended with Roy as the victor.

"What did I tell you kid?"

"You won't win again" She huffed.

"Wanna bet?" Roy muttered.

"Yes, $300; same characters, same arena." She said holding her hand out to Roy.

"Kid I'm not going to bet you your allowance."

"Fine, $600, if you don't take it that means you know you can't beat me."

"Fine," Roy shook her hand, "You in West?"

I shook my head violently, I don't have that much money in my piggy bank, "I'll just watch." i told them .

"Suit yourself, start the game kid."

Blue didn't respond, she didn't even make a sound as she started the game, but the look in her eyes told me that she had something that neither of us would except. The first half of the game Roy had a 50% percent lead and a smirk grew on his face.

"Hope you weren't saving that money up for anything kid," He said.

Soon though Roy's smirk disappeared as Blue started in advance, he wasn't able to get a hit in. Soon the match ended and Blue won with 108% while Roy had 3%.

"Wha-how-What?!" Roy stuttered out clearly surprised. I was shocked too, glad I didn't bet on it.

"Hope you weren't saving your money for somethin', Harper." Blue said smirking.

"I-I...You cheated!" He cried

"Nu!" (No) She cried out. "Wanna play again? Double or nothing."

"No, you cheat, I'm not paying you." Roy said crossing his arms.

"You shook on it!" She cried out

"You cheated." He shot back.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Fine don't pay me, I'll just go tell Oliver, he'll pay me!" She cried out as she dashed out the room. Roy not far behind yelling at her to come back. I followed behind to see what would happen.

Blue's POV

I ran into Bruce's study fake tears running down my face as Roy and Wally ran close behind.

"Blue! What happened?" Bruce growled out glaring at the two boys in the doorway.

Internally smirking to myself when I saw both and glaring at the two.

"R-roy, H-he he sh-shook on it Bruce! And -he called me a cheater!" I hiccuped out.

"Blue you have to tell me what happened. And calm down I can't understand up through hiccups."
I took a breath before starting again, "Roy played me in Smash Brothers and he bet me $600 that I couldn't beat him with Wii Trainer, he even shook on it. Then when I beat him, he called me a cheater and refused to pay me. But h-he shook on it Bruce!"

After I finished both and burst out laughing.

"Wait-wait, Roy you lost to a five year old girl, in SuperSmash, and she used Wii Trainer?" Mr. Queen asked between laughs.

Bruce smirked and wiped my tears off my face, "Thats what has up upset? How did you even get him to bet you?"

"I lost the first round." I told him my fake tears long forgotten.

"Oh goodness, what happened here?" Alfred asked from the doorway.

"Alfred!" I called out jumping off of Bruce and into his arms. He caught me with ease as I explained what happened, "make him pay me Alfie! Please?" I pleaded, Alfred had an amused look on his face as he turned to Roy, "Master Harper, it would only be the right, and gentlemanly thing to do."

"It's alright Al, I got the kid covered," said still chuckling as he reached into his wallet and gave me $800.

"But it was only $600." I told him looking at him innocently.

"I know but you outsmarted a nine year old, good job kid."

"Thanks !" I chirped.

"Call me Ollie or Oliver kid."
"Ok Ollie, bit you have to call me Blue! I'm not a kid!" I huffed.

"Alright, Blue." He chuckled ruffling my hair, "Come on Roy we gotta go, Dinah is waiting for us. See you later Bruce."

"Yea we should probably go too," Mr. Allen said picking up Wally, "Bye Bruce, see you at the meeting in a few Blue."

"Bye , bye . Bye Wally, Bye Roy!" I said waving to the four as they left, all wain back except for Roy who looked moody and had his arms crossed.

An hour later the boys came home together. I ran down the stairs a greeted them by jumping into Terry's arms.

"Terry! Can you drive me somewhere please?" I pleaded giving him my best puppy dog eyes, "you guys can come too."

"Alright where do you want to go babybat?" Terry asked laughing lightly.

"I'll tell you in the car! Now hurry up let's go before…"

Bruce running down the stairs, interrupting me mid sentence, "Don't take her anywhere Terry!"

"Why not? Is she in trouble or something?"

"No she wants to go shopping and spend all of her money, that she should be saving."

"Come on Bruce, it's just her piggy bank, she doesn't have that much money in it. It's mostly quarters and pennies. Let the kid have a mini shopping spree if she wants." Terry said trying to reason with him

"Yea come on old man how much money could she have, probably no more than ten dollars." Jason said.

"More like $800!" I corrected him.

" the hell did you get all that?" Jason questioned

"Master Jason," Alfred reprimanded appearing in the doorway. "And she won it in a bet against Master Harper."

"Yeah I bet him in Smash Brothers!" I exclaimed happily.

"You faked him out by losing the first round?" Dami asked

"And you used Wii Trainor?" Tim asked.

"And you egged him on didn't you?" Jason added

"I'm so proud of you Blue!" Terry exclaimed throwing me in the air and catching me making me giggle in glee.

"Wait the four of you taught her that?" Bruce asked seeming shocked while Alfred shook his head in amusement, a smile tugging at his lips.

"We sure did."

"Of course Father, how else would she have learned it? Besides it is an important and necessary skill."

"Why would a five year old need to know how to cheat people?" Bruce questioned as Terry handed me over to Tim and picked Jason up, he whispered something in his ear before he threw him at Bruce. Surprised Bruce barely caught him while the other three ran out of the house and too the car.

"Where to?" Terry asked me as he drove off the grounds.

"The zoo!"

"Why the zoo?" Til asked me

"To get an elephant duh!"

Tim and Terry laughed and agreed with it while Dami shook his head and rolled his eyes.

After a few hours we ended up back at the manor, turns out the zoo won't let you buy an elephant so instead Terry took me to get a toy from the toy story and ice cream. I got two bird plushies, one Robin one sparrow, and Funko plushies of Batman(Bruce), Robin(Jason) Red Robin(Tim), NightBird(Terry) and Talon(Dami). Once we returned home Brice was made and took the rest of my money saying I had to save it until I reached $1000. Oh well I guess have to make another bet with Roy. Or maybe Mister Queen, uhh I mean Ollie.

Hey Dudes and Dudettes, es ah me French LiberTea. How are y'all? Here's an update I tried to make it like uber-duber long because I made you guys wait so long. Sorry about that by the way. Anyways hope y'all enjoy your summer break. Unless you don't have one...then that sucks. Sorry. Anyways I am going to do some self-promotion here. Follow me on my Wattpad for other stories. I have a few non-fanfic that I would love to get more reads on. My username is MusicLyric03. Anyways leave a comment about what you would like to see happen next. And as always enjoy your day/week/moth/year/life. And wear your seatbelt! XOXO