It goes to the gang, walking to Freyhart High. "Well. Today's a beautiful day today" said Corey. "Yeah. Today is gonna be sweet" said the excited Zoey. "Why do you say that?" said the curious Linc. "It's career day, Linc. It's where our career test results came in today" said Zoey. "That's right" replied Corey. It goes to Freyhart High, Ramona is calling someone on her smartphone. "So he's not coming?" questioned Ramona. "Unfortunately, Ramona. Your father is busy today, that's why he's not coming" said Valerie.

Ramona hangs up the phone. "He's always busy" she said to herself. "Hey, you coming?" questioned Corey. "Yeah" Ramona walks up to the gang. It goes to Ms. Perez's class. "First up, is Lincoln's mother, who is an executive chef at a five star hotel, own by our mayor of Freyhart City, Mr. Richardson" said Ms. Perez. It goes to Mindy and Deanna, which Mindy shows Deanna, her jewel wristband. "It's beautiful" said Deanna. "I know, right?" said Mindy. "Put it away, Mindy, It'll get into the wrong hands" said Mayor Richardson. "Fine" replied Mindy. Mindy puts away the wristband into her purse.

It goes to the villain's lair, It goes to Vivina and Lobo in the engineering room. "With this machine DNA, a machine-type will defeat those rangers" said Lobo. "It will work this time, Lobo" said Vivina. Then they put in the monster mechanical heart and it starts up. "I am at your service" said the machine monster. "Sargent Cuffs, I am Vivina, Freyhart City will bow down to you to you. The Power Rangers must be destroyed if you want to obtain ultimate retribution. You must seize their Crystal Gems and bring them to Master Quartzaro" said Vivina. "Right away" replied Sargent Cuffs.

It goes back to Freyhart High, it goes to Ms. Perez's class and Zoey is standing with her mother, Lisa, who is done presenting about owning a restaurant. "Now, my daughter Zoey, will pass out garlic bread fresh made from the kitchen" said Lisa. As Zoey is passing out garlic bread to one of her classmates, somehow Mindy's purse fell over to the left side and Zoey accidentally tripped on the box which has the steel wristband and landed on Miles's backpack.

"Geez, you don't have to trip on my purse on purpose!" said Mindy. "Oh relax" added Zoey. Mindy goes to her purse and sees that her box is missing. "My wristband, it's gone! I was there a second ago" Mindy turns to see Zoey. "And here we go" said Zoey. "It was you! You stole it!" said Mindy.

"I did not!" added Zoey. "Yes you did! You purposely tripped on my purse so you can steal my wristband!" said Mindy. "I did not, alright!" added Zoey. "Everyone calm down!" said Ms. Perez. "That's it! Someone search this girl!" said Mayor Richardson. "Excuse me?!" said Zoey. "My daughter is not a thief!" said Lisa. "Where is her wristband?" questioned Mayor Richardson. "Maybe it's around here somewhere" said Corey. "If I were her wristband, I'd roll away fast as I can from that crazy brat" said Richie. "Hey, that reminds me. Piper's been filming this whole time, let's check it out" said Zoey. I goes to the video and Piper rewind the video and it shows to Deanna looking at Mindy's steel wristband. "See, Deanna was looking at the wristband" said Zoey. "Yeah, but her Dad told her to put it away" said Deanna.

"Mindy, why wouldn't you take a look at your best friend's bag" said Zoey. "Are you saying i'm a thief, are you kidding me?!" the frustrated Deanna accidentally knocked over Shay's sketch pad and found his sketch of Mindy's steel wristband, Shay picks it up. "Okay, so I sketched the bracelet, but I didn't do anything else" said Shay.

"Move a side" Mayor Richardson walked up to Piper. "Give me the tape! I'll have it analyzed by professionals!" he said. "What?! No way, it's my camera phone!" said Piper. "Do you have no idea who your dealing with?" Ramona notices something sparkling in Miles's backpack. Ramona takes Miles to the hallway, outside the classroom with his backpack. "Look, I have no idea where Mindy's dumb bracelet is, but seeing it is a long boring story" said Miles. "Listen, we're gonna find away to put away Mindy's bracelet fast! You know we've got a big problem here, don't you, Miles?" said Ramona.

"And by big you were preferring to Harry Styles's rock hard abs, well thanks for noticing that" said Miles. Ramona notices Sargent Cuffs walking to the school. "Now we've got a bigger problem" said Ramona. "Who is that?" questioned Miles.

"It must be one of the created monsters of Quartzaro" said Ramona. She she started running where Sargent Cuffs is. Ramona takes out a Jewel Star and the Gemstar Morpher. "Energize!" Ramona morphed into the pink ranger. "Ramona, wait for me!" Miles started running where Sargent Cuff is. Miles takes out a Jewel Star and the Gemstar Morpher. "Energize!" Miles morphed into the black ranger.

Miles and Ramona showed up where Sargent Cuffs is. "A new target; Rangers, prepare to be defeated!" Sargent Cuffs started shooting but Miles and Ramona keeps dodging. "Try saving later for the charges, Robo-Cop!" said Miles. Miles takes out the Gemstar Blaster. "Bring it on!" said Sargent Cuffs, he grabs his electro cuffs and tried to shock Ramona, but someone or something broke his cuffs and it turned out to be the green ranger, Linc.

"Sorry I'm late guys. I heard about what happened" said Linc. "You broke my cuffs!" shouted Sargent Cuffs. Miles, Linc and Ramona charges to Sargent Cuffs. It goes to the classroom. "See, Mindy. Zoey tripped on the bag, but Deanna saw the bracelet, Piper filmed it and Shay sketched it, we're all suspects" said Corey. "All right all of you, to the principal's office, I don't need to sort this drama" said Ms. Perez.

"Corey, what are you doing?!" said Zoey. "I'm just trying to defend ourselves" said Corey. "All you did is accuse one of our friends like Mindy is doing to us" said Zoey. Meanwhile, it goes to the other rangers and Sargent Cuffs has his broken cuffs. "I've gotta go get my cuffs fixed. Later rangers!" Sargent Cuffs fled.

Miles, Linc and Ramona changed back. "We almost had him" said Miles. "Let's head back" said Ramona. It goes to the principal's office. "So, none of you did not stole the bracelet?" questioned Principal Hatley. "That's what we've been trying to say" said Zoey. "All right, since your a suspect, let me search in your bag" said Mindy.

"This isn't a court!" added Zoey. "I just want to know where my bracelet is!" said Mindy. "All right, calm down" said Principal Hatley. It goes to the villains hideout. "I can't believe they broke my electro cuffs" said Sargent Cuffs. "Just be patient. I fixed your Electro Cuffs. Don't let the Green Ranger break your cuffs again" said Vivina. "Got it, those rangers are there for a shock" said Sargent Cuffs as he heads back to Freyhart City. Then Corey and Zoey started looking for the others. "Where are they?" said Ramona.

"I don't know, Corey and Zoey should be here" said Miles. "They're in the principal's office with Mindy" said Ms. Perez. "The principal's office?!" said Ramona. "That's just great" said Miles. They head to the principal's office and it turns out, Mindy and Zoey were arguing. "That's enough!" shouted Principal Hatley. "Fine. Someone stole my bracelet, and it's somewhere besides my purse" said the upset Mindy. The others are eavesdropping.

"What a brat" whispered Mindy. "Wait a minute" said Miles as get brings out his backpack. "Oh yeah, it landed on your backpack" said Ramona. "This is bad. Now what?" said Miles. "If Mindy finds out, Miles will be in big trouble" said Linc. "Yeah, but it's not fair to let Zoey take the blame" said Linc. Miles goes inside. "Oh, it's the punk rocker guy" said Mindy. "You looking for this?" Miles handed out Mindy's bracelet. "My bracelet?! How did you get it?" questioned Mindy. "YOU dropped it IN MY bag!" replied Miles.

"And that's how I tripped in the bag" said Zoey. "Yup" replied Miles. "So that's how it happened. Later" Mindy walks away. "Nice job, Miles" said Zoey. "Well, that takes care of that" said Principal Hatley. As they exit the principal's office. They got an alert from Ezra. "Sorry to interrupt. Guess who's back" said Ezra. "Who is it?" said the curious Corey. "Its the monster" said Ramona.

They ran to fight Sargent Cuffs, they found him downtown. "There he is!" said Corey. "Alright, your all here now" said Sargent Cuffs. "Of course we're here" Corey said. "It's morphing time! Jewel Star!" The five rangers pulled out their jewel stars. "Ready!" The five rangers placed their jewel stars into the Gemstar morpher and pressed the red button" They morphed into power rangers.

They out their weapons and began the battle against Sargent Cuffs. Zoey and Ramona attack, Zoey shoots Sargent Cuffs. "Bull's eye!" she said. "That's enough! Betas rise! Attack the rangers!" Sargent Cuffs summoned the betas to fight against the Jewel Force rangers.

The rangers fought them and Zoey fought Sargent Cuffs, she kicked him and shot him. "I'll make you pay!" Sargent Cuffs throws his electro cuffs. Zoey jumped out of the way, then she shot the cuffs. "Not again!" said Sargent Cuffs. The other rangers took care of the betas and went to finish Sargent Cuffs off. They used their side arms and then hit the button on their morphers.

They used their Jewel Blasters to shoot him. "Jewel Blasters, final... Strike!" The Blast took out Sargent Cuffs. "NOOOOO!" Sargent Cuffs is now destroyed. And now it goes to the evil lair. "He's not done yet" said Vivina. "I'll bring out the copy giant" said Lobo. The copy giant is launched, it landed and turned from rocket mode to robot mode. "What is that thing?" said Corey.

The copy giant scanned the remains of Sargent Cuffs and then the copy giant turned into Sargent Cuffs. "Time for some revenge!" said Sargent Cuffs. "He's gone giant!" said Corey. "Let's see what my zord looks like" said Zoey. "Jewel Star ready!" said the three rangers. They threw their Jewel Stars "Summon, Lion Zord!" said Corey. "Summon, Shark Zord!" said Zoey. "Summon, Tiger Zord!" said Linc.

The red jewel star heads to the lion zord.


The blue jewel star heads to the Shark Zord.


The green jewel star heads to the Tiger Zord.


The Lion, Shark and Tiger zord appeared. "Hey Lion, team up! Activate Gemstar Megazord Tiger-Shark Formation!" said Corey. The zords begin to combine.


The Gemstar Megazord is formed.


At the megazord cockpit where the rangers are at. "I can feel the power of this combination" said Zoey. "Yeah. I've known you've met your Shark Zord" said Linc. "Yeah, and the Tiger-Shark formation is amazing" said Zoey. "All right guys, let's finish off that cop!" said Corey. "Together!" said the five rangers. "I'll break you!" said Sargent Cuffs. "Like this?" Zoey said. "Shark Zord Blast!" The Shark Zord shot Sargent Cuffs.

"Nice shooting, Zoey" said Miles. "Thank you very much" replied Zoey. "Now here comes the best part" Linc said. "Bladed Tiger Zord slash!" The Tiger Zord slashes Sargent Cuffs with its claws. "Ready guys?" Corey asked. "Ready" The rangers said.

"Tiger Zord" The Tiger Zord's claw begins to energize. "Blade slash, final strike!" The Gemstar Megazord slashes Sargent Cuffs with a final strike. "Injustice has been defeated!" Sargent Cuffs is destroyed. "Jewel Force wins!" said Corey.

A moment later, at the secret base. Ramona is on her phone, looking at pictures on her phone, Corey sees Ramona feeling down, he walks up to her. "Hey, Ramona. What's wrong?" Corey asked. "Nothing" said Ramona. Corey notices a picture of a brown haired woman. "Who's that?" said the curious Corey. "Okay. That woman is my mother. Her name was Lita Ryder, she disappeared since January 14th" said Ramona. "It's okay, Ramona. You'll see her again one day" said Corey. "Thanks" replied Ramona.

Ramona sees Miles eavesdropping with Zoey and Linc. "Guys!" she shouted. "Sorry. But don't look at me or Linc, it was Miles who wants to find out" said Zoey. "It's fine if they know about my Mother, really" said Ramona. "So, since your Mom disappeared, your Dad's not the same" said Linc. "Yeah. But, I'm so happy I can get to go to school with you guys" said Ramona. "I get it, Ramona. You've missed your Mom everyday. As the leader of the Power Rangers, I can help you out, and with our friends to help out as well" said Corey. "Thanks" The five rangers gave each other a fist bump.

The End.

Author's Note

What you learned about Power Rangers Jewel Force is... Ramona's mother disappeared since January 14th. And she's trying to find answers about her disappearance.

Ramona does have some similarities with Adrien Agreste from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir.

They both use to be home schooled

they're both fashion models

and they're both defenders of a city. Like Adrien's a black cat superhero known as Cat Noir and Ramona's the Jewel Force Pink Ranger.