Day 18: Write about a character making a scene.
Hermione watched her girlfriend stride towards the counter, greet the cashier in her polite, cheery voice, and pile change into her purse while balancing a tray full of coffees and muffins.
"Here's a tip for you!" Lily said cheerily, stuffing a five pound note into the man's hand before nodding goodbye and gliding back to the table where she was waiting.
"Thanks," Hermione said, picking up a muffin and coffee, one in each hand. Sipping the drink, she leaned closer to Lily. "You didn't have to do that, you know. It's not exceptional service; we're just getting breakfast."
"Doesn't hurt to be nice, does it?" Lily replied, using a tone that told Hermione she ought to be nicer herself.
"I'm just saying, it also wouldn't hurt to save a little money here and there. That guy makes enough of a wage; he doesn't need tips. He doesn't do service, and besides, we need money."
Lily wiped a crumb from her lip and set down her own muffin. Her eyes narrowed. "I don't know what your problem is today. I was just being nice. Is money the only thing you care about?"
"No, but one of us has to act like a reasonable, careful adult, and if that's not going to be you, it has to be me!"
"Who says I'm not reasonable? I'm perfectly reasonable—James Potter thinks so—and anyhow, since when do you get to call me out of line?!" Lily's voice rang out in the gradually quieting shop, and her pitch became higher, more defensive. Hermione knew that they were being watched, and she glared at the wall before returning her gaze to Lily. Oh, Lily.
"I'm just saying that maybe... sometimes... you're too nice. And that maybe you don't see the big picture. You and me." Hermione sighed. "You're great, don't get me wrong, but you're just so nice—"
Her girlfriend snapped back, "I'd rather be nice than a whiny, constantly frightened old thing with a huge house full of no friends. God, Hermione!"
There was silence as what had just been said echoed through the room. Then, Hermione stood up, leaving her coffee on the table, and walked out.