It was Clint and Steve who first noticed Bruce's love for Friends. It was one random day, when Clint and Steve had been randomly flipping through channels while crashing on the couch, Bruce had been reading, with his glasses on, a cup of steaming tea besides him. Clint had decided to show Steve more about modern television and what there was to offer, that could potentially be entertaining and worth watching. They flipped through the sports channels, and the romantic dramas and stupid cartoons when…

"Stop, wait." Said Bruce, his voice urgent. Clint paused on some on some movie, and glanced at the scientists confusedly.

"No, back more."

Clint flipped back until Bruce stopped him on the familiar figures of Rachel, Joey and Phoebe. Clint felt a peculiar feeling of familiarity, he used to watch this show all the time, but hadn't seen it in a while after he had been recruited. Bruce was staring at the screen, his mouth curling upwards slightly as his book lay forgotten in his lap. A few seconds later Bruce was laughing, chuckles and snorts coming out of his mouth. Clint and Bruce stared at him in awe. Bruce was never seen laughing…he had such a reserved and patient personality that they had never really seen him display any open signs of happiness or amusement. Sure, he laughed at some of Clint's jokes and Tony's wisecracks but this was different. It was like he was transformed, he was the picture of relaxation, sleeves rolled up and shirt open, his feet clad in socks and his face contorted in laughter. One would never even consider him as becoming a big green angry monster. Clint and Steve exchanged a bewildered glance as Bruce laughed more than they had even seen him.

"Whoa what did you guys do to him?" came the slightly confused voice of Tony as he entered the room.

"I don't know." Said Steve, running a hand through his hair as he threw a glance at Tony. "But go away before you ruin it."

"Sorry guys." Said Bruce a little breathlessly, looking more amused than he had in ages. "I used to watch this when I was a kid."

This was odd, thought Clint, Bruce never talked about his childhood. It was unusual for him to share a piece of information and at this point they were staring at him again, his face turned to the screen a fond expression on his face.

"I used to watch it too." Said Clint

"It got me through some tough times…" said Bruce, glancing at them, the screen reflected in his eyes, making them glow oddly in the dim light. "Good old Chandler, I've never related to a character more. Could I BE any more like him." Bruce laughed at the end of his sentence as he imitated Chandler. Clint and Steve both decided at that moment to watch Friends as much as possible, just for Bruce.

It was Natasha who noticed Bruce's talent for cooking. The Avengers were a big team, with big men like Steve and Clint and Thor, all of which had big appetites. So, it was only natural that one of them would step up to cook. They were all surprised when they arrived back at the Tower from a particularly difficult and discovered Bruce alone in the kitchen, maneuvering through the pans and pots that were steaming, an array of vegetables and food on the counter. They had been one of the best meals that they had eaten in a while. Bruce looked comfortable in the kitchen, easily conjuring up a team members' favorite meals if one of them had a rough day. Natasha wasn't sure what they would have done without him. Along with being a cook Bruce was the doctor of the team, taking care of each one of them. He cared for their injuries, and listened to their problems, he could have been a psychologist by the wise advice he gave. Regardless of being the Hulk he had a great set of skills in the kitchen. There had been several incidents, Bruce after hulking out, would have a rough night sleeping and Natasha would stumble upon him in the kitchen, having sleeping problems herself, and would often discover him in the kitchen, quietly bending over a stir-fry or a pot of pasta swimming in sauce. Natasha knew that Bruce was a simple man, and disliked being fawned upon or being under too much attention, but she couldn't help but feel a sort of affection towards him. He had several endearing qualities that had endeared him to the team and there was absolutely no doubt about his position on the team anymore.