Disclaimer: I don't own Rizzoli and Isles, they belong to TNT, T.G. and whoever else is making money off them, like real cash, cash I could really use, lol.

A/N: All mistakes are mine as I have no beta. One Love

Kyara walked slowly beside the social worker as they approached the grave site. Her mother was dead. It seemed such a simple statement, one some found sad and others found pitying. For her though the statement was one of relief. She'd prayed many times for her mom to get her usual mix of prescription pills and alcohol wrong, she would never actively make a move to help the inevitable along but oh how she had prayed and on a stormy night in March only three days after her birthday, that wish had come true. On some level she supposed she was sad, the woman was her mother after all, even though she'd never acted like a mom.

After a lacklustre ceremony with only the priest, Kyara and the social worker in attendance, they made their way to her home, or what used to be home. Being only 10 years old she knew she'd be entering foster care, as her mom had no relatives who would be able to care for her but she couldn't bring herself to think of that now, she could only focus on the fact that she'd be meeting with her mother's estate lawyer in a couple minutes for the reading of the will. When the lawyer arrived, he was nothing like Kyara had been expecting, she was expecting an old fraying man with grey hair and large spectacles; she'd even expected his clothes to maybe smell like moth balls. Instead what she was met with was a young man, probably in his early 30s, with dark thick hair, no glasses and his clothes smelt nice, the faint smell of sandalwood tickling her nose as he bent to shake her small hand.

He wasted no time and after introducing himself as Mr James Green, he produced the will and began. It wasn't long but then again her mother wasn't one for beating around the bush. It began by saying that her mother's estate would be put in a trust until Kyara turned 21 at which time it would then be turned over to her; until then her education and other necessary expenses would be covered by it, with Mr Green being the facilitator of said estate. The will then ended with something far heavier than finding out she'd inherited an estate worth over 50 Million. Mr Green had paused before reading the remainder of the will and had given her a look before asking if she'd like to read that section herself. At first she'd thought it had been a look of support but there was something else in the look that she couldn't pick up on, afterwards she realized it was pity and maybe sympathy.

Kyara this will be a shock but you have a sister, which means that my estate will be split between you both when you turn 21. I had a normal pregnancy, it wasn't until the beginning of my third trimester that your father and I found out that we were having twins, by then we were already having problems as he'd make it rather clear that he didn't want a baby and when he found out, he said two babies was a sign that he shouldn't try anymore and left, though I personally think he just wanted any excuse possible to leave. I knew I could never raise two babies by myself so when you were born I gave up your sister, though not before naming her Kyra so at least I had a say in something. I know now that separating you two was probably a bad idea but really, I could barely handle one child, two just wouldn't work out. You can look for her if you like, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard seeing as you're identical. If you need any help with anything just ask Mr Green.

Detective Jane Rizzoli rushed down to morgue after getting a text from her wife Dr Maura Isles-Rizzoli, one that simply read: "Social worker called, come now." She took the stairs instead of the elevator knowing that she would get there faster if she ran; she didn't want to take longer than necessary getting there. When she got to the morgue she saw that the blinds at the windows of her wife's office were drawn. Without pausing to knock she opened the office door to find her wife sitting on the uncomfortable red couch in her office with her head down; pausing only to lock the door so they wouldn't be disturbed, Jane rushed to envelope her wife in her arms. In the past, Maura wouldn't allow anyone to touch her while she was upset but that had changed in recent years, even if the only person allowed to do it was Jane.

"What happened? What did the social worker say? Maur?" asked Jane frantically

"She said" began Maura while attempting to stop her tears "She said something came up with Kyra's family and she needs to meet with us as soon as possible"

"What does that mean? Isn't she still coming home with us?" Jane asked worriedly

"I don't know, she wouldn't say, I tried to ask more questions but she said she'd tell me more when we met. She said she could meet with us first thing in the morning at her office. Jane I'm scared. What if she says Kyra's family wants her back, what if—"

"Maura, stop. I'm scared too but we can't, we can't start assuming the worse. We have to take it one step at a time, if the family wants her we'll fight, we both know people, we'll figure something out. That little girl is meant to be with us, she fits right in. We have to be positive and have some faith that things will work out." Jane intoned with conviction.

Looking down at the tear stained face of her wife and soul mate; she was pleasantly surprised to see a small smile on Maura's face.

"What?" Jane asked while returning the small smile

"Usually I'm the overly rational one, I like the change" Maura answered before giving her wife a small peck on the lips.

"Don't get too used to it" Jane answered with a laugh. "Now come on, it's almost 5 o'clock, I'm gonna let the guys know we'll be coming in a little later tomorrow while you pack up your desk, okay?"


That night after a subdued and simple dinner they both went to bed with restless minds. They didn't know what tomorrow held for them but they hoped it wouldn't affect them taking home the sweet 10 year old they'd met a month earlier. Kyra was a blue eyed girl with obvious Italian genes characterized by her olive skin tone and thick dark curly hair. She loved animals especially dogs, the colour red and she was always happy. There was rarely a time where she'd be found without a smile. They'd been matched with her almost as soon as they'd applied to adopt. Before meeting her they weren't sure how she'd react to them as she'd spent her entire life in the foster care system and had had an adoption disrupted only a couple months before being matched with them. However as soon as they'd seen her they knew she was theirs, within minutes they'd all been getting along as if they'd been together since her birth, a thought which never failed to bring a smile to their faces.

A/N 2: Please leave a review and let me know what you think. Should I continue or not? Waiting with baited breath. One Love