The war...
The war had finally ended. After 1,000 years of fighting, the Earth was safe, for now. All of the remaining Crystal Gems became corrupted. This was caused by Diamonds.
"Sickening." the Pearl thought as she had horrible flashbacks.
Pearl was relived. She was in the Galaxy Warp, with her leader and comrade, the fusion. She looked over to see her beautiful and brilliant leader, Rose Quartz.
"Yes?", Pearl responded. The brave leader said,
"Are you okay? You seemed really in thought."
Pearl blushed. "I'm fine. Thank you though." They both smiled. If not on cue, the rebels reached their destination, The Kindergarten.
Garnet had a vision that there might be left over gems, possibly corrupted. The Diamonds had planned to wipe out all the remaining Gems on Earth, but Rose's shield protected them, thankfully. The three Gems slowly and carefully stepped off the dusty warp pad, as they lit up their gems to see better in the dusty fog. Pearl said, "This place must have been abandoned for at least 200 years. I doubt theres any kind of life form.", as she wiped some dust off her arm. Pearl then noticed Rose looking at her, so she decided to shut up.
Rose said, "Here's the plan. Pearl, will you please go to the south end of the Kindergarten?"
Pearl said, "Yes, ma'am!". Pearl slapped her forehead, (mostly gem though) out of embarrassment.
"Garnet, could you go to the central area? That's where the larger gems are created. I want you to be ready, especially for corrupted gems. Think you can handle it?"
Garnet nodded and said, "Will do."
Rose said, "Great. Call me if there's es anything suspi-. The Gems heard scratching and grunting, as they looked around for the source. Pearl was the first to notice. The Gems drew their weapons. The Gem was exposed. It was an Amethyst. Of course it wasn't like any Amethyst they have ever seen. She must of been a couple hundred years overdue.
The purple Gem didn't notice them at first. She said, "Hey guys! What's up?!" Pearl silently whispered to Rose, "She's taking to rocks. Hehe." The runt heard Pearl. Amethyst blushed and said, "Uh hey! What's over there?!" The three rebels looked. That gave the overdue Gem enough time to escape, or so she thought. The three rebels all said in unison, "Come back here!". Eventually Rose grabbed the little one in a death hug. The amethyst spoke in gibberish and grunts. " down. Go...away. Leave me...alone. Pearl said, "What will we do with her? We can't just leave her here." The amethyst blushed as she played with Rose's curls.
The stubborn amethyst said, "I would like to let you know I can take care of myself...
Garnet said, "You have no option. Welcome home."
Amethyst said, "But this is my home! Those are my friends! My family..."
Pearl said, "Those...are rocks. We're your family now."
Rose said, "We will take care of you. You can be a Crystal Gem and help us protect your home...our home."
The young gem said, "Really?"
The three rebels said in unison, "Uhha." and nodded.
The amethyst gave a toothy grin and said, "All right."
Amethyst said goodbye to her rock friends.
The three gems walked back to the warp pad as Rose held Amethyst and they all laughed, as they wondered what will happen in the future.