Recently, I've kinda got back into anime, more for nostalgia sake then anything else. It's been awhile since I've seen any, so please bare with me while I tentatively put this out. Again, it's only recently, and it's been awhile, so please be kind.


Kenshin let out a sigh as he snuggled into Sano's side, cuddling into the younger man like he depended on it. Which, to him, it did. The only thing Sano did was pull the older man closer into his side, before resuming petting the petite samurai's fiery mane. Kenshin all but purred at the contact, as he curled all the closer to the larger male. He had never felt more content in his life, even when Tomoe was alive.

Like always, the thought of her stung, but it wasn't as bad as it had been for years. Truly, Kenshin got lucky when it came to getting Sano. Though, if he were honest, he didn't even know how he even got so lucky to get Sano's friendship, let alone his heart. The former Hitokiri Battosai was selfish and wouldn't give the young man up until Sano was completely done with him. Kenshin didn't know what he would do, but he knew death wouldn't be far from his future. Sano, like the others, were the few kind constants in his life, though Sana was the only would who would fully get the former Hitokiri, having seen the war he had fought for.

Sano let loose his own sigh as he pulled Kenshin closer to him. Gods above, did he love this man. And he'd make damn sure that the tiny rurouni would know it until the two grew old and died. Kenshin, Sano had found out, had a very low opinion about himself, and when he told the former fighter for hire of his past, the tall man knew why. Sano leaned down slightly and kissed Kenshin's head, inhaling the scent of ginger and lavender that wafted from the former Hitokiri's hair. Gods, did he love Kenshin's scent.

"I love you, sweetheart," Sano murmured into Kenshin's hair. Kenshin's violet eyes sprang open in shock before looking up from the spot he had buried his small face.

"Oro?" Kenshin asked, blinking wildly.

"I love you," Sano repeated, kissing Kenshin's for-head.

"R-really?" Kenshin asked, voice shocked.

"Yes," Sano said.

"Why?" Kenshin asked. Sano raised a dark brow at his lover.

"Cause, I can," Sano replied.

"But this one doesn't understand why," Kenshin replied, face and voice frantic.

"Because you're a good person, wait Kenshin, you are. A bad person wouldn't feel the guilt you do for every life you've ever taken, a bad person wouldn't be looking to make amends for it either, which your doing. Your trying to make up for the sins of your past, and that is what a good person does. Plus, you're kind, generous, beautiful, sweet, and so full of love that it over-flows to everyone around you. Why do you think we've all stayed together so long? It's cause of you, and the love and time you give to everyone else. You're my best friend and first and last love, Kenshin, never doubt that," Sano said, large hands coming through Kenshin's red silky tresses. The former Hitokiri was openly sobbing now,before burying himself into Sano's neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Kenshin warbled out, grip tight around his love's body.

"Of course sweetheart," Sano said, kissing Kenshin's head again.

"I love you too," Kenshin said, dropping his every day speech pattern.

"I know, love, I know. Now, we need to sleep, or Missy's going to through a fit that we're not wide awake for Yahiko's first public performance," Sano said. Kenshin giggle cutely before nodding in agreement. The two once again got comfortable before falling asleep moments later, happy and content in each others arms.