Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY

AN: Hey fans and followers. I know it's been a while since I updated anything. The sad truth is that I'm getting tired of RWBY. I know "Aloe, how could you?!" I'm sorry, but it's like the thing that made it all exciting is gone. I spun my ideas with close friends and others online and they asked me why I'm using characters that already exist to make a story when some of the stuff I don't put in these fics are good for an original story.

You guys have been a great fandom, and I'm not going to leave you guys hanging with the question "How does it end, then?" So this chapter will summarize everything from chapter to chapter.



The chapters starts with Jaune and Pyrrha winning their duo match against some OCs. With their match out of the way, the two just wait for the friends' match. Yang and Blake are soon called up against Neon and Flynt. The pair chosen is no surprise to Cinder's group thinking Yang will be the one entering the finals. With Blake by Yang's side to take on Neon with a level mind, the match is one sided with Yang finishing the trumpet user and Blake catching Neon in her ribbon. After that, it's Emerald and Mercury beating down Coco and Yatsuhashi with the mint haired girl taking pleasure in beating the leader of CFVY down. While that was going on, Pyrrha was called in to Ozpin's office where Amber is revealed to her. With the choice to become the new Maiden and the fact she has to watch her boyfriend step into unknown danger, the champion is feeling stressed. When Jaune finds her alone in the halls, she wants to share what she found out with him but ends up talking about destiny. Non-directly asking if she should be the maiden, Jaune's answer is for her to do what she thinks is right just like how he thinks what he thinks is right too. Instead of pushing him away, Pyrrha grabs him by the hand and pulls him to their dorm. She's made up her mind to be the next Fall Maiden – and if she ends up losing herself, she wants to at least have a good memory of making love with her first and possibly last boyfriend.

Word gets around when Nora and Ren spotted them, and soon all their friends know they did the raunchy dance. Yang even jokes of how Pyrrha made a super obvious love mark on Jaune's neck. It's all short lived when finals come up and Jaune and Blake have to line up with the others. Cinder is a bit disgruntled her initial plan didn't fall through, but she had a contingency plan lined up for everyone. The first final match starts with Jaune against Sun. The two blondes share a smile and agree to keep things moderately fair. The archer is taking his fight seriously and Sun makes a few quips in between for his friend to 'calm down' and 'take it easy.' They're evenly matched until Sun is backed to the edge at knifepoint, then Jaune is tackled to the ground by Atlesian droids. Asking Sun for help, the monkey faunus is looking at him with fear. Turning to the screen, Jaune is shocked to see a different view of the fight.

Emerald casted an illusion making it seem as though Jaune went crazy and was trying to murder Sun with his knife. The crowd is shocked and Jaune is soon escorted protesting his innocence with Pyrrha and his friends following him. The next day, team RWBY and JNPR minus Jaune are huddled together trying to piece what happened. Most of them don't believe Jaune did that, but they were under the illusion too. When Blake makes a comment to Jaune possibly relapsing to when he fought Banesaw, Pyrrha shouts at her for thinking that her boyfriend was crazy and shoots out logical points of how the professionals deemed him sane. Ironwood enters the dorms and informs team JNPR their leader is put in their custody for the safety of everyone. When they all ask if they can see him, they are refused. After he leaves, Sun enters the room but is cautious seeing Pyrrha glaring at him. He tries to explain what he saw from his perspective, but none from team JNPR want to hear it. Luckily, Weiss is the most level headed at the moment and was busy rewatching the clip. Looking back on the video, she pauses and zooms in on Jaune to show them all something – the hickey on his neck was gone. The screens that showed the fights are made for high definition and some of the hits and dirt marks Sun gave Jaune were highly noticeable. It was small, but it gave the group some hope that their friend was innocent.

Blake's match soon comes up and she is put up against Mercury. The gray haired kicker tries to get under her skin with bad flirting but she only retaliates weakly. Jaune being taken away put warning bells in her head that her losing her cool could put her in danger. When she let her guard down, Mercury pulls the bow off her head showing she's a faunus to the whole crowd. Trying to cover her cat ears, Cinder puts herself on the screen showing Blake's history. She comments on Beacon letting untrained students like Jaune enter their school where they have a chance to turn insane and how Ozpin lets terrorists like Blake walk with their students. Then schematics of Penny are shown putting Atlas in the spotlight. All the negativity pushes the people on edge that Grimm start swarming.


With Blake still in the center of the ring, she gives chase to Mercury who is running away. Grimm soon start swarming the stadium with civilians running away. When a Nevermore and Gryphon try to break the barrier down, all students summon their weapon lockers and ready themselves. When the barrier broke, bullets and dust lit up the sky. Oobleck and Port assign students to escort the remaining civilians to safety and for the rest to hold ground. Ruby and the others are sent out to keep the transports safe until the White Fang arrive with more Grimm. Civilians are urged back to the stadium where they'd be more safe and out of the way as the hunters outside deal with the terrorists.

Up in the sky, Neo infiltrates the ship where Jaune and Roman are being held. Roman is disappointed Jaune and his friends failed to stop Cinder, but knew that chances of that happening were slim. When Jaune questions why waste his time on that idea, Roman's answer was contingencies. He makes an offer for Jaune to join them, but the blonde refuses and tries to fight Roman for control of the ship. Roman plugs in the virus for the robots, then Jaune pulls it out and smashes it but is too late to stop it from wrecking most of Beacon. Annoyed, the master criminal asks Neo to toss their extra baggage out while he takes aim at Beacon and the stadium. Instead of doing as she is told, Neo pushes both men out of the way and tries to commandeer the ship. This surprises them both and it soon turns into a free for all with Jaune losing. The fighting is paused when they hear the Grimm dragon waking up and bringing in more Grimm. It turns into a two on one once more when Roman and Neo agree to try and flee on the ship while Jaune wants to use the ship to kill the dragon.

The plan to flee doesn't work when Ruby appears on top of the ship. Neo and Roman use Jaune as a hostage but like canon, Roman is eaten and Neo is sent flying like Mary Poppins. Before Jaune leaves, he tries to see if he can find the weapons on the ship to shoot the dragon but ends up accidentally firing on the ship itself (oops) and a few Grimm down below. With the ship now crashing, Ruby pulls Jaune off and they land back down in time to see the dragon circling Beacon with everyone down below hurt. Yang lost an arm, Blake is bleeding from her torso, Weiss is tending to them, and Ren and Nora are badly bruised and exhausted with Ren's weapon almost broken. Ruby is soon behind Weiss to guard her from the Grimm coming their way. Seeing Pyrrha in front of the school, Jaune runs to her and asks her the situation. When they see Cinder flying to the top with the dragon landing on the tower, the couple share a look.

Pyrrha tries to push Jaune away but there isn't enough metal on him. She agrees to let him help her fight Cinder. Before he follows her, Jaune leaves Ren the tanto to use in case any Grimm get close. The ninja weakly protests for Jaune and Pyrrha not to go but they do. As the couple hold hands and head up to fight Cinder, Jaune readies his semblance.

When they reach the top, Jaune fires a lightning arrow that catches the dragon in the eye with the help of Pyrrha's polarity. It flies away in pain, and it's Cinder against the two. An epic fight on the tower ensues with Jaune giving cover and distraction for Pyrrha to land hits on Cinder, but it soon goes downhill when the villain takes aim away from Pyrrha to put down the annoyance. Cinder tries to outshoot Jaune but is surprised when the arrow is deflected back towards her at a faster speed. Jaune reveals his semblance to be reflection.

Cinder was able to dodge her arrow but it cuts her on the cheek. Annoyed with the blonde, she targets him more than Pyrrha and finds out his flaw. Shooting fire at him, she smirks when he deflects it back at her only for nothing to happen. Now low on aura and unable to use his semblance, Jaune stands before Cinder with fists ready to fight her to the last breath. Then his arrows start glowing black and float out of his quiver. Pyrrha reminds Cinder she is still there and tries to swarm her with arrows and debris. Jaune joins in by using his bow to hit the villainess but is pushed back. Now frustrated, Cinder creates a giant pillar of fire that is seen from below catching Ruby and Weiss' attention. The two soon try to make their way to the tower.

Pyrrha and Jaune are hurt, but the remaining aura they had shielded them from being burnt to a crisp. Cinder picks the champion off the floor and tosses her to Jaune. Firing an arrow, she gets Pyrrha in the ankle and fires more getting Jaune through the shoulder. Pyrrha tries to pull the arrow out of him, but she's shot in her other leg with another arrow shooting Jaune in the torso. Trying to pull her shield up to block any more arrows coming their way, Cinder walks toward them and yanks it away. Jaune manages to yank the arrow in his torso out and attempts to stab Cinder with it, but an arrow is fired into Pyrrha's chest.

Forgetting about Cinder, Jaune holds on to Pyrrha and tries to pull the arrow out of her but it disintegrates. As Jaune holds onto Pyrrha as she slowly turns to ash in his arms, he and Cinder don't notice Ruby reaching the top. Upon seeing Pyrrha turning to dust and Cinder about to shoot Jaune, Ruby shouts and uses her silver eyes not only on Cinder but also on Jaune by accident.

Ruby wakes up in her room and Qrow is there with Taiyang. The uncle explains everything that happened along with how Yang is doing. Weiss is taken to Atlas, Blake is MIA, and Ren and Nora made it out okay. When she asks about Jaune and Pyrrha hoping what she saw wasn't true, Qrow presented her Pyrrha's headpiece and her broken shield and weapon – it was all they could find. When the reaper asked where her first friend of Beacon was, Qrow shook his head saying it wasn't her fault.

Ren and Nora were in the same room looking at their leader lie motionless on the couch of Taiyang's home. He was alive and breathing, but he was like stone. All color was gone from him and he was gray like a statue. There were signs of color coming back, but it was slow. When Ruby came to see him, she was on her knees at Nora and Ren's feet crying for forgiveness. Nora didn't put the blame on her, and just hugged the girl as both of them cried. All the while, Ren was stone faced. Qrow entered the room with Taiyang to check on Jaune. The older blonde put a hand on the frozen boy and passed a bit of aura through him. More color returned to Jaune's form, but he was still unconscious. After the dad left, Qrow got down to business sharing info on Ozpin's death and of traveling to Haven.

Ruby was unsure whether to go so soon without Jaune or Yang, but Ren was quick to answer for them to go as quick as they could. Gathering all that they could, the three went out but stopped when Sun jumped in front of them. He explained Blake catching him following her the night she ran from them. She didn't explain much, but she begged him to stay with her team and help them in any way he could. Since he couldn't follow Weiss, he stuck around with them and overheard everything about going to Haven. Since he's done missions in Haven, he volunteered to guide them there boasting he knew the place like the back of his hand. And so the group headed off to Haven with Qrow watching them.

Inside the house, Taiyang was surprised to see his youngest daughter gone. Yang was staring out the window looking at a large black bird. When it flew off, her dad barged into her room in a panic. She said she knew Ruby was off to Haven, but her dad shook her head. Jaune's body was gone too. Looking back to the window with wide eyes, Yang muttered one name.


RNJR Minus J

Ruby and her new team are headed to Haven following the path Sun knows. It's a lot easier, plus they help villages in need from Grimm and bandits. But there's some inner turmoil with how Ren keeps distancing himself from everyone including Nora. Ruby thinks he blames her for everything, and she doesn't blame him while Sun is trying to just be the peacekeeper between everyone. As for Nora, she took some upgrades to her weaponry and added something new – Pyrrha's shield. It was too broke to make it like it's original form, but she made it collapsible like Jaune's only disc-like. (imagine Viking Kratos' shield) Ren also replaced one of his blades with the red tanto Jaune gave him. The group have been traveling for months, but Haven was still far away.

On Blake's side, without Sun to help her combat the water dragon, her ship was marooned before she could make it to Menagerie. With civilians and a captain to look after, they sail to whatever land is close while trying to survive and call for help. In the end, she makes it to Menagerie and just in time to catch her parents in a conversation with the White Fang.

Yang and Weiss still follow canon, only with Yang now trying to get to Raven for more than one reason. Weiss still crashes and gets caught by Raven's tribe and Yang finds her in place of Jaune. When the brawler asks for the whereabouts of the blonde boy, Raven answers she doesn't know neither cares.

Turning back a few months to when Raven kidnapped Jaune, it started in a tent where the leader of the bandit tribe forced aura into Jaune to wake him up. He was revived screaming and writhing in pain while clutching his head. Taiyang was giving small doses to ease him into consciousness, but Raven didn't have time to coddle. After having him calmed down, she had him treated and fed. She offered him a place in her tribe but he was unable to speak besides making raspy tones and grunts. In his eyes, he was unsure of where he was and who he was with.

"Seems he forgot himself." Raven told her daughter. "I didn't have time for an amnesiac so I dropped him back in Patch."

It didn't make sense to Yang though since if she did drop her friend in Patch, then her dad or her would've seen him.

Broken Reflection

With Jaune, he is seen walking through the forests of Patch where he and his friends went camping. His head kept pulsing and he kept receiving images that made his eyes water and heart ache. Reaching an unfinished cabin, his eyes landed on a sword stuck in a stump – Crocea Mors. As more images flooded into his mind, Grimm were swarming to him. Still unable to talk but knowing the Grimm were bad, muscle memory and instinct were the only things keeping him alive but it still wasn't enough to keep the Grimm away. Desperate, he grabbed the hilt of the blade and kept trying to pull it out. As he kept trying, more images flooding his mind this time of Taiyang and all he learnt about aura.

With some of his memory on aura returned, Jaune was able to pull his sword out and kill the Grimm with ease. There were still holes in his mind but memories of how to fight Grimm with aura were recovered. There were memories of people walking and laughing with him, but for the life of him he couldn't remember them. There was also some place like a school. He could remember the name – Beacon. Hearing some shuffling inside the unfinished cabin, Jaune went to look inside and found a colorful looking girl - Neo. The blonde had some memory of her, but it was all still fuzzy. Every time he thought of people there was a hole like a face was being blurred out in the group. All he knew was that the more he tried to fix the blur, the more his heart ached and the more he tore up.

Neo sees Jaune and immediately attacks him. It does little to no good since she's starving, sad, and lost the drive to do anything. All she does is hold on to him and cry. She was lucky enough to save the picture of this place Jaune sent to her or she wouldn't have teleported to safety. Seeing the lost look in his eyes, she asked if he remembered her through her scroll. He was in the same condition as her being hungry and unable to speak and had to communicate the same way. When she asked if he remembered what happened to Beacon, his response was that he wanted to go there. Neo shook her head, typing him that the place was now too dangerous.

Still urging her to bring him there, Neo relents and teleports them to the front of Beacon where Grimm are roaming. The images in Jaune's head go crazy being back where all the pain started. His semblance was repressing all the pain and anything that connected to it was pushed back. Jaune was fighting with his semblance now as he had to fight Grimm coming his way and jumping from reality and memory. His feet were taking him somewhere and he had to fight Grimm in his way to get there. In the background, Neo was also helping him by keeping Grimm away.

Passing what remained of the cafeteria Jaune remembered his talks with Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Ren, and Nora. There was another blurry figure but he couldn't see who it was. Passing the broken gym, he remembered training with Blake and Yang but there was another figure he'd run around and laugh with. Going into the burnt library he remembered Blake and Weiss tutoring him, and again there was a blurry someone he'd sit with. He was remembering his friends with each step he took, but there was someone he was forgetting – someone his semblance didn't want him to remember.

Reaching the dorms, there was almost nothing left of it. The nameplate was on the floor and Jaune saw his old team name, JNPR. Walking in, he felt another memory a bit more fresh. There was the feeling of someone's skin, the smell of sweetness in the air, and a laugh that made his heart flutter. There was a drawer that was scratched, but it wasn't that bad. Opening it, he saw an album titled 'JNPR Scrapbook.' Opening it, Jaune saw tons of pictures but when his eyes saw the picture of him and Pyrrha standing together all of his memories returned. Looking to Neo, she was pushing Grimm back with her parasol while they were in a small room.


Back to RRSN (Raisin – Nora and Ruby hate this name) or RRNS (Rinse), the team end up having a heart to heart after running into Tyrian. Qrow gets into a shouting match with Ren comparing them both. Qrow comes clean he drinks because if he doesn't he becomes like Ren – distant, afraid to get hurt, and always bottling up the pain without a semblance to hide it. Qrow is still poisoned and the group try to make to Haven as quick as possible. Ruby and Sun confide in one another leader to leader of how bad things are, and they end up fighting the Nuckelavee.

This is where Ren gets unhinged and takes out all his frustrations on the Grimm that murdered his parents and gave him nightmares. With the help of his friends, they manage to kill it but Ren's anger is not sated. Nora tries her best to get him to open up to her again, but his mind is still set on getting revenge. The Nuckelavee was only one off his list – Cinder was next. Like canon, help comes in time to get Qrow an antidote. Ruby writes a letter to home, and it shows Yang is still in Raven's camp with Weiss trying to get all the answers.

Unlike canon, Yang and Weiss are willing to hear what Raven has to say about Ozpin and his faction. They learn everything about Maidens, the powers/curse Ozpin could give, and of the secret war with Salem. By the time Yang and Weiss leave to meet with Ruby, they don't fully trust Raven but they're willing to see what connects.

On Blake's efforts, she manages to capture Ilia without Sun present to get injured. By showing compassion and reason, the cat faunus is able to get through to Ilia of how the White Fang turning violent is wrong. She apologizes to her friend for not seeing her feelings, for being blinded by Adam, and for not knowing how she feels about her. In the end, Ilia is not petty and just wants to be a part of Blake's life again. The two make up and Blake gains all Ilia knows on what the Fang is really up to. With her aid, she is able to rat out Fennec and his brother and amass all of Menagerie to head to Haven.


Oscar appears to drunk Qrow and team RRNS is shocked Ozpin is in a young boy's body (I know it sounds wrong but I cant really say controlling.) Weiss and Yang arrive and the group tries to be cheery despite all that they lost. Sun brings up Blake to the group, but Yang turns a blind ear. When Ruby accidentally slips Jaune and Pyrrha's name during a story the whole group gets quiet. When Nora asks Yang how their leader was recovering before she left, Yang words it wrong and team RRSN jump to conclusions that Jaune is dead. When Yang explains it better, Ren is furious and wants Raven's head. It surprises Weiss to see the ninja so emotional but not Yang or the others.

Later when everyone is asleep, Yang pulls Ren aside to share things Raven told her and Weiss about. The brawler is still unsure who to trust amongst the adults, but hearing how Ozpin is sort of immortal has put Yang on edge. Ren is still a bit mad, but he can see the logic behind her words. When they hear glass shattering, the two run out to see what made the noise and are frozen to see Jaune and Neo with Glynda Goodwitch looking lost in the streets. Yang is the first to recover and tackles her fellow blonde to the ground. Glynda greets the two and excuses herself inside to give them a moment.

When Ren recovers, he's on his knees at his leader's side poking and patting him to see if he was real. When he does see it isn't a dream, he holds onto Jaune tight and sheds tears he's held for so long. The ninja brings him and Neo into their temporary abode where Jaune tries to retell what happened after he regained his memories.


Jaune and Neo were stuck in the ruined room ready to fight their way out when all the Grimm were lifted into the air and thrown far away. Peeking to see what was going on, the two saw Glynda coming their way. Grabbing Neo's hand, he pointed to Glynda and then out the window. Neo didn't know what he meant since his hand signs were too vague. In the end, Neo just took the to blondes with her and teleported back to the campsite in Patch. Glynda tried to talk to Jaune but he was still unable to speak. While he recovered his vocal chords, it was a hassle trying to get things done like getting a new bow, asking Glynda things about Beacon, and trying to get Neo to understand his hand gestures. By the time he could talk, he noticed his voice was a bit deeper.

In the end, Jaune asked Glynda everything of what was the power Cinder used, if Pyrrha was involved, and why did it have to be Pyrrha instead of her. Glynda's answer to Pyrrha was that it had to be someone strong, reliable, and young. Anyone older would not do. After that, Neo had to spill some secrets. She wasn't that cooperative, but when Jaune put all the wrong on Cinder and her crew, she gave up some parts related to the pyromaniac. It went in line with whatever Glynda shared so the next thing was going straight to Haven. Unfortunately, Neo has never been to the academy and Glynda had no picture to help her. The next solution was to either hijack a carrier (which Glynda forbade) or find magazines that had the latest pictures of Mistral. What happened next was a lot of hopping with Neo needing a few breaks since getting a current shot of Haven was harder than they thought.

By the end of the story, the two were just glad to have Jaune back with them, but unsure on where the two with him stood. Glynda was close to Ozpin like Qrow was, and Neo had her own agenda; but was it in line with theirs? Those questions were put aside when Nora and Ruby came down and saw the blonde knight was back.


Following canon once more where Raven brings Cinder to Haven and Lionheart betrays them. Sun is in rage too once he realizes that his team is probably dead because of the headmaster and tries to attack him with Oscar. Jaune with Neo fight Cinder then are joined by Ren and Nora after Hazel goes after Ozpin/Oscar. With Glynda helping, the fight is in favor of Ruby's friends until Cinder fatally wounds the former disciplinarian. Ruby uses her silver eyes once more for a brief moment and hurts Cinder. Ren and Jaune are by Glynda's side trying to help her, but the most they can do is heal the wound with their aura. She is still alive but unconscious. Outside, the White Fang are going to attack but Blake and her army appear.

Lionheart opens the way to the relic and Cinder along with Vernal, Raven, and Yang jump down. Canon fight with Raven and Cinder after Vernal dies with Raven revealing she is the Spring Maiden. Cinder is frozen and falls to her presumable death, and Yang takes the relic. When Raven asks her what she plans to do, Yang responds to get away from both her and Ozpin.

"I hate to say it, but you're right." Yang grips the relic tight. "Ozpin can't be trusted. He's lied to us too many times. Pyrrha was told only someone young could be the Maiden but here you are wielding that power. It could've been Glynda but she was lied to by the same man. And that guy up there, Hazel. He's a product of Ozpin using someone again. He's using all of us."

"So what's next?" Raven asks her daughter.

"I'm not running scared like you." Yang walked back to the lift with relic in hand. "But I'm not letting any of them have this or any other relic."

Raven was starting to feel pride for her daughter. When the brawler went up, Raven was gone.

When Yang got back to the others, she wasn't expecting to see Blake with an army behind her. Looking to Ren and Jaune, the two caught her give a twitch of the eye and a nudge that got them to nod. Oscar was back, but he was tired. Yang offered to hold the relic and went to reunite with her whole team. The night was won and it was time to rest. It took a lot, but the group got Qrow piss drunk enough to pass out and Oscar was sound asleep.

Explaining things to Blake, she agreed with her friends and took them with her on the transports Menagerie brought. Glynda was added with them since she was as much a victim as they were. As for Qrow, Yang had to explain to Ruby he was too loyal to Ozpin. Blake offered to take them all to Menagerie, but the group decide against it since it might be the first place their enemies would look.

For now they had a ship, a crew, and a relic. Glynda might have an idea who the other Maidens were, and if she did then they could find them and offer them safety in numbers without having to collect the other relics. And if it was too late, then they'd just take the relics before anyone else could and find another place to hide them.

"Wait, so does this mean we're pirates now?" Nora asked

"Yar. I'm here to plunder booty." Jaune ran the joke with her. The ginger really missed her leader/father figure.

"Keep talking to me in that deep voice and I'll let you plunder Blake's booty." Yang quipped. She didn't miss the annoyed glare Neo gave or her partner's blush. The brawler had her suspicions with Blake but Neo was a new development.

"Excuse me?!" Daddy Belladonna piped in.

The ship became a bit more noisier as the heroes of Remnant made their way to wherever the ship took them.


AN: I'll see if I can post the summary for Fragments up later. There was the Sun Gaiden, and then the story put together Crystal Core. I do feel bad I lost interest, but I think it's more of me transitioning to creating my own stuff. So yeah. Graduation in more than one way. You guys have been awesome fans.