
If anything, it filled her nostrils more than what she would like to, but complaining wasn't something she did as often as other people would think, and thus she went with it.

When was it that Bruce got so hairy, though, she wouldn't know.

Eyes closed, mind wide awake, she ran her hands through the body enveloping her, and call her weird, but it was almost not-human. Quick breaths and fur all over didn't apply to her usual cheery partner, and really, she should've seen it coming.

"Shiro please, get off me" Lena let out a small whine as she tried pushing the gigantic dog off her side of the bed to no literal avail, the dog's weight overpassing her limited morning strength in ways that frustrated her, mostly because she'd have to fully wake up.

Half lidded brown eyes stared at the clock in front of her and, honestly enough, she should not be complaining.

It was 9:00 in the morning, and judging by the sound of drops waterfalling onto the floor, Bruce was back from his morning run and Shiro had decided to sneak away from the so called torture.

No other sounds could be detected by the pilot's ears except from the shower and Bruce's low humming.

Music to her ears, if she may add.

Tremendous amounts of effort were spent on her body as she lifted herself from the strong arms of her own sheets, and while letting out a relaxed yawn, she guided herself to the kitchen.

Coffee was needed, and she was eager to fulfill her body's necessities.

It's almost obvious Bruce noticed her when the sound of water falling morphed into the sound of bodies shaking uncontrollably, and she couldn't help but smile at the image of Bruce and Kuroo shaking their heads in order to dry their bodies.

The image turned into a naked Bruce, and she had to cut the thought off with the memory of Coffee and the excuse of not wanting Bruce to find her with red cheeks and a warm body in such a cool morning.

She didn't know when, some time between her serving her coffee and her preparing breakfast, did Bruce appeared next to her, just like last morning, on her side, watching. Not quite judging, just sniffing and recognizing.

"I added bacon to our eggs" She had to stifle a giggle when his eyes widened at the sound of bacon, and she swore, again, that if he had at tail, it'd be wiggling left and right without stopping.

His smile was clear and the excitement in his body language could be seen miles away.

Note to herself, add more bacon to their breakfasts.

"I'll prepare some toasty bread" He offered and she hummed in response, instantly missing the warm presence of Bruce's body next to her own.

It was afterwards that she realized, while trying to get a badly burnt piece of bread to painfully travel down her throat, that Bruce should and would not be allowed to touch the kitchen ever again.


"Bruce, what're you doing?" Lena was sitting comfortably on her couch while trying to catch up with her favorite shows when Bruce made his magnificent entrance, which consisted on kicking open their bedroom door where Lena was sure he was taking a nap, before proceeding to sniff around their living room endlessly, not once caring when he stepped in front of her eyes and blocked her view from the television, just to start sniffing her as well.

Blushed cheeks appeared on her features but her brows showed she was a little annoyed.

"I sense a mice" And it was true, she'd heard some screeching little sounds minutes ago but had decided to ignore it.

Apparently, Bruce had not.

"If there is one, I'll just put traps around the place later" And he started shaking his head because no, apparently, she wasn't getting it.

Like most of the things that involved a bit of Bruce in them, she wasn't getting it.

"Their defecations kill my brain cells, Lena" She nodded because it was obvious he was overreacting, but decided not to comment on the subject.

"Then I'll leave you at it, love" His smile, radiant as it always has been, killed whatever moody behaviour her mind was trying to get her into, and a second didn't pass before she returned the smile with one of her own.

Minutes later, to her sole surprise and shock (which, honestly, she should've expected something like this to happen), Bruce appeared, wearing something close to a handmade gasmask, with a plastic bag and pride filled eyes, just to wink at her before opening the door and leaving.

"My hero" She sarcastically exclaimed and she could swear he laughed all the way down the lobby.

"How about this one?" Bruce showed her another one of his many drawings, that once she had labeled as childish, but now resulted into something closer to actual art.

"You're getting better, but my hair isn't as spiky" She smirked at the way he frowned before staring at his drawing, probably cursing it with some dog like spells.

"Maybe you forgot to brush your hair this morning" He said and in a moment her precious orange juice was spurted out onto the carpet because he was right, now that her eyes were glued on the reflection her windows showed, she could see that her hair was extremely not fixed, and her spikes were everywhere around her hair like a hedgehog.

She could hear Bruce's laughter as she made her way to the bathroom, but decided to spare him an earful since he had been kind enough to point out she looked like a wild animal.

She could always have her revenge later, with dogs and lots of food included.

"I heard introductions are due tomorrow" Bruce said as he laid in bed right next to her, practically doing nothing else than stare at the ceiling and talk to a half sleepy Lena, "What am I supposed to say?" Lena giggled at the fact that her boy could fight a cyborg ninja without breaking a sweat but still get nervous over the fact that he had to speak in front of too many people.

"Just your name and what you can do" She half guessed before replying to him, "And who your partner is" She tried adding just to get herself corrected, again.

"Master" She groaned and softly smacked his arm.

"I told you not to call me your master, it sounds weird" She could already feel his head shaking in denying motions, and prepared her heart for the upcoming words.

"But you're my master" He said as if it was something she should take as given, "I'm yours" She groaned again and hid herself in her pillowy friend, Bruce's dog, Kuroo.

"And once again, I'm telling you, you are not mine" She lets out a sigh of frustration because he replies with a yes I am, and she's again telling me that in fact, he really is not.


"No" And the evening was spent that way, bickering whether or not Bruce belonged to her, never once letting the fact that her heart was beating pretty fast bother her.

She had to give it to him, he was stubborn.


Stubborn, almost like a dog.

Hey I'm back! This episode is mostly here to refresh the story, and it's only a few shenanigans about Bruce and Lena's life together.

As you could see, the next episode is the official introductions for the new members, so be ready for it, because the juicy stuff is about to start.

Paws and kisses- PawsLover :)