Who I Became


Come on Jenny. My dad had said. As he parked the car and I got out of my daze from staring out the window of the passenger seat. At the endless signs and advertisements, I saw. As we finally had the fresh start we needed. According to what dad had told me yesterday before bed. Weeks earlier we had packed everything we had. Over the years we had gone to a lot of places. But now we could slow down and build a life. Welcome home. He said. Smiling at me. As we unbuckled our seat belts and walked side by side up the walkway of our humble 3-bedroom house. The biggest place we've ever had. You pick any room you want. He said as he got the key out of his pocket. And then dropped it his face in shock. Daddy! what's wrong? I asked as I looked in the same direction he had and saw what caused his lack of expression. Mom. I said unsure of whether to run to her or grab my dad's hand and get back into the car. Jenny she said as she wrapped her arms around me. Last time I saw you I could hold you in my arms. And push you in a stroller. She said smiling bright. Jake. It's been too long. I know we've both made mistakes but we're older now and know better. She said attempting to touch him. As he pulled away. Why are you here Nikki? he said taking my hand and pulling me closer to him. To be home and be a family again. She said. As we walked quickly into the house slamming and locking the door behind us. Dad what does she really want? I say my voice quivering with emotion. She came back for you. He said. As he held my shaking hands in his.