Full Summary:

He was left behind by the GoM. He left to England with his dad after their divorce. He came back to change them and succeeded. He found his new light Kagami and new family Seirin. He was betrayed again and this time, he ran away. He ran to a new place and met a light grey haired man. Together, they both ran away from their problem and days turn to months and later years. OOC! Rated T for swearing!


What are friends for?

Why are bonds created?

Why was promise and trust built?

Why are there colours when its actually grey?

Why do stars exist to accompany the moon?


Friends are meant to betray.

Bonds are meant to be broken.

Promise and trust were to shatter.

Those colours are used to cover the dull colour.

Because the moon is alone and the stars will always be there for the moon. But it will eventually leave. It will never leave the sky but further from the moon, leaving the moon alone. You can't deny, no matter you see it.. the stars will always be far from the moon. The moon can't move to reach them and yet the stars can leave the moon, all alone.

I am the moon and they are the stars. They leave me behind because they could. No, because they want to. They left me helplessly, everyone agreed on thing. I am just trash. I am useless. I wiped the tears. It was flowing non-stop for hours.

I can't believe it. Time pass and everyone left me behind like the stars did to the moon. I looked up. The sky is dark and the moon is alone without any stars. I chuckled sadly.

" Don't worry, we're both alone." I was swinging my self at a swing in a playground. I continued crying. I don't have anyone. My father work at another country a few years back and haven't set foot in Japan ever since. My mother cheated with father's business partner and left Japan as well with her new husband.

Both of my parents left me. Father had always say to not trust your friends and yet I trust them so much. I was a fool. It felt hurt to be betrayed...again. twice. It hurts. I...don't...know what to do. Where to go. I close my eyes as my memories recalled the incident today, when basketball practise almost end.

I walk to Seirin's basketball gym.. I had my blank face on eventhough I was smiling inside. I'm a second year now. Interhigh is near and Seirin will participate again. I am excited.

Kagami had left earlier because he got a call. I enter the gym and found everyone gathered. Everyone from last years members except Kiyoshi-senpai is present. Kiyoshi-senpai had resigned basketball right after we won the Winter Cup. Coach was announcing something.

" Alright boys! Interhigh is around the corner and your training menus have been doubled. Now 5 laps around the school!" She said grinning. Most of them groaned and they all started to run.

I bump into Kagami and told him. " We have to run 5 laps around the school." Which startled him.

"Goddammit Kuroko! Stop scaring me!" He shouted and we started running. Weirdly, we didn't even talk which Kagami would always start a conversation. Remembering the call he got earlier, I decided to ask.

"Kagami-kun, who called you earlier?" I asked, slightly panting and it wasn't even 2 laps yet.

" None of your business. And hurry up! I'm going to leave you if you're too slow" He said and sprinted, leaving me behind.

I could feel something behind those words. Its like he...meant it? I'm not sure. I could feel something bad is going to happen. And it happened.

I completed 5 laps, alone as always since my stamina is too low and everyone had already gathered in the gym. I panted and entered the gym, unnoticed. I sat down on a bench while drinking water. And that when it started.

" Coach! I got a call from Akashi earlier. Guess what he said?" He grinned despite he is panting and sweating.

" What?" Hyuuga-senpai asked. I am interested in the conversation.

" Is Kuroko here? We can't let him know." They all look around and failed to notice my presence. My curiosity got bigger. Kagami continued.

" Akashi wanted me to be the sixth man of the GoM! Good news right?!" He shouted in excitement.

" Sixth man? I thought Kur-" Koganei was interrupted.

" Yeah, Akashi wanted to kick him out since his so weak and instead replace him with me! I am strong now since we defeated all of them last year." Kagami said, shattering my heart. A tear formed in my eyes.

" He is weak. No wonder they all left him in middle school right? Haha" They all laughed at how weak I am. Another tear strolled down.

" I think we should kick him out too. He will just be a burden." Izuki-senpai suggested. Silence came and everyone nodded in agreement. More tears.

" Alright, I will kick him out. We were just using him anyway since he is the Phantom Sixth Man. And now we don't need him. We have Kagami at our side." Coach Aida decided. I started to shake.

" I agree on Kagami and coach. He's just trash anyway. " The rest said their final decision. Okay, I can't take it. I ran and slammed those doors and vowed to never come back again.

I stopped at a playground and here I am. Looking in the sky all alone like the moon. I've been here since then. I didn't stop crying. I couldn't stop thinking...of that person. I still believe he still cares for me.

I ran to my house and took all my belongings. All my money and some clothes. The house belonged to me since dad bought it for me before he cut ties with me. I wrote a letter and gave it to a lady and entrust her to give it to charity. Then, I ran to the nearest hospital and walked to a room.

It was past 10 and no visitors are allowed but I went unnoticed by everyone which made my way easier to room 5407. I knock the door and made sure I look okay before I went in.

" Who's there?" a male voice.

I just went in and sat beside his bed. I just look at him, looking around before I decided to spoke up.

" I'm here. " screams echoed through the room.

" Kuroko! We're in the hospital. Don't scare me like that!"

" I'm sorry to visit you at such hour. I just need to see you. " I said and almost drop a tear.

" Where are the others? Hey, why are you crying?" Kiyoshi wipe a tear that was strolling down my cheek.

" T-they left me! They left me because I'm weak! The generation of miracles too! They replaced me with Kagami and kick me out. They said I...I am useless! Trash! " I burst into tears. I can't hold back anymore.

" It's okay. Let it all out." Kiyoshi-senpai patted my head and it brings back memories when everyone used to do that. Kagami, Hyuuga, Murasakibara and even Akashi.

" I must look weak right now. This tears...are proof." I said between hiccups. Kiyoshi shook his head.

" No, Kuroko! When you feel like crying, you should let it all out. But that doesn't mean you don't need to cry. If your body is telling yourself to cry, then crying is better than letting you feel like you're alone in this world when you have others. " he said smoothly. I cried harder at the last sentence.

" But I am alone. I don't have a family or anyone." I sobbed and my shoulders are shaking. Kiyoshi pulled me into an embrace and I calmed down for a bit but still crying.

" You have me. Don't forget, you still have me. And What do you mean, you don't have a family?" he asked. I stop, thinking to tell him or not. Since he's the only one, I will tell him.

" It was after the National Championship in my middle school. It happened right after the Generation of Miracles broke apart. Mom was caught cheating with Dad's business partner which is also his best friend. My parents divorced and mom married the guy and went out of the country. While dad went to England with me to start a new business."

" sorry to interrupt. But why did you come back to Japan?" Kiyoshi asked. He is a good listener.

" I couldn't leave my friends like that. I told dad about it and he said ' Set foot in Japan and you are no longer my son. Friends are meant to betray. When they betray you, don't come crying.' That was the last thing he said before I left him.

He gave me my belongings including important documents and being the responsible father, he gave me some money that worth a few years but now it is almost finished. I guess he was right. I feel stupid" I finished the story and my tears stop flowing.

" So, what are you doing now? Where do you live?" He asked. I pull back from his hug and look at him.

" This is the reason I came. I came to say goodbye. I'm leaving to somewhere far from them and I gave my house to the charity. " I said sadly. Kiyoshi sighed.

" I know that you're heartbroken and its your decision. Just please promise me to be safe and call me when you get there safely."

" I promise. " I hugged him for the last time. My eyes were teary.

" and don't hesitate to call me when you're in trouble. Okay, Kuroko?" He sighed and patted my head.

" Okay, senpai. I've got to go now. I'll call you when I found a place to stay." I released him but he kissed my forehead before he let go.

I look at him and he grinned widely but sadly. I can't control my tears. I bid goodbye and rushed out of the room. I just ran towards the train station and get on it without knowing its direction. Tired of running and I sat down which luckily there was no one at all since its 11pm.

I sat down and lean at the window. I just stared at it until I fell into deep slumber. After what felt like forever, someone woke me up and told me to get off because it was the last stop. I did as said and walk aimlessly.

I took out my phone and it was 1.00 in the morning. All shops are closed except for nightclubs. I have no choice. I have money but this is not going to be enough. I should ask someone where exactly am I.

With no choice to go, I stepped in the club and strong odour went into my nostrils. I had to close my nose and walk to one of the bartenders. I stopped at the bar and called out for a man. He is facing my opposite so I was facing his back. He is tall and have messy light grey-haired which look familiar. The music was swallowing my voice and he couldn't hear me.

" Excuse me!" I shouted and finally he turned around.

" Yes? Wait, aren't you Kuroko?" he look me and I examine his face. So I do know him. No wonder his hair look familiar.