Jinx sat on the metal picnic table looking out over the bay. Her normally high standing hair clinging to her face in a wet mess. Her makeup had long since washed off, whether it was from tears or the rain it was rather hard to tell. It was one of those days she was left thinking what the hell am I doing with my life.
She was the leader of her team sure, but none of them cared a damn about her. Hell they hardly listened to her at best. The only reason they were together is none of them had a place to go after the academy got shut down. They made what they had work, she had never known any different. After all she was just a freak, the bringer of bad luck.
Well, what she was right now was cold, hungry and wet. But they hadn't been successful in their endeavor lately. Somehow a Titan or two always seemed to know where they'd be heading next. She couldn't help but wonder if heroes had that kind of problems. She sighed as the rain picked up, she could go home. Well the closest thing she had to a home. But lately she felt even more alone there than when she was alone.
Over in the distance a speedster by the name of Kid Flash, had been studying her curiously for the last few minutes, he began to wonder if she realized how wet she was or if she just liked the rain. He decided that after a long while he'd introduce himself, formerly, heavens know, she had fought him many times before. He walked carefully not to frighten her. "Hey slowpoke." He stated sitting on the opposite side of her.
She still managed to look surprised as she figured she was alone. "Hey... I'm not breaking any laws so... You can't really arrest me right now? Right?" She retorted pushing wet hair out of her face. "Although I could use a vacation." She was not in the mood for any supers right now.
"No, I wasn't planning on booking you. I just was thinking, while it may be enjoyable sitting in the rain, when it's this cold... you're going to catch something." He uniform seemed to be waterproof as the only thing wet on him was the water running down his cheeks.
She mimicked his shrug and spoke up. "Do you have a better place to sit and think?" She looked at him her eyes worn and tired. "I'm sure my place is trashed, smells like ass and would come with insults, so yeah cold rain it is."
He nodded looking back at the stormy clouds. "Actually I might have just the place and it has food."
Jinx looked up at him. "In case you haven't noticed lately you guys have been kicking my ass all over town, I don't have the cash for anything." She was now wringing water out of her hair. "But someplace warm does sound nice.." she replied quieter.
"This food won't cost you anything." He answered standing up and offering his hand. "No tricks or gimmicks either."
She hesitated for a moment, but eventually took the gloved hand in front of her and stood up. She gave him a look that said it better not. Her hands were as cold as ice. "Okay."
He nodded taking her hand with both hands and cupped them slick with rain water he gently vibrated causing friction and making her pale hand warm. Once he finished he smiled and led her down the street until they came to a small diner. He guided her to the back booth far from any prying eyes.
Jinx shivered a bit even in the warm dry place. "So why are you being nice to me?" she questioned at him her fingers gently braiding her wet hair. "Huh hero boy?"
"Maybe I like being a gentleman, I'm sure it's not often you have a gentleman in your company."
"I didn't even know they still existed. I live with a brick wall, a child and his toys and a man who looks at me like I'm meat. Nice to my face but watched enough I never sleep hard. And well let's not talk about them..." she stopped her heart sinking.
He smirked seeing the waitress. "Hey Doris." He greeted.
"I'll let chef know you're back. Wally."
"Thanks Babe." He winked.
"Alright what y'all like?"
She looked down at the one page menu and rubbed her arms a bit. "I don't know, what do you suggest?"
Doris, the middle age woman, smiled. She looked like she was saving every single penny she could to get out of this place. She was the mothering type but her face told just how hard she worked. "We have amazing pies... we are known for that. Garage disposal here, likes everything except the collard greens."
"I don't even know what collard greens are.." she sighed her eyebrows scrunching up. "How about something warm?" She asked still lightly shivering in her clothes that were beyond soaked.
Doris nodded not even bothering to write anything down. "I'll get you the soup, we have Tomato or Chicken Tortilla, would you like something to drink?" Wally waited patiently knowing this woman could guess what he wanted.
"Chicken please." She replied softly. "And warm tea would be great, thanks.."
"Sure thing." Doris turned looking at him. "One of everything? And a sprite?" She asked. Wally smiled. "Well I actually will only take one piece of pie tonight. Blueberry if you please. Thanks Doris, you're prettier than a peach."
"Sure I am." She responded with wave of her hand and a roll of her eyes, she moved away going to put their orders in.
Jinx's pink eyes narrowed at him something about this just didn't feel right. "Seriously what is your end game?" She asked very curiously.
He cocked his head and smiled. "I honestly just see the good in people and I think you could be a hero like me." He stated softly.
She scoffed at him, "Oh? A hero, me?" She rolled her eyes pressing her hand into the booth seat.
"You shrug too much." He noted. "And yes, you have potential. I'm not playing or messing around, I am a playful person but for right now I'm being a hundred percent honest."
"To be good?" She kept her shoulders down. She thanked Doris for the drink which was placed in front of her. She took a sip of the hot tea glad to have at least something warm for her hands. "Where would I go? How would I just change sides? You make it sound like it's flip of a switch."
"Well I could mentor you. You could be my protege in a sense. And with me fighting bad guys you'd help." He smiled watching her not going into great detail.
"A side kick's side kick, huh? That's a nice title." She teased. "And where would I go? It's not like I have a nice home and a family waiting for me." She repeated.
He paused as the first round of food was brought out to them. "You would come live at the tower with Herald and I." This time he was shrugging moving his fork to his mouth. "He's really quiet and likes to keep to himself anyways. And by the way... I stopped being a sidekick a long time ago."
Her eyes got big as she looked at him. "Would he really let me in the tower? I am a villain after all." She questioned taking a spoon full of her soup. "Could I think on it?"
"He trusts me. Our main leader may have doubts but I'll work on him. I can show you around tonight then you can decide." He affirmed watching her closely as she ate her food.
She took another spoonful of soup. "Okay." She was still watching him, skeptical of what was really going on.
Wally proceeded to eat, to his heart content, which happened to be a lot. After eating his last plate he looked up at her. "I have to eat a lot." He explained as she seemed to understand this better than most did.
"Well you certainly do just that. But being a runner and all." She's finished her soup, content to listen to the rain hitting the window and sipping her second tea.
Wally smiled as the waitress bid them good night and Wally of course dropped a fifty on to the table he tucked it under his plate. "A tip, she deserves it. Putting up with me can be super annoying and with free food." He looked at the rain as he stepped out. "So tower is pretty far and it doesn't look like you have a coat?" He noted. "I can get us there fast and you'll be cold for only a moment instead of all evening trudging in the rain." He curiously held out his hand wondering if she'd take him up on his offer.
She was mostly dry now, and getting wet for a second time was even less appealing than it has been the first time. "Well if you were going to do anything stupid you would have done it by now, plus higher moral compass and all." She reasoned. "Fine what do I have to lose?" She slipped her long, elegant fingers into his.
He grabbed her thin hand and pulled her straight to his chest. He wasted no time scooping her up doing his best to protect her with his body. He put on his mask and smiled at her. "Hold on Doll-face, and keep still." Within second he started running, zooming through the rain, he had to be extra careful going a bit slower than usual, since the streets were wet and he didn't want to slip.
She instantly felt dizzy, she hid her face in his chest clinging to him. She was sure if he dropped her she'd be dead. She felt like the air was being pulled out of her lungs. It was the strangest feeling ever. He knew that his speed could have rush effects on the human body so he cradled her closer. About two minutes later he slowed down. The tower was in sight and he sighed noticing she fit against him perfectly. He typed in the code and then carried her inside. It was very warm as a computer welcomed him home. Normally she would have demanded to be put down. But he was so warm and it felt so good."It feels good in here."
He smiled looking at her. "Do you still feel dizzy? I shouldn't put you down until that passes."
"I do, how long 'til it passes?"she asked breathing in his fresh linen scent. He almost smelled like the wind if that was possible and clean linen. He smiled walking in further. "A minute or so." He answered.
She looked around. "Anyone else home?" she asked suddenly kinda nervous; did she really let a stranger to take her back to his place?
"Herald, he's probably in his room. I told you it's just him and me." He put her down carefully and held on to her shoulders keeping her steady.
Jinx took deep breath. "Okay." She willed herself to calm down as she walked around. "Yeah the grass looks much greener on the other side."
He smiled, "We have stocked fridge most of the time that is, Wi-Fi, TV..." he smiled. "And you'd have your own room."
"Do the doors lock?" she asked she was clearly thinking things over. "But I'm bad luck you know.." she said mostly to herself.
"The bedroom doors?" He looked at her. "Yes they do the tower itself has a security built for the president."
Jinx's door at "home" didn't lock. But she was the leader and they knew better than to cross that boundary, not that a couple of her cohorts hadn't thought about it. Or tried to some poor results. "What's the catch?" She asked once more doubting he was just offering this wonder deal.
"You have to fight villains, your former friends, you would have to give up being evil, which I don't think there is an evil bone in you." He stated looking at her. He pulled her into the hallway walking along the path he stopped short looking at door. "You could pick but this one has the best view." He did series of number combinations until the door slowly slid open. Inside was a rather large bedroom. A bed frame and mattress laid in the corner. There was a TV mounted on the opposite wall. A white wicker chair in the far left corner, and a small walk in closet. Just like he mentioned before the view was gorgeous. At the far left of the room there was a small glass door leading to a walk out balcony, with the view over the entire city.
He gave her a smile then walked in a bit. "We could get you a few other things if you wanted, like a dresser." he added his hands on his hips as he looked around the room.
Jinx was mesmerized; she walked to the glass doors her hands pressed to the glass. She watched the rain fall for a minute. "It's breathtaking..." She gaped around the room that was nearly twice the size of her own. She turned to look at him leaning on the cold glass. "I wouldn't go as far as to call all of them my friends..."
He gave her wide grin. "I promise you'll love it here and maybe we could even be friends."
"How long do I have to make my decision?" she asked.
"How many days do you want?" He responded with his own question.
"Two.. I need to process everything." She requested softly. "This seems too good to be true."
He smiled nodding. "It's not, I promise. As long as you don't go back to stealing or other wrong doings..."
She turned to him. "What else is in this huge building?" She was still watching him.
"Five bedrooms, kitchen, an evidence room, gym, locker rooms, pool, common area, place to watch a giant TV... " He trailed off his eyes looking at the sky.
"What is Harold... I think you said his name was, like?"
"Herald." He corrected. "He's pretty chill. Very quiet, he's the type that goes with the flow. Far more reasonable and responsible than me."
"So what are you like besides a flirt?" She asked letting herself smile brightly.
"I'm just Wally, your average horny teenage boy." He joked before clearing his throat thinking it probably wasn't the best joke to say right then. "In all seriousness, I'm just easy going. I try to be charming but it sometimes comes across as smug. I love food, women, video games and unlike every other hero, my parents are still alive and my childhood was amazing. What about you?"
She listened interested in what he was saying. When he asked she took a deep breath and decided to only give the very little detail she could. "Jinx. Only name I've ever known. Always sold to the highest bidder. I've got a temper and I live on sarcasm." She shook her head. "I also like pretty things. Maybe that's why I'm always at the Jewelry shop."
He chuckled softly and let his eyes sparkle with that green hue. "Well I'm not bidding anything but I would for you. You're amazing and I'd really like for you to be on my team."
"Yeah? Is that all you want?" She inquired as she stepped closer to him.
He licked his lips and looked down at her. "No, if we are being honest I've always been attracted to you, but that has nothing to do with me wanting to be on my side."
"To me? Really?" she blushed softly."Is that why you're so nice to me?" she chewed her lip.
"Nice is just my personality. But yes, you're not like all the other ladies." He stated taking a step towards her. She swallowed softly as she let him get closer. Her eyes watching his. He kept waiting for her to tell him to back off. But she didn't. So he continued until he was just inches from her, he could smell her sweet pea fragrance that clung to her skin. He looked down at her lips before pressing his to them. She tensed up, but she'd never been kissed like this before. It wasn't aggressive, it was kinda nice. She slowly kissed him back. He pressed his hand to her cheek kissing her softly, not intrudingly. As he pulled away he looked at her. "If you choose hero side there will be more of that." He whispered his eyes fluttering open.
"And if I don't?" She whispered her fingers resting on her tingling lips.
"I may try kissing you on the battlefield." He smirked."And trust me..." he used his powers to peck her quickly again. "I'm fast."
She giggled it was a light sound that filled the room. "I guess I should head home, need to sleep on it." She replied finally knowing it was getting late.
"Want me to walk you?" He asked.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind some company. Especially if that company happens to have an umbrella?" she stated with a smirk as she took one last look over the city from the view.
Little did she know that Wally walking her home would be the final straw. The push from riding the line to good. Her "friends" saw the hero walking her home. Still mostly in his speedster suit. One on one she could take any of them down. But all against one was a truly different story. They accused her of turning them in. Deciding on beating it out of her was the easiest way to find out if she was a nark. And unfortunately nothing was the wrong answer. She'd held her own foot a short while but after nearly three hours of torture found herself back out in the cold rain.
They'd left her, in some dirty alley. With the intent that she'd be found and assumed to be some lady of the night. No one looked into those girls. And that's exactly what happened, as an emergency service vehicle was called for one presumed pink haired street walker with faint vital signs. The officer on the line said it looked like gang activity, that maybe she was trying to get out.
Wally woke to the sound of his phone pinging. He groggily rubbed his eyes and picked it up and stared at the alert. As he read his eyes got big something tugged at his heart. "Pink hair." He spoke out loud. He decided to follow his gut and called his uncle knowing he'd have more info.
Berry answered the phone. "Officer Allen speaking?" he hadn't looked at who was calling just answered.
"Uncle Barry it's Wall... I actually was wondering if you could help me. I got alert on my phone a few minutes ago talking about a possible gang brutality on your hands. The woman involved do you know her name?" He asked tapping his foot on the carpet.
Barry pulled up his call in record on his computer and clicked on the first female case file. "No, she had no ID on her. I don't know whether they took it or she never had it." he scrolled down looking at the notes on the bottom. "Young girl, about five nine maybe a hundred and twenty pounds, pink hair in braids, not much else is known. She's on her way to Saint Mary's now."
Wally had remember Jinx putting her hair in pink braids. "Thank you Uncle I worry she maybe a friend of mine." He stated knowing it had to be her.
"She very well could be your age. But how you'd know her is a bit beyond me, they say she's a prostitute. But you could always run by the hospital." He stated.
"I think I will do just that, thank you uncle. I hope all is well at home."
"It is, should I tell Iris you're coming for dinner tonight?" He flipped the screen back and nodded to his partner.
"Uh, yeah I'll be there, thanks uncle Barry." He promised getting up and getting dressed.
Jinx was put on the hospital bed. She had, like he warned, gotten a fever and sick from being left in rain all night. Her head pounding as she fought to wake up but at least she was stable.
Wally arrived at the hospital and instantly was met with a nurse. "I'm looking for a Jane Joe she came in after a beating?" He asked.
"And you are?" she asked suspiciously she was worried he may have had something to do with it.
"Wally West." He leaned in looking around. "Aka, Kid Flash the super hero." He paused seeing her concern on her face. "I'm her cousin at least if it's the Jane Joe I believe it is." he lied knowing most people weren't allowed back until they were family.
The nurse looked to him sizing him up she finally decided to trust the young man. She led him to a high security room with a guard at the door. It was indeed Jinx in the bed from what he could see in the small window.
"Oh my... what happened to her?" He asked staring at her bruise on her cheek.
"Best guess is gang violence, the police found her nearly beaten to death. She must have talked to the wrong person or know something she shouldn't." The woman explained.
He shook his head feeling guilt rising in his stomach. "And her injuries?" He asked.
"She'll recover, I expected a few to scar physically but no idea on the mental damage. Any ideas who would have done this?"
"I have no idea." He frowned he grabbed the door handle. "May I go in?"
She nodded. "If she wakes up, the police will want to talk to her." She walked away but turned the camera on in Jinx's room.
Wally walked in and up to her bed. He gingerly placed his hand on her face. "Oh, slowpoke, what happened to you?" He whispered wondering how many bruises he couldn't see. Jinx whimpered her eyes fluttering under the lids. She was starting to wake up. Her entire body hurt, she swore even her hair hurt. Becoming more conscious, she could taste the sharp taste of blood in her mouth.
He grabbed her hand. "Jinx?" He asked softly seeing her faint pink irises opening up.
She flinched. "Wally?" She asked softly. Her voice was rough and felt like she had acid poured down her throat.