I started writing this story forever ago, but never posted it anywhere. I also have a bunch of chapters already written if this one's a hit with you all.

Growing up with four brothers was an adventure, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I grew up in a house full of love, when I was home that is. Out of my entire household of seven people, I was the only one who ended up having magic. My family was very supportive, even venturing to Diagon Alley with me every year to buy my supplies and to King's Cross Station to see me off.

My first year I was sorted into Hufflepuff, my kind nature shining through and trumping all my other traits. I never understood why my house had such a negative reputation among the other students, being known as the house no one wanted to be Sorted into. Why would people not want to be in the house that valued kindness over everything?

My years spent at Hogwarts were wonderful, I only had a handful of friends, but I learned so much it was brilliant. I became part of a group called Dumbledore's Army when Voldemort was on the rise and Umbridge refused to let us learn to defend ourselves with magic. I was the very thing he hated most: a muggleborn, so I knew I had to learn to defend myself.

By the time I left Hogwarts, I was a shoo-in for the Ministry. I worked in the social work department, my passion for equality overpowering everything else. I wanted to fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves. That's where I was when Voldemort rose to power and stripped me of my position, making me run for cover or be killed.

I'd been hiding for about three months when I got word of the rebellion brewing. All of the members of the DA got coins so we'd learn about the meetings without Umbridge's knowledge, that's how I found out about us collecting in the Room of Requirement to fight and fight we did.

Many of us didn't make it out alive, but I was one of the lucky. I left with only minimal damage, well, I guess it was minimal compared to death. I was in St. Mungo's for a while with burns that scarred most of the left side of my body. It was Fiendfire, the kind that carried a curse and damage done by curses couldn't be healed. I'd have the scars for the rest of my life that spanned from the left side of my neck all the way down to my hip.

After the Battle, I was asked to come back to school and be the Muggle Studies professor. At first I was really afraid, I didn't know if it was something I could handle. The last professor was murdered and fed to Voldemort's snake, I'd been almost burned alive in the corridors of the castle. Despite all of that, I forced myself to take the job and ended up loving it. I was still teaching there three years later.

The job was amazing, but it was more strenuous than I thought it would be. I was always grading parchments or teaching classes or picking things up from Hogsmeade/Diagon Alley. Even with all that being said, I couldn't imagine why I didn't go into teaching in the first place.

Thankfully, Christmas break was a few weeks away and I got to go home. To prepare for upcoming OWLS and NEWTs I had to get a couple books from Diagon Alley. It was Saturday and the little shopping center was buzzing about with people. I waved to all my students with arms spilling over with parcels for their friends.

"Oi, hello, Professor Duke!" a fifth year named Ernie shouted, waving at me along with his group of friends.

"Hello, Ernie!" I shouted back, waving. "Don't forgot the three scrolls over muggles and electricity! It's due before the hols!"

"You're a nutter, Miss D!" he shouted back, smiling happily.

I laughed before duking into Flourish and Blotts to grab my things. I talked with the lady behind the counter as she floated the books I needed over to us. She was a pleasant old woman with a happy, warm smile.

"My little Winnie says she adores your class," she told me. "She's a third year with wild red hair and honey eyes. Do you know her?"

"Winnie McGregor? She's a delight," I told her, handing over my payment. "Very good at rock, paper, scissors if my memory serves me correctly."

"Merlin, she came home playing that for her birthday! I had no idea what it was," she replied with a bell-like laugh. "Well, I'm thankful they kept your class on the curriculum. It's really important."

"You and me both, ma'am," I laughed, touching her hand. "I hope you have a wonderful holiday! I've got to go before they catch me in here, I'll never heard the end of it if my students catch me buying more books."

I had bookshelves upon bookshelves in my office and in my classroom. Most of them were muggle novels, but I had the occasional wizard biography or textbook. I must've been a Ravenclaw in another life. The kids took my books all the time and always returned them with mystified eyes. I loved sharing the gift of literature with the future generation.

With my jacket bundled back up tightly around me and my scarf tucked inside it, I made my way back out onto the snow covered cobblestone. I'd intended to Apparate back to Hogsmeade and catch a carriage to the castle, but Weasley's Wizard Wheezes caught my attention.

I should get something to prank my kids with on the last days of the term. It would be a delight to see the looks on their faces. With all the stress of the upcoming OWLs and NEWTs, they needed something to lighten the mood. I remembered what it was like to be filled to the brim with stress during that time, it would've been wonderful to have a teacher who did something pf the sort for me.

The shop was filled with students who greeted me and parents shopping for their children. I recognized a couple people from my years at Hogwarts, smiling happily at them before continuing my search. I wanted something funny but not too over the top, I didn't want to distract them too much from their studies or have a lot to clean up.

"Hello, I don't think I've seen you in here before," Ron Weasley said, swooping in to help me. "You look a bit lost. Can I help you find something for a younger sibling or cousin or maybe even child?"

I laughed at the last part, I was definitely no one's mother. "Do I look like I could be someone's mother…?"

"No, of course not! I just thought that maybe you'd be here for Christmas or something!" he spluttered, causing George Weasley to come to his rescue.

He tossed an arm around his shoulders playfully and smiled at me. "Well, Lydia Duke, as I live and breathe. As I hear it, you've been teaching at Hogwarts for the last few years, is that true?"

"Lydia? I didn't even recognize you! I'm sorry!" Ron said, trying to save himself from even more embarrassment. "Of course you don't have kids."

"Ignore ickle Ronniekins, he sticks his foot in his mouth like he gets paid for it," George said, removing his arm from Ron and wrapping it around me as he lead me deeper into the store.

"Oi, at least I'd be getting paid for something!" Ron shouted after us, making George laugh.

"So what are you looking for, 'puff?" he asked, referencing my old house. "Didn't mark you as the pranking type, honestly."

"I'm offended by your lack of faith in me," I scoffed, but my grin gave me away. "I'm looking for something to lighten the mood before term ends. You remember how terrible studying for the OWLs were, NEWTs are even worse and I have to give both."

"I wouldn't know, I left before I took my NEWTs," he told me wryly.

"I remember! It was one of my favorite memories from Hogwarts!" I exclaimed, thinking back on the spectacular display of fireworks and laughter that followed. "The look on Umbridge's face was priceless!"

"So are you thinking about a firework display?" he asked, trying to figure out what I needed for my prank.

The thought of being near anything fire related made me tense and a sour taste gather in the back of my mouth. "No, nothing with fire."

He raised his eyebrows but didn't push the subject. I'm sure he remembered me being overtaken by flames, it was his brother who ended up putting me out. I wasn't scared of much, but fire made my throat close up and my body flood with adrenaline as my fight or flight instinct kicked in.

"Right, of course, I shouldn't have even suggested that," he backtracked quickly, his face falling as memories flooded him. "I'm so sorry, Lydia."

I brushed off his words and looked around the store for the perfect prank. I lifted up a snow globe with a familiar looking building inside. "Is this the Shrieking Shack?"

"Good eye, most people just think it's a random building," he smiled, taking the snow globe and gesturing to the button on its side. "When you push this, snow flies out and forms your own personal blizzard."

"With a little well placed charms, it could make my entire classroom look like a blizzard," I mused, taking the globe back and shaking it. "And if I get two, it's going to be impossible to see across the room, right?"

His smile grew even bigger and actually seemed to be legitimate this time. "I would've never even thought of that, it'll be spectacular."

"I'm sure Professor McGonagall would love to see you if you wanted to see the prank in action," I said, looking at him out of the corner of my eye to gauge his response. "Only if you want, of course, no pressure."

He paled and the smile immediately faded. "I haven't been in the castle since…"

His brother died.

"Oh, yeah, of course," I said, covering my mouth with my hands quickly.

Unfortunately, I dropped the snow globe and it exploded on the ground. I swore under my breath before bending down and using a spell to suction up the liquid and another to gather up the glass shards.

"I'm so sorry, for breaking the globe and being insensitive. I'm not very tactful, it's why I was a Hufflepuff instead of a Ravenclaw," I said, babbling like usual when I got nervous. "Never was smart enough, the Hat even told me so. I guess that was why I quit being a social worker, couldn't remember all the important codes or rules. Oh bullocks, I'm still talking."

His lips turned up on one side and I felt my face heat up. "You're funny, 'puff. I don't remember that from DA."

"Yeah, it's a new thing for me. I'm working on a standup routine," I replied stupidly. "Not that you know what standup comedy is, it's a muggle thing and you're a pureblood. Oh my god, I sound like a total prat. I swear I'm not usually this big of a ninny, at least I don't think so."

"It was only fair, I did suggest you take a firework to school," he said after I'd finished blathering on. "I would like to see the blizzard at Hogwarts…"

"I'll write you before the end of semester after I set it up with Professor McGonagall," I smiled, taking two of the globes and following George to the checkout. "So I'll buy all three of them and head out."

"Nah, I'm not gonna charge you for the broken one. It's not a big deal, stuff breaks in here all the time."

"Are you sure? I feel really bad about it," I said, chewing my bottom lip.

"Just owl me after you get permission from McGonagall," he said, giving me back my change and saving me from another babble attack.

"Will do, thanks for the perfect prank," I replied, saluting him as I walked backward out of the store. "I'll see you soon, Mr. Weasley!"

He bowed as much as the counter would allow before returning my salute.

Thanks so much for reading! I really hope you're as excited about this story as I am!

Drop a review and tell me what you think!