Re-update: 02-05-2017 (Used Grammarly to filter out my writing errors.)


Our story starts on a fine winter day. Snow as fine like icing sugar drifts gently down onto the roofs of the well-arranged neighborhood of Little Whinging. The gardens that each building have in Little Whining are clean and tidy. There are no flowers visible in this cold season, and if there were some in bloom, they would not have survived this cold weather or the layer of snow that now covers the earth. If a journalist for the newspaper 'The Independent' would walk through the neighborhood for a juicy news for the headline of his company. He or she would definitely recommend this small village that looks it came straight out of a Christmas postcard. Everywhere in the neighborhood, Christmas-light adorned the windows that were plastered with fake snow. At the edge of the gardens, adorning the fences were bright colorful lights of red. Yellow and green. Adorning the front doors were the Christmas' wreaths with the text Merry Christmas. And soon, over two days Christmas day breaks on and every child from young and old will get a present from Santa Claus, except for one.

At Privet Drive Number Four lives a small family of three. That family consists out of a man, Vernon who is twice the girth of a normal man. Around his waist, a pot belly that is in a constant fight with Vernon's priced imitation of an Armani suit. Laying his hand on the shoulder of a boy, his son, Dudley who is almost a clone of his father. And standing next to Dudley is the boy's mother, a slim woman with a long neck and a mouth that would not stand miss on a horse. Her name is Petunia and they are the Dursleys family. The Dursleys are very proud to call themselves, ordinary, no strange things at all. Vernon is the Director at Grunnings and was the epitome of normally, and that is something that he wants to keep. Especially that person, something that needs to be locked for the upcoming week. Vernon does not wish that his upcoming plans for his company will be ruined by that little brat.

The Director of Grunnings had invited several very important people that might branch out their own company to his. However, there in his house lives his own small family and someone else... his wife's troublesome nephew. Feeling that the all so familiar headache is growing in his head, Vernon barked from behind his desk. "Margaret,!" And when his eyes noticed that the daily newspaper is not present on his desk, "and brings me the newspaper too."

'That boy, Harry, I don't hate him nor do I like him. But that freakiness of his will sooner or later get out of control and those that will be hurt will be my wife and son. Another note is that everything got out of my own pocket, no insurance for that boy. I feared for a long time that those freaks would return, however they never showed up on my doorstep and that day I tried to punch out that freakiness of his.' Vernon small brown eyes narrowed at the thought that now spooks through his head. Past memories returned of what kind of punishment he had given the boy when the freakiness happened in the house or around them when they were in public. A small feeling of guilt crawled up his spine when the boy was ignored by his wife, Petunia, and punished by him. Vernon knew that the now four-year-old boy would grow into trouble, and in the upcoming years, the man knew that everything will turn from small issues to some very troublesome issues. While Vernon was deep in thought, his secretaries Margaret entered his office with a cup of coffee, a cookie on his plate and a rolled up newspaper of the Independent in her hand.

"Here is your order sir, and may I recommend to you to read the header. There is an article about a woman that want to make a dream comes true with the charity company of Make a Wish. She had a hard, difficult life and she wants to teach her knowledge to an apprentice. She is for a moment located in the heart of London … the article's name is – Make a Wish." Margaret told her employer. She placed the plate with the cup of coffee and the newspaper on his desk before leaving Vernon's presence.

Vernon at his newspaper, or more precisely that small article about that company – Make a Wish. Of course, Vernon knew about that company. A company that tries to make wishes come true for ill patients that did not have much time left in their life. His eyes noticed that the patient in the picture is a bald woman. A very beautiful woman in her own way with clear intelligent eyes. He suspected that this woman has been sick or is still and now wish to do something with her remaining time. How Vernon came to this conclusion is because that this notion frequently comes mostly for in patients with cancer. "Alright, before I resume my work, perhaps this little article can help me with removing my nephew from my custody." Vernon burst out in a joyful laugh.

"The Make a Wish Company wants to give the following attention to Megan Fay, a marvelous woman who has obtained several medical degrees in America. She had operated several patients with success and Ms. Fay had tutored several young men and women to high respected neurosurgeons. Ms. Fay felt that time slowly comes closer and she voiced out that she had one wish left, namely teaching her talents to her new apprentice. We, from the Make a Wish Company knows how much the world can provide from such a person that comes under her guidance..." Mused Vernon when his eyes flew over the text. A smile that was already present on his face only grew and the thought of his little Duddy-kins comes under her tutelage will bring his son far. Quickly Vernon reached out to phone in his office and rang the number. Within a second the Director of Grunnings had someone at the other end of the line. "Hello, Vernon Dursley speaking, yes I want to make an appointment with Ms. Fay … yes, of course, I will bring them... Thank you, see you at the end of the day." Vernon finished the conversation before he hung up and a satisfied expression was left on his face. 'That was an interesting conversation. Perhaps it would not be that bad to bring my wife's nephew with me. If everything will work out, my family and I will perhaps hand over Harry to that woman.'

Several hours later, Vernon pushed the door of his car open and stepped out. Planting his feet firmly on the concrete of the street in front of his house. On his face is still that smile since the telephone conversation, and with a few steps, he closed the distance between him and the building. The door swayed open and Vernon entered the hall. "Honey, Dudley... guess who is home?"

"Daddy!" A small, round boy ran into the hall, screaming youthfully. In his hand was a toy, an Action Man precisely. Vernon picked up his son. A memory drifted up when he remembered that the toy his son hold was the one he gave him when Dudley had better marks than his nephew. "You're finally home. It was a strange day – that freak did something strange..."

A sigh escaped Vernon's lips. He could already feel a headache shown up when his mind wandered off to his nephew. "Did he? You know what, son. I will punish that freak and at the end of the day we will not see him again, okay."

"Yea... punishing the freak!" Dudley exclaimed in excitement. For a six-year-old boy, he didn't know how cruel this actually is. As for the boy's father, he could feel himself already changing slowly to a person that would be in the future unrecognizable in the mirror. "The freak did something strange,"

Vernon could not wait for tonight's appointment. The man is sure that someone like Ms. Fay would like to have a child like his nephew. And if Freaky Harry shows any signs of that freakiness, then she would likely want to know how that works. "Like what, Duddy-kins...?" Vernon asked his son while keeping the thought of freeing himself of his strange nephew.

Dudley squirmed in his father's arms. "Uhm... that freak turned mom's hair blue..."

'New plan, bring the freak to that woman and convince her to keep that boy. Let someone else take care of that boy than us. Why didn't those freak take care of him themselves instead of us, but what would you expect from freaks.' Snorted Vernon while entering the living room and kissed his wife on the cheeks. "Hello love, how was your day?"

"It was pretty normal if you ignores the freak's freakiness today." Petunia squibbed in annoyance. It was just now that Vernon noticed his wife's now blue hair and the absences of their freak of a nephew. Probably in his room under the stair, which he probably deserved and this was perhaps a good excuse to tell his wife his brilliant plan. While Vernon was gathering his courage to tell his wife, Petunia was filling his plate with food. "I have sent our son to the beauty salon to get some normal hair color to hide this disgusting shade. But let's ignore it for now and focus on you my love, how was your day?"

Vernon cut a bit of beef before responding to his wife. "Quite a busy day if I might say it. We got a few new contracts with other drilling companies on the Isles. Or more correctly, soon we will. I've invited them over to join your lovely cooking and that is the first good news."

Petunia arched alone brow at her husband. Like a good wife, she wondered what brought her husband in such a good mood. She leaned a bit towards her son, a napkin in her hand. She wiped away the remaining food on her son's lips. "Fantastic news! I always knew you did great on your company. Much better than that idiot of a husband of my freak of a sister. If only..."

"If only your nephew will leave our house, right. Well, my secretaries appeared this morning with the Independent, our national newspaper. In the newspaper was an article of the Make a Wish Company. A woman that I believe suffers from cancer made a wish to tutor someone that could use her knowledge later in life." Started Vernon his story with Petunia nodding at him and Vernon had quite the idea of what she had in mind. Vernon lifted his hand up to halt his wife before she could say something. "While my first idea was showing our brilliant son, after all, who is so handsome and smart like our Duddy-kins. However, I thought of giving her Harry, your nephew. I can convince her to take Harry and let her sign the guardianship and if she agrees in taking him. Imagine then that we are free of those freaks."

Vernon's wife was brought to silence when she heard her husband's news. This was the best soon to be Christmas present she will ever get. Petunia doesn't know if God of the Bible or any other ascended Gods had listened to her prayers, but this will finally free her from Lily's shadow. With a block in her throat, Petunia asked. "Is it really true. Did you found a way to remove that monster's spawn from our life? Oh, Vernon, you make me so delighted at hearing this news." Small tears of happiness trailed down her cheeks. "When will we be freed of that spawn?"

"Tonight dear, I have an appointment tonight with Ms. Fay. I will drive immediately after we are done with dinner. After all, how sooner we remove your nephew from our life – the fewer problems we will have with those freaks." Vernon hastily threw out the F-word when he noticed the dark look of his wife when the words nephew instead of freak was used on his wife's sister's son.

Sniffing, Petunia cut a bit harsher her beef. "See to it that the demon's spawn will be removed. Even if that Ms. Whatever doesn't accept him if that happens just drop him along the road. After all, he is not our problem." She finished and started chewing on her beef, and cut a new piece off the meat.

"Whatever you wish, Petunia. Besides that happy news, you make some excellent meat." Praised Vernon his wife. Moving his hand and grasping the remote television controller, Vernon started the News journal of today while falling in the familiar routine with his family.

While the men of the Dursley household and Petunia were watching the television, somewhere under the stairs. A small, thin boy with unruly raven colored hair had listened to the conversation that was going on in the kitchen. Bright brilliant emerald eyes that were now wet from the tears when the voices carried through the door of his room under stairs, telling them of what his uncle was planning with him. And how unloved the boy is in this household. This boy is Harry Potter, nephew to Dudley and son of Petunia's sister, Lily. "Why...? Why do they dislike me so much – what did I do to deserve such a treatment?!" Bawled Harry out in a small whimpering. "Where are my parents? My mommy and daddy..." He questioned himself. Harry was not dumb, for a young boy his age the child was pretty smart. Of course, Harry knew that his parents were not amongst the living anymore, yet the way his Aunt and her husband told him how was dubious. Many nights, Lily's son had nightmares that ended with his mother being hit by a green light.

For several long minutes, Harry thought about his nightmares. Yet more precisely his memories before those nightmares. When Harry closes his eyes at night and dozes off to sleep, these memories are not always nightmares that plague his night. Sometimes Harry will dream of his parents, flying with his father on a broom. The feel of the wind imprinted onto his skin, and the way how his hair dances in the wind always bring a smile to the small boy. For a while, the memories of his father stayed there in his mind before it shifted to that of his mother. Lily Potter, who held something in her hand, a wand. Sparks of different colors jumped out of the tip while his father, James held him in his arms. Around them, animated animals cookies danced and slowly changed color and several a sweet snacks attached to them before they vanished into the oven. After that Lily took Harry into her arms and planted a kiss on her son's nose.

"Soon, my sweet child. You will be free to enjoy your own life to its fullest." Dream Lily whispered to her son. Harry closed his eyes in the dream, which made him lose sight of the person that appears behind his mother. A bald beautiful woman spoke at the same moment that Lily spoke to her son. "Now, wake up Harry. We will meet soon – I promise."

When the whispers reached the dreaming Harry Potter, a loud rasping sound woke him up that was immediately followed by the rough voice of Uncle Vernon. "Get out boy! I want that you wash. No dirt and you put on the second best clothes I have laid out for you. Understood!"

Harry's eyes snapped open, showing emerald eyes. Quickly grasping his glasses that lay next to the mattress he uses. Within a moment Harry's glasses found its way towards his face and then rolled out from the cupboard under the stair. "Y..yes … Uncle Vernon." Stammered Harry before quickly climbing the stair while the laughter of Dudley floated out of the living room.

"Hurry up boy. We don't have all the time for you..." Shouted Vernon when Harry had just reached the stairs top. With small legs, Vernon's nephew ran quickly towards the bathroom and washed his face and hair. Turning around when the small boy dried his hair with a towel. It was then that emerald eyes noticed the almost new clothes of Dudley on the rack of the bathroom. "Come down and let me inspect you. I don't want ruffled clothes, unkempt hair or whatever!"

To say that Harry was surprised is a certain understatement. Never in his life had Harry got new clothes from his uncle. Especially when these clothes that lay in front of him are not a day old. If the unwanted child in the Dursley's household may use these clothes. Then Vernon surely wants to make a good impression, probably to that person his uncle told his aunt about. "Coming Uncle," Shouted the small boy down the stairs. In almost a flash, Harry had on his new clothes and rushed off the stairs where is uncle was waiting. "Th..thank you, Uncle Vernon. Fo..for the new clothes."

Vernon only narrowed his eyes at the clothes. Trying to think of a good excuse to tell him why Harry must wear these clothes. "Think nothing of it boy. My son only deserves the best of the best, and he disliked these... so it is better that you use it or thrown away." Grunt Uncle Vernon before slapping the boy on the back and guided him out of the house. Turning his head, Vernon shouted from over his shoulder. "Petunia, we are leaving. I'll be back over two hours from now." And then turned his attention to his nephew. "Move boy, we don't have all day for you."

Moving towards the car, Harry pulled the door open and took his seat. He followed how Vernon moved around the car and stepped in behind the steering wheel. Before the boy knew it the car came to life and they left driveway of Private Drive Number Four. Vernon drove them towards the highway and they quickly left Little Whining. It was then that Vernon spoke in his gruff tone. "Boy, no I call you Harry only this once. I can understand that you might hate us, Harry. We weren't the best of family, for me your step-uncle and for my wife your step-aunt."

"Uncle..." Harry started, only for his now revealed step-uncle to send him a warning glare that he must keep his mouth.

"Don't talk boy, sorry Harry. Please understand that I only this time will try to be nice to you." Vernon grunted out while keeping an eye out on the way. "You, Harry was placed on a day like this on our doorstep. Draped in green blankets that had the same color like your eyes, and a letter. Not a normal letter but one this is not used for a very long time. A parchment." Glancing to his left to see if his soon to not be nephew follows his story. "In the letter, we were ordered to take care of you. Giving your food, clothes and any other health cares. All of that without reassurance in any way."

While the boy is young, he somehow understood what his uncle told him. There is now a small part that Harry could understand that his step-aunt and uncle disliked him. Lifting his head a bit up to listen better to Vernon. "That letter also mention of what had happened to your parents. They were murdered by a twisted freak. Another reason why we don't want you at our home, something like that dangerous is what we mundane cannot fight. So, our only way to protect ourselves is by lying about your parents. However when you showed that freakiness, Petunia told me what it was and I came up with the idea of beating that freakishness out of you. I don't feel ashamed for my actions, am I understood."

Harry nodded that the things Uncle Vernon told him were something that he could understand. Glancing for a single second out of the window of the car. The young boy noticed a mirror reflection of himself before the vanished. "I was afraid of that freakiness, but your aunt, Petunia had lived with her adopted sister her whole childhood. Her parents, your grandparents had only attention to your mother. Something Petunia disliked very much."

"I am sorry for the trouble..." Harry apologized in a small voice.

Vernon let out an amused grunt out. The reason is that they just entered the outer edge of Britain's Ilse's capital, London. "You must be, now be ready to be on your best behavior. I want you to do your best to win over Ms. Fay. She is a patient that suffer from a very terrible illness and she wants to spend her remaining time to tutor a child in her knowledge and experience. That means, if she accepts you then you will be taken in by her, if not then you will be thrown out of the car once we left London. Understood, boy!"

"Yes, sir!" Harry exclaimed in a loud voice. The boy felt a shiver of fear down his spine. What will happens to him when the woman doesn't want him.

Vernon pressed down the brakes pedal and the car come to a halt. The massive man stepped out of his car and was closely followed by Harry. None of the two watched up to the upper floor of the building. If they did they would have noticed a large symbol in the form of an all-seeing eye. Without knowing, Vernon and Harry entered the building and approached the desk and addressed the receptionist their presence. "I have an appointment with Ms. Fay from the Make a Wish Company. Can you announce our presence, Vernon Dursley with his ward Harry Potter."

The receptionist nodded in acknowledge. The person behind the reception is a middle-aged man of Asian descendant. The man stepped off his chair and with a bow from out of his hips he introduced himself to them. "Welcome and thank you for making some time to meet my mistress in her hard time. My name is Wong, her helper because she can difficult move without help. If you want to follow me please."

Wong smiled lightly at the young boy before guiding them through the halls of the building. The way towards Ms. Fay was very short, almost around the corner. The rasping sound of knuckles hitting the door lightly that was shortly answered by a quiet, yet melodic voice. "Enter Wong and guests."

"Welcome Vernon Dursley, but more importantly you... Harry Potter." The same melodic voice welcomes them into the room. Harry noticed that the woman was very beautiful for someone who suffered from such an illness. She was seated on a comfy leather sofa, and her eyes held strength and lightness. "Please, take a seat and let us start after Wong brought us some refreshments."

Harry could only stand and with a not so light pore of his uncle, the boy finally sat down. "Thank you, Ms. Fay, for seeing us."

"Not at all, Harry, and please call me Morgana. I must say Mr. Dursley, you have brought up this young man wonderfully. So kind and well mannered. As for you Harry, my apologies that I use your given name, I hope you don't mind that I use it?" She apologized to the boy who shook his head shyly at her. "Good," she finally said after a short silence which Wong used to place the refreshment on the smaller table between them. "Now, I do hope you know why you are here, Harry?"

Harry glanced uncertainly for a moment to his uncle before giving his answer. "I do Madam. Uncle Vernon told me you suffer from a terrible illness and are searching for someone to learn your way if am I not wrong."

Morgana let out a giggle before controlling herself. "You are correct, in a way. It is not only that I was searching for an apprentice, but also for a person that could see up to me for a mother and for me to look with eyes on a son."

This news shocked the pair, for Vernon this news was received with a bit of happiness for his nephew. The man knew that the way Harry had lived was not healthy for a boy his age, and in a small way Vernon now hopes to repay the boy by giving him a brighter future. As for Harry, for him was like a dream for him comes true. There were many nights that he dreamed of someone rescuing him from his hellish life, and now it was answered. "Pl..please, if you want me … mom?" Harry called out quietly. Fear was clear evidence in his voice when he called out what he always had washed to call someone with such a title.

"Come here Harry, my son," Morgana called out and she opened her arms. Her eyes followed how the boy that she soon may call son once the contract is signed rush towards her. Once her soon to be son was in her arms, she wrapped her appendage around him. "And I want to say already to you, welcome my son." She whispered to Harry while Wong placed three documents in front of Vernon.

"Mr. Vernon, when you sign these documents. Harry will then through life with his new name, Hadrian Steven Le Fay. All right in any form will be signed over to Morgana Le Fay once you sign these documents." Wong told Vernon who had just lowered his glass of water. Like a mechanic doll, Vernon placed his hand signature under the documents that were a moment later signed by Morgana Le Fay.

Wong placed the documents in a secured folder that was then placed under his jacket. The Asian descendant man spoke to Vernon. "May I thank you for signing the documents. You just make two lonely boys and my mistress very happy with this new contract. I can assure that you won't regret this decision."

"I don't think that I will regret this at all. You and your mistress saved a lot of people, including me. I can now say that I wasn't the best of person, and perhaps if Hadrian stayed with me that it would only turn worst. Thank you again, Ms. Fay and you, of course, Mr. Wong. And no need for help of letting me out. I can do that myself, and Harry – Good luck to you, enjoy your second chance." Vernon wished his former nephew before he removed himself from the room.

Once the door closed, Wong turned to his Lady. In a stoic but yet with a light hint of amusement the man servant spoke. "Your plan worked brilliantly … Ancient One, and welcome to the family young Master Hadrian Steven Le Fay."

"Yes, welcome my son." Morgana Le Fay the Ancient One welcome her new son. She grasped her son who buried his face into her chest, crying tears of elation at getting a mother, but more important a new family. However, Harry now using his new name Hadrian Steven Le Fay didn't notice the room shatter like a mirror nor the almost whisper of Wong.

"The new Sorcerer Supreme and discipline of the Ancient One."