Where has the time gone?

It was so strange to think that so much happened in the last few weeks, yet here they were. The budding Gappei Fusions taking their last grand journey: their futures.

The airport has never seen so many Fusions in one place. It was practically filled with just the Gappei Villagers, waiting with their minimum luggage for their scheduled flights. So much happened, and so much was left to reflect on.

The new council was getting comfortable in their new roles. With their newly obtained responsibilities, they were some of the few who wouldn't be joining the rest of their friends aboard the flights. A lot needed to be planned if they wanted to get started reaching out to all those impressionable Fusions. The least they could do was see their friends off one last time.

Juniper voiced her usual sleepiness with a loud yawn, sparking amused snickers from her friends. "Good grief, why do planes fly so early in the morning?"

Shane laughed. "Get used to that. I predict a number of early mornings for you."

"Don't remind me. Ugh, my terrible sleep schedules going to be thrown out of whack."

Emily rolled her eyes. "Our council leader, ladies and gentlemen." Juniper stuck her tongue out at her.

Wash shook his head and chuckled. "Ignore them, Jun. You're going to be a great leader, I know it."

"You're staying behind, Wash?" Sheila asked.

Wash nodded. "Honestly, I don't have much place to go. I prefer to stay with Juniper. It's the only thing that makes me happy."

Sheila smiled. "Aww. How sweet."

"Sad, if you ask me," Artemis mumbled. Quinn elbowed her in the ribs. "Ow! Joking, joking!"

Wash waved it off. "It's fine. Besides, someone needs to keep a close eye on Juniper to make sure she's fulfilling her responsibilities."

Juniper grinned flirtatiously and nestled under his chin. "Could I sway your responsibilities with some…special cuddles?"

Wash's eyes flashed, letting Barbatos take over. He grabbed her by the scruff and shouted, "Don't try weaseling your way out of this one, missy! I know your tricks, and I won't fall for-!" He froze as the panda kissed him on the lips. He recoiled and covered his red face. "S-Stop doing that!"

Juniper snickered. "That's someway to talk to your girlfriend."

"I-I'm not your boyfriend!"

"You're Wash, he's Barbatos. I see no difference."

Barbatos grumbled under his breath and let Wash back at the controls. Wash shook his head and sighed. "Honestly, Jun…" Juniper giggled innocently.

"Woo! I'm ready to get going!" Everyone saw Vivi waltzing over, dragging two suitcases along and pumping her upper arms. "Next time you all see me, I'll be an official member of the International Police."

"Assuming she passes all her classes," Eddie grumbled, following along with just a backpack hanging off his shoulder.

"Oh hey, you two!" Rebecca greeted. "Where's Bartleby at?"

"Given he can't get on a plane, I told him to meet us in Sinnoh. He took off this morning."

Dez raised his paw. "So, you'll be joining me and Charlie on our flight."

"That's right."

Vivi popped up between Dez and Charlie and squeezed him. "Sweet! We're going to be plane buddies! Oh, this'll be so much fun! How does it feel being next to a future International Police Officer?"

"Suffocating," Dez groaned.

"I'm…dying," Charlie choked.

Eddie grabbed Vivi and pried her off. "Don't get ahead of yourself, kid. You still need to get the proper training and degree, first. Which is why you're staying with me until then." He glared seriously at her. "And I'm not paying for your college loans. You're working those off at the bar."

Vivi tilted her head and smiled innocently. "Shouldn't parents provide that stuff for their kids so they don't go into college debt?"

"Ha! I'm broke, kid. You think I can pay that shit off working at a bar?"

"Then why do I have to?!"

"It builds character."


Ulysses laughed quietly. "I hope you two have a great time in Sinnoh." He tapped his wingtips together awkwardly. "I hope I get to see you again."

Vivi smiled. "Aww, same here!" She winked. "Hey, next time we meet up, let's go on a date!"

"W-W-What?!" Ulysses shrieked.

"You better not keep me waiting~!" Vivi sang.

"I-I-I-I-!" Ulysses stuttered, going completely red faced.

Ren snickered. "Aww, poor Ulysses."

Rebecca giggled. "It's actually really sweet." She looked to the side, blushing a bit. "It would be nice going on a date with someone you love, don't you think, Ren?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Never found anyone to go out with, though."

Rebecca faltered over. "R-Right, of course." She laughed awkwardly and pointed off to the side. "I'm going to get a drink of water." She shuffled off, covering her face.

Dez deadpanned at Ren. "You're as oblivious as ever, Ren."

Surprisingly, the frog knight turned and winked at the armored hound. "Am I? I'll be back in a moment." He followed after Rebecca.

Dez tilted his head. "He's not actually…"

Wash looked around for a moment, then asked, "Hey, does anyone know where York is? He said he would meet up with us."

Quinn pulled his phone out of his bag. "He said he would be by shortly. He went to pick up Casey so she could wish us off, too."

"Didn't York say he was staying in the city?" Sheila brought up.

"Yeah," Juniper answered with a yawn. "Since the Rogues are being tasked with repairs to repay for their crimes, York felt he needed to stay and help. Julian's got almost all the Rogues working double time. Harsh, but fair."

Charlie chuckled. "I'd hate to be them right now."

Wash raised his brow. "Jun, you said almost all of the Rogues."

Juniper smiled. "Well, you see-"

"I'm leaving the city." The group turned and gasped as the main Rogues walked up into the airport. Leading the pack were Norris, York, and Casey, with York's arm hooked around Casey's. Norris dragged a suitcase behind him.

Artemis blinked in surprise. "You're leaving, Norris?"

Norris nodded. "I've had enough of this shit, so I'm going somewhere to finally get my anger issues under control."

Ulysses raised his wing. "I, uh…recommended the temple I grew up in. They'll make sure Norris is treated well and gets the help he needs."

Norris sighed and rubbed his head. "I've lived my entire life angry and confused. It's about time I got my life under control and start fresh."

York patted Norris' back. "I'll make time to visit you when I have the chance."

"We all will," Mikayla interjected, hugging Norris' arm. "You may not be our leader anymore, but you're still our friend." She kissed him on the cheek and pulled away.

Norris went red faced and turned away, gritting his teeth. "W-What was that for?!"

Mikayla smiled sweetly with a small blush. "A goodbye present."

"I-I see…"

Eli hooked his arm around Norris. "I'll keep everyone under control. We're probably going to be in this damn city for a while. Make sure you try and make time for us, too. Let's go bowling sometime."

Norris huffed. "I'll think about it."

Sullivan sighed. "Hard to believe you're leaving us."

Zoey crossed her arms. "What are you going to do once you get your issues sorted out?"

"Are you going to become a crimefighter, too?" Sunny asked, swinging her legs from Zoey's shoulder.

Norris shot her a glare. "What part of swearing off violence did I-?!" He stopped himself and breathed deeply. "…I've been thinking about it. It'll take some time and, well, clearing my previous criminal record, but I might start up an orphanage."

"Seriously?" Braith gasped. "You? Working with orphans?!"

"That's unexpected," Gordon mumbled.

Norris shrugged. "I started out in an orphanage." He glared at the ceiling and took a deep breath. "And I'm going to run it the right way. That's my promise."

Augustus smiled brightly. "We know you'll do great, Mr. Norris."

Norris blinked at the coffin chinchilla, then kneeled down. "Augustus…" He rubbed the kid's head. "Promise me you'll stay out of trouble. Go to school, get an education, and make something of yourself. You can do that for me, right?"

Augustus nodded. "Yes sir, I promise. I'll make you proud."

Norris narrowed his eyes and smiled. "That's all I could ask for." He stood up and stretched his legs. "My flight's leaving soon, so I better get ready." Norris glared at York. "As for you…"

York smirked. "If you ever want to take a cheat day, I wouldn't mind having another go at you. Our last fight didn't quite count after all."

Norris closed his eyes and smirked. "You wouldn't stand a chance."

"We'll see." York extended his hand. "Until we see each other again?"

Norris grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. "Right."

Casey smiled. "Aww, it's so nice seeing you two get along again."

"Make way, make way!" The Fusions and Casey craned their necks as Tamara, Spaz, Crawford, and Codex approached the scene with their luggage. "What is up, my people?!" Spaz cheered. "I'm getting pumped! A new adventure is waiting around the corner!"

Tamara cracked her knuckles. "The filthy streets of Unova will be cleaned when the dynamic duo of the Azure Spirit and Fairy Boy enter the scene!"

"Yeah, we'll- Fairy Boy?!" Spaz cried. "Tamara, I'm not going to be a vigilante! And why is my name 'Fairy Boy'?"

"I'm a crimefighter. My specialty is beating the shit out of people, not coming up with names."

Quinn held his hip. "Wait, you four are heading to Unova?"

Codex raised his hand. "Just these three. I'll be traveling to Hoenn to track down an old friend's descendants. I wish to give proper greetings to the family of the man I cared for."

"Seriously, you're over a hundred years old?" Artemis asked, still in shock. "Good grief, you've missed out on some senior discounts, old man," she teased.

Codex smirked. "Ah yes, I'm sure that ten percent discount off your fast food will make up for the graying hairs and terrible aches you'll endure."

Artemis deadpanned. "I'm not sure if I should shed a tear of pride or strangle you for that."

"I'm still not used to hearin' Cody makin' jokes," Crawford mumbled. "I like it, but it's weird."

"Actually, what are you doing in Unova, Crawford?" Sheila asked.

Crawford laughed and pounded his chest. "Loads of things. Join up the local fighting rings to make betting money, work at a bar and get fired for emptying the stock, become a personal trainer, and some other thing to keep me financially stable."

"You can have my job instead!" Vivi cheered, earning a swift kick on top of her head.

"No way out of it," Eddie reminded.


Chris walked over to them, sipping from a water bottle. "Yeesh, I could hear all of you from the entrance. Did I miss a party?"

Shane smiled. "Oh Chris, there you are. You all set to leave?"

Chris smiled. "Ready and waiting."

"You're heading over to Johto, right?" Artemis asked.

Chris nodded. "I'm going to a construction management school. I'm comfortable getting my hands dirty, so it's a fitting job."

"Heh, sounds perfect."

Sheila took a deep breath and sighed before gazing around the airport. "It's funny, really."

"Hmm? What do you mean?" York asked.

"We went against the odds to meet back with each other only to leave weeks later, yet I don't feel sad." Sheila smiled. "Honestly, I'm looking forward to it."

York blinked, then smiled back. "You know what? Same here."

"Heh. I'm going to miss seeing you guys every day. I'm so used to the village by now, I can't imagine living without it."

Tamara smirked. "Same here." She hooked her arm around Juniper. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to miss you, Juniper. For all your annoying habits, I've grown fond of you."

Juniper grinned. "Aww, thanks. I'll miss you and your hero worshipping nonsense."

"What are you calling nonsense?!"


Rebecca guzzled down a bottle of water, sighed, and plopped herself down on a bench. "Good grief, what was I thinking? Here I thought Ren and I made a connection along the way." She pressed the back of her head against the wall. "Heh. Guess it's my fault for not being upfront with my feelings. I could've said something sooner." She closed her eyes. "Too late now, I guess."

"Too late for what?"

"Gah?!" Rebecca jumped from her seat as Ren sat down beside her. "R-Ren?! Did you follow me?!"

Ren grinned. "You looked upset. I wanted to check on you."

"A-Ah…" Rebecca breathed and leaned back against the wall. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to give off the wrong impression. I'm still pretty flabbergasted with everything, you know?"

Ren nodded. "I hear you. You're going to art school, aren't you?"

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, I do want to get my work out there." She tapped her chin. "I could always go into the animation industry. That would be fun."

"There you go!" Ren patted her on the back. "You've got everything figured out for yourself!"

Rebecca chuckled. "Look who's talking, Mr. Important-Fusion-Ambassador. You got the real gig, not me. You'll be touring the whole planet. I'm not going anywhere special."

Ren shook his head. "What's not special about following your dreams? Doesn't matter where you go as long as you enjoy yourself."

Rebecca smiled. "You're right, I guess."

"I'm going to miss you a lot, Rebecca."

Rebecca blushed, then faced the floor. "Same. I just hope you don't forget about me."

"Now why would I do something silly like that?" Ren pulled his bag off and reached inside. "Here you go." He pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to her.

"Huh?" Rebecca took it in her hands and looked it over. "What's this?"

"My contact information. Every conceivable way for you to get in touch with me." Ren shrugged. "Sure, I might be busy with meetings and conferences, but I always make time for a friend."

Rebecca flinched at the word 'friend', but smiled regardless. "That's…Thanks, Ren. I appreciate it."

"Anytime. Ooh, we should do something cool when we meet up again."

Rebecca sighed with an exasperated smile. "Let me guess. Theme park? Pancake house? Just a plain ol' walk-?"

"How about a date instead?"

Rebecca's eyes nearly popped out of her skull. She whipped her head at the grinning frog, gawking in disbelief. "E-E-Excuse me?!"

"Yeah, a date." Ren chuckled sheepishly and scratched his cheek. "I mean, if you're willing to wait that long for me, of course. Again, I have no idea what my schedule's going to look like. Maybe if I figure out when your spring breaks are, I could make time to see you-"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Rebecca interrupted. She held the contact information to her blushing face and asked, "Are you…actually asking me out on a date?"

"Huh?" Ren grinned. "Well, of course. Why wouldn't I? You're super cool, nice, creative, and…heh, I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but very pretty."

Rebecca's whole face turned bright red. "P-Pretty?"

Ren frowned. "Did I say something wrong?"


"Is that a no, then?"


Ren slumped forward sadly. "Oh? I…guess so." He stood up. "Sorry to bother you. Err, we can still talk and stuff, if you want. You can keep my contact information. Or tear it up. Whichever makes you happy-AH!"

Rebecca jumped from her seat and tackled the frog knight. "Ren!" She pinned him to the floor and nuzzled her face against his, laughing. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that!"

Ren smiled. "So, that's a yes-?"

"Of course it's a yes! Haha!"

Ren grinned happily. "Awesome! Oh, I can't wait!"

"Me either!" She wrapped her arms around him. "I'll wait years if I have to!"

"Seems excessive, but cool!" Ren sat up and hugged her back. "You're really amazing, Rebecca."

Rebecca pulled away and smiled. "So are you." She pressed her head into his shoulder and sighed.

Ren blinked and looked around at all the weird stares they were getting from passing Pokémon. "Heh, uh…Rebecca, shouldn't we get up now? We're making a scene."

"I'm not letting you go until my flight's called!"

Ren blinked. "Uh…" He sighed in defeat and smiled. "Oh well." He hooked his arms around her waist and nuzzled her back. "Heh. You're really soft."

"Hee!" I may have to wait a while, but I can manage, just for you.

"Attention. Flight 872 now boarding. Again, Flight 872 now boarding."

Dez lifted his head. "Huh. Looks like our flight is being called."

Charlie smiled sadly at the others. "Guess we're heading off now."

Chris smiled. "You guys take care of yourselves."

Dez nodded. "We will, thanks." He and Charlie turned to Emily, who stared back with glistening eyes. "Heh. Something wrong?"

"Sh-Shut up!" Emily yelled, wiping her eyes. "I'm just going to miss you two, that's all! Is there something wrong with that?"

Dez threw his head back and laughed. "No, of course not." He wrapped his forelegs around Emily and pulled her in. "You'll do a good job on the council, I know it."

Charlie nodded and hugged Emily's other side. "We'll miss you, Em."

Emily bit her lip. "You two…" She sniffled, then hugged them back tightly. "I'll come visit the farm when I get the chance! I want to see Marion again!"

Dez pulled back and grinned. "We'll tell her how you're doing, don't worry."

Emily sniffled and smiled back. "I would love that."

Vivi grinned at them. "Aww, how sweet." Eddie shrugged.

"Hawkins! What did you do?!"

Everyone jumped at the shrill cry of Dakota, one all too recognizable to them. They looked around for a few seconds before pointing her out among the Pokémon. Hawkins and Asadi, along with the kids, stood in front of Dakota, who stared at her boyfriend in utter bafflement.

Hawkins scoffed and ran his hand through his hair. "That's some way of thanking me. I expected more praise."

"When did you switch me to first class?!"

"First class?!" Dez, Charlie, and Vivi screamed.

Hawkins chuckled. "I called the airport and got your seat upgraded, obviously. Not that hard for me." He glared. "Why are you getting so worked up about this?"

"This is way too much! I'm just going to Sinnoh to check out a college! I don't need the red carpet treatment!"

Hawkins tapped his chin. "Oh yes, that reminds me. I canceled your hotel reservation."

"Huh?!" Dakota gasped.

"I upgraded you to the penthouse suite instead."


"Yes, at the Rose Lion Resort."

"R-Rose Lion Resort?! That's not a hotel, that's a pool park paradise!"

"HUH?!" Dez, Charlie, and Vivi cried.

Dakota pulled frantically on her dangles. "Hawkins, this is ridiculous! I'm only going for two to three days! That's way too much for a few days!"

"Did I forget to mention I'm paying for a whole week?"

"A WEEK?!"

Hawkins huffed. "Must you keep shouting?"

"Hawkins, I'm more than appreciative that you're paying for me to go to college, but this is way too much."

Hawkins scoffed. "As if I'm allowing my girlfriend to travel to Sinnoh just to stay at some shabby hotel. You deserve a break and a vacation while checking out your new college."

"W-What about the kids? I hired someone to take care of them until I get back."

"I'm visiting my parents this week, so they're staying there."

"We're going to stay in a mansion?!" Winona gasped.

"Are there fancy butlers made out of gold?!" Harper asked.

"Do I get unlimited chocolate?" Willy asked timidly.

"We get to stay in a mansion!" Caleb, Matthew, and Poppy cheered.

"Woohoo! Living the high life!" Wantanabe exclaimed.

Dakota pulled harder on her dangles. "You're leaving the kids with people I don't know?!"

Hawkins shook his head. "Of course not." He pointed at Asadi.

Asadi snickered. "Hawkins figured the kids would be better off with someone who can keep an eye on them. He hired me to watch them before I take off myself."

Dakota held her head, feeling a sudden case of vertigo. "This is all happening so fast…"

Hawkins snapped his fingers. "Ah, that reminds me." He handed her a credit card. "Here you go. My personal credit card."

"I'm afraid to ask what this is for…"

"I want you to buy a nice dress before your trip's over. I've arranged for you to meet my parents. I've told them a lot about you and they're ecstatic to meet you."

"M-Meet your parents?!"

Hawkins nodded. "Ah, and I hope to get in contact with your parents. Perhaps you can pass the message along. We're planning a big dinner."

"Hawkins, we've barely been dating for a few weeks! Slow down!" Dakota shouted, flailing her arms. "I-I think I'm going to faint…"

"Here you go!" Harper exclaimed, handing her a paper bag.

Dakota snatched it and breathed deeply into it. Hawkins sighed and wrapped his arms around Dakota. "Alright, what's wrong? I thought you would be overjoyed at these luxuries. Not many in your social class have this kind of honor."

Dakota calmed down and leaned into his shoulder. "That's exactly the issue. I'm not used to this stuff. I'm not rich." She sighed. "No one's ever given me stuff like this."

Hawkins frowned. "You feel uncomfortable skidding across my side of society?"

"It's new territory. P-Plus…m-meeting your parents and you meeting mine…I still haven't told them you basically live surrounded by gold."

Hawkins sighed and stepped away. "Very well. If it makes you uncomfortable, I could try and do something about your hotel. I can't really do much about the plane ticket." He turned away and pulled out his phone, but stopped as Dakota grabbed his wrist. "Hmm?"

Dakota looked shyly at the ground. "Um…just wondering, but what exactly do I get from the penthouse suite?"

Hawkins secretly smirked and put his phone away. "Unrestricted requests for any meal, including some of the best desserts around, access to a balcony with a hot tub and a great view of the city, beds so soft that you sink into the cushions, and…oh, did I forget the unlimited access to the pool grounds? A lazy river, waterslides, and a great view of the night sky."

"…" Dakota inhaled through her nostrils. "W-Well, I'd hate to see all that money you spent go to waste."

Hawkins smiled. "I'll take that as my 'thank you'." He kissed her forehead. Dakota involuntarily squealed and hid her red cheeks in embarrassment.

Dez, Charlie, and Vivi dropped their jaws, twitching with envy. "S-So unfair…" Emily and Eddie patted their backs.

"Alright, you all better get going," Emily said, pushing their catatonic bodies along. "I'll be back. I need to get them on the plane."

"Come on, kid." Eddie picked Vivi up under his arm and followed Emily.

Sheila giggled to herself. "Dakota's going to be spoiled next time we see her."

"Ain't that the truth," Asadi said as she walked over, swishing her tail. "Easy money for me, too. How hard is it to watch those little munchkins?"

Spaz leaned over to Tamara and whispered, "She's doomed." Tamara snickered.

Sheila suddenly felt someone tap her side. "Hmm?" She turned, then blushed brightly as a bouquet of roses flashed in her face. "Wah!"

Asher pulled the roses away and smirked. "Take good care of yourself, my dear. I hope to visit your restaurant in the future." He winked and handed her the roses.

Sheila stuttered and stumbled away. "I, uh…"

Asher turned and gave a short wave. "I can't stay for too long. I've got calls to make with my gang. Take care of yourself, hot stuff. You too, Artemis."

Artemis winked. "Don't get into too much trouble."

"No promises." Asher waltzed away, whistling a merry tune while Sheila tried not to collapse onto her jiggly legs.

"H-Hot stuff?!" Sheila gasped. She felt a tugging on her ear and looked down, paling at the wide, starry-eyed stares of the children. "Oh no…"

"Is he your boyfriend, Sheila?" Poppy asked.

"He's so pretty," Harper awed, holding her red cheeks.

Sheila stumbled away and flailed her arms. "H-He's not my boyfriend, I swear!"

Artemis smirked. "You sure, Sheila? What happened to your bad boy interest?"

"That was a phase!"

"Wait, Sheila has a boyfriend?" York asked, who wasn't paying attention until now. "Congrats, Sheila! You must be happy!" Sheila groaned and pressed her face into the roses.

"Haha! Ah, I remember when I was that lively." The Fusions turned around and were greeted by the old Fusion Council. Abraham crossed his arms. "Look at all of you. Raring to go and get out there. You must be proud of yourselves."

York smiled. "We are, sir." He squeezed Casey's hand and smiled at her. "We've come a long way."

Lewis nodded. "You've all done good. Not anyone can say they've done the things you all've done."

Cade chuckled uneasily. "Just promise us you won't get arrested or something."

"No promises," Artemis casually said.

Quinn rolled his eyes. "I'll keep an eye on her."

Gracelyn pressed her hands together and smiled. "We came by to pass a message along for Julian, and we wanted to see you all off. He says take care and be wise in your decisions. Liam is watching over all of you. Don't disappoint him."

Wash shook his head. "Never."

Peregrine huffed. "You brats have caused me no end of headaches from the beginning." He smirked. "Ha. I'm going to miss you troublemaking maggots."

Tamara winked. "Maybe we can visit you and make your life hell again."

"I'll beat the shit out of any of you that think of doing that," Peregrine warned jokingly, though they knew he was dead serious.

Gero crossed his arms. "Just enjoy your lives and make the most of them. That's my policy of life."

Quinn nodded. "We will, sir. Thank you."

Gero smiled, then looked at Wash. "Ah Wash, the front desk wanted to see you. A message for you."

Wash's eyes widened. "Really? Thank you, sir!" He grabbed Juniper's hand, which surprised her, and dragged her along. "Come on, Jun!"

"Wait, where are we going?" she asked, disappearing with Wash in the crowd.

Tamara chuckled and shook her head. "Not sure what that was about." She grabbed Spaz's hand. "Anyway, we're heading off. Our plane's going to be called soon."

Spaz nodded. "Right." Spaz pulled away to hug Crawford and Codex. "I'm going to miss you two."

Codex hugged back. "As will I."

Crawford laughed and patted Spaz across the back. "Let's go out drinkin' sometime. I'm goin' to get ye drunk beyond yer wildest dreams!"

Spaz laughed awkwardly and backed away. "I'll…keep that in mind." He took Tamara's hand and went off with her, waving back to the others.

Quinn waved back, then sighed. "Strange to see our party getting smaller and smaller." He shrugged. "Let's wait by our terminal, Artemis."

She nodded. "Sure thing." She waved to the others. "Don't miss me too much, losers!"

Codex smirked. "Try not to get arrested, Ms. Artemis."

"Ha, funny guy." She and Quinn headed off.

Peregrine took a deep breath and sighed. "I feel…hollow almost."

Abraham patted his back. "Let's go out to dinner later to celebrate in their honor. It's been awhile since we've all went out to eat together."

Gero chuckled. "I'm down for that." He glanced over his shoulder. "We may have a few more guests joining us, though."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Cade asked.

Gero closed his eyes. "You'll see."

"Wash, why are you dragging me?" Juniper asked, finally freeing her arm from the ghost frog.

Wash stopped and sighed. "Heh, sorry. Got a little excited, that's all."

Juniper raised her brow. "Excited?"

"Just wait." Wash looked up to the front desk attendant, a Granbull. "Excuse me, I'm Washington David. I was called down regarding a message."

The Granbull nodded. "Yes, thank you for coming. The party will be arriving shortly outside. Should be five minutes."

"Ah, thank you." Wash nodded at Juniper and led her outside.

Juniper pouted. "You're keeping secrets from me. What's this party she was talking about?"

Wash laughed. "Just be patient. They'll be here shortly."

"Hmm…" Juniper gasped and clapped excitedly. "Don't tell me! The president of the cola factory is coming down to give me a lifetime supply of diet cola!"

"Uh, no." Wash booped her on the nose. "Nice try."


Wash sat on a metal bench and patted the spot next to him. Juniper took the spot, then popped open a diet cola from within her sleeve. They sat silently, waiting for whatever it was Wash was waiting for. Juniper mindlessly kicked her legs and stared up at the sky, then giggled.

"Hmm?" Wash looked at her with an amused look. "What's so funny?"

"Heh, nothing. Just wanted to laugh." She exhaled a tired sigh, smiling fondly at the ground. "Time's have changed. I was hoping to stay in Gappei for the rest of my life and live my perfect, carefree life. Now I'm here, waiting to start some busy job I never asked for."

"You didn't decline the offer."

Juniper shrugged. "No, no I didn't." She set her can aside and leaned back on her hands. "It's strange. The very idea of working would've driven me nuts, but I don't care anymore." She sighed. "Is this what growing up feels like? It sucks."

Wash snickered. "No more of those childish memories."

Juniper smirked. "Who said it was bad to have such thoughts? I say hold on to your childhood. It's the best time of life."

Wash clasped his hands together and looked aside. "…Hey, Juniper."


"Not that I'm asking now, but if the possibility of marriage ever comes up-" Juniper immediately pressed her hand against his lips.

Juniper narrowed her eyes and smiled softly. "Wash, I think you already know my answer. But like you said, you're not asking now."

Wash smiled and pushed her hand aside. "Yeah, right." He hooked his arm around her and pressed her against his side. "I'm glad I met you, Jun."

Juniper pressed her head into his shoulder. "The feeling's mutual. I'd say everything's perfect."

Wash looked off to the side and smiled wider. "Not quite perfect." He let go of Juniper and stood up.

"Hmm?" Juniper tilted her head. "What's up? Your party here?"

"Yes." He held his hand out to her. "Would you like to meet them?"

Juniper smirked and took his hand. "Well, you dragged me along, so might as well." She stood up and dusted herself off. "But seriously, is it the cola company president or not?"

"See for yourself." Wash gestured ahead.

Juniper followed his arm and spotted two people walking towards them. She took immediate notice of their species. A male Meowstic and a female…Spinda. They looked to be in their fifties, with the Meowstic developing early signs of grayness.

Juniper stepped back, narrowing her eyes in confusion. "Uh…I was expecting a grander turnout than this."

Wash grinned. "Just wait."

The Meowstic and Spinda stopped a meter from the couple. Now with a closer look at their faces, Juniper could see the disbelief they carried, as well as the tears welling up in their eyes. The Spinda covered her mouth, muffling her whimpers.

"Oh my Arceus," she mumbled. "Is that really…?"

"It…is," the Meowstic gasped, trembling with who Juniper assumed to be his wife.

Juniper looked around awkwardly. "Uh…okay?"

Wash approached the two and extended his hand. "Finley and Daria Wright. Thank you for coming."

Juniper's eyes widened. Wait…that last name sounds familiar.

Daria threw herself against Wash and cried into his shoulder. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Finley shook Wash's hand, crying into his own arm. "We can't thank you enough for this. You don't know how much this means to us."

Wash smiled softly. "I'm just happy to have found you two."

"Uh, excuse me?" Juniper waved at the three, still a bit confused. "W-What's going on here? Wash, who are these people?"

Wash sighed and stepped aside. "Juniper…" He gestured to the Pokémon. "These…are your biological parents."

Juniper's eyes widened. "W…What?"

Wash nodded at the older Pokémon and stepped out of their way. The Spinda, Daria, hesitantly stepped forward, holding her hand out to Juniper. "Freya? Is that…really you?"

Juniper could only blink in response. Her jaw hung open as she glanced between these complete strangers and Wash. She felt sweat accumulating in her palms. A light glistening formed in her spiral eyes.

Finley stood beside his wife and gripped her shoulders. "She was only a baby when she was taken from us, dear." He looked sadly at the Spinda-Mienfoo. "She doesn't know who we are."

"I…I…" Juniper grabbed Wash by the wrist and pulled him aside. "Excuse me for a moment." She turned her back to them and looked up at Wash in disbelief. "You didn't…"

Wash held her shoulders and smiled. "When the assassins told you that you were loved by your real parents, I saw the joy I've come to know and love return to you. I wanted this to be my gift to you. So, with Mr. Roteman's help, I managed to track these two down and explain where you've been this whole time."

Juniper looked back at the older pair, narrowed her eyes, then turned back to her boyfriend. "You…did all this for me?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

Juniper looked down at her feet. Wash felt her trembling in his arms and saw the tears dripping from her eyes. He worried that he upset her, but felt relief as she started laughing. A soft, emotional, happy laugh.

"Wash…you're the best thing to ever come into my life," Juniper wept, wiping her eyes. She smiled up at him with glistening tears. "Thank you."

Wash smiled back and kissed her forehead. "Anything for you. Now then…" He stepped back and gestured to her parents. "I think introductions are in order."

Juniper nodded, wiped her eyes, and walked back over to her parents, both worried that she was crying. However, their doubts faded when they saw her beautiful, inviting smile. The same smile that touched the hearts of her friends and family. Now she could grace that smile upon her real family.

"Heh. Hi Mom, hi Dad. I'm Juniper/Freya Wright. It's…nice to finally meet you."

Her mother broke down into tears and threw herself into a hug. "Freya! My baby girl! I never thought I'd see you again!"

"A miracle has struck us! Thank you, Arceus!" Finley cried, hugging from Juniper's other side.

Juniper felt an odd warmth. Despite these two being complete strangers a moment ago, she felt at home instantly. She smiled tearfully and hugged them back.

Wash, with Barbatos by his side in spirit, watched the reunion with peaceful faces. After all the troubles they've been through and caused each other, everything suddenly felt right with the world.

Time was short. Goodbyes were never easy, but they make the most precious memories.

Ren and Rebecca engaged in one last hug before parting. Rebecca grabbed her bags and smiled. "I can't wait for that date, Ren."

Ren grinned. "Same here. Good luck in art school."

"Good luck tackling the world." Rebecca turned and headed off, waving back to the Fusions.

Shane and Chris waved back to her before grabbing their bags. "Looks like we should be heading off, too," Chris said. "It's been nice knowing all of you."

Crawford slung his bag over his shoulder. "Aye, it's been good. We should hit the bar sometime."

"Is that all you can think about?" Shane asked laughing.

"I haven't had a proper drink in weeks, cut me some slack!"

"Kidding, kidding," Chris laughed off. He waved to the others. "Take care!"

"Bye!" Shane exclaimed before heading off with Chris. Crawford headed off to the same terminal Tamara and Spaz went to.

Sheila crouched down and hugged York. "Tell Wash I said bye."

York hugged her back. "I will. Tell your parents I said hi."

Sheila chuckled. "I'm expecting a big meal when I get home." She sighed and stood up. "I have a lot of explaining to do when I tell them about my gang activities."

York's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"Long story." She bowed to the council. "Thank you for your service. I appreciate it."

Cade grinned. "Take care of yourself, Sheila."

"I will, thanks." She grabbed her luggage and headed off on her way.

York stretched his arms, then extended his hand again to Norris. "Have fun at the temple."

Norris shook his hand. "Thanks." Norris looked over to Eli. "Take care of these idiots for me."

Eli smirked and gave a mock salute. "You have my word."

Norris closed his eyes and smirked. "Heh. I actually feel…sad I'm leaving you guys. Let's eat out next time we meet." He gave a short wave, then left to find his terminal.

York smiled as the not-so-mad duck left sight. "I'm happy for him."

Casey hugged his side. "It's still early in the morning. Want to get some breakfast? I'm buying."

York glanced at his Rogue friends, then smiled awkwardly. "What's your limit?"

Casey rolled her eyes and smirked. "They can come, too."

Mikayla grinned. "Ha! You're the best, Casey!"

Eli nudged York. "Smart move hooking a celebrity girlfriend, York."

York blushed. "Sh-Shut up!" Casey giggled and dragged York along with the rest of Rogues following behind.

Gero smiled to himself and pulled out a diet cola. "The airport's feeling just a bit emptier now. Still so many other villagers to wish off before we get down to business."

Gracelyn nodded. "I worry for them, but I also have faith."

Peregrine smirked. "Eh, they survived going toe to toe with Faust, they can handle taxes and shit."

"You underestimate the trouble our villagers get into," Abraham joked.

Lewis sighed. "We should go say our goodbyes to the other villagers before they take off." He glanced at Ren and Ulysses. "You two can start heading on back. You'll need some rest before we get started."

Ren nodded. "Of course, sir."

"R-Rest is nice," Ulysses mumbled.

The council headed off while Ren and Ulysses headed outside. The big pileup of Fusions in the center of the airport diminished as everyone went to their separate flights. The only Fusions that remained close by were Quinn and Artemis.

Quinn stared ahead, deep in thought while Artemis clicked away at her phone. "Just a bit of warning before you meet my mother, she's an ugly old hag who will ask questions and ignore everything you say. I suggest throwing in some insults to get her attention, but I can handle that if that's too much for you."


Artemis raised her brow at him, then put her phone away. "Something on your mind?"

Quinn sighed, then smiled thoughtfully. "I still remember when this all happened. All of this started on that day, during the festival." He looked down and chuckled. "I remember thinking about those nightmares I had of the fire, when my parents abandoned me." He glared. "I wonder, if things were different, if I would've ended up despising Pokémon just as much as Faust."

Artemis patted his cheek. "Don't be like that. Everything turned out for the better."

"Heh, true." Quinn looked around the airport, watching all the Pokémon and his friends mingling about. "So many different faces, so many different stories to tell. Each of us has our own story. We're shaped by our experiences. They don't make us necessarily bad or evil. We all have our opinions on things because of a bad upbringing. Fusions weren't any better than Pokémon. We just…hated each other so much.

"We're the leads of our own lives. I'm not as interesting as Juniper, or as bombastic as Tamara, or as devilish as you, Artemis. I'm straightforward and quiet, and that's how I want to live my life. I'm happy to just be an observer to these events."

"Hmm, yeah."

Quinn closed his eyes. "It's nice to know there's still good in the world. Even though world peace is a dream, and the perfection that comes with it is impossible, it's a nice thought that we get closer each day." He crossed his arms. "The world's always changing. Might as well live our lives without regret."

Artemis grinned. "You know what? That sounds perfect to me."

"Attention. Flight 826 now boarding. Again, Flight 826 now boarding."

Artemis read her ticket. "Yep, that's us. Come on, Spooks." She grabbed her luggage.

"Right behind you." Quinn grabbed his bag when he noticed a golden dust fly past his peripherals. "Huh?" He looked over his shoulder and caught a brief glimpse of a golden figure that immediately faded. Quinn could've sworn it was a golden Slaking smiling at him.

"Hmm?" Artemis looked back. "Quinn? Something wrong?"

Quinn blinked, then chuckled to himself. "Nothing. Everything's fine."

Artemis narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Heh, you're so weird."

"So are you." He let her wrap her feeler around his hand, then took a deep breath. "So, ready to brave a brand new world?"

"Nope." Artemis sighed and smiled ahead. "Let's do it."

Side by side, they marched ahead on a new journey. It was scary to think what might become of them on the road ahead, but…nowadays, that fear excited them. No matter the controversy or the adversity, one must always keep marching towards the golden light of hope. That light may seem impossible to reach, but the journey to it never felt pointless. We all want to reach that light.

Let's brave that brand new world together.