Missing Pieces
Chapter 1
He loves me.
Why is that still a surprise to me? I knew all along that he did but why did it take so long for him to admit it? Maybe I took too long to tell him.
Anyways, Paul Slater was indeed suspended from school for cursing at the faculty. Honestly, I've done worst but after I told Father D. about what happened at Brad's party, between Paul and Jesse, Father D. got a little strict on both Paul and Jesse.
"Suzie!" Mom hollered from downstairs.
Andy is so obsessed with the whole; families eat together, idea.
I've been waiting in my bedroom ever since I got home from school, hoping to see a sign of Jesse. He hasn't come at all, just like a guy. Why should I quit now just for the dinner that I'll barely get down in my queasy stomach.
Today, CeeCee wouldn't stop asking me questions about Jesse. At least she knows the fact that he is dead and is just the ghost of himself. What I haven't told her was that he had been dead for over a century and a half. Or that he was murdered in my bedroom where he was living since a week or two ago. I keep asking Jesse to come back now that there is nothing awkward between us anymore like there was, but whenever I get Jesse to cave in, Father D. says that it is best for Jesse not to go back to living in my room. This reminds me of the conversation we had earlier in his office during homeroom.
"I've told you over and over, Jesse is better off this way." He tried to convince me.
I was playing with one of the confiscated toys Father Dominic had, which was one of those key chain etch-a-sketch. I put it down and looked at Father D. who was fidgeting with his hands in his pockets.
"And I've told you that Jesse moving back is mostly for the cat. Without Jesse there the Cat goes berserk. I seriously need new curtains." I explained to Father D.
"No matter what reason there is for Jesse moving back, I don't think it's a good idea."
"But Jesse wants to move back Father D. Ask him and he'll tell you himself."
"That's exactly my point Susannah, I don't think it's a good idea for you and Jesse to be living in the same room, considering what happened between . . . the two of you."
Incase you didn't notice, Father D. doesn't like the fact that I am in love with the ghost who lives in my bedroom.
Just because Jesse won't live with me anymore, doesn't mean that he can't visit me 24/7.
"Susannah, I'm only telling you one more time!" Mom called again.
I pushed my homework aside and landed on my now normal size feet. They no longer had so many blisters or burns and I could tolerate walking on them instead of bobbing up and down.
Just as I was stepping out the door Jesse materialized on the window sil.
"Jesse," I sounded a little too excited.
"Susannah," he walked up to me, still standing in front of my closed door, "I've been thinking."
"Oh," I sighed.
"Father Dominic is right, I shouldn't stay here," I tried to speak but he kept going, "but that doesn't mean that I won't visit you now and then. You'll see me just as often as you did."
"If that's how you want it to be Jesse, but I don't see any reason for you not to stay here, now that we've worked things out."
"Querida, that is why we shouldn't stay together. Sometimes I find it hard to refrain myself from . . ." he trailed off but I knew exactly what he was talking about.
I did find it a little weird when we saw each other after that glorious incident at the cemetery when he confessed his love to me and vice-versa. Even right now I felt his nervousness. I traced my finger over the white scar just above his eyebrow. We were close enough now for him to just kiss me like I wanted him too. Hey, I'm supposed to be the girl here, I shouldn't have to make the first moves. Just as he was leaning down to place those gorgeous lips on mine someone knocked on the door. I turned my head as a reflex then looked back and Jesse was gone.
"Come in!" I said angrily, it was Doc.
"Your mom sent me up to tell you that dinner is ready. You're the only one who isn't down there yet. We're having Lasagna."
"I'm coming." I followed him out of the door but before I closed the door I looked back into my room and Jesse was petting Spike by the window sil. I looked at him and smiled. He whispered something in Spanish that I didn't understand.
"You better be here when I get back, Jesse." I said into the room then shut my door.