Title: What Could Have Been

Disclaimer: Nope don't own a thing. I think that's pretty understood.

Author's Note: This isn't really the story. It's just setting the stage. I'll have part one up tonight so everyone come back.


"I'm not saying it back!"

"I don't care."

The words had been spoken, and there was no going back. Jackie squared her shoulders and waited for Hyde to speak again. He obviously was struggling with himself over what to do. She'd heard the confusion and pain in his voice when he'd cursed and turned away from her. She prayed that the part of him that cared for her won over his pride.

He was looking at her again. Searching for something it seemed. Jackie stared back unwavering and unflinching. Time seemed to stop as two pair of eyes burned into each other. Minutes, hours, even days could have passed for all Jackie knew. All that mattered was getting Steven to realize that what they had was too precious to just throw away over one simple mistake.

Hyde's eyes closed, and his hands ran through his hair tugging slightly on the ends. Jackie took a small step forward and reached out her arm to touch his hand. Suddenly Hyde's eyes flew open, and he yanked his arm out of her reach. Jackie's heart sank slowly at the cool uncaring look in his eyes. She seen that look many times from him. It was his Zen look. The one he'd taught her so long ago in this exact spot.

"Well than I guess it's real waste."

Jackie recoiled as if being slapped. She'd really thought that if Hyde knew how strong her feelings were, if he knew that she truly loved him, then he'd fight for them. Fight for what they could be.

"Steven didn't you listen to a word I said?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm over this whole relationship thing."

Tears of frustration sprung to Jackie's eyes. He was closing up again. Retreating to his safe and enclosed wall. Refusing to give up just yet, Jackie closed the distance between them with a couple quick steps. She grasped his hands tightly hoping he could feel the love in them and see the love in her eyes.

"Steven don't do this. Don't let your pride and stubbornness ruin what we have. I know we can make this work. You just have to..."

Her words were interrupted by Hyde's hands shoving hers aside. A small smirk formed at the corner of his lips, and Jackie prepared herself for the onslaught of words to come.

"You know Jackie, I don't think you're the one who's listening. Now get this through your Kelso obsessed head. WE ARE DONE."

Tears streaming down her face, Jackie took one last look into Hyde's eyes praying to see a glimmer of her Steven. The one who shaved his beard for her. The one who wore a tie and blazer for her. The one who took her to the Girl Scout Alumni Pancake Breakfast.

After a few moments, she realized that her Steven was gone. She'd killed him with four simple words. Gasping for air she turned and sprinted for the door letting it slam on her way out.
