Happy New Year, Deckerstar fandom!

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The New Year's Eve dinner party at the Deckers' household was grand. Penelope Decker made sure of it. The family's oak table held a sumptuous array of food.

His lips spread into a wide grin when Chloe set his plate before him, her fingers brushing gently against his own. She did the same for Trixie, her mother followed by Ella, Doctor Linda, Maze and Detective Douche before taking her seat across from Lucifer.

"Shall we?" Ella asked.

"Oh, my dear, not yet," Penelope laughed lightly. "We have a family tradition."

"Oh, do tell," Lucifer crooned, leaning forward slightly to show his interest.

"We each share our hopes for the coming year. We go around the table," Chloe muttered and it was clear this was the last thing she wanted to partake in. "I really don't mind if we skip it this year, Mum. We've got guests and I'm sure they're not – "

"Ah, ah," Lucifer interrupted. "A tradition is a tradition."

The radiant smile Penelope tossed in his direction was enough to make Chloe rolled her eyes. It took a while before everyone had their say.

"Finally," Chloe declared, relieved that it was over. Sharing hopes and dreams was never one of her strongest suit, after all. "Let's all help ourselves to – "

"Hold on! Wait a minute," Lucifer requested with urgency in his voice. He stood up. "Just one second, please."

The pairs of curious eyes on him did nothing to deter him from pulling out of his phone from his pocket.

"No phones at the dinner table," Doctor Martin reminded.

"I am aware but this is important," Lucifer countered distractedly.

Unlocking his phone, he easily navigated the home screen to access the camera function.

"What are you doing?" Chloe hissed discontentedly and kicked him under the table to get his attention.

"Just one minute, Detective."

Lucifer positioned his phone above the spread of food so that he would get a bird's eyes view for his camera. His height certainly worked in his favour.

"Lucifer…" Chloe called out his name in warning.

He recognised the tone of her voice. It was the same tone she used when he did something unacceptable during investigation.

"Are you taking a photo of what we're having?" Ella asked.

At least she was unfazed by it. That deserved a coffee treat from him.

"Yes, I am, indeed," Lucifer grinned, "before all of you glutton ravish it."

"Why?" Dan asked, impatiently.

"Detective," Lucifer took his eyes off his phone briefly to look at Chloe before focusing his attention back on the screen, completely ignoring Dan. "If you don't mind, please remove your hand from the table and off my frame. Your hand is ruining my aesthetic."

Chloe exhaled loudly.

"If you had gone for a manicure, as I had suggested, I would have considered letting your hand stay but alas…"

He heard Chloe growled under her breath but wisely ignored her.

"Why do you need a photo?" she demanded.

"For my Instagram, of course!" he said good naturedly with a charming smile. "Everyone has it. Even the human child," he nodded in Trixie's direction. "I'm cool, am I not, small human?"

"Definitely!" Trixie nodded in enthusiasm before turning to her parents. "You both never wanted to install it. Lucifer and I follow each other on Instagram!"

"I have an account, too," Ella chimed in.

"It's stupid," Maze countered. "It's just photos."

"Wait a minute," Chloe sputtered. "Trixie did you say you… Unfollow Lucifer this instance. If I know him, which I like to think I do, it would likely be filled with inappropriate posts."

Lucifer chuckled in obvious amusement. "You hurt me so, Detective."

"I think it's time we monitor closely Trixie's social media activities," Dan frowned, looking at his daughter pointedly.

"Oh, don't worry, Detective Douche, I can assure you that your child is quite fine, nothing that should set alarm bells ringing in your head. Her Instagram posts are quite boring I must say – very PG13. So are her Snapchat stories."

"You watch my Snapchat stories?" Trixie exclaimed, her eyes widened in awe.

"Yes," Lucifer nodded. "I thought you would have known that. You are aware that you are able to know who among your friends viewed your stories? Oh! Is that something that you didn't know? My, my, the teacher has become the student."

Chloe blinked in surprised.

"Has it ever occurred to you that Lucifer and Trixie would ever bond over social media?" she whispered out of the corner of her mouth to Dan.

"Never," Dan admitted.

"At least he isn't throwing dolls across the room, expecting her to fetch it and hoping that that would keep her occupied."