"Nana-chan whyyyyy won't you come with Akane and I?"

Sighing for the umpteenth time that lunch hour as she was bickering with her best friend for the majority of their free time, Kariu Nana gave the girl a hard look.

"Rena I honestly don't know how you can be so stupid. You were annoying Kuroo and keeping the volleyball team from practicing and so he told you to record Fukurodani's practice as a way to get you to leave him alone. He's not serious so stop and finish the rest of your lunch."

Pausing to look over at her other friend who seemed too busy to pay mind to the conversation in front of her, and chose instead to obsess over some nendroid, Nana rolled her eyes and continued,

"And Akane doesn't particularly want to come, you just got her that nendroid of Kise she's been wanting so she's now following your dumbass out of sheer gratitude."

A pregnant pause followed as Nana closed her eyes and sipped her strawberry yoghurt drink which also happened to assuage the headache she felt coming on from her friend's ridiculous antics.


Nana opened her left eye slowly to acknowledge what Rena could possibly say now to convince her, but upon the sight she scuffled back slightly while widening her eyes.

Hachiouji Rena was a girl of strong wits and resolve; she knew what she wanted and how to get it, most of the time. She had ties to the Japanese Yakuza* and basically had some foreign metallic substance in her blood, she was that steely. So, when she fell head over heels for Tetsurou Kuroo, the volleyball team captain at Nekoma high, in their second year of high school after seeing his "oh so beautiful spike form" everyone was surprised. She was hard headed and when she wanted something.. oh she put in work for it, even if it meant to bribe one friend and to totally prostrate and kneel her head in front of another.

Like she was doing right now.

She had her body bent all the way forward with her head smacked right into the cement of the roof they were currently eating on—said noise had alerted some other students to look at the gesture but Rena was so desperate she didn't care and dismissed all the whispers.

Her hands were parallel to her face effectively covering the bitter expression she was making but she stayed in that pose until she could feel Nana's undivided attention on her.

Even Akane stopped toying with her nendroid to pay attention to the girl groveling at the feet of her other bestfriend, mouth agape staring awkwardly between her and Nana.

With a shaky voice, aware of how out of character she was acting Rena spoke:

"Nana, PLEASE. I've been in love with Kuroo for OVER a year. You know my obsessions real, and you know how badly I want to be their manager. Kuroo's convinced that because of how obsessed with him I am there's no way I wouldn't distract him during practice. The only way he'll accept me is if I can do something that earns his praise like—

Growing angrier and angrier at every word Rena spoke and just how stupid and blind her friend was acting Nana interjected,


..That was really harsh, even for me. Rena needs to know the truth but maybe yelling it at her like that wasn't a good idea. Shit how did I lose my composure so easily.

Huffing indignantly and trying desperately to stay composed after her outburst Nana quickly stood up glancing away, not bearing to see the look on her friends face after attacking her verbally. She started to walk towards the door leading back into the school slowly, a stagnant blush erupting over her cheeks when she saw the surprised expression of the other students on the roof, she was well normally quiet and studious so the outburst stood out as something completely out of character.

She stopped in her tracks abruptly when Rena piped up, to her annoyance not phased at all by the seconds earlier humbling surge.

"So what? Obviously, I know that! But if Kuroo wants to try me then he has another thing coming because I'm not exactly sane, as you put it." Rena all but snapped at Nana matching the former girl's glare right on.

At that remark, Nana felt a tinge of guilt after outwardly causing her a psycho.

"And if I feel like I have a real chance with him then I'm going to go through with it. I'm useful too you know, despite whatever preconceived standard you have set aside for me. Anyways me and Akane are going to go to Fukurdani today to record their practice, I only asked you to accompany me because you're the smartest of us three and if we get caught we need your brain."

Rena glared at Nana while Akane squeaked realising she was kind of stuck because Rena was 100% serious about this. Great. She just wanted her precious Kise.

"Akaneee-chan, get up let's go to English now~ Lunch is almost over."

Rena's voice was dripping in sweetness and Akane couldn't help but shiver sending a last pleading look to Nana as she packed up and hurriedly followed Rena down the stairs.

Nana wasn't in the same class as them and although she hated that at first and the insecurity of her two best friends straying away from her deepened, she was thankful for it now.

Letting out yet another sigh, she picked up all the plastic and garbage her friends had left and went to discard it by the waste bin beside the entrance to the stairwell leading back into school.

The bell sounded loud and clear signaling the end of the day which also elicited a yawn from Nana a habit she had recently picked up.

She was beyond angry at the predicament she was in, and even more so at this Kuroo person who was basically publicly embarrassing her dear friend. Why she couldn't see it, was beyond her but she was super flustered, if having any sort of crush caused her to react as irrationally as Rena was earlier than she wanted nothing of it. But she knew even if she yelled at Kuroo and made him revoke his proposal Rena may quite possibly never talk to her again-and their 8-year friendship was way too valuable to be dropped due to something so trivial.

She knew Rena was right, out of the group Akane and Rena were bird brains, completely void of any common sense. Just balls of energy for the wrong reasons, Akane, simply put was a cute otaku. No one knew how much she loved boy-love and anime except for her two bestfriends, but she was loyal and trustworthy which were two of her more redeeming qualities. Rena on the other hand was a ball of rage, passion, and desire. She wanted to be with a different guy ever year in junior high but for some reason she was REALLY obsessed with Kuroo. She watched all of his practices and now that he gave her a challenge to be the teams manager there's no way she could refuse it.

The only upside to agreeing to such a ridiculous request was that Rena would see Kuroo for the manipulative, seething bastard he is when he wouldn't follow through on his promise and not allow her into the club even after completing that grand feat. If that didn't ground Rena, then nothing else would. It was one way to get the message across.

No one understood Rena the way Nana did and although she berated herself for what she was about to do she knew without her, her sisters would probably get expelled, oh those idiots knew next to nothing about being inconspicuous.

She found the two talking about the map to get to Fukurodani excitedly near the foot lockers and Nana couldn't help but laugh at how wrong Rena was with her directions, if they followed them they'd probably end up at a school in Miyagi!

"That's completely wrong idiot"

Looking up from her conversation Rena noticed Nana and turned away slightly.

"It's not like I have any help so I'm doing what I can, if you're not going to be encouraging then go away. Your presence is like poison right now."

Rolling her eyes and consequently clicking her tongue, Nana cocked her head and spoke up,

"I wouldn't leave my friends to do something so dangerous alone. In no way do I approve of this but, I know you won't listen so the only thing I can do is catch you when you fall."


Rena and Akane both chimed in unison running up to glomp the girl.

"Thank you thank you thank you SO MUCH! You're right I'm a true idiot so I really wouldn't have had an idea if you let me go alone with only the equally stupid Akane! So, thank you! When me and Kuroo get married the floors all yours, you get to give me the best speech ever, pick my dress just anything okay?!"

Nana looked over at her beaming idiot of a friend, not being able to help herself she allowed a small smile to erupt on her lips. She already knew that at her friend's wedding she'd be giving the biggest speech and picking the dress but for now she'd let Rena have her moment. You really couldn't deny smiling along with her when hers was so damn contagious.

Akane was reading some weird Doushinji* on the way to Fukurodani, they were going via a bullet train but everything within Tokyo was in reach so they'd all be there soon.

Putting a hand inside her school bag, Nana popped out her favorite snack—chocolate almonds, throwing 2 into her mouth, chewing harshly in annoyance.

Rena, watching Nana, gave an uneasy look to Akane, who of course ignored her reading the boy love fanart, cheeks enflamed with anticipation. Rena knew that when Nana started munching on her snacks she was not only annoyed but also really nervous and well when someone as calm and collected as Nana acts that way it really ferments all the other nerves the young burnette had.

Sure, Rena didn't regret her decision to drag both Nana and Akane to Fukurodani but so close to the actual mission she was scared. Kuroo said he did this thing all the time and that it was a pretty normal initiation, all the team members had done it so it should be okay.

"Ne, ne Nana-chan."


"So I was thinking, we should have some sort of disguise right? I mean they're going to question random girls coming there so.."

"Anything in mind?" Nana stated.

"No.. that's why I asked you hahah…" Sheepishly Rena scratched the back of her head looking towards Nana in an almost expectant look.

"You've seen Kuroo and the team play, they don't notice anything given their all in the court really feeling the momentum. We just need to go in the doorway with your camera, leave it on the side and then after 10 minutes of solid footage we're good to go. I looked them up in last period, so I'll tell you what I know: Fukurodani is a power house school that's been to nationals quite a few times. The teams doing especially good these last few years because of their crazy owl-looking ace and his scary setter-kun who I've heard is a devil

Pausing her crammed information session, she leaned in to Rena while grabbing the back of Akane's head to get her attention promptly shoving her phone in their faces

"This guy here, he's the ace—

"Oh HIM! Loud-ass-annoying-Bokuto! Kuroo hates his guts, he said he's super obnoxious and that's who we need to focus on during our filming!"

"..the obnoxious one is you for interrupting me like that. Anyways, the other guy here is the Setter, Akaashi Keiji. He's in the same year as us but look at those cold eyes, we better pray we don't get caught by him."

Shuddering slightly Nana finished her explanation of all the Fukurodani boys provided in their catalogue just so they had an idea of what to look for.

"Akane, Rena, that about sums it up so the main thing is to make sure their practicing today, in last year's catalogue they said they practiced every day except for Friday so today should be good if their following the same regiment... if they're not there then whoops too bad I'm not coming again"

Smiling sweetly at Rena perplexed expression she added, "you know it's a miracle I'm wasting time that I could be studying, stuffing my head full of calculus, inorganic formulas, or English helping you so you seriously better appreciate this."

"I do! Nana-chan, I know I'm a lot to handle but thank you for supporting me and not abandoning me like I'm sure a lot of people would, you're honestly …the best friend a gal could ask for."

Feeling a little overwhelmed by such an outward compliment Nana blushed and looked away, subsequently noticing at the same time that they were almost at their stop.


The three girls ran out of the bullet train the moment it opened in response to the way their friend had screamed so frantically.


Looking to the floor shyly Nana whispered "I get anxiety walking into or out of a train okay… AND as my best friends you two should know this instead of laughing at me!"

Pouting slightly Nana opened up her phone and saw that their destination was only a little way's to the right, down two blocks and then there was their ah—challenge.

Gulping a little nervously but not phased Nana directed the two in the appropriate direction all the while securing her long black hair in a high ponytail. This was her serious mode if they were going to spy on their rival school's volleyball team then well she was going to do it right.

"Anoooo, what Rena-chan mentioned earlier, Nana-chan would it be okay to not disguise ourselves? I mean you said that setter was bad news so if they know where from Nekoma it could lead to problems for our team too.."

Akane suddenly stated, having put her boy love comic away in the face of their new hurdle, she needed to be at 100% too.

"Well the only part of our uniform that has our school name would be the blazer. Let's just remove that and tie it around our waist, the rest of the uniform is basic so they wouldn't be able to pinpoint us anyways, unlike they have some super observant guy but I doubt anyone would be looking at us that hard if we're not too obvious in the first place. Besides in a more closed environment like the gym, disguises would be super obvious and would also be counter effective as they would be easy to point out. It's a lot better to just go in as school girls, Fukurodani is pretty top tier so I'm sure they have their fair share of people watching their practices anyway."

"Hmmmm so you mean basically a lot of copies of Rena-chan~"

"Oi shut it Morisuke."

"Whatever you say Hachiouji-san, owner of the yakuza~~"


Laughing lightly at her friend's antics Nana noticed that they were basically at Fukurodani and she smirked seeing that most girls did have the same outfit as them minus the grey blazer they sported instead of Nekoma's navy blue one. So, their plan to wear it on their waist was going to work!

"Alright okay so let's ask someone where the volleyball club is, we look like typical students so they shouldn't think much of it. Avoid talking to anyone that looks like a devil or owl ok?"

"Okay!" "Sure thing!"

After about 3 minutes of probing Nana and Co figured out that the volleyball team was indeed practicing today and that they used the third gym which was located at the end of the school.

Perfect Nana thought grinning like a Cheshire cat, not only was the place isolated but it was located conveniently in a corner that if she needed to jump over the fence there was a cat walk that led to the main road. If they had to absolutely run, they could. Nana focused a lot on school it was her main focus after all, but oh boy could she run. Both her and Rena were on the track team all throughout junior high so she had faith in her legs if she needed to get herself out of a particularly tricky situation. Akane on the other hand would be the problem if they had to break, not only was she the slowest one but when cornered the girls not exactly.. responsive. She freezes up and her ability to do anything is impaired.

Thinking of all the possibilities and running stimulations in her head she decided that if they were to get caught she would have to play the decoy and get Akane out of there fast.

Nana looked towards the two other girls who looked so out of place, Akane was a goody two shoes so the guilt and fear she had was etched onto her face.

Walking over to Akane, Nana took her shivering hands into hers and squeezed gently.

"Akane-chan, it's okay. We're helping Rena out and it'll take 10 mins' tops, once we get some decent footage we'll leave ok?"

Seeming less frazzled for the moment Akane nodded.

"Rena, the gyms up ahead you go in slowly and see how the boys are.. if all the team mates are there give me the thumbs up and I'll start to record. At that point make your way to the top round about so you can record some shots from your phone with a birds eye view."

Grinning from ear to ear, Rena gave a mock thumbs up to Nana who only half returned it pushing her slightly into the gym where all the screeching sounds of shoes and bouncing of balls could be heard.

"Yosh she's in!"

"Nana-chan.. ermm she isn't making any gestures she just kinda ran to the top.."

"That idiot.. she ran up there because she panicked. Text her to see whatsup."

But before even saying that Akane's phone chimed and she read aloud

Boys are definitely so into the practice they don't notice me, everyone's here except the owl guy. Taking some videos and pics then leaving. Get Nana-chan to take the main video and then we're good!

"Isn't recording the owl guy the main reason we're here…"

Nana muttered under her breath, she hated doing things halfheartedly even if it meant sneaking into a rival school she wanted to do it right.

Moving to the side of the door and plastering her petite frame against the side she leaned in softly on one side, the video camera had a long black lane yard secured around her neck and her arm helped support the bottom of the camera from which she was recording the practice on.

Akane was on the side parallel to Nana looking between the inside and outside of the door quickly. She was restless so she kept getting up to scout the outer area of the gym for potential apprehenders who would expose them of their unwanted presence.

But then her phone started to buzz and she glanced down at the ID


"Oi Nana, I'm going to be right back, my brothers calling me"

Without responding to not obstruct the audio in the track, Nana looked up nodding in acknowledgement for Akane before looking thru the lenses again.

Akane walked a little further near some bushes before she answered her brothers call, Yaku was the libero on Nekomas team and although he was normally kind he could get super angry. If he knew what his sister was up to then she'd have her head eaten off before she had the chance to return home.

"Hello Yaku-nissaaaan~"

Akane sung quite melodically into the phone, but the voice on the other line was not quite as … pleasant.

"Where are you at this exact moment Akane."

Akane shivered at the harsh tone of his voice. Yikes he got wind of this from Kuroo.

"Nowhere Ni-saan, I'm out with Nana-chan and Rena-chan, we're shopping at the Tokyo mall."

"Kuroo said he sent Hachiouji on some wild goose chase so she'd finally leave us alone but I know how she is and I was scared she'd take you with her."

"Ofcourse not Ni-saan! Anyways I-

But before she could finish her sentence she heard a loud voice approaching her and she quickly ended the call, putting her phone on silent and hiding behind the bush as she quickly analyzed the situation before her.

Oh shit.

It was the crazy owl guy.

Beside the devil.

Heading straight for Nana.

"Oi Akaaaaeeshi, hurry up or we're going to be late for practice!"

"Bokuto-san it was because of you we're late. You fell asleep in class and I had to convince sensei to forgive you for the day."

Akane covered her mouth upon seeing the demon pair, staring in horror as they had another 10 seconds until they saw Nana who was too engrossed in filming in an oh so NOT subtle manner to even notice the approaching horror.

Akane whipped out her phone and called Nana but it rang once, twice, thrice until her stupid voice came up in the voicemail to which Akane angrily closed.

As she sweat dropped being the only one in the impeding situation that had the upper hand amd awareness she quickly sent a text to Rena to get Nana out of there.

1 more second until..


Seconds away from reaching the gymnasium Bokuto Koutarou and Akaashi Keiji turned around to this call to see a small girl, damn was she even 5 feet? With long light, brown hair and a pair of light brown eyes to compliment it.

Bokuto was confused, this didn't seem to be a regular member of his fan girl entourage. The group was pretty small so he had their faces memorized for the most part and still no one called him Bokuto-sama, that was seriously embarrassing.

"Ah-erm whaaaaa..?" Bokuto stammered.

At this the two boys were staring at Akane and she was ridiculously embarrassed, she had jumped in front of them in front of Nana so her back was to Nana and she had managed to get attention on herself, in the sole interest of buying some time.

Akaashi took a look at the girl and noticed that her uniform was slightly different, he was pretty observant so he noticed that her skirt length was a little shorter and more dark than their regular uniform. The blouse was also missing its customary bowtie and the blazer draped around her hips was navy blue not at all gray…so what was some random girl doing at Fukurodani? Bokuto wasn't THAT amazing to come down here to confess to AND today was just a normal practice day, not like the spring tournament even started.

Akaashi was close to understanding the situation but Bokuto was still as clueless as ever, his head was in the clouds when he heard her say "Bokuto-sama" a fire burned within him.

"I just wanted to say that.. YOU'RE SUPER COOL! Can I have your autograph?"

She was shivering and nervous and a complete wreck but thankfully she was able to smother the brunt of her feelings as to not seem like a quivering idiot.

Akaashi made a face. This girl seemed normal and she was pretty cute too, why would she want to talk to Bokuto..?


"Bokuto-san she's probably around your age, she's in high school."

He didn't just say she's from Fukurodani… he said high school, WE'RE FOUND OUT.

But it's okay… it's okay. Even if he puts that little detail together he doesn't know our purpose here. Were good now I just need to get Nana-chan out of here safely and all is good th—

"There you are Akane, when you said Yaku-san called you I thought it would take like a minute but you were gone for sooooooooo long!"

Turning around and smiling frantically she nodded a little too hard and the world was spinning. Just as she was about to grab her friends arm and run Nana who was still unaware of the two boys continued

"Ohh my god that was by far the most boring spying I've ever done like Fukurodani's team is really nothing special I don't know how they made it to nationals before their like, super mediocre.

Pausing to put a thoughtful palm on her chin, she added

Well that really creepy Ace guy isn't her so maybe that's why but I'm pooooped. Let's throw this into Kuroos face so he leaves Rena-chan alone and his sorry ass can be reassured that Fukurodani won't cause them any problems in the qualifiers."

Huffing she walked towards Akane who looked white as a sheet of paper,

The hell..

Teeth chattering at inaudible lengths, aggravated by the immense rage she was feeling on her back courtesy of the Ace and setter Nana has just insulted.

She spoke quietly, stammering and falling over words but to no avail, it wasn't Japanese. But she decided to work in gestures, she pointed behind her and at that Nana quirked an eyebrow up walking up and curving her head to the side to see two seething volleyball players.

Said two volleyball players she recognized as the demonic looking setter and the creepy owly ace.


They had just heard what she said.

She looked at them with wide eyes, her school bag slipping off her shoulder.

"Oi twisted lady..

The creepy owl dude started and at the tone of his voice, all fun and laughter gone from the earlier minutes, Akane and Nana both straightened up as a shrill, cold gust shot through their bodies and settled right in their feet.

You just said Kuroo-san right now?"

Akane who was now visibly and violently shaking turned around to face the creep and demon and instantly turned back since their glares were too sharp to handle.

Waving her hands dismissively in the air warding off all the bad blood Nana tried to correct her error

"Ahhh NO NO! We're second years here at Fukurodani haha, the team this year is really good we just missed seeing you in action ace!"

But that flattery really didn't get her anywhere.

Bokuto was royally pissed off, so was Akaashi.

Before Bokuto could lash out Akaashi placed a hand in front of him and took a step forward causing the two girls to take a step back respectively.

"You two are from Nekoma High. Kuroo asked you to

Cocking his head in the direction of Nana who was protectively holding the camera around her neck

Record our practice for intel, right?"

Amazed at how spot on his analysis was Nana gulped and could do nothing but shake her head.

"Give it to me."

Akaashi was leering over her with clouded eyes as he was extremely pissed at not only having his pride trampled on but to sneak in under their noses and record them practice, now that was crossing the line.

His extended arm was pointing to Nana's direction she hiccupped under his intense pressure and just held the camera even closer to herself in retaliation to such a strong gaze.

Nana was scared. She hadn't been wild in her life and so she had never found herself in strange situations but this… this was a first. She was terrified to the point she couldn't move and her silver tongue which used to form lie after lie was shut in. This.. boy has complete control over the situation and Nana was utterly at a loss for the first time. His gaze penetrated her and it was cold. No emotion, no solace, just anger and collectedness underlined his glare.

Gulping slowly Nana made to speak but her voice was caught in her throat

Why now, I was brought along for a reason like THIS. Why can't I say anything to this .. boy?

As if right on cue to get her out of the slump she heard Rena coming towards them


Stopping abruptly as she took in the situation before her she also gulped nervously..

"oya oya, whats going on here.." she nervously started

Akaashi darted his cold glare towards Rena who also instantly froze.

"How many of you are there? Did shitty Kuroo send an army? What's happening here is that your crew, is found out. Get out of here but also, give me that camera before you leave."

The moment his eyes were off Nana she found courage to finally move. These guys wouldn't seriously hurt her friends, and if they spilt they could only really catch one but the important thing is that the camera would be safe. This was for Rena, she wouldn't fail her best friend after coming so far so she took a big breath of air before she shouted


Rena turned around to encourage her friend but when she turned around Nana had already taken off, bag and camera bouncing as she sprinted and was just about to jump over the fence.

Akane was rooted to the ground but Rena grabbed her wrist and propelled her forward running towards the entrance gate of Fukurodani.

Akaashi was stunned for just a moment,

Tch… these girls aren't serious.

"Bokuto-san! I'll get the camera back you stop those two at the gate and find out exactly what the fuck they're here for!"

Bokuto nodded, him and the setter crossed paths running in opposite directions, Akaashi jumped without much effort over the fence and as soon as he landed he saw the girl with the camera turning the corner.

Akaashi landed squarely, determination in his eyes as he set after the girl.

When he caught up to her he was going to do a lot more damage than just get the camera back, he'd make her take back the words she said about Fukurodani.


oKAY So I really don't know why I'm up at 4 Am publishing a haikyuu story when I have an unfinished story and exams around the corner but IDK Haikyuu season 3 ending today just threw me into some intense feels that I just wrote like 4 chapters like mad?

Haha I had this idea in my head for a while but I'm glad I actually got it out. I'm sorry if it seems rushed or isn't the most grammatically correct... its late and even though I forced my sister to proof read it, mistakes can still occur.

So, what did you guys think? Worth continuing~ Please drop a review and let me know your thoughts/comments/questions/concerns. I love ideas and criticism as I am always looking for ways to improve so please don't hesitate to drop a review, anything helps :) I hope you guys all enjoyed reading this as much as I had writing it. I know this is exam season for a lot of us so yeah.. hopefully this fic can make someof you laugh. I hope you like it~

Before I end this note I just wanted to clarify two terms I used that may not be common knowledge so

Doushinji: Fantasy Fan art of Populer & Favourite mangas made by their Fans or made by beginner mangaks on fan's demand. In this story Akane is reading boy love doushinji which means she likes two straight characters together and this fanart is something she enjoys hehe!

Yakuza: Basically the Japanese mafia. Don't mess with em!