Alrighty, it's time for the finale! Let's do things a little differently this time though. Instead of starting with the canon chapter then showing a hypothetical failure state, how about I start with the failure state, then show you the canon ending? That way you don't have to leave the story with the bad ending taste in your mouth. Alright, let's do this!

Failure State

Roll stumbled into Sex Queen's chamber. Rock was kneeling at the foot of her throne, awaiting orders from her. He had felt it best to just comply with whatever she asked him to do, and when Roll arrived, they could work together to defeat her. It wasn't a terrible plan by any means.

But when he turned and saw the state Roll was in as she walked into the room, he realized that there would be no grand showdown to bring down Sex Queen. Sex Queen smirked at the sight before her.

Roll had been reduced to a blonde lustful bimbo. Whether it was through failure to defeat one of her minions or from the inability to control the spike in lust brought on by obtaining so many abilities from the Fetish Masters, Sex Queen didn't know, nor did she see it relevant to care. She was here now, conveniently pre-broken.

Sex Queen had known full well that Rock had only been playing the part of the broken sex pet for her, and had been willing to play his little game. But now that he saw what had become of Roll, she hoped that his broken state would become a reality.

Roll wasn't wearing anything, and her eyes looked to be glazed over, as though she were in a trance. She walked forward slowly, pausing when she was a few feet away from Rock and Sex Queen. Her eyes moved between the two of them; trying to decide which one to go for.

Sex Queen smiled, pulling Rock up into her throne with her so he was sitting with his back against her. He stared, shocked by how Roll ended up as she grinned at him and moved over to him. She dropped to her knees in front of the throne, leaning forward and taking Rock's member into her mouth.

Between her and Sex Queen's naked bodies, he'd already been hard, and groaned at the feeling of her lips wrapping around his rod, sucking him. She used her master mouth ability, her tongue curling expertly around Rock's shaft as her mouth sucked him skillfully, making him moan and thrust up into her mouth on reflex.

Sex Queen smiled at this, "Enjoy her~" She purred into Rock's ear as he fucked Roll's mouth and throat. Rather than make him give in, her voice spurred him to fight it, to try and snap Roll out of it. "R-Roll, please stop this, we've got to stop her!"

Roll didn't stop her movements, bobbing her head faster along Rock's shaft. She moved herself closer, activating her puff-puff power and squeezing her larger, softer tits around Rock's shaft as she sucked him off, making him grit his teeth as he tried to avoid feeling any of the pleasure.

It was no use. After a few more minutes of Roll's efforts, Rock groaned in pleasure as he came, filling her mouth. Roll held it all in her mouth, opening it to show Rock and Sex Queen his cum filling it. Sex Queen smiled, "Good girl~ now swallow and keep Rock, dropping herself down onto his cock.

Rock gripped the throne tightly as he felt Roll's hot, wet pussy squeezing his cock. She began to move her hips, rocking them back and forth as she rode him. "Roll.. snap out of it.." He pleaded to her. Her only response was activating her super clench ability and riding him harder.

Sex Queen pushed his face forward so it was pressed against her breasts as she bounced on his cock. "She's all gone, submitted to pleasure~" Sex Queen told him, "Really it was her best option. She's a smart girl, one you should take as an example. Follow her lead Rock~ fuck her, make her yours, she wants it~"

Rock did everything he could to resist, his resolve breaking a little more as he came again, pumping more cum into Roll's pussy. Roll moaned in delight, crying out as she came with him. She panted, pulling off of his member and lowering herself again, this time rubbing his member against her ass.

Rock tried to hold out. He barely managed to hold it as Roll lowered herself and began riding him with her ass, but he lost it when she activated her submission aura and tight ass. It was more than he could handle. He moved off of the throne, pinning Roll to the ground and fucking her there. If pleasure was truly this powerful, what hope did he have of defeating it?

Roll moaned louder, happy that he was finally getting into it. Sex Queen watched from her throne, licking her lips as she resist the urge to touch herself, wanting to save her energy. Rock lifted Roll's legs, fucking her deeper. After several moments of this, he was hilted balls deep inside of her ass, and he came once more with her.

"Very good~" Sex Queen said, though she grinned mischievously. He wasn't broken enough for her yet. "Now Roll, return the favor~" She purred. Roll grinned, using her bondage bindings to cuff Rock's hands behind his back, put a gag in his mouth, and hold his legs open before he even realized what was happening. Roll shifted into futa form, and lined herself up to Rock's ass.

Rock whimpered and pleaded against the gag, but couldn't do anything to top her as she thrust her hips forward, penetrating his formerly virgin ass. Roll moaned in bliss, putting her hands on Rock's shoulders and pulling him back as she thrust forward, forcing herself deeper into his ass.

Sex Queen couldn't resist at this sight. Her fingers pushed into her wet pussy, making circles as she watched Roll fuck Rock into oblivion. Rock's eyes rolled back as Roll came, pumping spurt after spurt of hot cum into his ass.

She left him there, going over to Sex Queen. At her orders, she used her Duplication power to separate into five different Rolls. One activated furry form and submission aura, becoming a small, but cat girl as another activated beast form, futa form, and domination aura to become a large, dominant wolf to fuck the cat furry for Sex Queen's amusement.

The third clone activated soft skin while the fourth used rose whip and fantastic feet to dominate and rape the other clone. The final Roll used her tendril power to fuck Sex Queen's ass while she watched, using her toy box power to summon a large double sided toy for her and Sex Queen, and used her fancy fingers to expertly grope and massage Sex Queen's large chest as they did so.

Sex Queen moaned, enjoying the pleasure, the show, and the victory.

Canon Ending

Roll took a deep breath. She'd found enough energy tanks on her way up here that all of her abilities were fully loaded. She had every advantage she could possibly get, and yet she still felt nervous about it. Sex Queen was meant to be some sort of robotic sexual deity. Could she really measure up?

'Maybe not.' Roll admitted to herself. But she would have to anyway. It wasn't just about her. It was about the whole world and what Sex Queen would do with it if she had the chance. And most importantly to Roll, it was about Rock and what had been done to him. She stepped forward into Sex Queen's throne room.

The room was a massive place, made from strong, violet metal in some places, but with the floor covered in others. There was soft carpeting in one corner, and a lust bed in another. There was hardwood in a third corner and a damn hot tub in the last. A way for Sex Queen to be able to have sex in any environment she wanted Roll guessed.

In very near the center of the room was a throne, with Sex Queen herself sitting on it. Roll had forgotten how amazing the woman really looked. Her legs went for miles, her breasts found the perfect balance of being the biggest that Roll had ever seen, but not being so big that they stopped being attractive. Her body was curved and muscled in all the right places. She was truly built for sex; all the positives of every fetish master Roll had seen with none of their negative traits.

She sat with a smile on her throne, one leg crossed over the other, and her eyes on the door Roll had come through. She'd been waiting for her, Roll realized as she quickly surveyed the rest of the room.

Rock was chained to a nearby wall without his armor or Megabuster. With him defenseless, Sex Queen could have just fucked him by force whenever she wanted to, but that was no fun. She wanted to break him down, to make him submit and accept her sex by choice. The waiting would make it all the better.

Sex Queen explained this to Roll before she said anything else, and as beautiful of her voice was, it made her skin crawl. Still, the knowledge that she'd not yet actually touched Rock gave Roll a little hope.

"Planning on rescuing him I assume?" Sex Queen questioned. Roll nodded, "And defeating you in the process." She said, making Sex Queen chuckle, "Such a pity. All those powers and still able to think clearly; you'd make a wonderful soldier for me, perhaps the strongest I could ever have."

"I'd sooner join Dr. Wily." Roll said. This seemed to strike some kind of nerve in Sex Queen, and her perfect face was marred for a moment as an expression of anger spread across it. "Stupid girl. I won't dare be thought weaker than that welp of a brother." "Brother?" Roll questioned.

Sex Queen sighed, "I suppose there's no harm in explaining it. Albert didn't create me. I'm his sister, Alysha Wily." That explained the A.W initials on the machines Roll thought, "My machines were once built for wondrous sex, but I was thought lesser to Albert for his combat bots. I snuck into his lab and found the machine he uses to mass produce his robots."

"The plan was to use it to create the greatest sex toys ever built and finally show the Wily family how valuable my genius was, but Albert caught me in the middle of it. We argued, and I fell into the machine. Instead of killing me, the machine infused me with the mechanisms, making me into the strongest android this factory has ever produced. I've now got all the power I've ever needed, and I'll show the world the power of sex. But first I'll have to teach you to behave." She said, standing up from her throne. Roll bit her lip. 'Here we go.'

Sex Queen moved fast, faster than Roll had expected. She knocked Roll onto her back and pinned her there. Her legs locked with Roll's and Sex Queen brought her pussy to Roll's, grinding them together hard. Roll groaned as Sex Queen tribbed her. It felt amazing, too amazing.

Roll activated her furry form, bucking her hips hard against Sex Queen's as well. Sex Queen shuddered as she felt the soft, silky fur against her body, the pleasure growing in both of them as they ground their pussies together.

Roll could tell that even with this, she would still cum long before Sex Queen. She needed to overwhelm her. She activated her toy box power, summoning a four inch thick, ten inch thick dildo and forcing it into Sex Queen's ass.

Sex Queen yelped at how hard the massive toy cock rammed into her ass, making her tense slightly against Roll. Roll leaned up, pressing Sex Queen's tits together and wrapping her lips around her nipples, sucking on them both.

Sex Queen grit her teeth. This was too much all at once. She'd still be able to last a long time, but she worried Roll wouldn't cum first at this rate. Sex Queen moved her hands, one to Roll's breasts and the other to her ass. She pinched one of Roll's nipples as three fingers pushed into her ass.

Roll cried out in pleasure, her lips moving away from Sex Queen's chest and the toy in her ass vanishing as she lost focus. It wasn't just the touches from Sex Queen, it was the pure pleasure that radiated from her hands; one of Sex Queen's abilities. A single touch, no matter where it was, could send waves of pleasure through a target. And if her fingers were somewhere already sensitive, well, the result was rather self-explanatory.

Roll squirmed and writhed from Sex Queen's pleasure touch power. Needing to turn the tide again, Roll activated futa form. Do to the position their bodies were in, Roll's futa cock was immediately rammed into Sex Queen's pussy to the hilt.

Both of them cried out, Sex Queen more from surprise, but it still got her to remove her fingers. Sex Queen's pussy was so soft, so warm and wet and tight, Roll felt she might cum just from being inside of her at all.

She grit her teeth, activating her domination aura and laying it on thick, hoping to make Sex Queen submit. She was caught off guard by it long enough that Roll was able to switch their position so Sex Queen was beneath her while Roll fucked her lovely pussy hard.

Roll used her bondage bindings to cuff Sex Queen, then summoned her rose whip and began lashing at her back as she fucked her. With all this, she thought, she would definitely be able to outlast Sex Queen.

Sex Queen was moaning loudly like a bitch in heat, seeming to love the treatment. She clenched tighter around Roll at every lash from the whip against her back, and the dom aura seemed to be slowly chipping away at her control.

But Sex Queen had other tricks up her sleeve. Her hand began to glow, and Roll yelped, the pleasure she'd felt from Sex Queen's pleasure touch radiating through her ass and breasts, Sex Queen's phantom touch making her feel the pleasure she'd felt before even without being touched.

Roll grit her teeth, trying to keep it up, but Sex Queen was already shaking off the effects of her dom aura. She broke the cuffs effortlessly, and pushed Roll off of her. Standing up, Sex Queen turned to Roll and smiled, "I suppose Now's as good a time as any to show you one of my favorite powers~"

Sex Queen's body glowed, and it only a few seconds, her body began to shift. At first Roll thought that Sex Queen had a futa form as well, but then her jaw dropped when she realized that she had fully changed genders. Sex Queen was now Sex King. "I prefer my normal form," he admitted, "But I can't very well experience all forms of sex with only one form~"

The pleasure from the phantom touch increased, making it feel completely like she was being fucked and groped. Sex King lined his massive member up to Roll's pussy. Roll grit her teeth, 'No, this..this could work for me.' She realized.

As Sex King thrust into her pussy, Roll activated her super clench ability. Sex King groaned as Roll's pussy squeezed tightly, perfectly, around his cock. He grit his teeth, trying to endure and ignore it and thrust into her harder, forcing himself deeper. But for every inch deeper that Sex King got into Roll, he seemed to be feeling more pleasure than he did, even with the phantom pleasure touch on overdrive.

Sex King grit his teeth and pulled out, knowing he'd need a change of tactics. Seeing that she was winning, Roll activated as many seduction based abilities as she could; turning on Maid form, soft skin, submission aura, puff-puff, and fantastic feet. Sex King's eyes widened at the sight of Roll, her maid outfit appearing and stretched out in the chest by Roll's larger tits, her feet, skin, and entire body generally seeming even more attractive for where it was covered by the high heels, stockings, and maid outfit.

Sex King couldn't handle all of it at once, and pounced on Roll. He lined up to Roll's ass, thrusting into her as hard as he could, making Roll cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain; both of which she enjoyed at this point. Not as much as Sex King though, whose hands and mouth were travelling all over the robotic girl's body, touching, groping, kissing, licking, sucking and biting everything he could, completely ensnared in Roll's seductive trap.

As a final touch, and Roll activated her tight ass ability, clenching perfectly around Sex King's cock. He grunted, fucking her harder, his hips not stopping, unable to. He knew he was being tricked, but he was too lost in the lust to care.

Sex King hilted himself balls deep inside of Roll's ass and came with a yelp of pleasure. He stumbled back away from Roll, who quickly turned off all the abilities before she burned herself out and ended up giving in to the pleasure as well.

Looking up, Roll realized that it wasn't over yet. She'd defeated Sex King, but now he returned to his true form of Sex Queen, not having lost anymore power than when she'd first shifted into her Sex King form. She glared, clearly angered about having been beaten in any form. "I admire your persistence," She said, "But I grow tired of this."

Sex Queen activated her true most powerful ability. Roll couldn't tell if it was a dominance aura or a submission aura. She decided it must have been a direct attraction aura, and it was several times stronger than anything Roll had used or seen. It radiated from her so intensely that Roll felt she could actually see it as it did. She had to resist her every instinct and reflex telling her to give in, to let Sex Queen do whatever she wanted to her, or to just stop battling and do whatever she wanted to do to Sex Queen.

Sex Queen had made a single, vital mistake though. If it had just been her and Roll in the room, this attack might have finished the battle. But as Roll turned her head and saw Rock there, seemingly unaffected by the aura, her resolve was strengthened several times over. 'No,' Roll thought to herself, 'I will not give in.'

The attraction aura was still powerful, and got stronger with every step closer to Sex Queen she got. She needed to get in close fast, and to do so, shifted into beast form. Wolf or big cat would have done, but she figured now was the time to go big.

Sex Queen's eyes widened as Roll, having taken the form of a horse, rushed at her and tackled her to the ground and began grinding herself into her. Strong as she was, Sex Queen couldn't get Roll off of her and maintain her attraction aura at the same time. She shut down the aura, planning on turning it back up after she'd freed herself from Roll.

But that, it seemed, had been Roll's plan. The moment the aura was down, Roll shifted out of beast form and activated her duplication power, splitting into five Rolls. They pushed Sex Queen onto her fours, one entering futa form and thrusting into her ass, one using tendrils and forcing all twenty of them into Sex Queen's pussy. One using master mouth and fancy fingers to grope and suck Sex Queen's tits, and the last two using puff-puff and fantastic feet, squeezing Sex Queen's face between their tits and feet.

Sex Queen could handle a lot. She was built for sex of any and every kind. But this was too much, especially with how much energy she'd already expended. She squirmed and writhed, trying to resist it, but it was no use. Roll's cock slammed in her ass hard, down to the hilt. The tentacles in her pussy were squirming inside, finding and hitting all of her sensitive sweet spots. Her breasts were feeling more pleasure now than they ever had, and the seduction effects of the puff-puff Roll's tits and the fantastic feet Roll's feet broke down whatever she had left to resist with.

Sex Queen threw back her head and let out a loud shriek of pleasure as she came hard, shutting down in defeat after she did. The five Rolls kept going until the original, the one in futa form, came deep inside Sex Queen's ass.

Shuddering in satisfaction, she pulled out and hurried over to Rock, freeing him from his shackles. " did it Roll.." He said tiredly, having burnt out a lot of his own energy resisting Sex Queen. Roll nodded, "You're gonna be okay Rock."

"I'm so proud of you Roll.." He said, making Roll smile wider than she ever had before. "Um, Roll," Rock said, seeing what was happening behind her, "Your clones are all fucking each other." "Dammit, every time!" Roll complained.

A few days had passed since Roll had defeated Sex Queen and freed Rock. The Fetish Masters had the corrupt programming removed from their systems and were now allowed to lead normal lives, just as the Robot Masters had when they had been freed.

Sex Queen was considered too dangerous though, as a single touch from her could infect a Fetish Master again. After discussing and debating the issue for awhile, it was finally decided that they would enlist Wily to help Dr. Light disable all her possible abilities.

Wily more than agreed, and in a week Sex Queen, Alysha, was nothing more than a normal human woman with slightly shinier skin. She was sent to a high security prison, which she ended up running with sex within a month. Still, as much control as she got there, she'd never be able to take over the town again.

In spite of this, Roll had argued that she should keep all her sex based weapons just in case, but Roll had disagreed. "Roll, you know why I get rid of all my weapons after a mission right?" He questioned. Roll nodded, "The more you have, the more violent you get, the less like yourself you become overtime."

"Exactly. The same thing will happen to you if you don't get rid of all your sex weapons." Rock told her. Roll shook her head, "N-no, I'll be fine. Look at me, I'm fine now aren't I?" "Right now, yes," Rock admitted, "But tomorrow, maybe not. I don't want to take that risk with you, especially not with you. Think about it, do you really want to keep all those weapons, or are they already starting to mess with your head?"

"I.." Roll bit her lip, mentally swearing. Rock was right and she knew it. After having the abilities for so long, she felt compelled to keep them. The thought of leaving them behind made her feel- "Empty?" Rock guessed, "I feel it every time to Roll."

Roll sighed, nodding. "Okay." She agreed. It was, she knew, for the best. Just… hard to go through with. "Well, if it makes you feel better, how about this," Rock offered, "We let you keep them for another hour or two, and we can celebrate your victory together. But after that-" Roll tackled hugged Rock to the floor, kissing him passionately. Rock kissed her back, holding onto her, "I take that as a yes?" he chuckled.

They went back to their room together, Roll eager to show Rock the many different powers she'd acquired, and deciding on what order to show them to him in. she'd start with with the simpler ones she decided.

They undressed quickly, locking the door to make sure they weren't interrupted. Roll told Rock to sit on the edge of the bed, and she got to her knees in front of him, licking her lips at the sight of his member. He wasn't as big as Sex King, or as some of the Fetish Master's Roll had encountered, but he was perfect. And the sight that, even before she'd used any of her abilities, he was already rock solid just from the sight of her body made Roll feel that much better about herself.

Roll started with the fancy fingers ability, gripping Rock's shaft in both hands and beginning to stroke him skillfully. Rock moaned in pleasure at the feeling of her hands. The ability made them seem softer, her grip on his member somehow better than normal. Roll grinned at the sight of how much Rock was enjoying it. She moved one hand from his cock, using the other to stroke faster along his length as her free hand moved down to his balls, handling and massaging them expertly and bringing Rock to his first climax in a matter of minutes. "You weren't kidding about those powers." Rock said, shocked by how quickly she'd pushed him over the edge.

Roll nodded in agreement, "And we're just getting started~" She purred, switching to her puff-puff and master mouth abilities. Rock's member grew harder at the sight of Roll's now larger breasts, and she giggled at this as she took it between them.

Rock moaned, thrusting up between Roll's tits as she squeezed her breasts around his shaft, stroking him with them. She lowered her mouth to his tip, her tongue and mouth licking and sucking it skillfully as she stroked his shaft.

Rock gripped the edge of the bed, moaning as Roll continued to please him. He felt guilty just sitting back and taking all the pleasure without giving any, but Roll almost seemed to be enjoying it more than him. Sucking and stroking harder to make him moan more.

Rock grunted, cumming into her mouth and filling it in only a few quick spurts. Roll licked her lips and swallowed, Rock blushing as Roll switched to her fantastic feet ability, sitting back and raising her feet to Rock's cock. She rubbed it delicately with her toes for a few moments, then gripped it between her feet and began stroking him with them.

Rock groaned, shuddering at how soft and pleasing they felt against his cock. Rock had never had much of a foot fetish before, but he feared that Roll may have been changing that with this ability, if only for the time being.

Roll pumped his cock faster, her saliva acting as lubricant and letting her sexy feet glide easily along the length of his member. Her toes curled around his tip as she went on, her heels grinding against his base.

Rock thrust up against them, moaning Roll's name as he came. Roll shuddered in delight, seeming to enjoy the feeling of Rock's cum covering her feet. She held her feet up to Rock's face so he could get a good view of her cum covered feet.

Roll stood up, and used her duplication ability, separating into five different Rolls. This alone was something out of Rock's sexiest dreams, especially when four of them began making out and groping each other, the fifth, which Rock assumed to be the original, having to get their attention and coordinate them.

With Roll's instruction, one of the Rolls bent over the bed, one of them waited for him on the floor next to the bed, one laid on her back on the bed, one waited for him against the wall, and one got on her fours. Rock could only assume that each of them was planning on using a different ability. He had already lost track of which one was the original Roll, so he went first to the one bending over the bed.

She smiled, smacking her own ass and giving it a wiggle in his direction, spreading her cheeks for him. Taking the hint, Rock lined himself up to Roll's ass, gripping her hips as he jerked his hips forward, thrusting into her.

Rock groaned in pleasure from the feeling of Roll's ass squeezing around his cock even before she activated the tight ass ability and her tight hole clenched impossibly tighter around his cock, seeming to be formed around it.

Rock grit his teeth, "F-fuck, it feels like you're milking my cock!" Rock moaned. The other Rolls seemed unable to wait their turn. One of them crawled over, moving her head between Rock's legs and beginning to lick and suck on his balls as he thrust into Roll's ass, and a third Roll joined as well, forcing Roll's head in between her legs.

The sight of Roll eating herself out while he fuked her ass combined with the feeling of a third Roll sucking on his balls made Rock cum in moments, and he cried out, filling the Roll's ass. She shuddered, cumming from the pleasure and dropped against the bed tiredly. The other two grinned, returning to the places they'd been before.

Rock went next to the Roll who was staying against the wall. She grinned, activating her furry form ability and becoming an anthro fox girl. Rock blushed deeply, embarrassed to be aroused by such a thing. Roll giggled, "Don't worry about it, I definitely can't judge you." She said, spreading her legs as she leaned back against the wall.

Rock moved over, lining up to fox Roll's pussy and thrusting in, shuddering and moaning both from how tight and warm she was, and from how good her fur felt against his body. He moved closer to her, holding her fur covered body against his as he lifted her slightly, fucking her against the wall.

Fox Roll moaned louder, her legs and tail locking around his waist as Rock railed her harder and faster, the pleasure building and increasing his respect for Roll for have been able to resist such things for so long.

Fox Roll moaned louder the rougher Rock got with her. His hands moved along her body, feeling her fur. Doing this, he discovered that her tail was remarkably sensitive, making her clench tightly around his cock when he grabbed it. Grinning mischievously, Rock began to pump his hips harder into her, hilting himself in her pussy as he stroked and pulled harder on her tail.

Fox Roll cried out, cumming hard as she let out a series of semi-animalistic groans of pleasure. Rock grit his teeth as her pussy squeezed him tighter, cumming into her hard. Fox Roll slumped between him and the wall. Rock pulled out of her, and still in furry form, she crawled over to the bed to have a little extra fun with the first Roll Rock had fucked. It was hard for him not to stare at the two Rolls as they kissed heatedly, tongues battling and their legs interlocked and they began scissoring.

Rock managed to just barely tear his eyes from it and turn to the second Roll that was on the floor, the one on her fours. As he approached her, she activated beast form, becoming a blonde furred canine.

Rock paused at this, surprised by the ability. He'd seen Roll use all her powers in her battle, but the idea of actually using this one was more than a little odd for him. "Too kinky?" the Roll on the bed asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to." The one on her back on the floor added, though the one in beast form gave a canine whining.

"No, I want you to have fun with all your powers before you get rid of them." He said, the canine Roll excitedly lifting her tail and spreading her hind legs, "Even if this will be a little weird." The furry and anal Rolls cried out as they came together, "That's the spirit~" Fox Roll purred, crying out in as the pleasure of the other Roll sucking on her tail overwhelmed her.

Rock took a deep breath and thrust forward, grunting as his cock pushed into the tight, hot hole of canine Roll's pussy. She groaned, her tail swishing happily as Rock began to fuck her. He grit his teeth, trying to resist to the urge to stop and back away, as doing this seemed so instinctively wrong, but the more he did it, the less he needed to, the more okay it seemed to be.

It was still Roll after all, he told himself as he began to fuck canine Roll harder, pushing deeper into her; much to the canine's enjoyment. He began to get into it, fucking her tight, wet pussy harder, causing canine Roll to quite literally howl with pleasure as she came.

Rock lasted a few more minutes before cumming into her, panting now as the sex began to wear down his endurance. Seeing that he was running low, the other Roll on the floor took out an E-tank and threw it to him. It vanished upon making contact with Rock, restoring his energy in a jolt.

He got onto the bed as canine roll joined furry and anal Roll in a self-cest threesome. She smiled, laying on her side and lifting one of her legs up. Rock moved closer, lining himself up to her pussy as he held her leg over his shoulder and thrust into her hard.

Both of them moaned as Rock got a steady pace going, Rock's moans growing louder as the Roll activated her super clench ability, her pussy squeezing him as tight if not tighter than the anal ability had.

In the position he was in with her, Rock could thrust harder into her than in most, and forced his cock deeper into Roll with each thrust in spite of the tightness, making the pleasure built in both of them, Rock's member throbbing inside of her wet cunt until they came together in a shared cry of bliss.

Rock pulled out and moved off of the bed as the growing self-cest orgy moved closer to take the fourth Roll as well. This just left the one on the floor. Rock knew that her power was already active when his eyes fell on her. Her soft skin ability already had Rock desiring to mark her perfect skin, to reddening her ass and breasts, make her scream.

The submission aura she was letting off only increased this urge. In addition to these abilities, Roll used the bondage bindings on herself. She was forced onto her knees with her face to the floor and her ass in the air, her legs separated by a metal bar tied to her ankles and her hands tied behind her back. She was blindfolded, gagged, and the rope tying her hands also wrapped around her chest to make her breasts puff out more.

On top of that, Roll used the toy box ability, summoning several toys for Rock to use on her. Dildos, vibrators, beads, plugs, paddles, even candles already lit and dripping hot wax into their holders. Normally Rock would never even considering using any of these things on Roll, but the combination of the sub aura, soft skin, and the knowledge that the real Roll could very well be one of the other four, made it near impossible to resist.

Rock picked up a wooden paddle, bringing it down hard on Roll's ass. She squeaked into the gag, crying out as Rock brought the paddle down on her ass harder and harder with the following strikes. It hurt terribly, and Roll wanted more, needed more. With the seduction abilities affecting him, Rock was happy to oblige.

Rock attached clamps to Roll's nipples that would squeeze her harder the more she moved, attached a vibrator to her clit, pushed a string of beads into her ass that were less than half an inch thick outside, but grew rapidly to three and a half inches and began vibrating after he'd put them inside her.

Rock thrust into Roll's pussy, his thrusts making her body move and make the clamps squeeze tighter and tighter. He picked the paddle back up and kept smacking her ass and thighs with it, each jerk of her body in response to a strike also tightening the clamps.

Roll came in a matter of minutes from this blissfully torture, and then cried against the gag as the clamps reached their maximum tightness and began delivering shocks to her nipples. Rock grunted, cumming hard inside of her, but not wanting to stop. He reached for the candle, which had nearly completely melted, leaving the container full of hot wax. He lifted it over Roll and began pouring it over her ass, legs, and back.

Roll's entire body tensed and shook as she came violently, her climax lasting longer as Rock yanked the string of beads out of her ass and hilted himself there instead, cumming hard and filling the gaping hole with cum.

Roll collapsed, the toys and bindings fading. Rock looked over at the foursome of Rolls. They'd formed a daisy-chain, but now faded away. Rock's eyes widened as the seduction of the soft skin and sub aura left his mind and he realized the one he'd just dominated had been the original Roll.

He opened his mouth to apologize, but Roll stopped him with a kiss, "That was amazing~" She told him, "Don't you dare apologize for it." She'd known Rock would never treat her like that under normal circumstances, so she'd forced his hand. Maybe now that he saw how much she'd grown to like it, he'd be more willing to try it again later.

"But if you really want to make it up to me, you can promise not to get upset by the powers I use next." Roll said. "I promise." Rock said immediately, kissing Roll again. Roll kissed back, then bit down on Rock's lip and shoved him to the ground. Rock was about to get back up, when he whimpered and remained on the floor upon feeling Roll's domination aura filling him.

His hands were cuffed behind his back by Roll's bondage bindings, and his cock, extremely stiff from the dom aura, was put in a cock ring formed by the toy box power to prevent him from cumming. Roll dropped onto his cock hard, making him cry out as both pleasure and pain shot through him.

Roll smacked him across the face, "Quite pet." She ordered. Using the dom aura always made it hard not the part, so to speak. Roll was about to dial it back when Rock said, "Y-yes Mistress." Roll shuddered in excitement and began riding him.

She used her super clench multiple times, but no matter how much Rock desperately needed to, he couldn't cum with the C-ring on. This seemed to thrill Roll, and she rode him harder, bouncing on his throbbing cock harder and taunting him as her dom aura radiated through him. She came three times on his cock before dismounting, and even then didn't free his cock.

She picked him up and bent him over the bed, lashing at his ass with her rose whip. Rock cried out, earning him another lash. "Promise you'll still love me after this is over." She demanded, striking his cute little ass again. "I-I promise!" Rock groaned, wincing at another strike, "Promise to not be afraid of me doing this again." She ordered. "I promise."

Another strike, this time to his legs, "Promise that when I ask for it, you'll treat me like your slutty bitch, just like you did when I had my submission aura." Roll ordered. Rock was quiet, earning three hard lashes to his ass in quick secession, "Say it bitch!" "I promise!" He yelped. He obviously didn't like this as much as he'd liked some of the other abilities, but his twitching cock told Roll he didn't dislike it either.

"Good boy." She said, letting the Rose Whip disappear and activating futa form. She approached him, getting on the bed and letting her cock slap against his face, "Suck it nice and hard. It'll need to be really wet when it wrecks your ass." She ordered.

Too lost from the domination aura to ask questions, Rock simply opened his mouth and engulfed Roll's cock, sucking on it as hard as he could. He wasn't very skilled at it, but the sight and sensation of Rock sucking her off was more than enough for Roll, and she filled his mouth with cum in only a few minutes.

After she did, she got off the bed and lined her slick cock up to his ass. Her domination aura faded, but before Rock's head could be clear, he cried out loudly from the feeling of Roll's cock thrusting deep into her ass. She'd only meant for the first thrust to be hard so he could get used to the feeling, but after she'd been inside him, it had felt too good, and she kept going roughly, fucking him harder and deeper with each thrust.

"S-sorry Rock," She groaned, "Y-you feel too good!" "H-harder!" Rock pleaded, his face beet red in embarrassment. This sent Roll into overdrive, ramming her cock into his ass harder and faster until she was completely hilted inside of him. Roll let the cock ring vanish, and they both came together.

Roll panted as she stepped back, her cock and the remaining bindings vanishing. They were both getting a little tired, but by Rock's count, there were still two powers to go. "Just one more aggressive one." Roll promised, activated her tendril power.

Rather than just bury all ten of them inside of Rock, she summoned twenty of them instead. Two of them stroked Rock's cock, two massaged his balls, four rammed into his throat and fucked it as the remaining two penetrated his ass. As this happened though, he was able to enjoy the sight of Roll taking three tentacles in all three holes, the remaining tendril working on her tits.

This lasted a good twenty minutes before Rock came, Roll cumming shortly after, both soaking her tendrils in her own juices, and filling herself and Rock with cum from the tendrils themselves. Roll had the tendrils carry them both to bed before they vanished, and Roll activated her last power, Maid form.

"Oh my," Maid Roll said, "You've gotten awfully dirty sir. Shall I clean you off?" She asked. Rock nodded, and Roll began to clean the tendril cum off and out of him with her tongue. She lingered by his cock, "Oh my, have you been harmed sir? You've become swollen."

The innocent tone matched with the outfit made Rock wonder why Roll had needed to use any power other than this one during her adventure. "Yes, would you mind helping me with that?" he asked. Roll blushed, "Oh sir, I don't know how appropriate tha-eek!" Roll cried as Rock pinned her beneath him, kissing her neck as he thrust into her hard.

"S-sir, p-please stop this~" Roll groaned. "I don't think you want me to~" Rock replied, biting down on her neck. Roll groaned in pleasure, unable to argue as she held onto Rock, wanting more of him. After being on bottom so many times in a row, he had a lot of pent up aggression to let out, and Roll was happy to take all of it.

She'd already planned on keeping the maid form after she gave up all her other powers. Rock got to keep the Megabuster, why couldn't she keep her base weapon? And she was planning on having it upgraded to come with more outfits as well..

And that, my friends, is a wrap!

This story was a lot of fun to work on, and a big thanks to ReaderPal for the idea for Sex Queen's origin. I don't know why, but smut that follows the structure of an existing game, like this, pokegirls/buko, and Undersmut, are always more fun to me than just straightforward smut fics. Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know in the reviews.

While you're at it, why not let me know which Fetish Masters you liked and disliked. Did you have a favorite or least favorite? Maybe a favorite chapter that didn't have your favorite Fetish Master, or a least favorite that did?

Were there any Fetish Masters you'd wanted to be in here that weren't? What kinds of Megaman stories would you like to see in the future?

As fun as this was, I think is still worked better in the original comic it was based on, Rolling Buster, with nonsexual weapons being adapted for sex, like Woodman giving Roll a hula-skirt, or Airman giving her a super blowjob ability. Especially because it means they've got to be creative with some of the powers, like Bombman giving Roll's tits a massive boost.

Though we never did get to see what power Gutsman gave her. Given his strength I'd have to say it gave her the power to ride her opponent with all the force he uses to throw boulders around, but what do you think?

Oh, and in reference to the theories that Roll would end up taking Sex Queen's place, I actually did have that idea for awhile, but couldn't go with it, as it didn't make the failure state seem like a failure nor did it make the victory state seem like a victory, and there wasn't enough for three.

I am sinful by nature with no malicious intent, and I'll see you all next time!