Author's Note- Hey, all! I'm not dead XD Just haven't really had any inspiration for a long time. But I'm back and this chapter's finally finished. This is being posted tonight for my friend Sarah. I know she's been dying for the next chapter. Enjoy!
Sariel woke up in the middle of the night feeling pleasantly sore. Dean had an arm around her waist and was still inside her even though his knot had gone down. Her shoulder ached where her claiming bite now was. But she didn't feel any pain from her gunshot wounds. As much as she wanted to stay curled up with her new mate, she knew that she should go clean the bite. She slid out from under Dean's arm, whimpering softly as he slid out of her, and padded quietly to the bathroom.
"Oh my god," Sariel laughed as she looked at herself in the mirror. There were purple marks all over her neck and the large bite on her right shoulder. She gently touched her claiming bite. It was still sinking in that Dean was really her mate now. She quickly bandaged up her bite to get back to Dean.
"Sari?" Dean's sleepy voice said from the other room. She smiled and headed back to her mate.
"Hey, hot stuff. You feel okay?" she asked with a grin. Dean grinned back and pulled her to him.
"I'm great. Was starting to worry about where my sexy omega was though," he replied. He started nibbling at her throat. She let out a laugh.
"I was just assessing the damage," she teased.
"You loved it and you know it."
"I did," Sariel replied, pressing her lips to his. She let out a breathy sigh when his lips went back to her neck.
"Ready for round two?" he said against her neck.
"Hell yes!" she moaned. Dean grinned and pulled her on top of him.
Castiel appeared in Sam's room. He had figured that both Winchesters would be in the same room as usual. He was surprised to find Sam alone in a room with a single bed.
"Where are Dean and the nephilim?" he asked when Sam turned to face him.
"They're next door. I don't think you should go to them though."
"Why not?" Sam smirked at the angel's query.
"They're completing the mating process," he replied. He hoped that Cas would understand. Pink bloomed on Castiel's cheeks.
"Oh..." Then, an angry look crossed his face. "He has mated with the abomination?"
"Calm down. They were fated. So it doesn't matter what she is," Sam said. Castiel frowned.
"How odd that Dean would be fated to a nephilim...Maybe that means she is not as much of an abomination as I thought," he mumbled to himself.
"Not to be rude or anything, Cas, but could you leave? I'd like to get some sleep." Castiel nodded and disappeared, leaving the younger Winchester alone.
Dean woke up before Sariel that morning. He grinned as he watched the omega sleep against his chest. He looked at all the marks that had been added after round two. He was sure that his own skin was marked up just as bad. His eyes kept being drawn to the bandage on Sariel's shoulder. He carefully pulled the bandage off to check on the bite. His alpha side swelled with pride at seeing his bite on his omega. But his normal side wanted to check on the healing. Nephilim really did heal fast. He was seeing a mostly scarred over bite. He was happy that it wasn't going to be causing her more pain. He leaned down to press a soft kiss to the bite. Sariel let out a content sound before her eyes opened sleepily.
"Good morning," she said with a smile. Dean smiled back and kissed her gently.
"'Morning. How do you feel?" he asked. She let out a big yawn as she stretched.
"Just a little sore. But it's a good sore," Sariel smirked. "I think we should go get breakfast. I'm starving." Dean laughed but he was in total agreement. He was super hungry.
"Sounds good." He got up to get dressed and Sariel whistled at him. He felt his cheeks warming as he turned back. "Don't objectify me."
"I would never!" Sariel replied in mock offense. Then she just beamed at him, causing his heart to thump in his chest. He had thought she was beautiful before they'd mated but she was practically glowed. Not in the pregnant type of way, though. She was just amazing. Sariel thought the same thing about Dean. He was just amazing. She got up and walked to her mate, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"What's up?" he asked, leaning his forehead against hers.
"Nothing. Just wanted to be close to you," Sariel replied, closing her eyes. Their noses bumped together and they both smiled.
"Sammy's gonna be hungry soon," Dean said quietly after while. Sariel pouted before Dean nipped her bottom lip and kissed her.
"Fine." She started to get dressed but paused. "Isn't it weird that we've gotten to this point?" Dean pulled his shirt over his head and looked at his mate with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"
"We hated each other to start with. And now I have your claiming bite. I just find it kind of funny is all," she said with a shrug. Dean 'hmm'ed and went back to getting dressed.
"Morning, Sam," Sariel said when she and Dean walked to the Impala.
"Morning. You guys have a good night?" he asked.
"The best night," Dean replied with a wink at his omega. Sariel flushed and tossed her bag in the trunk.
"I found a new case," Sam said. The other two hunters looked at him expectantly. "Fathers are dying and kids are starting to act weird.
"Changelings?" Dean asked. Sam shrugged.
"What are changelings?" Sariel asked. Dean scratched his neck nervously. He didn't really wanna tell his new mate about Lisa, a beta he hooked up with once, and how he'd saved her kid. At one point, he'd thought that Lisa might be his mate. And he didn't really know if Sariel would be a jealous omega or not.
"They make themselves look like kids and then feed off the mothers. There's a "mother" changeling that if you kill it all the kid changelings die too. We hunted one about a year ago when Dean wanted to go to Cicero, Indiana to hookup with an old girlfriend. We ended up saving her kid," Sam explained.
"Sam!" Dean hissed. His brother just had to share how they'd found the case...
"You didn't have to say why we went to Cicero in the first place," the older Winchester grumbled. Sariel laughed at Dean and patted his chest.
"It's okay, Dean. I've got plenty of old flames, too. Part of being a hunter, right? Let's go." Dean let out a low growl. He didn't like the idea of some other man touching his omega. Even if she hadn't been his omega at the time. Sam just laughed as he slid into the passenger seat. Dean glared before getting in the car.
"So what's the deal with this whole Lucifer thing you guys were talking about?" Sariel asked. The brothers looked at each other for a moment. "Oh come on! I'm not going anywhere. It's physically impossible for me to ditch you guys even if i wanted to!" Sam raised an eyebrow at Dean. The older Winchester nodded. He'd read that once mated, fated mates couldn't be too far away from each other for more than a couple of weeks at a time. They would always be brought back together.
"The demons are trying to free Lucifer," Sam said. "They have to break 66 seals for him to get out. And some of the angels are actually pushing for that to happen." Sariel frowned.
"Friggin' dicks with wings," she grumbled. Dean smiled.
"Cas is on our side, though. He doesn't want the Apocalypse to happen either. He rebelled so he could help us," Dean said.
"Well, now you have a nephilim, too," she replied. Dean smiled back at her.
"Can we just get to the case?" Sam said, rolling his eyes. Dean laughed and started the car.
"So where is this case anyway?" Sariel asked. Sam checked the file that he'd put together.
"Cave Springs, Georgia," the younger Winchester replied. Sariel's face went pale.
"Um, I can't help with this one," she said in a strained voice. Dean looked at her through the mirror. She looked terrified.
"I just can't help. Find a motel and drop me off. I'll work on the Lucifer thing," she said, hoping they'd drop it. But she was never that lucky.
"Does this town have some kind of significance to you?" Sam asked. She nodded and bit her lip.
"It's my hometown."
After that, Dean found them a place to stop for breakfast.
"What happened in Cave Springs?" he asked, looking at her from across the table. Sam elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow!"
"Dean, what if she doesn't wanna talk about it?" he scolded.
"No, it's fine," she said quietly. "Dean's my mate and he should know. And I don't see any point in hiding it from you either. It's just that the town holds bad memories. That's where the angels found me and murdered my mom. I'm not sure how I got away but I did and got an Enochian shielding tattoo as soon as I could. Someone from CPS got ahold of me and I was bounced around town until I was 18. Then, I became a hunter so I could try and keep other kids from having to deal with what I did. But I'm still always gonna be the orphan omega chick in that town," she said with a sigh.
"You're a total badass. No one's gonna mess with you now. Especially if you're saving them and their kids," Dean said. Sariel smiled.
"Right. Okay, can we order breakfast now? I'm kinda hungry." Dean laughed and moved over to sit on Sariel's side of the booth.
"Sure, babe."