This little fanfic is one I've been writing and rewriting. This is dedicated to one of my fav authors, ghostgirl19, who I hope likes this.

I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or any of the music I listened to while writing this. I love waltz music.

Dark, cold, alone. Adrien hated the fact that he felt no better than his father, sitting alone in his own empty palace and staring blankly out of his bedroom window. Not that there was much to see, due to the endless rain that had plagued the entire week. He sighed and leaned his head against his hand, slouching in his comfortable chair.

A knock on his door. "Monsieur Agreste? A letter has arrived for you."

He glumly sighed. "Come in. Who sent it? Chloe again?"

A lovely maid in a black gown and red apron with his palace symbol entered the room, holding a golden envelope in one hand. She held it out with a small smile.

"It's from Monsieur Lahiffe. It appears he just arrived home from his honeymoon and wishes to have a ball. I'm sure he would love to see you again and introduce you to his wife."

"Tikki, why is it you always look through my things before they get to me?"

She giggled and turned away to leave the room. "Someone has to take care of you in this huge palace, Monsieur."

With that, she left and softly closed the door behind her, her clicking heels fading down the hall. Adrien sat up and looked over the envelope that held his name in large, blocky letters, then turned it over to reveal the waxed seal, with Nino's own symbol pressed into it. He pulled out the letter and opened it, his eyes scanning over the paper. A smile, one that seemed to suit him far better than a frown, grew on his face.

The letter was long, consisting of Nino excitedly telling Adrien about his wondrous wife, Alya Césaire, whom Adrien had never seen yet, but had heard plenty about her from his smitten friend when he had come across her in the park last year. The letter went on to talk about the ball Alya had insisted upon and wishing for the handsome bachelor to join them in the festivity.

He put down the letter and looked out into the rainy day that had seemed so dreary before, smiling wistfully. He had missed talking to Nino and he had always been curious about the mysterious lady that had captured his friend's heart so long ago. He was awfully bored and lonely nowadays, seeing as his line of work would have to wait until this rain subsided. A ball sounded like just the thing to get him into his usual self.

He hopped up from his chair and rushed out of his room, the letter held tightly in his hand. He hadn't felt this excited in a while.

"Tikki, I need to find something to wear to Nino's ball!"

Adrien sat in his carriage and watched the rain from the window, ignoring the bumpy ride while enjoying the muted buildings of the city. Tikki sat opposite of him and couldn't help but want to laugh at her master's expression. He looked positively giddy to be doing something, going somewhere. It was rather refreshing from his sulking mood from these past months.

"Tikki…do you think anyone else will be there? Like Rose or Nathaniel? It's been so long since I've seen any familiar faces."

"Perhaps. You might even meet someone new. I'm sure Madam Lahiffe will have invited some friends of her own."

Adrien's stomach twisted in nervous anticipation. "I hope they'll like me."

Tikki reached over and set her delicate hand on his, getting his attention. "Monsieur, it would be impossible not to like someone as kind as you. I'm sure my husband would say the same if he weren't sitting out in the rain right now."

The young master glanced back out the window. "Plagg certainly…has a way of telling me he likes me."

Tikki giggled and put her hands in her lap. "He's always been that way, annoyingly enough. Rough on the outside, but sweet as macaroons on the inside…somewhere."

Adrien shifted in his seat and then began to fidget with his black bowtie. Tikki scoffed and lightly slapped his hands away before leaning over to fix it.

"Sorry…I know I shouldn't be nervous, Tikki, but I can't help it."

"I know." The carriage slowed as music trickled into the carriage, lights filling the street as people of every sort made their way past them to the ball. The carriage stopped. "Relax and just be your usual charming self. Minus those silly jokes you do. Any of those could have anyone running for the hills."

He flashed a bright grin. "Why not? They're my best feature."

The maid rolled her eyes as the carriage shook before its door was opened by a man dressed in black, holding a large umbrella open for his master. Adrien climbed out and waited for Plagg to help his wife out before he turned to look at the Lahiffe home.

It was lit from every window and the music that came from inside lifted the heavy weight in his stomach. The double doors were just waiting to be opened for the young man and he tried not to let negativity get to him. He knew he looked the part of an Agreste, with an expensive tuxedo and accessorized to look pristine as could be. Green trench coat, black leather gloves, a diamond wristwatch. Maybe he had gone too far in dressing up.

"Ready, Monsieur?" Plagg asked.

Adrien nodded and began to walk towards the slick staircase, Plagg and Tikki following behind him with the umbrella to keep them all dry.

"Excuse me, pardon me!"

Adrien turned to see a young woman, completely by herself and rushing to get to the door, using only her gloved hands to shield herself from the rain. Her midnight blue gown was soaked and her hair was clinging to her face, but her face still looked bright and almost appeared to be enjoying running in this weather.

He automatically stepped aside to let her pass him and watched as he raced up the stairs before knocking loudly on the double doors. A lovely woman opened it and gasped at the sight.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! What in the world-?!"

"Hi Alya, sorry I'm late!" The soaking wet woman exclaimed brightly.

"Where's your umbrella?" Alya (Adrien could see why Nino was enraptured by her) shook her head and smiled. "Do I even want to know, actually?"

"So I sort of fell asleep and then my umbrella broke on the way here and t-"

"You didn't take your carriage? Marinette…"

"It's not far. I wanted to walk." She pouted. "Can I come in now?"

Alya sighed. "Let's get you cleaned up first. Go upstairs. I'm glad you gave me a few of your dresses, so you can just change into one of them."

"Thanks, Alya. I'd give you a hug, but…" She gestured to herself.

Madam Lahiffe stepped aside and waved her in before her eyes focused on Adrien, who hadn't moved from his stop. She looked him over before smirking slightly.

"You're Adrien Agreste. Nino's told me a lot about you. Come on in."

"Heh. What exactly has he told you?" he inquired.

"Many things." Was her only reply.

He made his way up the remaining stairs and out of the rain, Tikki and Plagg following behind. Alya put out her hand in a clear gesture to shake it. He took it and was surprised at the firmness.

"The party is right down this hall, the servants' quarter is that way, connected to the kitchen. Relax and enjoy." She looked at Adrien as he dismissed his servants. "I'd escort you, but I have to help a friend. Nino has been waiting for your arrival, you know. Go on ahead."

Adrien nodded and stared after the mistress as she made her way up the spiral staircase, then looked down the hall she had spoken of. A few people were mingling out in the hall, smiling and enjoying the finger food and drinks, as well as the company.

As he made his way into the large ballroom, he spotted a few women and men pointing him, some whispering and giggling. He needed to find Nino…or any of his friends, really.

"Um, excuse me. Would you like to dance?"

He turned to see a woman in a sunset-colored gown, her brown hair tied in a low ponytail. Her olive-green eyes peeked up innocently at him.

"Er, I…uh-"

"Adrien! Finally!" A hand clapped him on the shoulder and spun him around. "I was hoping you'd show!"

"Nino!" The two shook hands and grinned at one another. "You look good, my friend. Marriage suits you."

His friend glanced about joyfully. "Where's Alya? You've got to meet her, she's an absolute gem."

"Actually, I already met her."

"You di-oh. She opened the door for you, didn't she? When will that woman ever listen to me?" Nino laughed. "She likes doing things quickly and efficiently. She finds that having servants is strange and does things by herself."

"Well, she certainly has that spunk and fire you've told me about."

"Come and join me. There are so many people I'd like you to meet."

Another chapter soon to come! I'm going to try and update this while I can, seeing as December is kicking me in the stomach right now.

Just hold on~