Achievement reached: 200 reviews
Holiday Update: Unlocked.
Disclaimer: Don't own a thing, but you can own a copy of Presence: The Marked by L.J. Branch this holiday. Heard it will be on sale Dec 25-Jan 1 2019 on Amazon available in print, e-boo, and kindle-unlimited.
But enough about my insider info, on to the story!
(Side note: This chapter had more action in it originally but then I cut it for next chapter, mainly because I put you all through a gauntlet of fight scenes already. Give you all a respite from that for a little bit.)
Also Pairings so far/planned at your request. Louise/Siesta/Tiff/ MAYBE ? (Keep in mind this is like 5% likely going to happen so you can disregard this and focus on the first 3. This is just to cover my ass in case, by some fluke, it does happen) Fang/Lightning, Kirche/Tabitha, maybe Wardes/Matilda.
Featured BGMs
Her Sweet Kiss (Jaskier Song)-Witcher Series
Level 10: Maid of Honour
(Fun Fact: Yes that is a reference to the FoZ fic by the same name, its what inspired both myself and Rebuke to write this story.)
(Alt Title: Love's Pain, Prelude to 3)
-Albion: Castle: War Room-
Louise was sure that this had been the most anyone had ever heard Tabitha, sorry, Charlotte, speak at one time.
And of course, it had to be absolutely heartbreaking.
Louise's expression remained neutral as she heard the prodigy tell her tale and once more Louise found herself cursing the world that they lived in.
Even amongst the Nobility it seemed that it was only the good ones that suffered.
"It seems that Joseph must have found out that you were here and attempted to abduct you to figure out what you were up to." Wales said when Tabitha finished speaking. "It seems that the traitor's cover was not blown nor did he betray us, well, again."
"Seems he has some sense then." Louise muttered. For the time being it seemed that Wardes' was still able to be an asset. This was all just an unfortunate coincidence. "But this paints a bigger picture."
"Indeed, and a dark one at that, old friend." Wales said as he placed his hands on the table. "It was a wonder how, Cromwell managed to amass such power. To think that he was backed by Gallia? This conflict has grown much bigger than expected. What is that fool, Joseph after?"
"The world." Tabitha answered quietly as she looked at the floor, her shoulders trembling as she tried to reign in her emotions. "He wants to destroy it all to feel something, anything, to fill the Void in his heart." Tabitha said pointedly which made Louise's eyes widen before she sneered.
"I see." Louise said before she slammed a fist into the table. "Pathetic. Countless lives destroyed and for what? To feel something?" Louise asked as a dark grin appeared on her face. "Fine, then let it be fear." Louise said as she gently tilted Tabitha's face up.
Sure enough, Tabitha was crying and Louise added Joseph's name to the list of people she wanted dead.
Tabitha was a good actress, but even so, how could they not see just how truly broken she actually was?
"Let's make a deal, what are you willing to give in exchange for an end to this mess?" Louise questioned and without hesitation, Tabitha answered.
"Even if it takes months? Years?"
Tabitha's hardened gaze did not waver and Louise smiled as she wiped the shorter Noble's tears away.
"Good answer."
Louise wasn't fazed when she heard the doors to the room slam, out of everyone she knew Kirche would need some time to calm the flames of anger within her. For a Noble to be prepared to give up everything was no small matter. Such requests could only come from someone who had hit rock bottom.
And this request came from Tabitha of all people.
A Prodigy.
A Princess.
"I'll go talk to her." Fang offered. Truth be told as a newcomer she had no real idea of what the situation was. The only connection to them or their struggle at all besides Lightning was Kirche with their new and strange contract that was formed. Lightning nodded toward her in acknowledgment before Fang left.
"I will collect at some point." Louise said as she removed her hand. Like with Kirche, Louise and Tabitha had a complex understanding. They weren't friends, officially, but they had an inexplicably close and unspoken bond between them. Louise would love to help solely out of the kindness of her heart, but they were Nobility. Louise was no fool and understood there would be a time she would need Tabitha's help and wanted a bit of insurance for Tabitha's aid.
"I know."
"Wales." Louise said as she met the King's eyes. Without a word she simply raised three fingers and the King's face paled before he slowly nodded his head.
"Is…Is Tiff ready?"
"As ready as she will ever be, call it a trial by fire. We no longer have time to waste coddling her." Louise said coldly. No one, not even Lightning who was privy to almost everything, knew what Louise meant. Yet, whatever it was clearly shook the King.
-With Kirche-
When Kirche stepped out into the empty courtyard she gripped her wand tightly before she aimed it high into the sky. With a shout of frustration, a torrent of fire exploded from her wand and illuminated her surroundings. Later she would recount that her strongest fire spell up to that point was the only one without an incantation.
"Damn it!" Kirche cursed when the flames died down. She panted tiredly but tensed when she heard an appreciative whistle.
"Not bad, girl." Fang said with a grin.
"Fam-I mean-Fang…"
"Eh, call me whatever you want." Fang said dismissively.
"What are you doing here?"
"Following you, you are my master or something right?" Fang asked curiously. "I was going on the understanding that we had to stick together." When Kirche looked embarrassed as she realized that her question might have been a bit foolish, Fang's smile fell a bit. "It's frustrating, isn't it?"
"What is?"
"Not being strong enough to keep those you love safe." Fang said knowingly and Kirche felt her breath hitch.
"I don't know what-" Kirche stopped when Fang raised a hand.
"It's fine, girl. Whether it's not being able to protect a friend, I know how it feels to not be able to protect them." Fang said as her expression softened. "Whether it's a sister, I know that too. There was a girl in my tribe, softer than everyone else to the point many wondered if she was truly one of us. I did my best to keep her safe and we became family but no matter how strong I became I couldn't protect her from the worst our life had to offer."
Fang shook her head as she thought of Vanille and the pain she had to endure.
"Whether it's a lover, well, I don't know exactly." Fang mused as a cocky smirk graced her lips. "Where I'm from the only merit in a partner is their strength and ability to protect their home. When you're at the top, like I was, no one really interests you." Fang said with a wink.
"Suitors based solely on strength?" Kirche asked as she tried to wrap her head around such a foreign concept. "Now wouldn't that be interesting. Sounds a lot better than the political alliance we have to deal with here."
"You'd think so." Fang mused though Kirche heard something painful, something heavy, in Fang's words that could not be hidden by her laid-back tone. "The problem with that way of finding love is that you tend to go for those stronger than you. It's fine if you're a gatherer or in charge of medicine or something. However, if you're a hunter? It's hell. Because if you find someone that interests you, you have to deal with the fact you will never be able to protect them because they will be stronger than you."
Kirche felt something grip her heart as Fang's words hit far too close for her comfort.
"Have…have…you dealt with that?" Kirche asked quietly and Fang gave her a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"As I said, where I came from, I was top dog. It stayed like that most of my life…until the time it didn't." Fang mused. "There was this place back in my world, Cocoon. A nation filled with dicks, pricks, and softies that couldn't hope to fend for themselves as they lived in their giant ivory tower."
Kirche couldn't help but giggle at Fang's annoyed tone. To be honest, the difference between Fang's home and this Cocoon reminded her of the difference between Nobility and the Commoners. Kirche was proud to be a Noble, but she wasn't stupid enough to think they weren't a bit soft and pampered.
"Imagine my surprise when I came across someone there that had a little bite to their bark. Someone that could take care of themselves without fail." Fang mused. "Being from Cocoon I figured they were smarter than me, though smart about things that didn't matter, and that when they had to deal with the harsh land that I came from they'd buckle like the rest."
Fang paused.
"But they didn't, bloody hell, they were just as good as me. They hunted as if they had been doing it their whole life which I knew they hadn't." Fang said as she shook her head. "I'll admit it, my pride was hurt a bit. However, more than that I was stunned. Stunned that someone that looked that soft could be even stronger than me."
Kirche bit her lip at that.
Tabitha was powerful but she was hardly the most physically intimidating person in the world.
"That's when I realized that I was comparing myself to them far more than I ever had with anyone. I competed with them, in subtle ways, in fact it was so one-sided it was a bit pathetic especially since they had no idea that I was doing it. I was trying to prove something to myself but what, even now I still don't know. It was only recently that the soft girl I considered a sister pointed it out to me. She wasn't the strongest, you see, but she had no equal when it came to the heart. She pointed me in the right direction."
"You were interested." Kirche answered and Fang nodded. "The curiosity became an obsession and you fell for them."
"You remind me of her, my sister that is, she almost said what you did word for word." Fang said with a chuckle. "Hindsight is a bitch, you know. Keeps you up with so many what ifs and haunts you with all the opportunities missed. The worst is when you can go back and pinpoint the exact moment you fell in love."
"What? Did they save you or something?" Kirche questioned as she figured that would be the only way someone as dominate as Fang could fall for someone. To her surprise, Fang just laughed.
"Oh no, on the contrary, they backhanded the hell out of me." Fang laughed and Kirche gaped at her. "It was so loud, birds flew away in the distance, I swear. They had me then but they also did save me later, they saved everyone. condemned themselves to an eternity of battle against gods just to protect us. Then, despite all odds, they won. How could I possibly not be smitten like a little girl after something like that?"
"Did…did you ever tell them?" Kirche asked hoping this had a happy ending. Though when she thought further about it, she felt guilty as that meant she had ripped Fang away from her life.
"No." Fang answered solemnly. "They never came back."
"I'm so sorry–"
"Don't be, they aren't dead." Fang said dismissively. "Far from it actually. I actually need to thank you."
"Thank me? Why?"
"Because you brought me to them." Fang said happily and Kirche was stunned as she realized just who Fang had fallen for. "There was no happy ending for us, no riding off into the sunset. However, I see now that's only because our story isn't over." Fang said and Kirche realized then that this was the first time she had seen Fang genuinely happy despite her cheerful demeanor.
Fang's smile at that moment was simply breathtaking.
"I said all that to say this. I know how frustrating it feels to not be strong enough, to end up being the one protected." Fang said seriously. "However, if you learn to protect yourself to not be a burden but an ally they can trust in a crisis, you will feel a lot better. I'm in this new world with nothing but free time, if you want, I can help you get stronger."
"You…you would train me?"
"Haha! Of course! That fire spell was strong." Fang praised. "Why summon a dragon, when you can be one? You're a bit soft." Fang said as she poked Kirche in her side which made her jump. "But you have potential, we can harden you up. In fact, I see a bit of myself in you."
"As I see in you." Kirche said as she took in what Fang told her. They were far too similar in some aspects and Kirche could see in hindsight why it was Fang that came to her when she wanted to save Tabitha.
"Word of advice when you get a bit stronger, challenge the little blue girl to a fight." Fang said and she raised a hand to stop Kirche's protest. "Trust me, I know her type all too well. She's dedicated to keeping you safe. She'll destroy herself unnecessarily unless you can prove to her, directly, that you will be okay on your own."
"I see…"
The sad part was she really did.
Tabitha was just as stubborn as the Zero if not more so.
As stubborn as Louise was, she didn't need to be attacked by an army to finally let people in.
"Then…Fang…may I return the favor and give you some advice?" Kirche asked and Fang crossed her arms, clearly amused by the question.
"We're similar, that's clear." Kirche said as she gestured between herself and Fang. "But that also means the same can be said for the Z– for Louise and Lightning. I've spent little to no time with Lightning, but I have years of experience with Louise. Not to mention, if anyone knows how hearts work, it's me."
"What are you getting at?"
"That as powerful and intelligent as she is, the trade-off is that she is absolutely blind when it comes to emotions." Kirche said as a smirk appeared on her face. "She has tunnel vision to a fault, and when she decides on something that something will happen regardless of the consequences."
"Ha! Now that sounds like Light."
"It sounds like Louise as well." Kirche pointed out and Fang understood what Kirche was getting at. If you knew how Louise operated you could figure out how Lightning does or vice versa. "She's all offense but has no defense when it comes to things that she has absolutely zero experience in."
"Zero? Come now, I never pried into her love life, cause I love living, but there is no way someone like her has zero experience in love." Fang said skeptically. It was at this moment, Kirche released a sinister grin and in the castle, Lightning wondered why she felt a chill down her spine.
"All I'm saying is that we've learned, from a credible source, that our dear goddess of battle is also quite the pure maiden." Kirche said off-handedly. "I am useless on the battlefield, for now, but I know people. I know seduction. It's why they gave me the role that they had. If you want to make her yours, just make a move so overt that you can't be misunderstood."
That was, after all, how Siesta managed to get Louise.
"Even if she feels the same way, she will die before she dares to do anything." Kirche said knowing full well how prideful the pink-haired women were. With a smile, Kirche brushed past her stunned familiar. "If it works, consider it payment for our lessons. You're staying at the castle, right? We can begin in the morning."
"Ta-ta~" Kirche said, feeling much better now. As the doors to the castle opened, she practically skipped toward Tabitha and pulled her into a hug. Tabitha was surprised at first but eventually hugged her back before Kirche led them toward their quarters. Louise smiled a bit at them before she shook her head and said something to Lightning. Lightning nodded and watched her protégé teleport back home.
"Fang!" Lightning called out as she leaned against the castle walls. Shaking herself from her stupor, Fang grinned at Lightning. "My gracious master has given me some days off so that we can 'reconnect'" Lightning said sarcastically as she did air quotes.
"Aww, the girl cares about you~" Fang teased which made Lightning roll her eyes. "To think you'd come here and adopt a new little sister."
"Tch. I hope not, that's the last thing she needs." Lightning muttered which made Fang raise an eye-brow.
"What do you mean? The last one turned out alright."
"Yes, but mainly because I was too busy working to spend time with her." Lightning pointed out. "She takes after our mother. Louise, however, is becoming more like me every day."
"And that's a bad thing?"
Lightning looked at her as if she had grown two heads.
"Have you met me?" Lightning questioned as she crossed her arms. "I am well aware that I am not the most pleasant person in the world. But I do what I do to get things done. I never needed friends and am content with my life. It's just not a life I wanted for someone else. I don't know why she looks up to me as anything more than a trainer, I am not a role model–"
Lightning stopped when Fang slammed a hand against the stone wall next to Lightning's head. Lightning heard the stone crack and forced herself to fight back reflex to attack. Instead she narrowed her eyes and found herself matching Fang's surprisingly harsh glare.
"Before I address the rest of that bullshit, what do you mean you don't need friends?" Fang questioned as her eyes flashed orange briefly as she made herself keep Ragnarok at bay. "Did our adventures together mean nothing?"
"That's not what I meant."
"But it's what you said."
"I needed you all, we needed each other, you know that. None of us alone had enough power–"
"I'm not talking about the bloody battlefield!" Fang snapped and Lightning somehow managed not to flinch.
"What do you want me to say, Fang? I care about all of you, and am lucky to have you." Lightning said honestly. "But you all don't need me. Wherever I go, a battle follows and the last thing you all need is to deal with that."
"So what? We're supposed to stand back and let you face this alone?" Fang questioned. "We were together, you know."
"All of us, when the portal opened. Serah, Snow, Hope, Vanille, Sazh, even his son-everyone." Fang said quietly though her words were heated. "Like always since our memories returned, we were talking about you, wondering how we would find you. You know why? Because our adventure doesn't end until we are all safe and secure."
Fang took a moment to gather her thoughts as Lightning looked at her in surprise.
"The portal opened next to me and I went in without hesitation because I knew it would lead me to you." Fang revealed. "I wasn't pulled in, I wasn't compelled to enter, I walked in freely. If I wanted to, I could have ignored it and it would have likely vanished providing no one else jumped in, which they would have."
"Why would you do that!?" Lightning asked angrily. "Why would you throw everything away on a hunch? Are you an idiot? You were safe–"
"But you weren't." Fang stressed. "I also couldn't let anyone else go. Snow and Serah were finally reunited, Sahz has his son. I had to do this."
"What about Vanille?"
"Hope is looking out for her." Fang said as she forced a smile on her face. "He's become quite the man and it's because of you. You matter whether you like it or not and I don't mean because some god or another decided so or because of some destiny. You matter in the real way whether you like it or not."
Lightning bowed her head as she gritted her teeth.
She was moved.
She was grateful.
And she hated herself for that.
She hated that she was so happy to see Fang just as she hated that she was moved by Louise's attempts to keep her out of combat.
Why couldn't they just let her be?
She accepted that she would die on the battlefield alone.
So why didn't they?
…why did they give her hope?
"J-just…" Lightning whispered, hating how her voice wavered. She hated how weak she felt. How Fang had managed to make her cry more in one day than she had in years. "You should have just let me be…"
"You know I can't do that." Fang whispered as Lightning glared heatedly at Fang.
"Why not–" Lightning stopped when a pair of warm lips crashed into hers. Pressed back against the wall, Lightning felt her knees goes weak as Fang kissed her hungrily. Unbeknownst to her, Lumina floated above and raised a hand over her mouth as she looked on, stunned. She had her suspicions before, but now she had never felt more vindicated.
When they separated, Lightning looked at her with wide-eyes, out of breath, as Fang rested her forehead against hers.
"I can't." Fang repeated and as she pulled back, she smiled down gently at Lightning, an expression she had never seen on Fang's face. "You can fight me on this all you want Light, and I will respond in kind til' it gets through that hard head of yours. You are loved. In every sense of the word."
Lightning opened and closed her mouth a few times as her face slowly but surely became as pink as her hair. When words failed to come out, her wide glistening eyes closed as her legs gave out and she slid to the ground and covered her face with her hands.
["She's all offense but has no defense when it comes to things that she has absolutely zero experience in."]
Fang gaped at Lightning, especially when she saw how red the tips of her ears were. It was at that moment, Fang realized that she stumbled across something that no one else had. It was an epiphany that would have shaken the foundation of everything their allies would have believed. Still in disbelief, Fang knelt before Lightning and voiced her stunning realization.
"Maker…you're actually adorable, aren't you?" Fang asked incredulously. In response, Lightning tried to glare at Fang but it was hardly threatening especially when her face somehow reddened further. Lightning hugged her knees closer to herself and tried to hide her face behind them in vain. "Was…was that your first kiss? A real one I mean?" Fang asked incredulously as she realized Lightning must have had one to make her contract with Louise.
"Shut up…" Lightning responded though her voice was muffled her legs as Fang ran her fingers through Lightning's hair. Truth be told, Fang was a little floored. Though she wasn't absolutely clueless, her romances consisted of a few bored flings at most.
Something she definitely didn't want to repeat with Lightning.
"Why…" Lightning whispered as she finally looked up at Fang. "…why did you just do that?"
"Because I wanted to?" Fang said as she raised an eyebrow much like Lightning would when asked a dumb question. "I have for a while, actually. And I definitely plan on doing it again. So, you have exactly one second to object before this definitely becomes a recurring thing."
"What–" Lightning once more found herself cut off by Fang's lips. Though she was still incredibly flushed and embarrassed, Lightning weakly raised her hand. To Fang's, and Lumina's, surprise Lightning didn't punch or slap her but instead placed her hand on the back of Fang's head and returned the kiss the best she could.
For a first attempt, Fang definitely had no complaints.
"Where's your room?" Fang whispered when they broke apart and no Lightning did not shiver when Fang's breath hit her ear. Seeing Lightning's slightly panicked expression, Fang chuckled warmly. "We won't go too far, but I will definitely teach you more than this."
The sound of Lightning's whimper would be a secret Fang took to her grave else Lightning put her in her grave.
Lightning said nothing as she kept her head bowed and grabbed Fang by her wrist. For a moment, both Lumina and Fang feared the worst until Lightning turned and led Fang away. Lumina wiped her eyes as she looked on proudly.
-House Zero-
It had been a long day.
Not only had Louise been woken up early she was unable to return home until nightfall. She hadn't eaten at all and was mentally and physically exhausted. Still, she had managed to come home safely and that was what mattered. As Louise prepared to open the door to her bedroom, she could only look forward to a peaceful night's sleep in the arms of her lover.
"Siesta-ahhh!" Louise screamed when she saw Siesta on the floor as a black wolf stood over her. "Shit!" Louise shouted as she summoned Derflinger. Louise quickly charged forward, intent on slaying the beast when– to her surprise– Siesta tossed the beast to the side and caught Louise.
"Wait, Louise stop!"
"Stop? Stop!?" Louise repeated incredulously as the beast had the nerve to snarl at her. "There is a monster in our bedroom! What do you mean stop!? It was tackling you!"
"He was just playing!" Siesta tried to reassure Louise who just gaped at her, which made Siesta sigh. It was times like this that reminded Siesta that Louise, despite their adventures, had a weak spot for certain beasts. She could fight a dragon without batting an eye, but Void forbid she fought something furry with four legs and fangs.
Dragons were predictable, Louise had tried to justify once, beasts as feral as manticores were not. It was miracle Louise had not teleported out of her arms and slain the beast yet and Siesta used that chance to try to explain what happened before Louise could calm down enough to realize that was even an option.
"See he's harmless." Siesta said gently to Louise who now stood on their bed and aimed Derflinger at the large wolf. Ironically, the wolf had long since stopped growling when he realized Louise was not an enemy and just sat, wagging his tail happily as Siesta pet him. "I knew you might be a bit…hesitant…to take him in."
"And why would that be? It's only a fully grown rabid ravenous wolf." Louise said sarcastically.
"Hey, Fenrir is just a baby." Siesta defended with a pout.
"A baby? He's almost as big as me– I swear to the Void if you say 'that's not that hard' the guestroom will be where you can find your bed from now on." Louise said coldly and Siesta's mouth closed with an audible click.
"Fenrir is a Dire Wolf." Siesta explained. "His mother took refuge in the cellar but I guess the old Duke found out about it. She and the rest of her litter were killed but their bodies had not been disposed of. I saw Fenrir here whimpering over their bodies when I went to clean the cellar."
"You named it."
"That's what you took out of that?" Siesta asked incredulously. "Not the heartbreaking story?"
"A dangerous animal took refuge in a Noble's property." Louise said dryly. "It's clear that the Duke did a terrible job, seeing as one escaped, nor did he clean up the bodies but besides that he did nothing wrong." Louise said and almost groaned when Siesta looked affronted.
"What?" Louise questioned knowing she was in the right. After all that was just standard procedure. The woods were where beasts lived not in her house. "The fact you named it means you're…ugh…attached to that monster, aren't you?"
"Could you try to sound a little less disgusted?"
"My effort is going all to not killing it." Louise said dryly. "You said you found it–"
"-It…" Louise said with a scowl. "…when you cleaned the cellar? How long ago was that? Wait, is this what you tried to tell me? This is your secret?"
"It wasn't supposed to be a secret!" Siesta said as she shook her head. "I tried to tell you the night I found him but then things came up and over time I just never found a good opportunity. Then he started getting bigger and I knew it would be hard for you to see reason."
"Reason!? He'll be practically half the size of a horse before Yuletide!" Louise shouted hysterically. "He's a danger to everyone in or around the manor! Think about poor Tiff!"
"Tiff loves Fenrir!"
"You told her before me?" Louise asked incredulously and Siesta realized that may have not earned her and Fenrir any favor.
"Not on purpose!" Siesta said quickly. "She only found out today when she followed me after her training."
"Why was she following you?" Louise asked suspiciously and Siesta gaped at her.
"Oh, come on, it's not even like that." Siesta said with a shake of her head. "She just had some questions and spotted me entering the woods. If anyone in this room should be jealous of Tiff it's definitely not you."
"Wait, what!?" Louise asked incredulously.
"What? Half the days she sees more of you than I do." Siesta pointed out. "So, excuse me for getting myself a pet to keep me some company."
"It's not my fault, I'm busy."
"Oh, and I'm not?"
With all the experienced grace that came with years of watching her father interact with her mother, Louise avoided that proverbial landmine with ease.
"Of course, you are." Louise amended so that she was not the one who found herself in the guest room. Louise may have managed the Dukedom and the businesses, but Siesta kept up the house and dealt with the people. "That's just it though, we're both busy and our schedules unfortunately conflict."
Before Siesta could respond, there was a knock on their door.
"Come in." Louise called out and soon, Tiffania poked her head in shyly. "Tiff?"
"Are…are you two alright? I heard shouting…" Tiffania said as her ears drooped and almost immediately both Louise and Siesta felt as though they got sucker-punched in the heart.
"We're fine…just a disagreement." Louise said and Siesta nodded.
"We didn't mean to wake you, mind if you take Fenrir to your room?" Siesta suggested which made Tiffania brighten up a bit.
"Really? Okay, come here boy!" Tiffania said and she smiled when Fenrir ran to her happily. When the door closed both Louise and Siesta shot each other a look that said, 'now look what you did'.
"Tiff has too much on her plate to be caught in the middle of our argument." Siesta pointed out which made Louise snort.
"Why are you telling me that? It's not my pet, that started it!"
"No, just your yelling that brought her in." Siesta said dryly.
"If I may interject before this spirals out of control into something that cannot be taken back. How about you two talk about the real issue?" Derflinger said after he popped back into existence. "Don't give me that look, partner, I had to come out. Our 'you' was showing too much."
Louise looked more than a little offended.
Siesta frowned too.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with 'her' side."
"That's a lie and you know it, but it's precisely for that reason I interrupted. Siesta, you ignore her faults with an alarming amount of ease, so I know what's bothering you is not her justifiable fear of beasts." Derflinger said and Siesta couldn't help but wince at that, knowing that being Karin's daughter had given Louise more than enough reason to fear feral beasts. "And Louise, you would give Siesta the world, so I highly doubt the wolf is what's bothering you. Don't lie, I share your head…fascinating place that turned out to be by the way."
Louise crossed her arms but didn't dignify that with a response as she averted her eyes.
"So, how about you two stop arguing like an old married couple and attack the root of this argument?"
"What are you talking about? The argument is that she wants to keep a Dire Wolf in our home."
"No, that's a disagreement." Derflinger corrected. "It only became an argument when more issues started being brought in." Siesta's expression softened while Louise's hardened. Derflinger said nothing as he floated between them. With a sigh, Derflinger knew he had to use the last resort.
The truth.
"Louise you're acting like your mother." Derflinger said and never had he seen Louise's hardened expression shatter so quickly as she looked at him in horror.
"Derflinger why–"
"Because it's true and now she's willing to listen." Derflinger interrupted Siesta. "Loving us isn't an excuse to take our shit girl. We made a promise that no Noble will silence you again and that includes us. Speak what's on your mind."
"I…just…it's hard. Being in love with you that is."
"What? But–"
"Let her speak."
"Loving you is the easy part. Hell, it's almost instinctual." Siesta said with a small smile. "But it's hard knowing that I will never be your equal. In our relationship you will let me make decisions but let's be honest, when it really matters the choice will always be yours."
"What are you talking about?" Louise asked genuinely confused. "I always ask for your input."
"Yes, my input for your decision." Siesta pointed out. "Also, you just lied. This very morning you went out toward war and didn't as much as ask if I would be okay with it. You just up and left on what should have been a three to four hour trip but it's the dead of night and you're just coming back. You fought, didn't you?"
Louise didn't answer.
She didn't have to.
"I didn't tell you about Fenrir but when could I have? When you're making laws? Signing trade deals? Fighting wars? Inspiring masses? Or doing Void knows what to the prisoners? Tell me, Louise, when could I have told you?" Siesta questioned as she did her best to stop her voice from wavering. "Yes, there were moments, even then, I could have told you but how could I sour the precious resource that has become your time with a disagreement?"
Louise couldn't utter a word as she opened and closed her mouth.
"But it's not your fault." Siesta said and Louise so desperately wanted to ask how the hell was it not her fault when she felt like complete shit. "Because even then all of that is just a bunch of manageable issues that are backed by a bigger problem. A personal problem that I'm not sure that you can ever help me with."
"And what is that problem?" Derflinger questioned gently. Siesta went forward in this relationship valiantly but there were times, moments of weakness, were Siesta would fight the urge to pull back. Finally, it seemed, they were going to get to the bottom of why. The question made Siesta look down but when she felt a shaking hand grip hers, she turned to face Louise. With one look at her mismatched eyes, Siesta knew she had to come clean.
"When I was a girl, I didn't have a care in the world." Siesta finally spoke. "My family was large and though we barely had a coin to our name, we were happy. My father was happy, my siblings were happy, and my mother kept us all together. As long as we were all happy, then so was she. When I was scared, she'd often sing to me until I slept while running her fingers through my hair. She was a simple common woman but she was where I felt safest. She was just that good of a mother."
Siesta's began to blink rapidly as she tried to control her emotions.
"She'd give me odd rules to follow such no going anywhere without my brother or making me hide my hair when I went toward the town square. I didn't get it."
Siesta release a small laugh that Louise decided then that she never wanted to hear again.
"Until I did. Our family lived by a Church and the priest there, well, he seemed nice enough but he was a Noble in a town of peasants, many of which couldn't read." Siesta explained. "He appeared generous but was greedier than any Noble I have met yet. He was ashamed of his greed though, claimed that it was Brimir's way of testing him. There were countless tests he'd preach to us about him overcoming but there was one test he couldn't. The ultimate test. My mother."
"No…" Louise whispered a comprehension began to dawn on her.
"He saw her hair as a sign, its black color was symbolic to ultimate evil. He wanted her and of course she refused." Siesta said as her eyes began to glisten. "I must have been no more than eight when I went out with my little brother. We went to go surprise her while she was out shopping and, well, that's when we passed by an alley and saw it. We saw that Priest take what didn't belong to him. We wanted to stop him but my mother saw us and one look was enough for me to understand."
Tears fell from Siesta's eyes.
"She was always good at that. Saying so much with only a glance. If we had intervened, we would have died. We ran away went to go get help but by then it was too late." Siesta said quietly. "The worst part was that he didn't kill her, no he used her as an example preaching that she made him stray. That she was some temptress set out to test him. Oh…Louise… if you heard the things that he called her." Siesta whispered with a glare. "Eventually, the Church got involved as they always do to increase their credibility and my mother, well, she was strapped to a stake and given the same sentence we've escaped countless times so far.
Louise wiped the tears from Siesta's eyes even as her own fell but Siesta didn't budge.
"That day I learned to hate Nobility." Siesta said after a while. "I swore to myself that I would never be a possession. Even when Mott took me, I was prepared to end myself long before he would get the chance but then you showed up. You showed up and I realized then that I was yours." Siesta said as she turned to face Louise. "I love you and it's scary how easy that is. Loving you is the easiest thing I have ever done, but living with that? Not so much."
Louise reeled back a bit as if slapped but she didn't say anything.
Siesta was just finally telling her the truth.
One that she tried to hide that would have definitely caused more problems moving on.
"You're not the only one tormented by the image of their mother." Siesta said quietly. "I see her every time we kiss. Judging me, hating me, even though I like to believe she wouldn't. But I could bear with it because we belonged to each other. I protected you and you protected me, I at least felt useful. You were stronger but it wasn't so obviously one-sided. You used to be safest with me by your side, now you're safest with me nowhere on the battlefield and that hurts. It hurts because nothing can change that gap between us. In hindsight, that's probably why I took in Fenrir, he at least made me feel useful. To him I'm not just a glorified maid."
Siesta said it.
It was finally all out there.
"Is that what you think I think of you?" Louise questioned with a heartbroken whisper.
"No." Siesta denied as she shook her head. "But that doesn't change what I am."
The resulting silence spoke volumes.
"Partner. It's your turn."
"Siesta…I…I know how you feel." Louise said and she raised a hand to silence Siesta who looked more than a little skeptical. "Not about all of it, but I do know how you feel to be afraid of our love. Our love isn't normal and I don't mean for the obvious reasons."
"What do you mean?"
"The Void…it doesn't come without a cost to its hosts. Every Void mage is missing something core to us. For Tiffania, for example, it's her ambition. She has none. She has desires, yes, but she will ultimately go with the flow. No cause she ever fights for will be hers but she will be willing to fight valiantly for the cause of those she loves." Louise explained. "I've recently learned of another potential Void Mage who lacks emotions and causes untold havoc in vain to feel something, anything."
"What are you missing?" Siesta whispered looking a bit horrified to find out. At this, Louise smiled tiredly.
"Limits." Louise answered making Siesta's eyes widen.
"Well…you definitely lucked out."
"Did I?" Louise asked rhetorically. "Because Brimir was the same." Louise revealed which made Siesta gasp. "Think about it, I have potentially no limits in anything. That doesn't just mean power which will be destined to consume me. No. I have no limits in my love for you. Do you get that? Do you truly understand what that means? To know that I do love you more than you could ever love me?"
"That's not true!"
"Oh? Then go kill all the commoners in the capital slums." Louise instructed which made Siesta looked at her shocked.
"What? No! Why?"
"Because I asked." Louise said offhandedly before her eyes narrowed. "Because if you told me to slaughter Wales' court and run him through with Derflinger I would and be back early enough for Breakfast. Wales is my closest friend. Tiff is my...well…she's Tiff." Louise said as if that alone explained everything regarding the half-elf and in a way it did since Siesta understood. "You are my lover and Lightning is everything else. I love you all, but there is a hierarchy, different degrees of love with yours at the top. Do you get it yet? What you can do to me? Have me do? How much power you wield?"
Siesta had been asked that last question many times in this adventure, but it was only now that she truly got a grasp of the truth.
"I am obsessedwith you. You invade my every thought, my every waking moment." Louise said as her hands began the tremble. "If we were to part, only you'd survive at this point. There is nothing I won't do for you, to see you smile. When you're hurt? I lose control. When I cause it? I struggle to find a reason to live."
Siesta could only watch with wide-eyes as the full weight of Louise's feelings began to show themselves.
"I hate what you've turned me into and I hate that I'd do it all again for you without hesitation." Louise said firmly. "And yes, even at my worst moments, I hate what I gave up for you. But I could never hate you." Louise said quietly before she took a calming breath. "You know, there exists a way for you to be my equal." Louise revealed which stunned Siesta to her core. "It's what I've been working on with the prisoners."
"Yes, it's a cruel and very grotesque ritual but I know how to perform it." Louise mused. "If there is truly a thing such as 'dark' magic then this ritual is the pinnacle of it. There is just one last step to finish it, but if I do it, my love, there is no coming back. There will be no difference between myself and Brimir. Whatever humanity I have left will be gone. It will be up to you to keep me in line, up to our love to keep me tethered to this wretched world. The only thing standing between me and the world is you. Do you understand that?"
The scary part was that Siesta actually believed she did.
"I all but finished long ago what I need for this ritual. For the past weeks when I go to the prisoners it's not to torture, torment, at least not at first." Louise corrected. "Now I go to simply wait. I search for an excuse to slaughter them all and give you a power you can't imagine. Our legend says you kill and slaughter to bring me power, how ironic that it's the other way around." Louise said dryly as she stood from the bed. "I am a monster."
"You're not–"
"I am!" Louise snapped and Siesta flinched at the shout, something that made Louise wince. "I am." Louise repeated. "Just as you claim to know what you are, allow me the luxury to say the same." Louise's shoulders shook as she turned to look out of the window. "The fact that you refuse to see me as such is the problem. Because I know if I do this, you will still love me. That, if I do this, the world will be ours. Tell me I'm wrong, please." Louise pleaded as she turned to face Siesta. "Tell me that you will hate me. That, if I legitimately become what they fear that you will turn on me. That you won't be there to keep me grounded. Please."
Louise was actually on her knees at this point as she looked desperately into Siesta's eyes.
"Louise…" Siesta whispered. "…you know I can't do that." Siesta said and Louise shut her eyes as she lowered her head. "My love may not be limitless but it is endless. I can't hate you for trying to do something on my behalf. A terrible, selfish and human part of me even believes its worth it if I can finally protect you again but not if it causes you this much distress. Forget about me for a moment, look at what this is doing to you. Ask yourself is it worth it?"
"I can't."
"Because I know the answer." Louise whispered and Siesta hugged her close as the Noble wept. As this went on, outside of the door Tiffania quietly went back to her room. Her natural elven grace made her footsteps silent as she pondered what she had stumbled across.
Time had passed quickly after that. Louise and Siesta had cried until they couldn't anymore and with everything out in the open, their fears, insecurities, etc. They found themselves feeling free. Their bond had managed to strengthen after they finally got a better understanding of the depth of their love. As Siesta slept Louise stared up at the ceiling.
"Derflinger." Louise whispered before the blade appeared above her.
"Should I give up? In this quest surpass Brimir will I end up just like him?"
"You know the answer. Perks of sharing a head, remember?"
"I know but I want to make sure my thoughts aren't coloring the details, seeing what I want to see." Louise explained. "So, tell me, with your own words. I mean look around, why am I doing this? We have a home to call our own. There is no point in going further than that, no point in making pointless waves. Should I just swallow my pride and let the Church be?"
"So many questions partner, yet none are what you wish to ask."
"Will I become him? Brimir?"
"The potential is definitely there."
"There is one fundamental difference between you and him. He had a limitless lust for power before he met Sasha and as such his lust for power came before his love. You have a lust for power because of your love for Siesta. Yes, you wanted power before, but merely enough to prove yourself. Now you wish to take on the world. Any power you seek is for her benefit not yours. Also, Siesta is a bleeding heart and too susceptible to guilt. If the people continue to suffer, she will eventually think it's because of her that you didn't save them. She suffered in silence once, let's not have a repeat."
"I see and you aren't saying all this because of some ulterior motives?"
"Well I may have a 6000-year-old vendetta, but you knew that already partner."
"True." Louise said with a soft smile. "So true."
"Also, one last thing? If you do this you will be bonded eternally."
"Your point?"
"Nothing just that it's quite normal to get cold feet before the wedding." Derflinger teased as Louise blushed. Before she could respond he vanished. Louise scowled as she felt her heart warm. Leave it to Derflinger to distract her from her uncertainty. As she laid there, alone with her thoughts Louise eventually turned to look at Siesta who was snoring softly. Louise's expression softened as she leaned forward and kissed Siesta's forehead.
At that moment Louise realized that King Joseph would never feel what she had toward Siesta. He wouldn't even come close.
It was then that Louise finally understood Joseph.
If she couldn't feel this?
She'd go mad too.
-The Next Morning-
Her Sweet Kiss (Jaskier Song)-Witcher Series OST
An explosion shook the grounds and shook Siesta awake with its force. Sitting up quickly, she looked to see that she was alone in her bed. Face paling, Siesta ran to the window and watched as a flame burned in the distance where the dungeons were while the rain fell heavily from the sky.
Smoke billowed high into the air as Tiffania quickly ran into the room with Fenrir next to her.
"Ms. Siesta! The dungeons–" Tiff stopped when Siesta was already rushing out, pulling her coat on as she ran. Fenrir was right behind her as he sensed his mistress' urgency and Tiffania quickly followed behind them.
-Later: Dungeons-
Siesta did her best to not inhale the smoke as she made it closer to the dungeons. The heat was almost unbearable but she had to move forward. From the smoke, a badly burned prisoner appeared which made her jump in fear before the body simply collapsed on to the floor and died.
"Albion, please!" Tiffania gasped out before her eyes flashed green. Soon a powerful gust of wind blew the smoke away and when it cleared both her and Siesta gaped as they saw the decimated dungeons. In the middle of the destruction, a nude Louise could be seen standing and panting tiredly as she raised her face toward the sky. Her body was soaked with blood that was being washed away by the rain. Around her were charred corpses, the closest of which were little more than ash.
"Louise!" Siesta called out which made Louise turn toward her and when she opened her eyes, Siesta felt her blood freeze when she saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes staring back at her.
Siesta's heart broke as she could clearly see the look of 'what have I done?' on Louise's face. Hands trembling, Louise threw her head back and screamed at the sky. An invisible force exploded from her body and created a crater beneath her as the bodies around her disintegrate from the force. Around her, the flames were snuffed out by her will alone.
Yellow sparks danced in Louise's eyes and around her body which was covered in yellow markings. On Louise's abdomen, Siesta saw sparking yellow runes that were similar to the ones she had seen on Lightning's hand.
"Louise…" Siesta whispered as she moved closer while Louise's frustrated scream died down. For a moment they said nothing as they stared at each other before Louise chuckled bitterly.
"You're scared of me." Louise said softly as she looked at Siesta's tense form. At her words, Siesta's expression softened as she shook her head and walked through the ashes of the fallen.
"Not of you." Siesta said as Tiffania looked on nervously. Shrugging off her jacket, Siesta swung it over Lousie's shoulders. "For you."
"Don't be." Louise said as she smiled hesitantly. "You'll protect me, right?"
"Always." Siesta breathed out before she pressed her lips to Louise's. Louise raised her hands to sides of Siesta's face and returned the kiss hungrily. As they kissed, the runes shone and began to vanish from Louise's abdomen only to reappear on Siesta's. The markings covered Siesta's body as she felt her body be filled with power.
It was odd, she expected it to be painful but the warm feeling in her abdomen was anything but as she felt Louise's power surround her like a warm embrace. When they broke apart, Siesta rested her forehead against Louise's as Fenrir ran up to them and sat down. When they opened their eyes, mismatched eyes met yellow ones and only broke apart when Fenrir howled.
"Stupid dog." Louise muttered but she lowered her hand and pet him all the same. At the sight, Tiffania smiled at her companions as her eyes watered a bit at the beautiful sight.
"I'm sorry mother, but I can't half-ass this anymore." Siesta thought as she brought Louise in closer and looked up at the cloudy sky, allowing the rain to hide her tears. "She's given too much and all I've done is take. If I'm to do this, I need to give my all and I can't be held back by you. I'm sorry, but I'm just too far gone. I hope that you can still find it in you to love me, but I understand if you can't."
As Siesta closed her eyes, she smiled as she felt a gentle breeze flow through her hair that almost felt like a hand running its fingers through her raven locks.
"Louise? No more dungeons."
"That's fine with me." Louise said and she brought Siesta in for another kiss as the rest of the dungeons collapsed harmlessly around them.
Siesta: Belly of the Devil: Unlocked (Siesta can now use stored energy to increase her physical limits exponentially)
Ability: Syphon: Unlocked (Siesta can now absorb energy from both living and non-living sources)
Ability: Limit Chain (Using stored energy, Siesta can now stack multiple limit breaks and chain them in devastating combos.)
Ability: Fenrir (Siesta can now use Fenrir in battle)
Passive Ability: Zero's Advocate (Increase to Willpower)
-Albion: Castle-
This couldn't happen.
As Lightning laid in her bed, she realized that she had made a terrible mistake. She had let someone in further than anyone before and this would only come to screw them all over in the end. Lightning had to nip this in the bud before Fang could destroy anymore of the restraints around her heart.
Lightning couldn't afford to be selfish.
Not when worlds depended on her.
She had to leave.
And quick.
Biting her lip, Lightning moved to try to sneak out of her bed only to find her movements halted when a strong arm wrapped around her waist protectively. Lightning shuddered as she loathed the feeling that overcome. She wasn't supposed to feel protected. Loved.
She was to give.
Never take.
Life had taught her that much by now.
"Don't run." Fang whispered softly, her eyes still closed. Lightning trembled and cursed her weakness as she laid back in the bed. With a smile, Fang gently kissed Lightning's neck. "Good girl." Fang whispered as she fell back asleep. Lightning released a shuddering breath as she closed her eyes, a tear sliding down her cheek as the restraints on her heart were all shattered.
Damn it.
Lightning closed her eyes and drew her body in closer to Fang's and returned to a sleep that was suspiciously devoid of nightmares for once.
One kiss.
That's all it took to destroy everything she stood for.
To be continued…
Next Level: An Elven Coronation, Rise of the Three Parties, The Familiar of Albion
Happy Holidays! Thank you for helping break ANOTHER milestone of 200 reviews, you guys rock! Thanks for the love you beautiful bustards!
DragonForceAsh: I'm Rebuff and that is not my story but the chance Rebuke continues are slow.
King: Thanks for the review, but not my story.
DrREchizen: Thanks! Glad you enjoy it!
Dopplerdee: Nice catch but seeing how vague the source material is on this (Especially when it sounds like both my version and what you claim are supported by the official narrative) I'm just going to keep it as is for simplicity's sake.
DRMAK: She was when first summoned but switched to her human form shortly afterward. Thanks for the review!
Reishin Amara: Fang has a summon called Bahamut Zero, but the entity she turned into is known as Ragnarok. That would be a hype idea, surprised it doesn't exist especially since Snow's is literally 2 entities that fuse.
BladeRunner43: Happy I managed to catch you by surprise then! Thanks for the review!
Xager-the-Chaos-King: T_T but…but it's my story not his…lol it's alright we already talked about! Thanks for the review!
Leonas: Finally, some light on the mysteries lol thanks for the review! Taking my time, a bit on Kirche and Tabitha, but it will prove to be a good story in and of itself hopefully. Thanks for the reviews!
Rales Mckoy: Thanks for the review and hope you enjoy the chapter! Yeah, I went with Fang, her relationship with Louise was slightly more reminiscent of Fang and Lightning's.
Venomous Dragons Bite: Lol glad I managed to keep that lowkey then. Thanks for the review!
Coolkid0806: Thanks for the review! Yeah Lightning stayed off to the side so Louise could grow a bit on her own but as Louise proves herself to slowly, but surely, become Lightning's equal Lightning begins to have more weight in the narrative. The first act of this story was Louise transformation from a student to an actual ally Lightning doesn't have to babysit. As Louise grows, she can begin to return the favor and take care of Lightning. As for the tangent, that's actually a funny OMAKE lol I will definitely put that in and credit you in one of these chapters when I find a place to put it.
FlameDragon14: Fang is basically the Dragoon archetype of the party which basically means she's badass by default lol. Seriously though, she's a solid character and is potentially just as scary as Lightning. As for the harem list sure, no problem. Cattleya's role becomes prominent after the Albion Arc which we are like 60% done with now. I'll keep it to myself for now mainly because I have to decide on something that I still want to do with her. Thanks for the review!
Archer1eye: Yeah that's actually one of the reasons I did it. Flame is forgotten so much, even I did at points, so I just decided to give him a reason to not be there and it worked out plot wise a lot better than I expected.
Le Chasseur: And I got this shit out by Christmas, who's the boss bitch? Me! Duck it Rebuke!
(Rebuke: ;_;) She was pissed, scared, and needed to save her girl. At that moment, she had the most Will power on that battlefield lol Glad you liked the ending, thanks for the review!
Read and Review
And as always…
…be Beautiful!