Author's note: Here begins Season 2 of the show and technically this fanfiction as well. As always, I have twists of my own and I hope you all enjoy what I have in store. I will try to update this as often as I can.

This chapter will follow Season 2, Episode 1 of "Space Rabbit" slightly. I've decided to expand on some things here following the show's dose of showing things that happened in the past that reflect the future (like I did for Season 1 with Amity.)

We never got to know much about Project Blackwing and all the other subjects within it...that's going to change starting in this chapter and here on out as I explore it.

P.S: I've created a new tumblr blog for all my stories. Check out my manips and everything there. I'll be posting some concerning this story and Amity. :)

Username: TimeLadyWritings

A Holistic Adventure

BBCA Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Season 2: The War Within Blackwing

Darkness has come to the Land of evil wizard called The Mage has risen, his great army destroying everything in its he marches on to the Valley of Inglenook, where a war between two families rages.

"I'm gonna kill him! Get back here, there's nowhere left to run!" Two men are chasing another down a forest slope. One fires a slingshot at him, knocking the pink haired man to the ground as he laughs. He manages to get back up and continue running.

"You'll pay for what you did to our family! End of the road! You can't run anymore, Trost!"

The man slicks his cotton candy hair back and smiles at them. "My friends, you misunderstand. I was running to protect you."

Pulling out their scissor swords, he is left with nothing else but to battle them now. He manages to cut them, but not enough to kill. He wants to leave a message.

"Panto Trost! Halt where you stand." He is interrupted by another walking up with a friend by his side.

"Kill him, Silas!"

"Yeah, have Wygar smash him to bits!"

The other two yell at their lunges at them, giving a scare. "Scramola, deadbeats!"

The two previous men run off, leaving the others all alone.

"My family did not take your brother Farson, Silas. You must believe me." The dark haired Silas walks up to him, bringing his scissor sword aimed at him down, only to take him into a passionate kiss.

"Of course I believe you, my love. Come back, speak to my mother. Together we could convince our families to end this war before The Mage's armies arrive."

"The prophecy is the only answer." Panto urged, replying. An army of horses and men were heard arriving in the distance as both men knew what awaited them now.

Silas turned back to his lover. "If you believe, then go. Now."

"Stay safe, my love." Panto said, grasping his hand before letting go and running off.

"Save our world. Fulfill the prophecy! Find him! Find Dirk Gently!"

It was quiet inside the dark, cold room. Amity was fast asleep, huddled in fetal position after passing out from sheer boredom and annoyance. It had been 2 months since they were caught and brought back to Blackwing - and EVERYDAY was the same damn thing, like clockwork.

Friedkin- Captain Idiot- as Amity would call him, came in and asked her the same usual questions. How can you levitate stuff? How do you set yourself on fire and not burn? Is Jean Grey based on you?

It was as if he was expecting her to say she was bitten by a mutated spider and suddenly got powers overnight.

"You are SO lucky I'm restrained right now, otherwise I'd rip your head off," growled Amity. If only they didn't restrain her in these special handcuffs that suppressed her powers, then she would be using them instead of physical force. "Try asking me a new question because the answer still isn't going to change for the same ones you keep asking!"

He was silent for a little, shocking her because maybe-just-maybe he was actually thinking for once. "Is Dirk Gently psychic?"

The question took her off guard, making her raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Is Dirk Gently psychic? We've given him a bunch of tests lately, but he's failed each and everyone of them. Has he maybe used his powers around you?" Friedkin asked, looking at her pathetically.

Amity started to chuckle, finding it amusing. "You really are clueless. I'm not answering that question, but I will say one thing: the reason everything you try is failing is because we're not meant to be contained and tested on. Ever think of that?" she scoffed, leaning back in her chair, "no, you probably don't even have a brain."

"He said the same thing," Friedkin sighed, whining a little. "Why can't any of you just make sense? All I want is a simple answer."

"You're hopeless," Amity said, shaking her head.

Her mind started drifting to Dirk, glad he was at least doing okay despite probably losing his mind stuck in this place as well. As for the others, she was concerned to hear they were on the run and that the Rowdy 3 had been locked up again, except for Voegle who escaped with Hannah.

It was convenient to receive knowledge of this information when you had a talkative idiot in charge of your capture. Now, all she had to do was figure out a way out of here and these handcuffs to stage another breakout.

"Mr. Priest should be here tomorrow. He will be helping us with finding your friends and the other subjects."

Suddenly, all the color drained from her face, making her drop her tough act. Amity swallowed hard, looking to him wide eyed. This wasn't good, they wouldn't stand a chance against him. Maybe Bart could handle him, but not everyone else. Blackwing couldn't even find where Bart had gone off to.

She tried to regain herself, giving a small smirk. "So what? Should I care?"

"It's said Mr. Priest is the only one who knows how to control you and that you two were..." he cleared his throat," very close."

Amity made a disgusted face. "You're saying it as if we were lovers. Dear god, no." She almost wanted to barf. "Why would you think that?"

Friedkin looked at her, "But were you?"

"GET OUT OF HERE!" she yelled, making him jump back and take leave.

Once the door was closed, Amity started screaming and yelling, kicking around in the room before leaning against the door and falling to the ground. She was breathing heavily, trying to calm herself down from the anxiety and anger like a storm inside her. Stay focused, stay focused. I need to find a way out of here, and soon.

She was terrified of what would happen once Mr. Priest arrived.

Dirk had woken up from a dream in his bed, sad to find out it wasn't true. All he found was guard's at his door, ready to escort him to his next testing chamber. The detective gave a roll of his eyes, getting out of bed and following suit. He was surprised to find himself locked away in a room with an older man, another subject he knew.

He walked up to him and gasped, surprised to see him in a coma and skinner than the last time they met. "What have they done to you?"

Dirk sat down and decided to speak with him like the good old days. "You know, I actually had friends outside there for once. This woman, Farah, she was really incredible. Like a ninja woman. Oh...and rough news, I have replaced you as my assistant. New guy Todd, he's perfect, although there is a chance the government might have killed them both."

He sighed, before continuing on, "Then there is Amity. She's here in Blackwing with you and me as a subject. I was terrified of her when I first met her. I thought she honestly hated my guts, just turns out she was having a hard time with herself. She's able to levitate things and apparently set herself on fire, which is kinda cool but scary. But don't worry, she has become a good friend of mine now."

A speaker sounded, with Friedkin interrupting in the conversation. "'ve like, met this guy before?"

Dirk sighed, "Yes, when I was small. Riggins use to bring me in to see him and a few of the others that weren't too dangerous," He chuckled, "Maybe I met Amity among them as well. Who knows," he paused before continuing, "I remember this man well though, he always just laid there, never interrupted me, he was the nicest person I've ever met. What have you done to him? Why has he lost so much weight?"

Friedkin answered, "He had a stroke when we moved him."

"Am I suppose to, what, magic him awake? Touch my forehead and do a constipated face and things get better because you've run out of ideas and you know something bad is going to happen soon," Dirk couldn't see him nodding, but got up from his seat and looked into the window despite not being able to see anyone through it, "Whatever you're doing, it isn't going to work. Fate and chance are not mutually exclusive Mr. Friedkin, and if you keep on this path you're going to get a heavy dose of both."

Dirk paused, before continuing, "I suppose it's already started, and you haven't even noticed."

Friedkin squeezed the stress toy in his hand. "Just get him out of there."

Dirk slapped his hand upon the window, startling them, "This isn't how it works. We're not Machines! You can't control it, how it works, do you understand?" Two guards came in behind him, taking him away as he continued to kick and scream, "THIS ISN"T HOW IT WORKS!"

It was late at night when everyone was asleep. The guards were stationed outside, probably going through a shift change for the night. In his office, Friedkin was looking at the monitors of both Amity and Dirk, squeezing a toy. He could tell he wasn't getting anywhere with this and was going to become a laughing stock.

He dropped the toy on the desk and left the room. In that moment, the toy began to move on it's own before moving around the room, changing into many different things like a paper, air, and a rat. It went around Blackwing undetected before slipping into one room in particular.

A girl with short dark hair and bright yellow eyes looked upon Dirk. "Dirk Gently..." he turned to look at her, "Find the boy." Before he could react, she splashed him with water as he disappeared.

The same girl had suddenly appeared in Amity's room, surprising her. The only difference was her eyes were a normal brown this time. "Amity!"

The brunette was startled up by her. "M-Mona?"

She nodded as they both took each other into a hug. "Where have you been?" asked Amity, knowing her abilities to change into anything.

"Around. Listen, I found Dirk with the help of a friend and set him free. She said that before you could join Dirk by his side again, you have a path you must follow and achieve."

Amity's eyes went wide before raising an eyebrow, completely confused. "Wait, you freed Dirk? Who is this friend you're talking about?"

"A snail that whispers in my head," giggled the bluenette, "she said you need to complete your journey of self-discovery before you can be reunited with Dirk and your friends."

"WHAT? But I've already accepted who I am."

Mona's eyes suddenly changed green again, looking at Amity in a different way. "Ah, but accepting and being who you are, they are two different things. One can just say 'well, this is just who I am' or they can say 'no, this is who I am.'" She leaned up towards her, those eyes looking into her, sending chills down her back. "Who are you, Amity Pierce? Who are you going to be?"

And just like that, Mona's eyes turned back to normal, confirming Amity's thoughts that she must have been 'possesed' by her snail friend. She sat back down, knowing that it must have to do with what was coming soon. Dirk was on a new case and Blackwing was somehow involved in it now.

She sighed. "Fine. I just- I want to see my friends again."

A shiver went down her spine, knowing exactly what would be standing in her way. A certain Mr. Tall, psychotic, bounty hunter who got a thrill from the morbid things in life. The very person who trained her, watched over her and brought her to Blackwing...Mr. Priest. He was arriving tomorrow and she would have to face him after all these years.

She could only imagine what he would have to say about her prison break.

Friedkin didn't know what he was getting into bringing him here. No one knew Mr. Priest better than Amity herself, just as he knew her better than anyone else...even herself.

Mona disappeared, leaving Amity to her lonesome. Hugging her knees, she sat in the corner of the room and began to sob. "Please help me, Dirk. I need your help."

Author's note: Okay, there is a lot to take in with this chapter. First of all, this chapter is Blackwing centered. It's the first chapter going into Season 2 so it's kinda like a new beginning, but yet, look at the character development. Dirk started out without having any friends, but now has friends who care about him. Amity had friends and thought she was able to escape Blackwing, but has only ended up back where she was.

And just what could be the connection between Mr. Priest and Amity? It plays an important role in this story starting now for the rest of Season 2 and even into my version of Season 3. I hope you all enjoy the new twists and challenge's I'll be bringing into this story. It's going to be an emotional one, that's all I can say.

See everyone in the next chapter!