Title: Breaking Insanity
Type: Multi-chapter
Warnings: Mature/Dark content. Violence. Abuse. Non/Dub-Con. Humor.
Pairings: Obito Uchiha x Kakashi Hatake
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Breaking Insanity
Chapter 1 – Prologue
Obito lost his mind.
He lost his heart.
His humanity.
With Rin, he lost his whole world.
At first, his rage wasn't directed at someone specific. Kakashi told him the news and was the first, most logical person to blame. Over the years his hate grows stronger. He hates the world. He hates everything. But when he meets Kakashi again his fury starts to focus more and more on one single person.
He wants to hold Kakashi's pulsing heart in his hand, he wants to feel his former friend's blood running cold. But first, he wants to make him suffer. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Obito is going to break him, and break him hard. Death is too good for him. And Obito Uchiha does not show mercy.
o o o
Kakashi's guilt is suffocating.
Nightmares are haunting him.
But it's Obito's refusal to forgive him is what kills him inside.
She's dead. He broke his promise. He didn't mean to, but it's his fault. Her blood is on his hands. And he can't wash it off.
When he finally meets Obito again, he can hardly recognize him anymore. He doesn't stop at rubbing salt in his wounds. Obito fucks with his mind. His body. His soul. Pushes all the right buttons. Obito's words cuts like sharp knives. He knows what he is doing, and he's doing it damn well. The fact that he knows Kakashi in and out isn't exactly in Kakashi's favor.
How do you save someone when he's got a gun pointed at your heart?
To be honest, I got the idea to this fic one cursed (or should I say blessed?) night I just couldn't fall asleep. So, I decided that I'd create an ObiKaka scenario in my mind to pass the time. It turned out freaking awesome. It was almost self-running and surprised me several times and I laid daydreaming for hours. I cried in the end of my brain-story. I know, it's an unwritten rule that say you can't cry/laugh at your own stories, but I'm a retard. I won't be able to retell it exactly as it happened, because my memory just isn't that good. A lot had been added and a few things taken away from the original concept. But I hope to be able to create something worth reading out of it.
Thank you for giving my story a try. I'm so worked up to start writing this!
The story's main pairing is ObiKaka, though there will be some one-sided KakaRin and ObiRin and a whole lot of hinting at other pairings as well – SasuNaru, KakaAnko and ObiDei will be pretty obvious ones, but you could also see some fluffy GaiKaka moments if you read between the lines.
I'll try to keep the characters in character, but there will be some OOCness. It's AU. Things are different and mostly less traumatic than shinobi life and therefore there will be some slight changes in personality. Kakashi hasn't been through war, hasn't grown up all alone and hasn't been a trained killer since childhood. Obito can't go and put the world under a giant genjutsu so he reacts differently to Rin's death than he does in canon. I love pre-slash, so it will be a lot of that. And some sort of plot, hopefully. XD
When I first started writing this, I was going for a dark, serious story. However, it turned into a really weird mix of darker themes, smut, bad humor and a touch of silliness. You've been warned.
Reviews are always very, very much appreciated. They motivate me, gives me new ideas and feedback helps me grow as a writer. Not to mention they're addictive. Do not hesitate to give harsh ones if needed be. Pruned trees grow sturdier and more beautiful than those that are never trimmed. (Wow, I just made that up, like, at the spot and now I feel like a poet) XD
I can write the longest author notes ever, because I flatter myself by thinking that my readers want to interact with me as much as I want with them. I promise – this is the longest one. I'll control myself after this, but I gave myself free reins on the first author's note because I've been working on this project for such a long time and I am pumped to finally start publishing it.
Please enjoy my story, and review until the letters on your typing board wears out! :)