Another drabble inspired by ep 10, this time focused on Otabek and Yurio. Let's see how many I write before ep 11 shall we?
Soldier's Eyes
Those eyes were unforgettable…
I was only 13 but, on my shoulders rested my people's hopes and expectations. I can't describe the level of frustration I felt when I couldn't keep up with the other Russian skaters of my division.
With a sense of defeat and gritting my teeth, I accepted being put in the novice division. That was the time that I meet you for the first time.
A scrawny little thing of ten, with eyes so fierce that pierced my soul.
No matter the rigorous training and the endless hours in the rink, you stayed tall and firm without complain. I was in awe of your perseverance and most of all, I could see myself in those eyes and I thought that finally, one way or another, a kindred spirit was with me, even if we didn't exchange words, your presence and the fire in your eyes were enough for me.
At least, that's what I thought at the time…
Years passed by, I trained and trained, travelled around the world and after 5 long years, I was able to come back to my home rink and to qualify in the Grand Prix final, but still…something was missing, there was an emptiness that made me indifferent to all except my skating.
And just when I was wondering the reason of such a thing, I saw you once again.
Your debuting year and part of the best six alongside me and other experienced skaters from all over the world.
Still with that sharp look in your eyes, and your movements were so breath-taking. I wanted to be by your side so badly that it hurt.
I contemplated the notion of approaching you the night we arrived to Barcelona but, I noticed that you were weary and high-strung so, I walked away.
That didn't mean that I was giving up. On the contrary, I only needed a chance and it came in the form of a get-away offer that I was really glad you accepted.
Now, here we are looking at the distance. A wondering gaze waiting in silence. I remind you of our first encounter, not offended that you didn't remember me as vividly as I do and bracing myself to your rejection of my offer of friendship.
"Otabek, Why did you talk to me? I'm a rival, aren't I?"
"I've always thought we were alike. That's all."
I'm not optimistic, I know very well the bad blood that exist among our people and I was prepared to be sniffed and laughed at my words.
"Are you going to become friends with me or not?"
It seemed that the little part of me that believed that you were different from your peers was right, and when I saw the astonished sparkle in your eyes followed by acceptance, I felt I tightness that I didn't know was there, disappear.
We shook hands and went sightseeing, talked about each other, and concluded the outing having dinner with the others and I can honestly say that it was one of the best days of my life.
Today is the day…
I promised myself that I'd win the golden medal no matter what but, in spite of the result my one and only hope is that after this, we can still be called friends. And if my is asking for more, my mind reasons that there's time in the future to make those beautiful soldier's eyes' passion focused on me.
Best of luck my friend let the best skater wins.
The End
This was fun to write, I hope that Otabek's personality gets even more developed in the future in order to potray him better.
Hope you liked it.