My life had no meaning. Not even a single meaning at all, other than playing.
Playing what? That'd be Overwatch.
Overwatch is a game that came out early this year, 2016, and changed my life completely.
Like, from being a boring human who does nothing more than studying a boring Game Designer's degree, to a boring human who does nothing more than studying a boring Game Designer's degree and that also plays Overwatch.
And it isn't like I'm the best at Overwatch.
Although you could say I'm a pretty decent Tracer.
And that's the main reason why I play Overwatch. Because it is fun to play Tracer, and only Tracer.
People often ask me if I play anything else, and, obviously, the answer is always no.
Not that I can't do it, but I don't want to do it. Why would I? Once you fall in love with that speed, those giggles, and that beautiful British accent, there's no going back.
That being said, I have a crush on Tracer.
Ok, I know, I know. Lame, right? Well, I'm sorry. No, I'm not a pervert that searches for weird Overwatch stuff on the Internet.
And yes, I do think about how my life would be with her existing.
Now, I don't know what you thought I'd be doing at 2:00 am other than playing, but that's what I'm doing, like, that's what I do… All the time.
And even when I myself think it's indeed very lame, I have fun most of the time, and the community is pretty cool too… most of the time.
So what'd someone like me, a boring student, could do when the screen of your computer starts shining like the freaking sun, and the next thing you see is nothing?
Wait, what?
"So ye tellin' me, love. That you just materialized in my room, and you don't know where you are, but you do know who I am?" I nodded, my eyes wandering around the place without hesitating, and then landing on her.
On Tracer.
"Could ye at the very least, tell me yer name, dearie?" Oh the accent.
Oh that bloody accent.
"M-my name is Bruce." I stuttered, my voice breaking from the shyness I was feeling. "And like I told you before, I was in my room and, literally" A non-profit British accent escaped my mouth, thanks to hours of playing Tracer. "I blinked twice" Again, "And I was already here! And not only me, but most of my things are here too!" I sighed, "And now I'm having this weird British accent because of you" I tried controlling it.
"Oh well, Bruce. I'm sorry for having some trouble believing you, you know. It's not everyday you find someone materiali-"
"Well you better believe him now, Lena. He's your new partner after all" That voice was Winston, no doubt about that.
"What!?" She raised her voice without realizing, and then apologized, "No offense, love. But I don't want to share a room with a boy, Winston!" She yelled at nothing, "And could ye please show yourself?"
"I'm right behind you" We both turned around and saw nothing else than my Laptop with the Overwatch game open and the logo in the middle.
"Oh at least my laptop is here" I sighed in relieve, "Do we have Internet?" I asked Winston.
"We do" He chuckled, "Ironically, We are not apes, we do have Internet."
"Is this my world?" I asked again while walking closer to my laptop.
"It is not your world, it's another universe in which Overwatch isn't a could say that this is the Overwatch universe"
"Wait a second, wait you one bloody second! Why no one told me 'bout this?" She asked Winston, leaning on to see the laptop and putting her soft hand on my shoulder for support.
"We had a meeting yesterday, Lena. You just decided to NOT GO to the meeting, we discussed the terms. We even monitorized the subjects we were going to choose!" Winston sighed, "We ended up choosing the one who loves you the most, because the others whilst being slightly better than him with Tracer, they were either real assholes or just plain perverts..."
I turned bright red and she started laughing. She patted my back softly, and then changed to just rubbing my back, and drawing circles with her nails.
"Really?" She smiled at me.
"Well...y-yeah, I mean, if you put it in that way, I did have the biggest crush on ya" I confessed with my cheeks red like tomatoes.
"Did? So not anymore?" She asked with amusement in her voice, Winston long gone and forgotten.
"I mean, y-you weren' know, real, before" She squeaked a high pitched "awww" and hugged me.
"Does that means ye think it isn't impossible anymo', dearie?" She asked amused while squishing me.
"I-I mean...I have this little hope that you might actually, y'know, like me? A bit?" I replied without complaining about her affection.
"Well if it's liking I already do, but I don't think that's what ye had in mind now, was it?" I turned red again, and hesitantly nodded, "Awww" she pulled me closer, "Dun ya worry, love! We will figure that out in the future! For now, let's just sleep because it's freakish 3 in the morning and I'm very, very tired!" Is she actually tired?
"I can sleep in the sofa…" I said and looked around for my things, first I picked up my laptop, "I don't think I can tell anyone about this… From my world, that is"
"I don't think ya should do anythin' without talkin' with my big boy Winston first, dear" she told me without looking at me, instead concentrated on my laptop screen, "Is that me in the background of that thingy over there?"
"Huh?" I turned to see what she meant and, indeed, it was her in the background of the main menu, "Ah, uhm...yeah, you're a videogame in my world and well...t-there you are!" Even I got confused at my own explanation, but since it made her laugh, I didn't mind a single bit.
"Oh really?" I started walking towards the sofa and she followed me, "And what's it about? The game I mean" She asked me, now this time looking at me directly in my eyes.
Those lovely hazel eyes.
"W-well, you have to, like, sometimes defend zones, or sometimes your team has to push the payload and all that" Thinking with her by my side was hard, "Also attack the zone and conquer it…"
"Almost like Battlefield" We both said at the same time…
"Wait, you play battlefield!?" She asked me impressed, a smile on her face.
"Wait, Battlefield exists here?" She laughed.
"'Course it does! Love, I have all the games! Literally all" She smiled proudly.
"Really? Even the new BF1?" She nodded eagerly, and stepped closer to me, grabbed my hands and raised them to the air, "I bought it like an hour ago! Wanna try it now!?" She was so, so excited, I had to take a step away in order to breath, since she was stealing all the oxygen.
"Weren't you very, very tired, though?" She "pfff" me.
"I'm always up for a little fun, love! I thought you knew me!" She laughed and pulled me by the wrist out of the room and into the living room, "Alright, since you're cute, and don't know where the kitchen is, I'll let you play the first game while I make some snack, alright? How ya feel 'bout that?" I smiled.
"Snug as a bug in a rug" I said and immediately felt her lips on my forehead.
"And ye said ye didn't like british accents" she left me alone to feel the warmness on my cheeks increase exponentially.
After finishing the tutorial and running into a few German tanks, I decided that she was going to take her time and started singing to myself very lowly.
"Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle made for two…"
I heard the kitchen door opening…
"Michael, michael, here is your answer, true.
It was her voice, a little high-pitched, but pretty lovely anyways.
"I'm not crazy, all for the love of you.
There won't be any marriage.
If you can't afford a carriage.
'Cause I'll be switched if I get hitched
On a bicycle made for two!"
"Well it seems we are the Disney duo" I said to myself, but she obviously heard me and laughed.
"Is that like a musical thingy?" I turned to see her in confusion.
"Maybe only video games are related between our universes, huh?" She crooked her head.
"Love, yer using weird complex words now. Everythin' alright? Is the game not good enough?" She placed two bowls with some popcorns, chicken and nachos on the ground in front of me, and two cups filled with what seemed to be soda, and proceeded to sit besides me on the floor, using the sofa as support in front of the big plasma tv.
" 'Tis nothin' dear, I'm alrite and good" she laughed at my accent, "The game's alrite too, pretty dope to meh" she snorted.
"Your accent ain't exactly bad, love" She rested her head on my shoulder while I was killing some people in the game, "with a little tip' tap' time with me your accent will sound natural in no time at'ol!" I could feel her smile without even looking at her, and I couldn't help but smile too.
After some time of playing, and finishing all the snacks by ourselves, I finished my last game to realize that Tracer fell asleep right on my lap, and I could feel her beautiful short hair tickling me…
I smiled at the sight.
It seemed like maybe life was going to be good now.
That life was going to have a meaning once again to me.
I do not own Overwatch and I only own the story.
I love y'all :)
Some reviews might help me get inspired to do more :D so please ~