Kara felt the warm hands of familiar comfort as she snuggled close to the figure. That figure was her spectacular, sensational, and of course amazing husband Peter Parker. The rest of the world knew him as Spider-Man

She giggled slightly as Peter began to kiss her shoulder slightly.

"Well good morning to you to." She said giggling

Peter smiled at this and kissed her cheek. "I love you Kara Zor-El" he whispered and held her close to him enjoying the warmth of his wife. He always felt comfort in holding her in knowing she was safe and sound with him. Peter had already lost so many that he couldn't lose Kara too.

Ever since Peter was sucked into this world five years ago he and Kara had been inseparable. The first day they met was series of questions on who the other was, powers and of course who had the better rouges gallery.

Kara liked to remind him of how so unmenacing The Green Goblin sounded.

"I love you too Peter Parker" Kara returned and kissed him lightly looking into his eyes. Those brown eyes she fell in love with all those years ago. When all else failed her all she had to do was look at Peter and she knew everything would be okay. She even trusted Peter more than she trusted Clark on some issues. Sure Clark could be over bearing and was even hesitant of giving Peter his blessing to marry Kara, but in the end he knew Peter would be good to her.

Peter rolled over and Kara laid her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Nice quiet days like these make him remember the fond times of when the couple first realized their feelings.

Four Years Ago

Peter stood on the top of a building near Time Square. So far he'd had beat up only the basic muggers or a carjacker.

"Everything okay Pete?" said a voice

He turned and was greeted to none other than Kara in her Supergirl outfit. He smiled under the mask at his friend as she hovered down the golden ends of her red cape reflecting off Times Square.

"Kara…I almost lost you" he said in a whisper

"Peter I'm fine I'm more worried about you…..that thing….Venom you called it? When that thing attacked you I was scared of losing you." Karas eyes began to well up with tears and she crashed into him.

"You could've died you idiot!"

Peter combed through her hair trying to soothe her. "I've been through worst Kara, but I cant bear the thought of losing you" he whispered

Kara looked up at him and slowly started to roll up his mask, but only up to his nose and kissed him softly.

It was a sound peaceful night for the both of them

"Clark called called….trouble in metropolis and he needs me…will you be okay?" she asked a hint of worry in her voice. Ever since the whole Venom situation Kara had to keep her eyes on Peter if he had a breakdown.

Peter smiled at his wife and kissed her. "I'll be fine… go get em tiger"

Within seconds using her speed she was out of her Pj's and in her Supergirl uniform. She gave Peter a kiss on the cheek and flew out the window.

Peter smiled as he watched the love of his life fly into the afternoon sky and smiled. Knowing Kara would be safe no matter what.