We had big plans and idea's for Chicago, things were finally looking up now.

It has been almost a year since the last battle with David, and the day we thought we might lose Tris.

I ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby boy, he looked just like Eric, down to his grey eyes, but had my wild and curly hair. We decided to name him Nyle, and we make sure to spoil him everyday.

We did get married, a few months before Nyle was born, and I looked huge in my simple dress, but it was one of the best days of my life.

Nyle was almost seven months old. I was working my ass off being a leader to the city, with the help of my council on my side; Jack, Johanna, Evelyn (to save face with old factionless purposes only), Matthew and Tris.

Eric and Four led our little army in training, keep guard of watching over the city and all of us, our danger back on any outside forces that may threaten what we have here.

Caleb went to back and assisted in the re-building of the Bureau, so it can now be used as a research and factory lab, as well as our first line of defense should anything come our way.

Christina decided to go for her passion and joined the doctors and nurses center we made in the center of the city. Sure, most buildings kept a small first aid room, but we wanted a hospital for all, it was something I read about in one of the old books and it made better sense for everyone to go to the same place for help.

Byron considers himself retired, but offers help on training to the military from time to time, but mostly he just watches Nyle while I'm working and busy with meetings. We managed to work on a lot of things between us and he has been making up for the past every way he can.

Tris and Four are still teetering on their full feelings for each other. They live together and are very public, but I'm hoping he will just break down and ask her to marry him eventually, if not, I may need to sick Eric on him.

Speaking of, Eric and Four have managed to come to some type of friendship that works for them. They get along civilally, with only a few friendly quips here and there.

Eric is the best father, not only has a lot of his attitude and old mood swings from Dauntless days changed, but his outlook on life in general has. He makes sure to spend as much time with Nyle and I as he can, never putting work first, always us.

In fact, I'm waiting for him to get home now, I have some wonderful news, that I'm hoping he will take in the best way possible.

{"Honey, I'm home..." I smiled and let him pull me into his arms, kissing me passionately. "Where's little man at?" "He's staying over at Byron's tonight. I wanted to have a little time to ourselves, and I have something to tell you." He looked a little worried, but nodded and pulled us over so he could sit and pulled me into his lap. "Okay, what is it baby?" "Well, first I wanted to ask how much you love being a dad?" The worry left his face and he smiled big, "I love being a dad, Nyle is so beautiful and the best thing that has ever happened to me, aside from meeting and marrying his mom." I smiled and turned in his lap to straddle him, "well good...because it looks like you're going to be a dad again..." He looked at me hard for a second, trying to figure out what I had just said, and when it hit him, his eyes turned to saucers and he leapt up with me in his arms. "Are you fucking serious?" I nodded, still not sure how to gage where he was feeling about it. "Holy shit...I'm going to be a father again." He set me down and turned to me, "Eric...say something..." Finally a huge grin broke out on his face..."I'm going to be a father again!"}

So there you have it, Chicago is safe, everyone is healthy and getting along, and we're having another addition to the family...

But don't think we're going to stop here! We have big plans for our future and this city! And we will be damned if we let anyone interfere or try to take it from us.

Now we know, Chicago is our home, and despite our differences, we will protect one another at all cost.

You hear that? Anyone out there thinking they are another Bureua or some big Council, think you can come after our city and get away with it? We're only getting started, so Bring. It. On.

A/N: Thank you everyone for being so patient, and I am sorry it took so long to finish, I hope you really liked it!