A/N: Hello any new readers to my story! This is my take of Akame ga Kill if I somehow got stuck inside of the world, may be a far fetched idea! But that is what fanfiction is for after all eh? Hope you enjoy it as much as I have written for it, I will have chapters out regularly and if not, it will be followed by a big chapter, keeping the pace up is good for my writing style :)
P.S. Any old readers seeing this chapter pop up in the update, don't worry, just added this one in as it was never finished when I started it and didn't want to post a half-assed chapter straight up. And also due to this chapter, the story has been upgraded to a M rating for the torture.
As always, Reviews and Criticisms are welcome and any questions, my Messages are open
Chapter 0: Heal the Old World
A man looked down through the metal case as he reached forward towards a part that he had been searching for a long time, yanking at the component out of the casing and holding it in his hand. "So, this is where you got to, your owner seemed to have mucked around with you a bit too much." He said to himself as he pulled out the hard drive from the computer case that he had been looking into.
His blonde hair swished back as he pulled up his glasses from the end of his nose, trying to get them to be centred again after looked around in that monster of a metal computer case.
Behind him lay his own computer desk, adorned with dragon statues and other dragon like items, being an avid mythology fan, dragons were his thing, his computer built up to be one that could scan components to make sure that they were not busted before attempting to fix it or just to replace the whole thing.
Deciding to just place it down and look outside the window next to him, the whole landscape was white to him. Living in Norway was not all it's cracked up to be for the Englishman. "I guess I came here to get away from England after all, can't complain about the weather here when back there it is even worse." He said to himself again as he walked over to his kitchen to pour himself a cup of tea from the kettle that had just boiled over. "At least this is something that will cheer me up."
Creating the drink and then sitting back down at his desk, he opened up his e-mail and scanned through the jobs that he could take up until he cast an eye upon one from his friends. Opening up the attachment, it described that he had a package on his way from England that had one of his pieces of jewelry inside of it.
That was from two days ago.
The man looked up and heard a knocking at his apartment door, getting up and opening it up. A Norwegian courier was standing there, looking like she had just got caught up in the snowstorm, the man offered her his cup of tea to sip on as he picked up the package that he was holding and looked at the top, seeing a piece of paper.
"Kan du registrerer det?" (Can you sign here?) She asked and the man picked up the pen out of his shirt pocket and scribbled down his name in his short form, smiling at the woman and then taking the cup of tea off here, "Takk skal du ha!" (Thank you) and waving her goodbye. Closing the door behind him and placing the box down on his counter.
"Now, I guess this is what they were talking about?" He mumbled as he tore open the box, revealing a black and blue necklet in his box, covered in bubble wrap. Pulling it out of the box and placing it on the side, it had a note left in there as well, hand written.
Just a little gift from back home, we found this lying around in the house when we did a clean up of your old room, looked like yours anyway. Hope your time in Norway is going alright, want to see you again."
He looked back at the item and thought little of it, was just something they wanted him to wear whenever they saw him again.
Nevertheless, he put the paper down and opened up the back part of it, snapping it around his neck, fitting snugly into place, like it was made to fit him. Knor felt the cold metal around his neck and winced at it before it warmed up to his body temperature. Before he could get back to work though, he felt something crawling around in his head, before long, he felt his brain seizing up within itself. Then his vision went black. A voice was bouncing around in his head all the while, making a roaring noise within the speaking.
"I have finally found someone strong enough."
Knor felt his body stiffen up as his brain came to with what just happened to him, it felt like a million electric shocks had just gone through his brain and body at the same time, then his body came to his senses and trying to move, he found himself restrained to something. Opening his eyes, all he saw was a very blurry picture, not helped by the fact that he couldn't feel his glasses on his ears or nose at that moment and the issue that he has some sort of rope material in his face, making it hard to breathe.
Still tied up, he felt his legs was also in the same position, he deduced that he was sitting down on a chair and locked up with some chains and other contraptions. A whisper was all he heard out of his right ear as it alerted him to the presence that there was others in the room with him. His neck muscles were not responding as they should as he tried to turn it to no avail, they were burning within him.
"Hey! I think our little friend is coming to Junior! Yang! Get the bar!" A man shouted over to his other side as he tried to free himself from whatever was locking himself down. His head was pushed back as the canopy that was covering it was freed and his eyes got a blast of light directly into it with the help of a lamp above him. "Heh, looks like we don't have to wait that long for him after all." The man said evilly as he pushed his foot into the knee of Knor, making him since in pain. "Come on boys, we can have our fun now." He pointed at another two, one who had a white mask on his face with a permanent smile on its curvature as well as the other, much taller one with no clothes on his upper body and only a contraction in his hands with a battery on his back.
Knor tried to get himself to say something, but his throat was on fire and then his mouth shut unconsciously. "Don't worry, I can get out of this." A voice in his head said as he looked around with his eyes and saw no one else in the room. "What the hell was that?" Knor was getting more worried about who was in his head compared to the actual danger that was the man with the two prongs in front of him. Pulling himself back as he attached the two probes to his fingers and turned up the dial on his backpack, sending a current through the man. Making Knor convulse and notice the necklet was still in place.
"I think a Volt for every crime you committed in the Capital." The man said with grin. "With what the master said, I think that makes it 200. Or rounded up at least." He turned the dial on the battery that was on his back slowly before he was interrupted by another woman, who was looking down at them.
"You serious? You should be not even going there, make it slow for heaven's sake, torture him, not kill him you dimwit." She slapped him in the back of the head as he fell over on his face before being picked up by his friends. She walked off back into the darkness of the tunnel and left the four of them in the room again.
"What should we do them boss? If we can't just hurt him like that?" He asked the taller man next to himself.
"Now, we just pull this out…" The man produced a gun from his hip and blazoned it upon the other two who were looking at him with smiles on their faces. "And we put two holes in his legs, make sure he doesn't escape." He said and walked forward. Knor looked at him with wide eyes as he saw his inevitable paralyzation coming for him now, closing his eyes and awaiting the pain that was about to be put upon him, but before that, the voice came back to his head. "Look around, we are fine." It said. Knor took its advice carefully as he reopened his eyes and looked around, time was frozen for him, but his body was not.
"What… what are we supposed to do?" He said to the voice in his head, hoping for answers for what the hell was going on.
"You don't do anything, you just let me do all the work, now… point your mouth towards the chain on your right hand." It said to him as Knor's head did a double take from what it was asking of him. "You what?!"
"Do what I say or you are not going to live and I know how much you humans what to get out of tight places with your head intact." It said again and Knor followed it, pointing his mouth towards the chain on his hand. "Open your mouth please." It asked, Knor obliged and he closed his eyes as well, feeling a stream of heat coming out of his mouth and then contacting with his arm. "Other side." Knor followed that as well and then his arms were free from his chains.
"Now, grab the gun from that human's hand, the gun should come out of stasis when you touch it." Knor pulled his body up and plucked the gun out of the man's hand and held it in his own. "Now, listen to me carefully. I am going to disable the stasis that we are in and you are to shoot the three people in front of us okay?"
Knor, looking down at the gun and pulling back the chamber on the top before holding it in from of him. "Okay…" He said as he pulled his breathing down from the raggedness that it was beforehand. "Do it." He said and the people in front of them started to come back into motion and the man in front was trying to depress a trigger which was not there now. Looking at Knor was a now shocked face. Knor pulled the trigger and landed the bullet right in the middle of the guys head, blood splatting from the impact of the bullet at such close range. Sending the man to the floor in front of him.
Before anything could get too hectic, the other two men both ran at Knor, who was aiming at one and pulled the trigger again, dead centre again. The other man was still in momentum as he was stopped by one of Knor's arms rising and hitting him in the face with a grey colouring to it, smashing through the man's head, the arm came round and cracked himself in the head also.
"Ah, you humans are more clumsy than I remember."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Knor said to the voice as he looked around and saw that his legs were now free, his arms went back to normal and he looked around on the floor, picking up the gun that was now there and seeing a couple of clothes that he could put on himself. Picking up a shirt and then a large cape from the desk that was next to his chair.
"What should I do now?"
"Get out of here as fast as you can." Was all that the voice said as Knor heard from down the tunnel behind them that there was people coming to get him. Picking up the gun and checking it was loaded. The Norwegian Armed Forces was somehow being of use here, but at the current moment, that was not the priority.
Knor looked down the tunnel and saw nothing but black.
"You sure I can even get out of here?" He said as he tripped over a few stones that were on the floor.
"Yes, now get a move on, pull the rock on your left out from it's place." The voice said as Knor picked himself up and did as instructed, pulling it out and hearing a rumble as the rocks around him and above him started to move and crumble. "Run?" He said to himself as he sprinted backwards, his eyesight getting a bit better for some reason. Popping himself over the edge and chasing the light he saw at the end of the tunnel, crashing through the door that was to the outside.
Picking himself up again and dusting himself off, he put his hand to his head to block out the sun that was beating down on him. Seeing a city off in the distance, he started to walk towards it.
"Uh? Voice thing? You there? You know where the hell I am?" Knor questioned the thing in his head, giving it a couple seconds to answer him, but he got no response in the end. Huffing at the sudden disconnect, he kept on walking. "I wonder where the hell I gotta, nothing like I remember Norway."
Knor was a lot further away from Norway than he could ever imagine.
Than again, being in the world of Akame ga Kill is not a good start to your nightmare.