Hi everyone! This took a lot longer to post than usual. Sorry about that. Enjoy!

Wendy, Gajeel, Erza, and Natsu were leading everyone through the woods, with Makarov not far behind them. Then it was Mira, Cana, and Lucy. Laxus, who was using his senses to see if anyone from Raven Tail was close behind. He was behind the three girls. Evergreen was behind him. And of course Freed and Bickslow were behind her.

Gray was in the back, slowing down every second. His injuries were making him lose energy. His eyesight was slowly blurring and he could barely see his friends in front of him. He also couldn't sense the presence coming up from behind him.

A hand was put over his mouth and another hand had grabbed his throat. He turned his head and noticed the person who had grabbed him was Ivan. He was slowly moving away from the blurs that were his friends, and soon enough he couldn't see them. He then felt a sharp pain from the back of his head. Then all went black.

"Everyone freeze,"

The Fairy Tail mages stopped moving and got into fighting stances. To the left of the mages came a man.

"Omar," Laxus growled.

"You know this guy," Erza asked. Laxus nodded.

"He was one of the people who took me and Gray," He turned around expecting to see Gray, but didn't find anyone.

"Gray?" Laxus called out. The group of wizards turned around to find Gray missing.

"Where did he go? He was right behind us a second ago," Evergreen said, confused.

"Where did you take him?" Natsu growled. If these jerks took him again, he would burn them to ashes.

"Oh, we just brought him back to his cell. He's probably not awake by now but when he is, he is going to have to get punished. Same with you," Omar said, looking at Laxus. Laxus just growled back.

"How 'bout you give us back Gray, and we beat you to a pulp?!" Natsu said.

"Hey, where did Bickslow and Freed go?" Evergreen asked looking around. Everyone looked behind them to notice that they were gone, just like Gray. This made Laxus very angry.

"Give them back!" He yelled.

"Actually, that wasn't planned. I have no idea where they are," Omar said.


"We're back!" Bickslow yelled. Everyone turned around to see Bickslow carrying an unconscious Gray, and Freed carrying a struggling Ivan.

"Ivan, how could you get captured," Omar said.

"Where did you two go?" Erza asked.

"Well, Bickslow and I noticed Gray had disappeared, and decided to go find him. We didn't tell any of you because we wanted you all to get out of here. We found Ivan carrying an unconscious Gray and I put a rune on Ivan and we got them both," Freed answered.

"Dammit Ivan, you were supposed to get Fullbuster back to the guild without being caught," Omar growled.

"Well I'm sorry, but I had no idea they were behind me," Ivan answered with a glare.

"Well maybe you should look behind y-" Omar was cut off by a flamed fist hitting him in the face. He fell to the ground unconscious.

"Thank you for shutting him up, he was getting very annoy-" Ivan started, before a giant glowing fist knocked him in the head. Makarov was getting sick of this. He needed to get his brats home so they could get bandaged up and rest.

"Come, we must get home," He said. Everyone nodded. Makarov grabbed both Omar and Ivan and carried the two. Everyone turned to start walking again. They stopped and turned around when they heard a thump. Laxus was lying on the ground unconscious.

"Laxus!" Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow yelled. Freed and Evergreen ran over to him and lifted him up. Bickslow stood with Gray on his back and waited for Freed or Evergreen to say something.

"Here, let me take a look," Wendy said, running over. She put her hands near Laxus and a light blue light went over him. Everyone stayed silent for a minute. "He's okay," Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"What happened?" Cana asked.

"He's just out of magic energy. I think it's from charging the lacrima that he was forced to do. He will probably wake up in a couple hours," Wendy replied.

" I think it's time to go home," Makarov said. Everyone nodded. Bickslow gave Gray to Natsu and went over to help Freed carry Laxus. Everyone started the long trip back to Fairy Tail.

Gray woke up with a groan. He opened his eye and looked around. He was in the guild's infirmary. How did I get here? He asked himself. It took him awhile to remember how he ended up there. He looked down and noticed he was covered in bandages. He looked to his left and saw Laxus sleeping on the bed next to him. He turned to the door when he heard it open slightly.

Erza walked in with a plate of food. She looked at him and noticed he was looking at her.

"You're awake. Porlyusica said you wouldn't wake up for at least another day," She said.

"Well I guess she was wrong for the first time in her life," He said grinning. Erza gave him a smile. She missed Gray. Gray was like that little brother she never had. She didn't know how much she cared for him until she lost him.

"Do you need anything? Like something to eat or drink?" She asked.

"No I'm okay," He said, pulling the covers off himself.

"Gray, what are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm getting up. I can't stand being held up in here," He got up, stumbled a bit but caught himself and stood straight up. He tried to walk over to Erza, but held the bedpost so he wouldn't fall. He turned around when he heard a groaning.

"How are you feeling Laxus," Erza asked as Laxus sat up in the bed. He blinked his eyes, looking around to see where he was. He saw Erza standing straight and Gray holding the bed post.

"Fine," Laxus answered.

"Want to come downstairs?" Gray asked. Laxus was honestly surprised that he was already out o bed. Laxus shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure," He said. Erza smiled at them both and held the door to the infirmary open. Laxus got up and followed Gray out the door. When they got down the stairs to the main floor of the guild, they were welcomed by cheering. And then, a party Fairy Tail style started.

Well, that's it! I hoped you enjoyed my first ever story! I already have a new story idea and will probably post the first part some point this week or next week. I also want to know if you want me to make a sequel of anyone does want one, it'll probably be about Omar and Ivan breaking out of jail and all kinds of other stuff :) And, if any of you want me to make you a story, just tell me! I would love to write for any one of you! I would just need a summery or ideas of a story. Once again, I hope you enjoyed! Please please please follow, favorite, and review! Thank you all!