Deadpool: *eyeroll* The only reason you're doing this is because you're happy Crews hit 200 reviews.

Grizz: *rolls from desktop screen to laptop and back* Duh. It's taken forever for it to get this far, TMC is one of my first multi chapter fics, and I think everyone would enjoy a little insight to some of the different feelings traveling through the characters after last chapter.

DP: *lays on bed, poking at ceiling fan with katana* In other words you ran into a problem with how to transition between the reunion and the last fight of the story.

Grizz: Hush. Just because it's true doesn't mean you need to broadcast it across the nine realms. *sips red bull mixed coffee* Now if you don't stop messing with the fan it'll come down on you again.


DP: *groans* Too late.

Chapter 48

1 + 2 does not equal 3

"You wanna do what?!" She cannot believe her ears, let alone her eyes. Looking between the three other people besides herself in the room she finds nothing but serious intent. Lucy, feeling her ire begin to rise, stops and takes a deep breath, counting backward from ten. When she reaches one she turns to her husband, finding the normally cheerful man standing tall and grim.

Correction, She notes mutely. He hasn't been cheerful since he woke up. He may have been able to fool everyone else into thinking he's the same man he was before they were captured but Lucy has known Natsu long enough to tell that he has changed. Judging by the stance Gray has taken behind the pinkett's shoulder, Lucy has a feeling he's not the only one.

"Natsu, Porlyusica just cleared you to leave the infirmary a week ago." She absolutely refuses to let any kind of begging show in her voice.

Natsu, for all his worth, shakes his head. "I can't, Luce. If we're gonna be strong enough to take on PhanTar we need to start now." She can practically hear the words he's not saying. I was not strong enough. Because I was weak I couldn't save them. I couldn't save him.

Straightening her shoulders and raising her chin to take on her full authoritative stance she turns to his commander. Both Erza and Gray have, for the time being, fallen back to quiet rolls allowing them to discuss this argument as much as they could. Now though, now she needs to see if the commander is as dead set on this choice as her husband is. If he is…

"What say you, Gray? Are you willing to put yourself through this training regiment?" She'd rather call it torture. That's truly what it is. What they're asking of Erza is and will be nothing but brutal torture of the utmost degree. Such that Lucy herself has banned the commander from training their new recruits in the style.

She knows from experience that Gray has a strong disposition. He has to in order to follow Natsu into every crazy situation he charges toward without thinking. But she's also seen him have the guts to stand up to the pinkett and defy orders. Particularly when it could lead to someone getting killed. That is why her final decision relies on what the man thinks.

He squares his shoulders, looking her in the eye with a stubborn respect that answers her question even before he speaks. "We have to, Lucy. It's the only way."

Lucy runs a hand through her hair, scowling at the position they've put her in. If it was up to her, she'd immediately turn them down and send them back to Porlyusica to be tied down until they're sane enough to rejoin the crew. Highly unlikely but still an idea.

Shaking her head in disbelief of what she's about to do, she turns to her commander. "Erza." If you survive you'll be the spearhead of our main fighting force. Natsu, Gray...are you ready for Hell? "I, Lucy Heartfilia, grant you permission to train Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster in the Fairy Sphere Technique."


Leaning over Mira's shoulder, Lucy skims the paper in her hand. When she discovers an inconsistency she frowns. "What's that there, She-Devil?" Mira hums and the blonde points at the inconsistency with a pinkie. "This. It says we paid for double the food we did last month."

When she finds it Mira frowns as well, pausing in the middle of the hall they're walking down. She flips up the sheet, scanning another list of numbers. "I don't see why it would be—"

A yelp echoes down the hall, interrupting their conversation and both look up only to step out of the way of a flying dagger. More than used to random flying weapons from their resident swordswoman neither woman thinks anything of it. Though when the sound of pounding feet and tinkling bells follows a few seconds later they stop, looking up at the source of the noise.

Finding both Natsu and Grey bound from the neck down in bandages, only wearing a pair of shorts save for a black collar with a bell on it, running down the hall Mira covers her mouth with her hand and giggles. Lucy, on the other hand, stays stone-faced. The blonde knows that if she opens her mouth she'll more than likely put an end to the odd training. It's only the side look her husband shoots her as the duo sprints by that stops her short from trying anyway.

About a minute later Erza appears walking at a steady pace. She nods to both women with a quiet greeting and launches another dagger. The sound of the bells followed by twin yelps has her scowling. When she's gone Mira turns to Lucy, an eyebrow arched.

"Fairy Sphere?"

"Fairy Sphere." Lucy agrees. "What were you saying about the inconsistency?"

The commander lifts up the clipboard, pointing at the second list of numbers. "It shouldn't be so far off. We've been buying the same amount of food for the last six months. It seems to be only last month that we paid double."

Lucy takes the sheets of paper from her, humming in thought. "As far as I see there could be any number of reasons this might happen but seeing as you, Jenny and Bookworm were the ones who ran the numbers it couldn't possibly be just a paper error. Who ordered the food this month?"

"Wasn't it the head chef?"

The blonde shakes her head, looking at another sheet. "He's been at Mermaid Heel for the last two months exchanging recipes and teaching some recruits. He just got back last week."

Mira calls the elevator with a frown. "I just don't see how that kind of mistake could've been made. It's not possible." She doesn't miss the strange look Lucy shoots her before the blonde shrugs.

"Go to the kitchens, find out who made the order, and get the log books. The chefs are pretty keen on keeping track of all their sales." Lucy's lips quirk in something akin to a smirk. "Gotta admit Boze and Sue know what they're doing keeping that lot in line."

"And if it's the company they ordered from?"

Overriding the elevator, Lucy's expression darkens. "Show them we don't play around."

"Aye, Heart." Mira nods. Another minute of silence sits between the women before the commander looks at the ceiling in thought. "Weren't you the one who declared the Fairy Sphere Technique banned from training? Particularly if taught by Titania?" She doesn't find any kind of reaction from her leader out of the corner of her eye which says more than the blonde would think. Realizing her stance on the matter, Mira sighs instead attempting another way. "How long?"

"Two weeks." White eyebrows rise in surprise. Surely they'd have been further than just stealth by now? Lucy apparently sees her surprise because she snorts, turning to face her. "If it was anyone else, Erza would've kicked their asses right out of the gate but it wasn't her decision this time. They wanted to do the training. They chose Erza because she's a damn slave driver and a perfectionist. But because of how torn up they still are from Kyoka, Erza decided to do their training in full. That's why they're still doing stealth when you and I were out obliterating entire gangs by ourselves."

The commander giggles, letting the unsaid part of Lucy's conversation go. They, more than anyone else, understand the means that would drive a person to wanna take the training. As the elevator comes to a stop a thought occurs to her. "Titania say how long she thinks it'll take?"

Finding Jenny standing outside the door, Mira follows Lucy off the elevator, waiting for her to accept papers from the secretary. Jenny falls into step beside them, keeping quiet while she waits for them to finish their own conversation. "She said she wasn't exactly sure but somewhere around two to three months. And that's if those two don't do something idiotic or get themselves killed." She snorts. "Her words not mine. I have a feeling those two don't know the meaning of self-preservation."

Mira giggles, glancing sideways at Lucy. Now seems a pretty good time to drop some intriguing information she'd heard from a couple of women that had transferred to Mermaid Heel. "Of course," She hums. "You would know that since you're married to one of those idiots."

"Yeah," Lucy sighs. 3...2...1… Duck! Mira dips down a side hallway leading back to the elevator just as Lucy realizes what she had said. "Wait, what?! SHE-DEVIL!" The elevator has excellent timing in her opinion as it closes at the right moment to prevent her leader from strangling her. Giggling with glee on the ride up, she has a sudden idea to take Wendy and Romeo down to the slums for training.


Sliding into the seat across from his brother, Sting sighs in relief. When Rogue arches an eyebrow he grins sheepishly. "Yuki's had me running up and down the tower doing different errands for her all day. This is the first time I've been able to sit and eat."

Unsurprisingly his brother chuckles at his mistake. The blond just rolls his eyes. He's used to it. After so many years living with the guy, Sting knows Rogue isn't laughing at him to make fun of him. More that he finds his stupidity funny. The man doesn't blame him though. Not when he's made enough mistakes to be able to laugh at himself for them.

"If you had gotten up when I woke you up, you would've been able to get breakfast with me." Snacking on a fry, the blond rolls his eyes at his brother.

"Throwing the alarm clock at me is not waking me up, ya idiot."

Rogue arches an eyebrow. "I was not aware that you could wake up by any other means." Really he should know better than to fall for his brother's antagonizing. Any other day he would. Today is not one of those days. Sting sticks his tongue out at him, reaching for his sandwich.

"Bite me, I wake up on my own just fine." Huh? When he doesn't find his sandwich he looks at his plate in surprise. He could've sworn he had gotten a steak and cheese for lunch. Sting frowns, looking up at his brother. "Hey, Shadow, you seen my sandwich?"

The raven-haired man arches an eyebrow, pointing at the seat beside him. Unsure of what is happening Sting looks to his right. He doesn't expect to find his cousin sitting in the chair beside him, let alone eating his sandwich. He yelps. "Damnit, Nat—"

Natsu slams a hand over his mouth, looking around the semi-empty lunchroom before finishing off the sandwich in two bites and murmuring to them. "You need to keep it down."

Both brothers frown, sharing a look before Sting turns to the pinkett. "Care to explain why?"

"Because," He looks around warily than taps the bell the brothers now notice strapped on his neck. "We're in the middle of a training session and if Erza finds us it's a twenty lap run from the roof to the first floor and back." Natsu grimaces. "Not fun."

Sting and Rogue have heard about this crazy training the leader and his commander have been going through—nearly everyone has—but to see it for themselves is something else. Especially when the brothers are old acquaintances with Titania's style of training.

Scowling, Sting glares at his cousin. "That doesn't explain why you stole my sandwich." Despite being hissed at Natsu seems unperturbed, the majority of his focus still on his surroundings.

He turns onyx eyes on his blonde cousin, his expression oddly neutral. "Because I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and you are still the easiest person to snatch food from."

"What do you mean by that?" Rogue asks quietly, becoming aware of a sudden change in the air. The man can tell their leader senses it too for he tenses, looking over his shoulder at the doors leading to the elevator. The sound of something crashing comes from the opposite direction—in the direction of the kitchen—and Natsu pales.

"Erza and her damn sneak attacks." He hisses already sliding out of the chair. "Gotta run. Thanks for the food." With that, he takes off for the kitchen doors. Through said doors, the brothers can just barely spot Natsu's commander meeting up with their cousin before both disappear.

No more than a handful of seconds later a familiar redhead pushes the door open to the lunchroom. Her head swivels, most likely looking for their cousin. When she doesn't find her prey—for that's what Natsu is to the commander, Sting realizes—she walks on through the room to the kitchen doors. It is only after she disappears through those doors that Sting releases the breath he's holding.

He and his brother share a look and he laughs. "Salamander, you bastard. I do not envy you."

Only much later that same day does it occur to Rogue that not once had he or Sting heard the bell on their cousin's collar rattle. It's a startling idea that he brings up to his brother they would've never known he was there otherwise.


Breathing heavily, he has no energy to yelp when he and Gray are once again thrown to the floor. Sweat pours off his body, sticking his pink locks to his forehead, soaking the bandages bound around his torso, loosening his footing on the mats. He plants his face in the blue mat, attempting to draw in the pitiful amounts of air he can even as he feels Erza stand over him.

"Get up!"

Not for the first time does it come to his attention that Erza has a loud and demanding personality. It doesn't just stay in the bounds of her personality. It permeates every inch of the air around her. Makes it seem like every regular step she takes is a stomp taken out of anger made to intimidate the foe. Every word, even if softly spoken has the power to echo like a roar. No, her loud and demanding personality does not just stay within the bounds of what is supposed to be a personality. It was and is designed to make every being that comes into contact with her cower, to make them bow before her overwhelming presence.

No wonder Lucy picked her for a commander. Grudgingly he has to admit the redhead is perfect for the position. Now if only he can find the strength to listen to her.

Somehow—he doesn't know how—he's able to get trembling arms under his frame and force himself to his knees. A glance to his right shows Gray is in the same position. It's no surprise though. They've been at this for hours, most of which both men have spent with their faces in the mat. He pushes to his feet, swaying dangerously from exhaustion. Only his determination and drive keeps him from toppling backward. Taking his example, Gray stumbles to his side.

It doesn't matter how many times she knocks us down we will get back up. He and his commander both slide into mirrored fighting stances, their eyes never leaving the deadly redhead wielding a seemingly innocent bo staff. We have to because if we don't, those we love die.

When Erza swings at him with a low swipe he jumps up, dodging the weapon and allowing Gray to snatch it from her. His commander grins and he swears he hears a soft familiar laugh in his left ear. He's too exhausted to grin let alone make a smart remark but when he and Gray tackle Erza, their footsteps moving in sync, Natsu knows that they're nearly there. They've nearly gotten to their goal. So when Erza sweeps their feet out from under them, sending back to the floor with her reclaimed staff he and Gray are more than ready to climb back to their feet and continue.

Six weeks. Six months. Six years. It doesn't matter how long it takes. We'll become strong enough to protect everyone. Off to his left, metal gleams in the bright lights of the room before it's gone in a haymaker that narrowly misses its mark.


"Here, try these." Hesitant to try any kind of new weapon, Natsu shares a look with his commander before gently picking up what appears to be matte black brass knuckles. The only difference between the old but good weapon and this new one being the rings his fingers go through are much thicker than necessary. In his opinion at least.

But he slides the knuckles on his hand anyway, arching an eyebrow at the surprisingly comfortable fit. The knuckles are also a lot warmer then he thinks they would be for only being in his or anyone else's hands for a handful of minutes. Curling his fingers, he turns, throwing a punch at where an enemy would be sneaking up behind his shoulder. The way the metal doesn't throw off his aim, nor drag down his speed appeals to him. He grins, yeah he can see himself liking these a lot.

Gray, on the other hand, frowns. "Yukino, it's just a set of brass knuckles. What's so different about them?

Yukino, upon seeing his expression smiles. "These are no normal knuckles, Commander. These were designed solely for the Dragon Prince." While Gray's neutral expression shows the slightest bit of surprise Natsu frowns at the black knuckles.

"I'm not the Dragon Prince anymore, Yukino." He mutters, ashamed to admit it. "They took my fire from me." Aside from waking up missing a commander, the only other thing that really affected him about his captivity was they took his Dragon Fire. The very same pouch his father had first gifted him. Guilt curls within his gut once more for both pieces missing in his life and his hand clenches around the knuckles in anger.

When he looks up he expects something like dread or maybe pity on the scientist's face. That's why he's surprised when he finds her looking extremely smug. "It's not as far gone as you think, Salamander." She turns away from the Tahoe. "Follow me, I had Light and Shadow set up some targets for you."

Oh yeah. He's been wondering what the logs sitting at the bottom of the quarry were for. In fact, if he had to admit it, this entire day has been full of nothing but surprises. Instead of being dragged for training with Erza like he and Gray have been for the last eight weeks the redhead hauls them down to the parking lot after breakfast pushing them toward a Tahoe Yukino had been standing in front of. Half an hour later the crazy scientist is stopping on a gravel road leading into an abandoned quarry. If that's not bad enough they find his cousins lounging in another Tahoe set further down the trail into the quarry with different sized boxes spread across the ground.

Weird day indeed.

At the bottom of the slope, Yukino turns to him. She holds up a hand and without thinking he gives her the one with the knuckles. The scientist turns the hand over, pointing out a small button he hadn't noticed before.

"This right here is what activates the claws." She grabs his wrist with one hand, the other sliding the button over and he watches in awe as the layers of metal on the top of his knuckles move forward to create metal claws covering all four of his fingers. She turns the hand over, folding his thumb to press a small plate in the bottom of the knuckles then points at a log. "Keep your thumb on that pressure plate and attack that target."

Even though he's confused he does as she commands, taking a swing at the log. What he doesn't expect is for the log to light up as soon as the claws come in contact with it. Staring at the burning log for only a handful of seconds he grins and holds up his other hand in the direction of his commander. Gray, catching on, tosses him the other knuckles and he quickly slides those on. As with the knuckles on his right hand, he finds he's able to activate the claws by pushing the button with his thumb. With both claws open it only takes him another minute before he's able to find a comfortable stance.

After that, each slash, each stab, it all comes naturally. When all the targets are burning to ash he finds his hands are no warmer then they had been when he'd slid the knuckles on. He turns his hands over, taking in each detail of his new weapons before finally letting his grip relax enough to let go of the pressure plates. When he does he understands why Yukino said not to let go. The claws retract into themselves, reverting back to the matte black knuckles belying what a dangerous weapon they are.

"Yukino," He gasps, looking up at the scientist. "How did you do this? The fire, it's Dragon's Fire and the claws, the metal isn't melting through."

She smiles, walking up with Sting and Rogue trailing behind. "I didn't do it by myself."

Sting throws an arm over his shoulders and the pinkett looks at his cousins in shock. "But how?"

"It was a group effort you idiot." For once he can't fault his blond cousin for his smug grin. He's just way too happy to finally have his fire back. Sting gestures to Rogue and his black-haired cousin shrugs.

"Bookworm has the know-how for the metals, Leo understands the basic formula for the Dragon Fire, add that to our own knowledge of your fighting style, a couple of Uncle Igneel's old notes we found at the cabin and our scientist and it wasn't that hard."

Yukino walks up, grabbing one of his wrists in a tight grip and points at the very back of the knuckles he only now notices covers the back of his hand a little more than normal brass knuckles would. "Leo brought it up that Dragon's Fire is only volatile when the ingredients are combined. Before that, they're as safe as oxygen and helium. So I took note of the design of your old vials and put in a set that when the claws are activated the valves are opened just enough for the ingredients to mix but not get too volatile."

She activates the claws again, placing her own thumb on the pressure plate to point to the ends. "There are four small tubes the Dragon's Fire runs through so that when the claws come in contact with an object it gets a taste of concentrated Dragon's Fire. The pressure plate," She turns his hand over, pointing at the piece of metal the length of his middle and ring finger and no wider than the nail of his pinkie finger. "when released automatically closes up the valves thus cutting off the Dragon's Fire before it can burn the claws or you. Add those safety measures to the fact the claws are titanium and I highly doubt you'll be able to burn yourself with your fire for quite a few years."

"Unless you're an idiot and decide to mess up something that destroys one of the valves then goodbye Dragon Prince Dragneel and hello Dragon Prince Eucliffe." Natsu, Rogue, Yukino, and Gray stare dumbstruck at Sting's announcement before as one they smack him upside his head.

While he pouts Natsu turns back to Yukino, his grin true. "Thank you, Yukino. You have no idea how much it means to me to have my fire back."

The scientist smiles, looking him in the eye. "It's the least I can do. The Dragon Prince can't claim his title without his fire." Then she turns to his commander and grins. "Don't think I've forgotten about you, Commander. Leo and your rival gave me quite a bit of information on your fighting style as well. I think you'll enjoy your new toys just as much."

As she turns away to walk back to the Tahoe where all the toys and targets are sitting halfway packed in their boxes Natsu and Gray share a look. A single thought running through their minds.

This mad idea was worth it.


Prowling around the mats, her eyes never leave the action. Not even when she notices her leader and fellow commander entering the room. While she's not surprised to find them present it does make her steps slow and her eyes narrow in on the duo's forms that much more. After all, she was given a direct order to whip them into shape. It doesn't matter if one of her pupils is her leader and the other a fellow commander and council member. The redhead will do right by the crew.

A foot slips and she growls, laying her bo staff into the spar to break it up. Both men back up without question. A quick glance ensures she hasn't pushed them far enough yet and she steps onto the mat. For her, all it takes is a critical eye, a swift knock of the staff, and a short huff to get her point across.

Now if only the damn idiots would get the idea.

She's had to do more correction over the day then she has since they started ten weeks before. It's getting on her damn nerves. Especially when she knows they're seeing their mistakes and constantly trying to correct them. Casting another eye over their forms she steps back off the mat, her lips twisting into a scowl to show her dislike for the situation. It's not five minutes later that Natsu makes a mistake that has her snapping out of frustration.

"That's enough!" She snarls, stepping onto the mat. Both men step backward, heavily panting from exhaustion. Scowling she slams her staff down hard enough for a crack to appear in it. "The range for two hours. After that, I expect you back here. You will not eat tonight if you do not get this perfect."

They grumble but like she expects they don't say a word to her face. Let them grumble, she sighs, at least they're learning even if it is too slow. Once they leave the room she turns to the blonde arching an eyebrow.

"How may I help you, Heart?"

Lucy tilts her head in a familiar gesture of jumping trains of thought typically aligned with quickly changing plans before grinning. "We came down to watch you turn Natsu and Gray into smears on the mat but since you changed that Mirajane and I thought we'd take you out to eat. It's been a while since just the three of us left the base after all."

Withholding her response, the red-haired swordswoman casts a glance at her fellow councilwoman. Having known the white-haired She-Devil as friend and foe alike for so long it's only second nature for her to translate the look in the other woman's ice blue eyes. That look being something akin to she suggested so I'm just going along with it. Inwardly, Erza rolls her eyes at the assassin. To her leader, she nods. "Of course, lunch sounds good."

The blonde turns away, walking back toward the doors to the sparring room. Mirajane, though, waits for the swordswoman to break her bo staff into the three parts she slides into the holster on her thigh before both women are walking for the door. In the hall, they find their leader already standing in the elevator holding the doors open. When both women are in, Lucy activates the override, sending the elevator for the first floor.

Erza doesn't miss the way Mirajane smirks at them both. It's a familiar though unfriendly expression the redhead has and always will think of like the cat who got the cream. An extremely fitting term for one who she'll only describe as a demon in disguise. Disguises that she likes to borrow from time to time, true, but disguises all the same. Now if only she figures out the reason for the expression.

She arches an eyebrow at the woman in question. All Mirajane does is smile in return. Yes, this woman is her co-worker, fellow council member, and co-commander but the red-head will be damned if she doesn't aggravate her with her I know something you don't look. Huffing to express said aggravation she turns to the blonde, stepping forward to walk beside her as the elevator opens to the first-floor lobby.

"Where will we be going for lunch?" Out of habit, Erza keeps an eye and ear on the many people going about their own business in the lobby, some speaking will the people behind the front desk, while others are heading for the elevators they just left or the front doors.

Lucy hums, her heels clicking against the white tile. "I was thinking it's been a while since we last hit up our old haunt." Fairy Tail, is what she doesn't say. Even if the heads of Magnolia have all folded under Draco Cor, the bar still counts as neutral ground for the small time gangs and a relatively safe meeting spot for any lowlifes seeking a spot to stay low. Add in the food being good, the drinking tolerance hovering in the gray area and it makes sense the bar has done so well even in the turbulence of the balance of power shifting.

Walking down the sidewalk in the direction of the said bar she grins. "Sounds good. I haven't had one of their strawberry cake margaritas in some time."

Mira comes up on the other side of the blonde and arches an eyebrow. "Just make sure you don't drink yourself under the table again."

Unbidden a blush rushes Erza's cheeks and she huffs crossing her arms over her chest. "That was one time! ONE TIME!" Turning her head away, she glares at the sidewalk. "And it wasn't my fault. I underestimated the strength of the alcohol."

"Alright, alright." Lucy giggles, gaining both women's attention. "If you two keep on, you'll end up gathering attention we don't need." That has both commanders stopping short, staring at the blonde in shock. Finding her friends no longer at her sides she turns, frowning at them. "What? It's the truth."

"Heart," Erza begins.

"when did you," Mirajane adds quietly.

"start thinking of the consequences?" Both women finish simultaneously.

Lucy sweat drops. "How 'bout I always have?"

Erza hums, tilting her head in thought before shaking it. "Nope, I think I would remember something like that happening. Isn't that right, She-Devil?"

The platinum-blonde giggles, turning around to lay an arm across her leader's shoulders. "You'd be right, Titania, I don't recall such an enormous event happening."

Crossing the street at the crosswalk Lucy groans, hiding her face in her hands and trusting her friends to keep her safe. "You two are assholes. Complete and utter assholes. Why do I even put up with you?"

The duo grins, pushing the blonde between them in a completely awkward hug. "Because you love us." Lucy looks up from her hands, catching many of the passersby looking at them either in sympathy or amusement. Mouthing 'I don't know them' at the strangers earns sniggering and chuckling.

Erza pays the looks no mind, more than content to mess with her longtime friend and partner. It's been some time since she's been able to, let alone spend time with just her closest friends without having to worry about her responsibilities to the company and crew alike. Smiling, she looks up to find they've arrived already. She reaches for the door, holding it open long enough for her friends to walk past and she follows them into the darkened interior, blinking to help her eyes adjust quickly.

They settle for a booth near the back of the establishment, Erza pushing Lucy into the corner with her back to the wall while Mira takes the seat across from them. Even if it's Fairy Tail and even if they're just here for a peaceful lunch their leader's safety is first and foremost. Almost immediately a waitress sweeps by their table to ask them for their drinks. Once they've ordered and the waitress leaves for the bar, Lucy turns to the redhead, arching an eyebrow.

"How is it?" Is beating my boyfriend and his commander into the ground repeatedly working? Goes unsaid. Not that Erza doesn't have enough experience with those kinds of questions to give the blonde a straight answer. She opens her mouth to do just that but...something stops her. Something she's noticed in the men's demeanor the very first week.

"It's," Intriguing, awe-inspiring, a testament to their stubbornness and will to live she wants to say. Instead, she goes with, "trying at times and disappointing at others." Erza, on some level just knows what they're attempting to do. And while she can't completely help them with their goal she can damn well do enough to get them halfway there. Seeing her friend's confusion she sighs. If it were anyone else she'd threaten to slice them open from nose to navel for butting their nose into things that don't concern them but this is Lucy, her partner, leader, best friend and about as close to a sister as she will ever get—Mirajane, the damn bitch, doesn't count, she will deny such connections to the day she dies—so she knows the blonde deserves an explanation.

"Natsu and Gray aren't just doing this to get stronger," She quietly admits to the table. "When I first started training them I noticed something off the bat. Their fighting style was lacking, to say the least. There were too many openings in their defense, their offense was absolutely deplorable and they just had none of the fire I've witnessed them fight with before." She hears a quiet hiss from across the table, knows Mirajane has already gotten an idea of what's wrong. Looking at her leader the redhead proposes a question. "Do you know how long he's fought with both of his commanders?"

Lucy's brows furrow in thought, staying that way for several minutes in which the waitress drops their drinks off and slides away before frowning in concern. "He's never told me an exact number but the earliest I've heard of him and Gray being friends is almost ten years."

Erza nods. "I thought so. The reason they're doing this training is because of Gajeel. They'd trained so extensively as a trio that I'm not afraid to admit their fighting style was nearly perfect. Every opening was covered by at least one person, and every attack of theirs had combined strength behind it. Now subtract Gajeel from the equation and both Natsu and Gray are left practically defenseless in a world where it means the difference between life and death."

Mirajane leans onto the table, setting her chin on her hand. She arches an eyebrow, and Erza gets the feeling she's being scrutinized. "So you've been dragging them through the mud for months to do what? Teach them how to fight again?"

"Not quite," Taking a sip of her margarita, she hums. As heavenly as always. "They never forgot how to fight. Really, they just needed a refresher course. Both on how to fight by themselves as well as partners. They've gotten much better since they started but openings still appear in their form when they're sparring. It's part of the reason I became aggravated with them just earlier in fact. They keep repeating minor mistakes that while, yes they are minor, could easily end up with someone getting killed. On the bright side, if I can beat the mistakes out them by the end of the week we may very well finish training a week ahead of schedule."

As they absorb what she had told them, the waitress comes by with their plates, laying each down gently, discretely eyeing the drinks to check if she needs to refill them, then disappears again. When Erza picks up her sandwich to take a bite she realizes what the look in Mirajane's eye is and she doesn't like it. It being the same damn look that has gotten her into much trouble over the years. So, instead of risking choking on her sandwich like her gut warns her the platinum blonde wants her to do she sets the food down, glaring at her co-commander.

"Alright, She-Devil, what are you planning?"

To her pleasure, Mira's self-satisfied look drops into a glare for a handful of seconds before she smirks, calmly pointing at the blonde enjoying a salad. "Little Miss Lucy Goosey here never bothered to tell anyone she and Natsy eloped." Now Erza is really glad she didn't attempt to eat her sandwich. There's no doubt she'd be choking on it otherwise.

Sadly, the same can't be said about Lucy. Who knew a person could choke on lettuce?


He shifts his feet, watching the argument unfold with only half an ear. He should know better than to argue anymore. Hiding a snort at the thought under a cough, he turns his gaze to the windows when both leaders pause to look at him. He doesn't miss the scowl Lucy wears like a second skin or the stubborn set of Natsu's shoulders but he refuses to step in. Gray might be a commander but even he's not stupid enough to interrupt an argument between those two. That's suicide of the utmost degree.

After a minute Lucy turns back to her boyfriend, her arms crossed over her chest. "And I said no. If you go after the warehouse we'll end up losing it instead. What happens if it gets burned down? That's one of our main warehouses, if something happens to it we can say goodbye to over thirty-five percent of our trading market for at least six months if not more!"

Natsu has balls of diamond, the commander finally decides. That or he's fucking insane. Watching his leader and best friend snatch the file off of their desk, he's still trying to decide which one is more accurate. He's leaning toward the latter. "We're gonna lose it anyway if we don't do something soon! If you let me and Gray go we can tear these upstarts a new one and you'll have the warehouse back in a day if that!"

Yep, fucking insane.

Sighing at his observation, he sends a prayer to the gods and steps forward. "He's right, Heart. Send us and the warehouse will be back in our control by the end of the day." He swears he's not kidding himself when he sees a flash of amusement strike across her chocolate eyes or the twitch in her lips that belies the smile she's hiding under that scowl.

Finally, she pinches the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "Okay, I'll allow it just this once, but if there is so much as an iota of damage done to the warehouse I'm putting Erza on you both." It's not a threat, it's a promise and one that he'll be sure to avoid at all cost...three months under Titania's torture was enough thank you very much.

His leader grins, snapping the folder closed and turning on his heel. "Right, thanks, Luce! I promise we'll have it finished before the day is out." The pinkett makes tracks for the door, Gray turning to follow him.

"Keep an eye on him, Gray. You know him just as well as I do, he'll dive in head first without a second thought." The commander pauses, glancing over his shoulder at the soft words. His smirk softens to a small smile and he turns back, offering a hand over his heart to the blond.

"As if I would ever let that idiot get into trouble without me. I'll have him back here in one piece." With that, he turns back to the door. As he walks out he tells himself the soft laughter tickling his ears is just his imagination. It's his job to protect his leader, to make sure that no one can sneak up and stab his best friend in the back when he's not looking. Catching up to Natsu on the elevator he ignores the small voice in his head telling him there should be someone else with them, that their group shouldn't be a duo but a trio. After all voices like that are distracting and any distractions can be deadly.

Placing his key in the override he arches an eyebrow. "Floor twenty-three?"

"Floor twenty-three," Natsu confirms, bouncing on his heels in excitement. The commander punches the button and they take the elevator ride in silence. When the doors open, they dash door the hall as if wolves are barking at their heels, cackling all the while. It's not often they can run wild and cause damage. The base still being held under Heart's tight grip, but over the past year, he and the other men have managed to wrestle a floor from the women. Similarly to how the twenty-ninth floor is solely for the women, floor twenty-three is marked as 'male only.' Or as they've taken to calling it: The Man Cave. A floor that is they're allowed to make a mess of, leave trash laying around, not worry about having to clean or take care of in any way.

At the end of the entrance hall, instead of slowing down, both men nearly fall from their feet slipping out under them. Lurching upright, Gray's navy eyes scan the graffitied and burn marked walls at a glance, counting all old marks as well as taking in the new marks. It's a rule among them, no markings in the entrance hall. Around the corners and out of sight of the elevator is fair game. That said, painting over another mark is done only if the artist is sure they're able to defend himself against the original. If they can't, they get their ass beat and their marks are taken off the wall. If the painter dies in the line of duty…

Gray yelps, his mind taken off the graffiti when his foot catches a strand of string strung across the hall. Natsu cackles, looking over his shoulder. "Watch out for the soap trap!" The commander scowls, spinning on his heel to catch himself and leaps across the detergent slick poured across the tile. Shaking his head to focus, he skips across the next two traps set in this hall. That is another thing they've agreed on—if anyone wants to set foot on this floor that doesn't know about the traps then they get what's coming to them...Even if some of said traps laid closer to the main cave can be quite deadly.

Speaking of which. Reminded of the fact he calls out to the pinkett disappearing around the second corner. "Don't forget about the—" He winces when he hears a painful yelp. "Darts." He finishes slowly. Rounding the corner, he finds Natsu holding a black dart in one hand and rubbing his ass cheek with the other. He pouts, holding the dart up to glare at it as if the weapon has done him a great injustice. Gray, on the other hand, chuckles. "Just be glad we convinced Sting and Rogue not to put any poisons in them."

Natsu huffs and continues on, their race officially called off for the time being. Stepping over the last of the many traps covering the hall both men pause in front of the door. The door, which on any other level would be a plain light brown piece of wood has the old Dragon Force symbol carved deeply into the wood. Shapes of differing size, filled in with many colors make up the main symbol while in the remaining blank areas symbols for the different crews that have folded into Draco Cor add their own splash of style and color to the door.

On any normal day, Gray would stop and admire the detail placed into the colliding paints—admire the way so many different people could come together to form their large crew. Today, though, he stops for another reason. The wall the door is on is perpendicular to a large floor to ceiling window looking out over the street. When they officially claimed the floor from the women, he, Natsu, and Gajeel claimed the window, painting it with their own marks to prevent anyone from looking in and to claim their power as the upper echelons of the crew. Natsu's being a red and orange dragon head roaring fire in respect for his father and Dragon Force, Gray's own being the form of a silver knife standing out against shattered ice, and the third…

The commander swallows. Slowly approaching the window he runs a hand across the black and silver fist. His fingers tracing the small words written in white along the black forming shadows on the clenched fingers. All are different fonts, some looking like they had been scribbled in a hurry—Asshole, Prick, Stubborn, Dickhead—while others range from long and flowing—Mission Leader, Friend, Brother—to short and stunted—Miss you, Give 'em hell in Hell. He snorts at the last one he reads, turning to look at Natsu only to find his friend holding a white sharpie. When he arches an eyebrow, the pinkett shrugs.

Taking the marker, his eyes roam the fist. His eyes land on the black band over the knuckles and he grins, uncapping the marker. Almost right away he knows exactly what to write, a simple yet elegant statement that—to him—sums up his co-commander to the letter. Tongue as sharp as your blades and just as deadly. When he's finished he steps back, checking to make sure the words are perfect before turning and following Natsu through the open door to the main cave.

The room used to be separate offices and supply closets until he, Natsu, and a couple others took sledgehammers and made a week of redecorating the space, eventually turning it into one large room with—what used to be—white walls. Fortunately, many brains put together can come up with quite the color scheme, the overall look being similar to the halls if much more clear to the naked eye. No, fights over markings do not count for inside the Man Cave. What's painted is painted and there's no changing it.

At the thought, Gray's eyes land on the very detailed and very large phallus one Sting Eucliffe decided to paint on one wall and the large bookcase the man placed in front of it to hide it. Still, don't know how he managed to get it past the traps without help.

His eyes wander from the half-filled case to the person in question lounging on one of several hammocks set on metal stands apparently taking a nap. Natsu snorts beside him and the commander turns away, a gut feeling and experience warning him of what's to come. Instead, he walks over to cabinets set on the wall beside the three flat screens nailed to the wall. The TVs hadn't been any of their ideas but rather a random comment from Vijeeter about instead of fighting who gets turns on any number of the consoles sitting on the TV stand they instead have multiple screens so that more than a few can play at a time. This, in turn, lead to them somehow—Gray still isn't quite sure how—getting ahold of three couches large enough to fit upward of twenty people at once and still have enough room for beer and food.

The cabinets, on the other hand, stick out like a sore thumb. Each one having names painted on them to tell whose is who's without having to open them. Other then that, they look like regular office cabinets...Until he opens his and Natsu's and pulls out a duffel bag, several cans of spray paint—he's not even gonna ask what they're for—and a bat. He scrunches his nose at the weapon, curious but also afraid of what his friend may have planned for such innocuous items. He'd grown up with the pinkett through their teenage years, though, and that included the trail of destruction and defiling of property that made many uncorrupt police officers rip their hair out. Crazy friend, have got to remember that.

A yelp from the row of hammocks catches his attention and Gray throws the duffel bag on the couch as he turns to find Sting laying face down on the floor with a sniggering Natsu standing above him. He chuckles as well, his amusement filling his next words. "Rule number one of Erza's training, Sting. Always be vigilant, even when asleep."

Sting groans, running a hand down his face. "I know, but I wasn't thinking I had to be on guard even here of all the damn places." Only now noticing the large picture drawn on the blond's face he arches an eyebrow.

"That thinking should be completely reversed." And he smirks. "You never know when someone will do something dastardly for some stupid stunt you pulled. Who was it this time? Elfman? Vijeeter? Warren? Jellal?"

All three shudder at that one and Sting cuts him an 'are you that stupid?' look. "That is the last damn person in the world I would try to prank." He shudders again. "Titania is scary."

Natsu snorts, drawing the commander's attention and though happy with their joking, Gray nods. They have a mission to complete after all. Both approach the duffel bag, the pinkett unzipping it and tossing a bundle of clothes at Gray before pulling his own out and beginning to change.

Working through taking apart his own suit—damn those women and their' 'look professional if you're to be seen' attitude—it is with great relish he shakes out a white coat with ice blue accents highlighting the hem, cuffs, and collar. He'll wear a suit if it makes Juvia happy but he lives by the term the fewer clothes the better and it had been easy, stupidly easy to get away with his preferences when he'd been a commander of Dragon Force but once they'd merged and the women started cracking down he had realized one of the largest differences between their crews.

Heart had been successful because she didn't just try to punch the lights out on her problem. She'd taken both the high and low ground, going after her enemies legally, professionally, and illegally, swiping everything out from under their feet before they could realize they were had and retaliate. Natsu, on the other hand, and admittedly himself as well had only kept Dragon Force afloat because they were stronger than any enemy coming at them. It was truly only pure force that kept them from becoming a statistic. Until Heart set her eyes on us and the rest, as they say, is history.

Shaking his head, he slips on the coat, first one arm then the other and sighing in content at the freedom of movement and breathing room he's given. Next, the clean and ironed trousers are traded in for a pair of low slung black jeans with holes torn in both the knees. The pair is a favorite of his that have seen him through more than a few years of abuse and though he doesn't get to wear them too often anymore he always keeps them on hand for if the chance to escape the base for a little while arises. He'd wear them on base but women and their dress codes.

That's not to say the dress code isn't important, in base if someone is seen dressed in something other then some kind of professional attire it's a one-way ticket to the dogs, literally. Though, for this mission, he's glad Lucy is willing to give them the leeway to handle it their way.

He grabs a chain from the bag, hooking it first to his wallet then securing it to his belt as he feeds the belt through the loops. He may be a commander and council member of Draco Cor but Magnolia is still a city and there are still thugs out there looking to make a quick buck by picking a pocket. Once was more than enough to learn the lesson.

Reaching for the last part of his outfit he pauses holding the piece in the air at eye level and frowns. It had been a birthday gift from one commander to the other, a bracelet made out of a metal Gray could never get the maniac to explain. Though even not knowing its properties, he's still grateful for the seemingly benign jewelry. On more than one occasion he has used the malleable metal for numerous reasons ranging from lock picking to strangling enemies when they weren't looking.

Before Hargeon he had never taken it off for more than a few minutes at a time but as they were packing to leave it had been a gut feeling to hide the precious and loved gift where no one would find it. Gut feeling indeed. After that thought, he gently returns the jewelry to its rightful place on his right wrist, the added weight feeling as if a piece of himself had been returned to him.

Gray grins at the feeling of things settling right for once and turns to his friend, casting an appraising look over his choice of clothing. Among everyone the commander has ever met, he'd have to say that Natsu's is definitely among the strangest. It can be snowing with five-foot drifts and his best friend would choose cut shorts and a sleeveless hoody to go out in. Though the fact that the hoody Natsu's chosen this time says Don't mess with me, my bite is worse then my bark has nothing to do with it.

"Lucy get that one?" Even if the pinkett's feeding a chain through his belt for his wallet, Gray still catches the eyeroll he earns from the question. When Natsu's finished he grabs the duffel bag off the catch, tossing the bat to Gray before heading for the door.

"If you're done being an ass, come on. The clock's ticking."

Closing the door behind him, the commander hears Sting yell, "Don't get caught!" and snorts. It all depends on who's doing the catching. Women from the crew is a big and bold Fuck no. Police...Gray could care less for those. The upstart gang they're about to give a lesson in respecting territory? Bring it.

This is why they've trained. Why they asked Erza to teach them. So they can be strong enough to take down the people who are a risk to their crew, who put the lives of the people they care for in danger just by being there. And if it took them losing Gajeel to see that, then He and Natsu will use that grief to become stronger.

Sparing a look at his best friend and leader Gray grins, his features taking on a bloody edge. He's heard the rumors, murmurs between Lucy and her commanders that PhanTar's days are counted, and he'll be damn sure to be at his leaders' side as is his right as a commander to ensure their downfall. Because no one hurts my family and gets away with it.

Grizz: *groans* I'm tired but the writing!

DP: Just shut up and go sleep already.

Grizz: *glares* How can I when you knocked my ceiling fan onto my bed?!

DP: *eyeroll* It's called the couch. Or you could take the hammock. You seem to have some damn weird romance about sleeping in a hammock instead of a bed. If you weren't a girl I'd call it a man's romance. *snickers*

Grizz: *hisses* *grabs blanket* If I'm not awake by Thanksgiving save me a plate of the roasted marshmallow sweet potatoes and Blue Moon Meatballs.

DP: What about the homemade mashed potatoes? You seem to attack that with a gusto.

Grizz: That too! Now I'm off to sleep. If you wake me I'm hanging you in the tree for winter.

DP: Yes, Mother. *turns to computer* Right. Grizz has been working overtime to get this along with several other things out in time for the pleasant Mr. Beta to edit in time for Halloween which *checks calendar* Is today. Wow, Grizz is gonna be pissed she missed the candy. *shrugs* oh well. Anyway she's been allowing some things to pile up over the past few weeks so I guess once the writing bug hit she decided to go through it all and apparently explode some chapters while she was at it. *coughs* I'm gonna go steal her gummy bears while she's out cold. In the meantime I would suggest checking out the galore of updates and yes, there are quite a few.

Donthedarkdragon26, Noice name there love. And I thank you for the compliment. *bows* I enjoyed offing Gajeel even if Grizz saw otherwise. It was, in my opinion, required.

Valerioux, Yo! Looks like you don't get to find out how Lev is but I hope you enjoyed the kick ass bonding Natsu and Gray got out of it.

Shana, *blows raspberry* nana nana boo boo. So what if I killed Gajeel?

KJ, *grins* Grizz loves adding in humor, it's a nice change to heavy hearted matters. To see someone actually acknowledge it makes her ego soar.

Pix, All revenge will be successfully dealt in the near future. In the meantime keep your damn tail on!

Happy Halloween folks!

Deadpool out for the night.